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11362261 No.11362261 [Reply] [Original]

most effay cigs?

>> No.11362269

Gauloises Menthol

>> No.11362275

Anything russian otherwise American spirit either black or baby blues

>> No.11362280

American Spirit

>> No.11362284

turkish royals
american spirit blacks

obviously saint laurent ciggies or some wacko foreign ciggo would be more effay but a gas station in west tampa wouldn't carry those

>> No.11362287

esp when they have their 2/$3 coupons

>> No.11362293

winnie blues cunt

>> No.11362483

clean fresh air

>> No.11362586

or rothie reds cunt

>> No.11362593

seven stars

it's what yohji smokes : )

>> No.11362615

lucky strike nothing fancy

>> No.11362643

rolling baccy

>> No.11362659

>not cigars

>> No.11362681

I tried American spirits, black and they were weak af
Can someone recommend something better?

>> No.11362697

never heard of that brand

>> No.11362724

black spirits are usually not considered weak by anyone since perique is fairly harsh.

take the filters off, get unfiltered cigs, roll your own, or smoke cigars or something.

>> No.11362727


>> No.11362758


>> No.11362776

In Brasil its luckies or Dunhill

>> No.11362813

Cum, which is also your favorite drink.

What an amazing coincidence.

Le Classy XDDD Redditor core

>> No.11362819

i smoke camel, don't really give a fuck it they're /fa/

>> No.11362902

Depends in your fit and Image, for example Camels for a military earth colour look

>> No.11363060

This is the most honest reply

>> No.11363074
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i don't smoke but would like to start smoking cigarettes to go with this type of fit

best brand?

>> No.11363078

gauloises or gitane desu senpai

>> No.11363082


this is hypocritical but dont smoke because the internet tells you to

>> No.11363192
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>Not repping the rough yet refined aesthetic of Chinese cigarette brand 芙蓉王.

>> No.11363240
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finishing off a pack of luckies then starting in on this pouch. I decided to roll a few already and they were so good.

>> No.11363257
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What do you guys carry your cigs in? I got this metal NAS tin on ebay to keep my packs from getting crushed. 1/2

>> No.11363262

Camels 1951 Edition.
>not smoking hermetically sealed cigarettes from 1951

>> No.11363265
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>> No.11363403
File: 37 KB, 392x525, ZWU3MzRmN2RkZGU5ZGIyMDViMzM5Nzc2MGNlNTAzNmTkKcvAQcW_Uy9tU0QgIQswaHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmFkc2ltZy5jb20vMTM5YzRmOTA1MzUxZGY0ZmFmNzNiZDJlZDUzMDU2MTJhYjdjMzg4YTNlNjdmMTljMmY1ZTE2NDgyNDA5MWMyMS5qcGd8fHx8fHwzOTJ4NTI1fGh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i carry mine i a steel amber leaf tin
>>11362261 (OP)
i smoke either Marlboro golds or reds depending on whats in

>> No.11363434
File: 476 KB, 720x1280, img_20130228_153219-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Tier
>Pall Mall Unfiltered Kings

Top Tier
>Camel Red
>$3 chinatown smokes

Good Tier
>Turkish Royal
>Benson & Hedges
>Lucky Strikes

Okay tier
>Marlboro Red
>Nat Sherman
>American Spirits Black

Shit Tier
>American Spirits Yellow

>> No.11363485


>> No.11363500

So glad you fucking put PM Unfiltered Kings at the top. Bless you child

>> No.11363523

If you know then you know

>> No.11363601


>> No.11363625

Nothing marlboro
American Spirits are okay, black and brown packs are top
Newports are my personal favorite
Anything Camel better be either unfiltered or the "Kamel Reds"
Lucky Strike is nice, their filters remind me of the Parliament recessed filters a bit. Their unfiltered cigarettes are their best.
I'm a fan of Winston Reds.
Quite a few people I know like Camel Crushers, though I would never buy them.
Haven't gotten around to sampling other brands, Salt Lake City area is a bit barren for obvious reasons.

>> No.11363947
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who wide here?

>> No.11364291


>> No.11364330

Super King Peace Golds (10mg) Best cigarettes and you can get them in a tin at smoke stores here in Japan

>> No.11364332

dont smoke u will regret it

>> No.11364343
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>> No.11365366

Enjoy your cáncer.

>> No.11365535

I bet u like dick in
Ur ass u cuck

>> No.11365584

do the people ITT smoke socially or normally, i get through probably like 10 packs a year smoking like 20 in one night at a party
should i worry about any damage?

>> No.11365590

Whatever you can get.

>> No.11365633

What does /fa/ think of Billy 55 Green Tea Cigarettes?

>> No.11365642

>i don't smoke but would like to start smoking cigarettes to go with this type of fit
This post is literally the worst thing ive ever seen

>> No.11366038
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top tier coming through

>> No.11366073 [DELETED] 

What cigs look best for yohji/cdg fits? I already smoke but I smoke shitty reds

>> No.11366077


>> No.11366944
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Camel No.9's

>> No.11366966

Get Cancer is pretty effay.

>> No.11366967

No dirty boy, I bet you smoke Arrow too you nasty fuck

>> No.11367278
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>> No.11368909
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these ones

>> No.11368924

Agreed, Jaunes are 10/10

>> No.11368941
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real men smoke with bryan

>> No.11369291

same here desu

>> No.11369298

lol enjoy cancer :-)

>> No.11369300

but thats the most effay way

>> No.11369302

Oi cunt, how's it going?

>> No.11369313

Dubs confirm.

>> No.11369431
File: 47 KB, 400x600, QatarGauloisesLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything menthol
nah senpai

>> No.11369440

>not effay
Choose one

>> No.11369559

post more effay cigs photos

>> No.11370605

I mean yeah but worrying about shit is lame. Fuck if I get cancer. If my body wants to smoke a full pack in a night on some amphetamines then I'm doing it and no bullshit disease will stop me.

>> No.11370618

Also I smoke camel Blue 99s

>> No.11371218
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silk cut

>> No.11371243
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Only one answer.

>> No.11371272

>literally filling your lungs with tar and paying for a highly addictive substance to some jews

wow /fa/ is this highschool?

>> No.11371292

holy fuck people itt want to "get into smoking"

fucking high schoolers

>> No.11371299

Choose wisely

>> No.11371302


>> No.11371318

>smoking is totally not cringy and high school core, there cant be more than one person laughing at us smokers

>> No.11371327

i smoke you fucking dildo. wanting to "get into smoking" is like a fucking CoD player talking about how war seems pretty cool. you completely lack perspective and self awareness.

>> No.11371342

Lung cancer, bad breath and reeking of chemicals with the fainest hint of tobacco is not effay.

>> No.11372030

>not red marlboros or dunhill
maybe derby/minister/r7 if you're into the poorfag mac demarco shit

>> No.11372066

I know it's not strictly /fa/ related, but for all the anxiety-ridden, panic attack-suffering, severely depressed people on the board who also smoke cigarettes, ple

http://www.yalescientific.org/2013/05/uncovering-the-biochemical-basis-of-depression/ase read this:

>> No.11372071

s'posed to say, "please read."


>> No.11372084
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Sobranie but I don't smoke so I really don't know.

>> No.11372094

Rollies with the thin filter. Any brand but American Spirit. Preferably Drum (EU version).

>> No.11372125

The mandatory "smoking kills" thing has ruined cigarette pack aesthetics.

>> No.11372134
File: 24 KB, 308x499, marlboro red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The box of Marlboro Reds looks the most cigarettey of any cigarette box

southern cuts are better though

>> No.11372254

what are southern cuts?

>> No.11372278

a roll up in a licorice paper that's so stuffed it looks vaguely like a joint

>> No.11372299

>i don't smoke but would like to start smoking cigarettes to go with this type of fit
holy shit might as well just kill yourself, you dont get cancer, cancer gets you

the cheapest you can get, unfiltered

>> No.11373133
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>> No.11373157

every other PM is gross-tier for me but the gas station by my house had a few cartons of PM unfiltered kings. they were good as fuck.

rollies can be god tier if you do them right, no flame retardants in the papers. but most rollies are shit.

>> No.11373167

fuck this is me

>> No.11373240

>tfw stuck with ugly aussie packaging

>> No.11373242
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indica ;^)

>> No.11373243

top tier marlboros

>> No.11373255

None. Enjoy staying a virgin forever - kissing a smoker is fucking disgusting.

>> No.11373277
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dubs has spoken

>> No.11373323

When i grow up, i wanna be one of the people on the 'smoking is bad for you' ads

>> No.11374327

Same, those fuckers look fresh as fuck.

>> No.11374370

smoking is uncool ATM, will stay that way for ~2 years

anyone with any insight into the fashion industry knows this. if you're late to quit, just like how you didn't buzzcut at the start of spring, then just keep smoking and hopefully the cancer will fix you

>> No.11375462

Yeah cause...you know, no girls smoke or anything...

>> No.11375520

You are just jealous

>> No.11375870
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>not getting tax free black market cigarettes from china town

Its easy senpai, ask for 'shuang xi' (pronounced shwung she) in some dinky hole in the wall chinese tobacconist. Sometimes they don't sell to whites but they might sell to you if you can say double happiness in mandarin. If it goes right you'll get a pack of these. They're what you see all the chinks in Sydney smoke. They're also cheaper than regular ciggarettes.

>> No.11375879

Being a James-dean-wannabe-cool-kid is /fa/?

>> No.11376011
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only good option

>> No.11376089

there are people out there who really think like this?

>> No.11376107
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>> No.11376135

You could just ask for double happiness cigarettes at any chinese grocery store.. Sometimes the packaging is fucked and the taste too because they're old as shit.

>> No.11376198

kamel red 100s

>> No.11376206

they never sell to white people here, fucking sucks

>> No.11376284


Is that in Aus?

>> No.11376330

LUNG CANCER IS NOT /fa/!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11376379

are kretek cigs effay

>> No.11376397


>> No.11376446

Lung cancer and weak willpower is not effay

>> No.11376477
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>Not smoking cigarillos

God damn guys

>> No.11376496


>> No.11376505

>yfw almost all tobacco companies in the US utilize child labor

>> No.11376507


>> No.11376511
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>Lung cancer is not effay

>> No.11376529

Interesting article by a guy who took up smoking in his 40's, as an experiment. He wanted to work up to a pack a day for a month.

Not a smoker, but the camaraderie you make with other smokers is really attractive to me

>> No.11376553

I liked the seven stars

>> No.11377654

You've got it.

>> No.11378218 [DELETED] 
File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here also use a Targard Filter?

>> No.11378225
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Anybody here also use a Targard filter?

>> No.11378292


>> No.11378335
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>> No.11378470
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Targard.com its the permanent filter

>> No.11378496

I used the disposable kind (supposed to last a pack or two) for a while when my friend gave me some and I was trying to quit. didn't help me, but I kinda liked how they mellowed out the smoke.

>> No.11378508


my swiss niggu