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/fa/ - Fashion

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11282998 No.11282998 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General. Shaving edition.

What do you guys use to shave?

Post everything related to skin care ITT.

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

General Guide: http://hastebin.com/raw/wojuyazibo
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://hastebin.com/raw/ehesotajaf
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN

Daily reminder you're beautiful.

>> No.11283053
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>PIH since last year
>Vitamin C serum, AHA and hydroquinone near daily
>still have PIH


>> No.11283246
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Broke out HORRIBLY on my cheeks earlier this year and while I haven't had a single cyst since, I still have some highly noticeable and dark red nearing-on-purple PIH on my left cheekbone.

It looks exactly the same as it did 3 months ago. It's completely smooth with no scarring but the redness WONT FUCKING FADE

>> No.11283249
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>I washed my face until it bleed last week.

>I had to miss castings for 3 weeks becuase of this

>fashion week casting starts next month and I'm currently between agencies

>> No.11283282
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I used Benzoyl Peroxide on a pimple about two months ago and it's left this reddish mark (I'm assuming it's PIH). Then another one came in to the side of it and left a blacker colored mark.

What's a good way to fade/remove these?

>> No.11283310

Try sheet masks and shark sauce anon, it works great for me. Also, put on sunscreen errday

Post face modelbro

Vitamin C serum is generally the go-to suggestion

>> No.11283313

Has anyone tried melanotan II? My family has a history of skin cancer, I live in Australia and have fairly pale skin. My chance of skin cancer based on genetics and location is pretty high coupled with the fact that I have mild Rosacea that flairs up in the sun even with sunscreen makes this seem worth researching. A lot of people have reported that melanotan II has lessened their Rosacea.

>> No.11283358

to fade PIH, also use sunscreen and stay out of the sun in general.

>> No.11283392
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>7/10 front
>1/10 profile

>> No.11283404
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This is what my cheek looks like. End me lads.

>> No.11283615
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My skin is a little like this, How can I have the smooth soft skin of a 13 year old girl?

>> No.11283622
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become this guy

>> No.11283648
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How to get rid of this crap? Most of my face cleared up from the routine I started a while ago but this shit keeps coming back.

>> No.11283717


Looks like fucking ingrown hair. Stop shaving there, or stop shaving so close.

>> No.11283724

I use water and el-cheapo razors.

>> No.11283747

Nahh not ingrown, atleast I don't think so since I've never experienced it. I just shave all the sides off, but I'm talking about the spots.

>> No.11283757

that's an obsolete version of the FAQ.
here's the new one:

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, masturbation, controversial skincare ingredients




>> No.11283762
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>take Accutane
>scalp is somewhat okay
>stop taking Accutane
>scalp looks like that after two weeks


>> No.11283818

My nose is COVERED with sebaceous filaments. Is there anything I can do to make them look not as bad//remove them??

pls help

>> No.11283896

Please note:

Postinflammatory = A condition that arises after an inflammation (often in a certain area). The damage is often generally caused by the past inflammation. Inflammatory acne, when you get red/swollen/painful pimples, is a common cause for postinflammatory skincare conditions.

PIH = Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation means that there is a local excess of skin pigments (melanin). Pigmented spots have a dark brown color. The dark spots can last for weeks to years.

PIE = Postinflammatory erythema. Erythema is redness of the skin. The redness is generally caused by tiny superficial blood vessels that for some reason have been dilated or have gotten an increased blood flow. PIE are the red spots you get after acne. After inflammatory acne, the skin can be excessively red in some spots for weeks - up to years.

If you have any of them:
Protect your skin from sun damage using a +50 SPF sunscreen (with UVA protection: +3/5 stars). This is especially important for PIH. Both issues will fade in time (months, years), to some extent, if you do not irritate the area through more acne or sun exposure.

If you have PIH:
Your treatments options depend mainly on how much your skin has been pigmented, and the depth of the pigmentation. For superficial pigmentation, you'll might be able to make your spots brighter by applying things like hydroquinone, vitamin C serums, and retinoids.
For deeper pigmentation, try pulsed dye laser, chemical peels, or fractional microneedling (FMR). See a dermatologist for help with this.

If you have PIE:
Time + sunscreen will fade it.
For more active treatments: consider silicone sheeting, pulsed dye laser, or fractional microneedling (FMR). See a dermatologist for help with this.

>> No.11283901
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I made a graphic to make it easier for you guys to easily spot the difference between the two.

I hope all this will help some of you.

>> No.11283926

Never get Aztec clay. Shit is a meme

>> No.11283948

grow hair

>> No.11284088

lmao fuck no

>> No.11284191
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My beard is balding. What should i do?

>> No.11284446

I wet shave (both face and pubes) using a straight razor. For soap, I use Barista & Mann Sandalwood.

>> No.11284726

Shave before or after shower?

>> No.11284731


cerave hydrating cleanser

cerave moisturiser spf 30

exfoliate with medik8 cream cleanse 3-4 times a week.

>> No.11284946

Based as fuck. Thank you man.

>> No.11284969

>Time + sunscreen will fade it.
So sunscreen and being out in the sun will help? I was on isotretinoin a few years back(~3 years) and I still have red marks, mostly on my forehead and between my eyebrows. I'm also awfully pale so that probably makes it more obvious, but will getting a slight tan help with it?

>> No.11285429

would it just be better to wax my 'neckbeard' than to shave it

>> No.11285962

>So sunscreen and being out in the sun will help

no, waiting for your skin to heal and protecting it from sun by not tanning and also using sunscreen.
but getting a light tan will probably make you look better though. you'll probably "profit" from tanning some to even your skin tone out a bit, even though it might hurt the red spots a little

>> No.11285972

Had no idea. Good to know.

Thanks senpai

>> No.11285979

the skin is warm, moisturized, and supple then

>> No.11285983

Cosrx BHA blackhead power liquid, washing with an oil cleaner can help them slip out too.

>> No.11285984

Dammit. I just feel like this shit looks the same as when I was done with the treatment. And of course being this fucking pale, it really just makes me look like shit being both pale and having the redness. What a total fucking pain in the ass. Would the redness be worse, or just the same, if I got somewhat of a tan and then of course later on lost the tan?

>> No.11285992

Cleanser, look at Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil

>> No.11286010
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>why I comment filter "meme"

>> No.11286015

Using something with BHA or AHA can help with cell turnover and reduce redness, check out wishtrend.com

>> No.11286311

How long does it usually take for 20% Vitamin C to fade marks?

>> No.11286327
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good for oily skin?

>> No.11286360

it took me 3 months for my PIH. i still have some but they're of a significantly lighter shade

>> No.11286367

The fuck, how does one make his skin bleed?

>> No.11286377

>cut out most of my diary and meat consumption
>drink at least 80oz water per day
>lift 3x week
>stop touching/picking at face
>rinse face with cold water 2x day
>change pillowcase every week
>clear healthy skin

I get an acasional pimple here and there but lifestyle changes can make a massive change to your skin. The only thing I wash my skin with is Dr. Bronners. Haven't ever used lotion/moisturizers or anything. In my experience many of these products end up shocking my skin and doing more damage.

>> No.11286511
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theres only two actual non-placebo ways to get rid of acne

the first is to grow the fuck up out of puberty
the second is mother fucking Isotretinoin, in which case LMAO enjoy your horrific side effects

>> No.11286564
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exercise. improves circulation to most parts of the body. gets rid of toxins and nasty shit faster. warm up and stretching will accelerate the process a great deal. warm bath after sore; drink water. drink water. drink water.

stop shaving with inferior products. fuck your electric shaver. fuck your Gillette. it costs more money to buy a disposable than a double edge with shaving soap and boar brush in the long run. only thing you need to buy after initial purchase is double-edge razer blades (100 pack = 10 dollars on amazon). and your choice of soap,

use a double edge with some shaving soap and badger brush. use aftershave and hydrate skin.

first pass: shave with the grain
second pass: diagonal
third pass (optional): perpendicular

highly do not recommend going against the grain. in-grown hair.

please apply lather every time. never shave without lather. don't use shaving cream. pls

wash your pillow cover.

dont touch your face with dirty hands.

wash your face with mildly hot water; opens up pores and you wash out the grime. wash your face with cold water; closes pores so that it doesn't get filled with bullshit.

don't use soap that dehydrates; ends up having pimple minefield. I tend to just skip soap most of the time unless I have dirt/oil smudges.

hydrate with your choice of lotion. drink water. fucking lift/exercise.

sleep properly. fuck your dark circles.

DON'T FUCKING POP THEM. let them go their natural way. if serious, go to a professional. you'll probably fuck your face up again if you don't go thru proper sanitation procedures.

start shaving breh

depends. if you shave after and the bathroom's ambient temp is cold and you take your time shaving esp. naked, no bueno in my experience. if it is warm, follow this anon's advice>>11285979

my life tbqhf except the part with dr.B
johnsonjohnson baby lotion's fine.

>> No.11287856

My barber shaves me thats the thing. I've never really shaved my face myself.

I do change my pillow often.

gotta start gym, I'm not fat though but i'm losing the gains i made prior.

I did pop some white heads and a kinda boil i had and it helped clear up my face.

my routine is:

Wash face with baby shampoo (heard is works wonders)


Cerave or nivea express hydration

Wash face with baby shampoo

Cetaphil (leave for a few seconds before washing off)

Cerave moisturizing cream OR Nivea night cream.

Any face soap, shaving equip you can recommend I buy? Preferably on the cheaper side.

>> No.11287864

True dat.

Isotreti got rid of most of my shit, but DAMN the side effects boy. We're talking long-term isotreti here. Mood wings out of the ass, soreness at every muscle, dizziness / nausea, i'm FUCKED UP.

But at lest it work so heh.

>> No.11287873
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>True dat
>my shit
>out of the ass

back to /bhg/

>> No.11287875
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P-pigfuck ?

>> No.11288615

>believing amazon reviews

>> No.11288723
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Universal acclaim, my man.

>> No.11289561

are these any good? my face isn't that bad, but i definitely would like it to be clearer/cleaner. lots of blackheads on my nose, and some acne on me cheeks

>> No.11289629
File: 28 KB, 579x366, CeraVe-Hydrating-Cleanser-Bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of putting moisturizer all over my body i use this, it leaves my whole body and face really soft but idk if its bad for me.

>> No.11289640

it contains moisturizing ingredients so you actually are putting moisturizer on your body

>> No.11289911

Should i be using it on my face?

>> No.11290436

yeah u should be fine breh

>> No.11290446
File: 53 KB, 400x1411, water_bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that if you've tried everything and you skin still isn't getting better, double your water intake.

>> No.11290843
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ok dingdongs

let me hear some accutane success or horror stories. i'm just about ready to take the plunge and need someone to push me over the edge.

Current reggie is CeraVe cleanser, paula's choice exfoliator and BP, CeraVe moisturizer, and an alcohol-free toner from CVS. Mornings go cleanse, tone, moisturize. evenings are cleanse, tone, exfoliate (2-3/week), BH, moisturize.

>> No.11291142


>> No.11291471
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>wash your face with mildly hot water; opens up pores and you wash out the grime. wash your face with cold water; closes pores
And your opinion is going into trash.

>> No.11291492


2 months of 30mg a day in, and I can't tell if my eyes are just super dry or I'm feeling really heavy depersonalization all the time

I overthink a lot and really bad anxiety runs in my family, so it's probably just that

Plus casual drug (weed, adderall) + tobacco has only made it worse it seems like.

My face has cleared up like crazy. It's simply remarkable.
Otherwise I've had really bad scarring at the center of my chest and all over my back for some time and it's dimming/fading really well with no pimples or bloody pus ball motherfuckers in sight.

probably a good idea to set your life to chill the fuck out mode before going in, by the way.

>> No.11291504


>> No.11291508


Was on 10mg/day for 6 months and everything cleared up even scars on my back. Now even 2 years later I rarely get anything. Had only mild acne so I can't talk for worse cases.. Take it as a shill but go to a derm before taking it

>> No.11291514


Thanks for the responses, guys. I'm graduating college this week, so I don't know if that's the perfect time or the worst time possible. But I'm hoping to be an actor, and I just can't abide the horrible skin anymore. It's really going to affect my chances of getting work. I think I'm gonna have to pull the trigger on it. The IBS/IBD/Crohn's stuff is all bullshit, right?

>> No.11291551
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Read FAQ and change your routine accordingly. Get pic related for shaving, its great.

>> No.11292307

you need to be gentle with your skin bro. the more you do to it the more it's gonna break out man

>> No.11292336

I take Accutane since three years now.

Apparently you aren't supposed to take it more than X months, but in my case only a long-term (low dosage) treatment seems to work. If i stop taking it, acne comes back full force in a form of folliculitis >>11283762

No escape.

I got every "light" side-effects imaginable. Tired, skin dry and pale as fuck, soreness, mood swings, eyes very sensible to light, dizziness, you name it. The whole wagon.

But at least it works, my acne is pretty much under control. Still get occasional breakouts here and there.

>> No.11293356

im gonna start using benzoyl peroxide, anything i should know? i only know it will fuck any cloth it touches

>> No.11293400
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Anyone here use tea tree oil for spot treatment? I just started today, diluted it to 1 part oil 9 parts witch hazel, is that too weak?

>> No.11293407

I do and it works really well.

I mix a tablespoon of Olive Oil and about 10-15 drops of TTO.

>> No.11293422
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Do I put Vitamin C on before or after Tea Tree Oil?

>> No.11293428


Don't bother getting anything past 2.5% concentration. 10% is not 4x better by any stretch of the imagination; BP's effectiveness isn't really increased after 2.5

Start off doing it once every other day before moving to once a day if that's what you're going to do. You might notice a little peeling or redness at first. Make sure to moisturize, and if it's painful, then reduce the frequency of treatment. It might help to start off by mixing half BP and half moisturizer, then applying it to your whole face before moisturizing a second time.

>> No.11293595

All I'm doing at the moment is cold showers in the morning followed by a moisturizer/UV protection lotion and that's it. Ditched the cleaner as it felt like it just dried my skin.

>> No.11293640

vitamin c before

>> No.11293672
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I sanded some old raised self harm scars any with one of these sandpaper foot scrubbers. It worked pretty well. Right now im treating it with zinc ointment. Anything else you guys recommend to make the scars less noticeable?

>> No.11293749

What do you use it for?

>> No.11293756

how did u get cut so much? cat attack?

>> No.11293760

are you a guy?

>> No.11293786

how about laser scar removal for one and not doing some stupid shit with sandpaper

>> No.11293787

try reading it again

>> No.11293800

I used to have a Falcon named Hyperion. Everyone said it was stupid that i kept him because he wouldn't land on gloves, but as far as Im concerned I'm just glad I could save him from being put down

>> No.11293807


>> No.11293857

It's a natural antiseptic so I use it for pimples, but it's also pretty good for blackheads too.

>> No.11294558
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Sometimes I like to put on a honey mask for about half an hour at night before washing it off.

Should I do that at the end of my routine before moisturizer, or before my essential oils?

>> No.11294700

are u me

>> No.11294706

use birth control, it seriously helps with acne

>> No.11294783

But where would you recommend putting it in a routine?

>> No.11294883

how do people us moisterizer without their skin breaking out?

>> No.11294891

Just take the pill once a day, I don't think it matters when exactly.

>> No.11296559


>> No.11296577

What order to use skincare products in?

>> No.11297347

that's not his opinion, its a fucking fact, you fucking faggot. go wash your face your dickprick acne fucker.

>> No.11297937

dont shave anything on your body m8
>i used to shave everything
>found out girls think its gay
>didnt care
>its okay if your gay.

what i mean to say is, life is so much easier if you just let everything grow naturally.

as for the face, i never get pimples, my skin genetics are rediculous, ive always been lucky with this.

>> No.11297961

>found out girls think its gay

Girls base their preferences entirely upon how attracted they are to the guy. If you showed them a 10/10 supermodel with washboard abs who shaved his chest they're literally not going to care whatsoever.

>> No.11298030
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Guy here. Seconding this question.

>> No.11298285
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very good point senpai, i should have made that clear desu.

>> No.11298288

& maybe thats why they were still on my dick ;)

>> No.11299056
File: 195 KB, 724x965, Goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I put on my Vitamin C serum (C20) it gets really sticky and leaves a noticeable film.

How can I get this residue to stop? I use a very little amount as it is.

>> No.11299839

then only use it in the evening

>> No.11300787

is it worth it to just use a cleanser? do i also need a moisturizer, or can i get away with just the cleanser?

>> No.11300793

I hate how uncomfortable british news photography makes me

>> No.11300999

Does anyone know if I should still be using toner after I cleanse my face but before I put on this Tretinonin Cream?

>> No.11301353

before. toner after cleanser then serums and such after toner due to pH reliance

>> No.11302042
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I've had a disgusting amount of acne on my shoulders, back and chest for about 2-3 years.
Seen two dermatologists about it and done the following treatments:
>oral antibiotics (two different times)
>BP wash 10%
>Adapalene 0.3% + BP 2.5%

The BP wash had a decent effect for a few weeks then absolutely no progress afterwards. The combo just irritated my skin so I stopped using it altogether. Finally, the antibiotics worked quite well the first time but the acne obviously came back a few months after and the second course had no effect at all.

All in all my diet is pretty solid, I avoid refined sugars for the most part and I've cut out milk (used to drink about a liter a day) for the past 3-4 weeks but haven't noticed any change in my acne.
At my wits end and I'm really trying to avoid accutane, help me?

>> No.11302058

How should I.use.stridex.pads?

>> No.11302417

did you try reading the instructions?

>> No.11302420

just go with BP alone. 2.5% or 5% for shoulders. red/dry skin is common when you start using BP for 1-2 weeks.

>> No.11302864


derma roller

>> No.11303489
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I've had this on my face for 1+ years. Can't figure out how to make it go away, i've tried a few products too. It's a dark patch on only my left side of the face, and it's covered in very small pimples.

Any advice? I'd at least like it to be the same skin tone. The rest of my face is pretty clear.

>> No.11303679
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Educate yourself, retard. Any fucking specialist will tell you the same.
>Myth: Your pores open and close.
Fact: This might just be the biggest misconception out there, egged on by talk of cold-water rinses that magically make pores slam shut, and steam facials that open them up again. Unfortunately, your pores don’t open and close like a doggie door.

>> No.11303806

>I overthink a lot and really bad anxiety runs in my family, so it's probably just that

Probably not. I'm two years in and trust me, Accutane fucks with your brain while you're on the course. There's nothing you can do about it except being aware that the drug will somewhat play with your mood.

>> No.11303840

>pores open up
>pores close down
>can't explain that
get the fuck out of here idiot

>> No.11304057


>> No.11304179
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>> No.11304582
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Hey fa, I use a benzoyl peroxide acne mask and it's helped with big cystic pimples I had on my chin, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on this acne I have now, is this cystic acne? What products/routines could I use for better results? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

>> No.11305033

They look more like PIH imho. Get some vitamin C

>> No.11305124


The spots are red, not brown

>> No.11306096
File: 14 KB, 316x202, 1451662169649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over the past year or so hair started growing on upper arms, shoulder and back
>have bad keratosis pilaris on upper arms as well
>new freckles frequently which I fucking depsise
someone give me one good reason why I shouldnt get all of this bullshit lasered off I fucking hate my skin

>> No.11306740

hey guys, I use BP everyday and it have done wonders for my acne. One thing that has me a bit confused though is that nowadays the only kind of pimples i get on my upper cheeks are very slow healing. They also seem to exist a bit deeper under the skin. As i said they remain for quite a while, sometimes months, and at least 2 of them have caused some hyperpigmentation(very mild tho).
What do i do about them?

>> No.11307058
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Has anyone tried this? Thoughts?

>> No.11307083

I use this everyday. Works well.

>> No.11307173
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What are some recommended basic products to use for someone who does not practice skin care, at all?

I need a moisturizer and an exfoliator, as I'm quite happy with my current facial cleanser (very little acne, and when it pops up it goes away quickly)

I've noticed various parts of my body have been dry/flaky/ITCHY as all hell recently. Notably my legs, and a little patch on my stomach. I would like to have very soft skin.

>> No.11307174

>western skincare


>> No.11307411

Probably because your razor has lots of bacteria on it, use very hot water to rinse your razor during shave it should help

>> No.11308435

well fuck,
My skin was just about pimple free after a long unholy strict regimen of benzoyl peroxide and avoiding dairy.
But then along comes a stressful life event and bam, 5 cysts on my face.
At this point I'm considering risking an unprecedented fourth course of accutane because this is just no way to live

>> No.11308459

I don't shave, generally speaking it's bad for your skin. Any time you inflame your skin, or cause "razor burn," that's damage and ultimately leads to the degradation of your skin. I just use a set of electric clippers and get really close (but not enough to inflame or "burn" my skin).

Unless I have a girlfriend who says I'm chafing her pussy when I eat her out. Then I'll shave

>> No.11308996


Can anyone give me advice please?

>> No.11309018

Rate my routine:

Shaving: wet shave with Nivea foam, apply cetaphil afterwards

Skincare: wash daily, Glamglow once a week in any problem areas followed by hydrating cream, moisturize daily with cetaphil w/ SPF

>> No.11309103

>altering your body hair for anyone

my body my hair my rules