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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 477 KB, 667x1000, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11274617 No.11274617 [Reply] [Original]

How do I into techwear lads?

Also /techwear/ general JUST edition.

>> No.11274674


> be asian
> spend thousands

>> No.11274675

Fuck off with that shit. We're never going to have a proper thread now

>> No.11274679

>be le aryan masterrace
>look like shit on acr

>> No.11274792
File: 2.98 MB, 1515x999, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i look techwear /fa/?

>> No.11274933

I can't believe someone saw the original shit look and spent thousands actually copying it

>> No.11274944

>80% of the picture is a wall
the fuck you doin. learn to crop.

>> No.11274953

Anyone got recommendations for cool pants?

>> No.11275095

It is artistic

>> No.11275099
File: 18 KB, 120x120, 94f03e8e72647373f93d5271ee594cfb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic

>> No.11275104

you look like an average middleschooler

>> No.11275243

hi, that is my photo and you do NOT have my permission to edit it or re-post it. Thanks.

>> No.11275486

Well it looks like I already did it m8

>> No.11275492

This >>11275104
Also learn to rule of thirds

>> No.11275506


>The gaiter definitely looks better when worn with a jacket than a vest though, I can't deny that.

Why even post this shit in the first place if you know it looks bad? Lmao what a fucking meme

>> No.11276108

Is this b8.

Once you post a shitty outfit as the OP pic you're officially a meme and there's nothing you can do about.

>> No.11276865

Fuck off simon you embarrassing cunt

>> No.11276879

Anyone know of shorts that would fit this theme that aren't nike or adidas?

>> No.11276933

The fit aint as bad as you nerds say it is. Reeks of insecurity tbqh smdh... Do the haters of this 'simon' even own Techwear? I honestly dont think so but please feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.11277072

Honest to god I wish shitposting namefags like this clown would kill themselves

>> No.11277120

what are you gonna do about it? are you gonna cry more?

you have a weak mind if my presence ruins your day and I'm glad because I'll keep doing it... You're going to stay miserable.

>> No.11277122

Can anyone recommend any crop pants, not acronym though

>> No.11277145

Outlier ultralight pants.
Just ordered them yesterday: http://shop.outlier.cc/shop/retail/ultralight-crops.html

Do they count as tech wear? Or maybe more commuter wear? Is there a difference really?

>> No.11277154

Looks good, cheers anon. And no I don't think there is a difference really, just decent techwear pants/shorts are a pain to find seeing as a lot of stuff recommended is running gear and the rest is made from some really shit nylon that is loud and gets too hot

>> No.11277288

No one said that but you. All I do when I see another shitposting newfag such as yourself, who is self obsessed and narcissistic enough to think people care who he is on an anonymous image board, all the while posting pointlessly and offering nothing simple to extend his e-persona, is filter them. I just wish you would go back to plebbit or whatever other backpat hugbox which enables this behaviour

>> No.11277326

>The fit aint as bad as you nerds say it is.
I'm sorry you have shit taste mate, but besides the terrible aesthetic of that whole fit, it lacks a minimum level of coherency. Just proves how much of an irrelevant little shit you are.
Also, hidden.

>> No.11277332

>Do the haters of this 'simon' even own Techwear?
>I'm going to imply that critics are poor and hope that they don't realize that you can't infer good taste from income
acr has some cool stuff (I prefer last year's. more bow-legged and skinnier fit) but the guy from the picture doesn't have the body to pull it off

>> No.11277350

um yea so anyway. its starting to get hot. any summer inspo? im thinking qasas, basketball shorts, tank top, cap and a poncho, all in black with a backpack and ponch can be stored unless rain

>> No.11277361

Fuck off simon

>> No.11277369

whose simmo
cant keep up with meems

>> No.11277381
File: 58 KB, 687x960, received_10154725832209908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if he had the body of the man of your dreams it would be ok.
k, right to each their own. The fit is decent through, the clothes work well with each other.

Depends. Is it sunny as hell where you live or just hot but with some wind? I never liked shorts because they are a feast for mosquitoes and won't give you shade for the sun.

I would wear qasas + cargos or sweat pants + tank. something similar to Shui here.

>> No.11277404
File: 44 KB, 640x640, veilancess2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get ready to drool. SS17 Veilance teaser.

>> No.11277415
File: 111 KB, 594x589, summertwinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this online. really cool

>> No.11277444

hyped for AW16 tho

>> No.11277456

hngggg that white fit

>> No.11277460

>The fit is decent through, the clothes work well with each other.
They definitely don't and that's the problem with his fit.

>> No.11277487

wow so awesome. must cop everything
damn this is fire

>> No.11277513

>nigger detected

>> No.11277535

go away pol
why are there so many pol posters on /fa/ and /x/
paranoid and faggots lol

>> No.11277560

no you go away reddit

>> No.11277601

>why are there so many pol posters on /fa/ and /x/
the real question is why are far-left libtards from reddit all of a sudden acting like this website is a trigger safezone?

>> No.11277658

I think it's pretty funny, this place was really liberal a long time ago and no it isn't, and I guess we can chalk the far left stuff up to summer starting (maybe, anyway)

>> No.11277683

>this place was really liberal a long time ago
4chan has never been a really liberal place

>> No.11277798

At the very least it used to be a lot more left than it is now

>> No.11277810

If i saw you irl id think you were just some guy going to the gym. That could mean something.

>> No.11277826

No, i would actually agree with that guy. When this board was a little less popular it was WAY toned down and less full of supremacists and edgelords. Same with /mu/. The other boards have always been shit, but when a new board starts that isnt explicitally tech/gaming/anime/politics related it tends to be that.

>> No.11277828
File: 99 KB, 900x900, 654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can report /pol/tards their political talk is against the rules. Just saying... The more you know...

>> No.11277921

It doesn't bother me to be honest, it's even pretty funny sometimes, why are getting so butt hurt over it, there just nameless voices on the internet

>> No.11277932

no one is butthurt. someone just made a comment why so many pol fags come to /fa/
i guess they're insecure and wanna look better or something

>> No.11277933

Can anyone recommend me a pair of cargo pants that would look alright being pulled up to sort of knee height?

>> No.11277966

So coming to /fa/ means you are insecure you are saying. I pity you.

>> No.11277971

Lmao this irrelevant newfriend

>> No.11279083

>he's finally starting to get more and more triggered as he realises that his namefagging is irrefutably indicative of a deep need for validation and crippling insecurity
you're getting there faggot

>> No.11279516
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>> No.11279519
File: 2.98 MB, 2518x1882, 1450693293767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if this jacket comes in black, or if there is a similar one in black?

>> No.11279530

w2c pants

>> No.11279552

They are the old Levi commuter cargos. Can't get them anymore, unless maybe on Grailed.

>> No.11279554

what is this jacket

>> No.11279555
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>> No.11279557


>> No.11279604

Is there anything similar to them out there?

>> No.11279622
File: 610 KB, 582x546, simon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11280261

fuck off. ur just one autist hating because ur poor
let it go cuck

>> No.11280796
File: 14 KB, 238x239, PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah why don't u fuck off? it's clear ur jelly of Simon's sick fits and wealth u poorfag loser. u wish u could be as cool as he is

Ah fuck, I tried to say that with a straight face but couldn't.

>> No.11280800

>asian and white manlets cosplaying as ninjas
>they are both over 20 years old
fucking pathetic

>> No.11280814

Has anyone tried chrome industries shorts?

>> No.11280824

Post one of your fits. Do you cosplay as a dad? whats the difference?

>> No.11280843

shut the fuck up killy

>> No.11280848

Seriously. You're as big of a faggot as Simon. Where the fuck are YOUR fits?

Post 'em. With timestamp.

>> No.11280860

I'm not talking shit about anyone's fits. Talk shit post fit. So post fit or you're afraid? do you even own techwear?

>> No.11280867

> "talk shit post fit"
> talks shit
> gets told to post fit
> "oh I only mean certain types of shit talking"

top kek

>> No.11280871
File: 59 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, your turn faggot.

>> No.11280874

I thought this was a techwear thread...

>> No.11280883
File: 361 KB, 327x400, 1460581450840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that youre impersonating a nig out of all people is cuck tier

>> No.11280887

Dude... That gif is horrifying

>> No.11280889

I thought you were not that dumb but it seems that you have a 2 digit IQ lol. You will realize why later.. maybe.. prob not.

I like it man. But its not Techwear.

>> No.11280894

I didn't say the fit was bad, you haven't even got a fit pic from the other guy yet, I just said it wasn't techwear, chill out

>> No.11280901

Do you know what a pseudonym is? Pay attention lol. I do like Sieg, I dont tripcode.

>> No.11280912

this is cool but not techwear

>> No.11280928

>I dont tripcode.

Are you sure about that killy

>> No.11281002

Killy you absolute shitposting cunt can you stop derailing threads for one fucking second jesus christ

>> No.11281017

wtc pants? at least something similar

>> No.11281054

lol he's a nig. Go figure.

>> No.11281056

wtc everything . looks rad

>> No.11281097

Wew lad, thinking I was talking to a fucking irrelevant nigger after all, opinion forever discarded. Just kys tbqh.

>> No.11281208
File: 38 KB, 638x745, san sidro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I cop this north face? or is north face considered "bad" in the techwear community? i would get it in black.

>> No.11281215

The mesh version is coming out in june.

>> No.11281220

Using a name is not tripfagging you god damned fucking retards.

>> No.11281239

lol, should've expected this

>> No.11281246

lol it seems like the only ones getting triggered here are you faggots over a fucking name. you guys are petty as fuck.

>> No.11281268

lmao shut up faggot

>> No.11281289

The green looks pretty good buddy

>> No.11281316
File: 59 KB, 331x319, 1335901484905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posts his fit from the dressing room because he can't actually afford to buy the clothes

>> No.11281318

w2c my lad?

>> No.11281322

Had a chuckle

>> No.11281426

top kek

Shop owners probably have to toss the shit out after from the stench of poor

>> No.11281437

stop making fun of me

>> No.11281471
File: 44 KB, 427x960, welfare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. We probably should. It's hard enough being you.

Do you have a white friend to read these posts for you?

>> No.11281487

this is a funny comic considering a majority of people on welfare are white. and a majority of people caught committing fraud through welfare and unemployment are white.

brain dead conservatives need a scapegoat though don't they.

>> No.11281497

>this damage control

>> No.11281511

I own those pants in RAF and they are a great pair of pants, but fuck they just look goofy sometimes. The way the knee pleat is designed and the way he's standing almost makes it look like he has ostrich knees.

>> No.11281517

Do they move as well as you expect them too?

>> No.11281547

The knee pleat is great for both movement and preventing knee bulge. I love my P10-S and P10-DS, but the knee bulge with those is annoying. Also there's a mesh vent on each corner inside the knee pleat that allows for ventilation.
The problem with these pants is when you sit down - there's so much fabric at the top of the pants because of the double layered zippered front pockets that it bunches up uncomfortably and sometimes balloons up if you have the pocket zippers unzipped. There's literally 5 layers of fabric covering your upper thigh on each side because of the double layered pockets + mesh backing.

>> No.11281559

So they're good movement but that's it then, I guess you can help with my next question too, is schoeller dry skin any good? Like is it nice against your skin? Does it actually dry quick? Does it make your balls sweat like nylon does?

>> No.11281573

Your post made me realize what a faggot I am and I am now going to off myself. Sorry for cluttering up your board guys.

>> No.11281585

sorry guys for being a massive cuck

>> No.11281590

It is a miracle fabric. Drys fast. Inside stays cool in direct sunlight on a hot day. Perfect amount of stretch. Drapes beautifully.

>> No.11281592
File: 66 KB, 576x1024, come hang with us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself and all will be forgiven

>> No.11281599

Well that's me sold, now just need to find some made from it

>> No.11281605
File: 23 KB, 342x358, Mb90eC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>techwear community

>> No.11281617
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x1836, 20160512_204633(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am i tech wear or prep fag

>> No.11281623
File: 1.53 MB, 3264x1836, 14631706258191919115786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also vape and Samsung s4 active also cynogen or nova stock android

>> No.11281640
File: 50 KB, 706x960, 11203122_645616315537879_6103122691271922706_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>techwear community

>> No.11281867

How are this pants named?

>> No.11282035

Levi's commuter cargo

old model

>> No.11282161

you are the new /fa/king of techwear

>> No.11282420



I got my pair from here two years ago. They only have navy blue ones now though in size 34 and 36.

It's a shame. Really like these pants. Was hoping to buy more some time.

>> No.11282509

BAHAHAHAHAHAA Just found this guys post in superfuture. Absolutely embarrassing how he tries to justify this horrible fit.

>> No.11282727

lol post a link to this thread there

>> No.11282774

you don't

>> No.11282877


>> No.11283074

>bunch of middle class kids who can't even hack much less write code

the whole point is you're a cyber criminal. This is probably the dumbest fashion trend I've ever seen. It's literally halloween.

>> No.11283095


have you considered that it's also functional in certain weather environments and looks sleeker than your traditional The North Pleb weather gear?

>> No.11283113

I want this

>> No.11283133

Are you fucking autistic

>> No.11283297
File: 579 KB, 546x835, DSC07031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped these a few weeks ago and have been meaning to taper them, got round to it a couple days ago finally. they were loose all the way to the bottom so I took them in at an angle from the ankle to the knee

>> No.11283303

What are they, they look like acronym but not at the same time?

>> No.11283321

Picked them up at h&m. Felt pretty good on and looked as though they had potential with a little tailoring. Didn't take any pics beforehand

>> No.11283335

By any chance are they these


With a pocket removed, covers on top pockets removed, better belt loop and a taper?

>> No.11283348

I think that's a newer version, the only thing I've done to these is the taper

>> No.11283354

Did the ones you bought have the draw string at the hem?

>> No.11283378

Nah, just the belt. They were sale rail when I got em so it'll probably be gone now, you can likely get the same result from any similar trouser though

>> No.11283391

NYCO ECWS from Alpha Industries

>> No.11283395

What you've done looks good man, and cheers for the input

>> No.11283402

No worries thanks senpai

>> No.11283448

Do you have to have any higher res images?

>> No.11283451

>it doesn't look like a ninja so it must not be techwear

you don't know what techwear means apparently.

>> No.11283459
File: 2.82 MB, 3072x2304, DSC07036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted them from my camera as soon as I took them, sorry anon. All I have is a closer up (but a little blurry) of the fabric
I'll take more later if you'd like

>> No.11283461

>as soon as I took them
as soon as I resized I mean

>> No.11283517

That would be pretty good

>> No.11283584

Will likely be tomorrow as im at work for the rest of the day so no daylight left to take pics

>> No.11283645

No worries I'm not in any sort of rush

>> No.11283859


Scroll to the half and there he is.

>> No.11284291

i mean someone with an account copy and paste the URL to THIS thread in sufu's and see if he gets butthurt
they are super slow and have like no mods so it wont get deleted

>> No.11284468

He was already butthurt to begin with. Last thread he left his own pic as inspo and called it "fire", admitted it was him and insultee everyone who criticised his fit then backpedalled on it all, find it in the archive it was keks

>> No.11285445

Lmao that guy is trash

>> No.11286002

This one lol:


>> No.11286120

simon on suicide watch

>> No.11286166

w2c backpack

>> No.11286351

love your pants, want your pants, good work on the pants

>> No.11286409

if you could find a model or item # on your pants i'd really appreciate it

>> No.11286812

Well, thanks man
Do you know w2c something similar?

>> No.11287356

Thanks senpai
They're not available any more unfortunately

>> No.11288804
File: 87 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up these, anyone cop anything recently

>> No.11288855

looks shit

>> No.11288887

Got mission workshop shirt on order, nothing else though

>> No.11288905

those pants look like you could take a massive shit inside them and no one would notice.

and the shoes are even worse.

>> No.11288919

lol you look so stupid

>> No.11288922

absolutely terrible

>> No.11288923

that's not him newfag

>> No.11288930


only fit in this thread thats not terrible

literally i dont think ive ever seen anyone in a techwear fit thats not terrible

>> No.11288931

>oh no mean internet man insulted outfit i like ill resort to nitpicking

>> No.11289005
File: 2.54 MB, 2371x1727, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go anon sorry for my shitty camera

>> No.11289009

stop critiquing your own niggerfits, Killy. You're as autistic as Simon.

>> No.11289014

those shoes lol

>> No.11289016

Have you put Velcro on the back of the ankles?

>> No.11289027

the velcro was already there, doesnt usually look weird and bunched up like that, i just sort of slapped it on. didnt realize it went like that
my blazers are dope m8

>> No.11289031

So have you made it so you can slacken it off to get your foot through?

>> No.11289046

yeah, it's pretty snug, I think the next time I do this I'll only sew halfway from the knee to the ankle and add a zip in, but they aren't hard to get on and off or anything

>> No.11289056

You know what, I'm really tempted to do something like this, but like you say maybe add some some zips. The taper you've got though really makes them look like acronym p10, love it. Makes me wish there was an acg drop this season

>> No.11289072

Thanks anon. You should do it if you can find some decent pants for cheap to try it on, it's pretty easy

>> No.11289857

Has anyone here got the Arc'teryx Veilance catalogue scans that were shared through PM in Superfuture a couple weeks ago? I asked for a copy but the guy only gave it to le cool kids, although I've been lurking for 6 years.

>> No.11289945

whats that bag?

>> No.11290140

I'm interested in this too

>> No.11290209

but wtc

>> No.11290239

>all this weatherproof material
>so many indoor photographs


>> No.11291399


>> No.11291415

can we start a new thread? this is like 2 autistic tryhards ganging up on some sufu dude they caught feels from and about 5% actual discussion/content

feels useless to post here with this kind of negative atmosphere

>> No.11291426

post a new thread and begin it with a decent dump then

>> No.11291431

>It is artistic

It is autistic.

>> No.11291644

kill yourself simon please none is talking about you now

>> No.11292762

Any nice Techwear Windbreaker/runner?

>> No.11292787

anything from northface/acronym etc.

>> No.11292904

I tried on a few north face jackets today and they were all shit desu

>> No.11292967

is this real life lads?

>> No.11293366

The white mountaineering x adidas stuff looks interesting, I think some of the Japanese brands/designers have some of the more interesting items at the moment, just a case of taking that leap

>> No.11293439

>Japanese brands
anything affordable among them?

>> No.11293474

Nanamica is reasonable through proxies (apparently)
Alk phenix looks really interesting and okay prices
The latest stuff from civilized is nice and they have some nice overshirts

They are the three that come to mind right now

>> No.11293491

Oh and if like to add ccp clothing aswell, outside of those, for light weight windproof stuff some of the small cycling brands have some interesting things, would recommend rapha and huez

>> No.11293582

thanks senpai

>> No.11294982


>> No.11295029

He's an idiot. It's entirely likely that the majority is as he states.

But he doesn't take into account that niggers are only about 12% of the US population.


38.8% of welfare recipients are white. 39.8% of them are black.

If only 12% of the total population is black, but they make up 40% of welfare recipients... they are disproportionately over-represented. To the tune of 3.5x the rate of whites using welfare.

Numbers r tuff.

>> No.11295519

This isn't pol

>> No.11295908

>This isn't pol

what did he mean by this

>> No.11295923

welcome to 4chan

>> No.11295933 [DELETED] 

wheres your tech fit killy? i want you to post fit so we can all laugh at you

>> No.11295938

this is not nigger tolerant website. if you dont browse pol, this place is not for you

>> No.11295952

numbers be raycis. YT cracka be stingy aint give no munies for muh progrums

>> No.11296737

I don't speak nigger, sorry.

>> No.11298442

What I meant is that as this board Isnt pol, and as much as you might want it to be pol influenced, isn't it better to have a bunch of varied boards and choose to follow and post on the ones you like rather than them all be the same?

>> No.11298464

cheap arcteryx LEAF jacket on australian ebay for any ausfags


>> No.11298482

Legit question

How do these people dress like this everyday?

Don't they have jobs? or are the majority of them students? and if they are, acrynm shit is like 1k+ a piece, so what the fuck?

It seems so impractical, what do you wear when its hot? Do these kids think they live in a cyberpunk anime?

>> No.11298501

>neet shut in who browses mfa detected
go outside. black windbreakers and track pants with sneakers are like normie wear now.

>> No.11298510

No I work an office job so I have to wear wageslave gear. Also


So I am legit curious. My I have some "techwear" stuff but its for outdoors or colder months.

I just don't understand any practical setting to wear all this layered ninja shit. Much less wearing it consistently with variety.

>> No.11298512

I've only got into techwear recently, but, I've got acg tech woven pants, merino t shirts and things like the mission workshop schoeller over shirt to work pretty well in current uk weather. The first thing I got though was a good hard shell, but I guess the difference is that I came from the point of view of cycling everyday and wanting to arrive at my destination looking good, being sweat free and being comfortable, so, I got 1 or 2 pieces at a time and slowly built up. The idea is just to get stuff that is functional and looks good, I guess the difference is having a function that can make use of it

>> No.11298528

I see what you're saying, I have some tasteful jackets as well.

Maybe I'm just curious about the over-the-top fits that are posted ITT. >>11279519
I can't imagine working at any job wearing some of this shit. Maybe being a student, but I wouldn't be able to afford it.

>> No.11298536

>tfw realize I actually own a lot of tech wear shit if we were to define it by materials used


>> No.11298557

Yeah most of the techninj stuff won't work for everday wear but I think it's good to draw inspiration from. But the material aspect I think is most applicable for everyday clothing, for example merino, it's just amazing in everyway and schoeller dry skin as well if you can get that in something like a pair of chinos then I think you would use them everyday in an office environment and be able to jump an a bike not be uncomfortable. Maybe that's the key thing, techwear only works if you can apply what makes the garments high performance

>> No.11298561

You say that like it's a bad thing

>> No.11298569

not at all

I just bought some uniqlo dry stretch dress pants for work, and they are fucking awesome. Also bought a dsptch bag for my laptop.

>> No.11298574

what shoes are those?

>> No.11298577

Maybe techwear could have some sort of comeback, but at a much more subtle level

>> No.11298583

I agree, I would like to take a much more practical/subtle approach.

>> No.11298591

can nylon trackpants work as a cheap techwear'y fit?

>> No.11298606

Yes and no, they can give some of the aesthetic, but miss the core of what techwear is, nylon doesn't breathe but it's water proof (mostly). Nike the one tech pants look like they could work but they do have elasticated hems so will always look like joggers, tapered cargos might be a better bet

>> No.11298619

hmmmm yeah I understand, but man they are so inexpensive may try a pair or two

>> No.11298632

any tapered cargo recs?

also are any tights/yoga pants applicable to this for mens?

side note; a lot of these tech wear guys would look a lot cooler OC-ing a mall ninja raifu

>> No.11298633

If you have the money, peak performance civil pants could work they aren't priced to bad, I'm thinking of getting some myself

>> No.11298635
File: 20 KB, 236x321, 0290bc570578f5de23f2fda2071785b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> techwear level 180

How long until we see people go full Samurai?

>> No.11298639
File: 33 KB, 604x604, 1432782405597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw their website doesn't cater to ameriburgers

>> No.11298643

Maybe just get cargo with a straight ish leg and putting the taper in at a diagonal, I think that's earlier in the thread where someone made some p10 look a likes. And I would recommend tights or yoga pants unless you're running .

Also mall ninja sucks

What peak performance don't do murica?

>> No.11299096

same place u wear rick owens, full rocker SLP, or yohji i guess? if you have a dress uniform anything that deviates will be unwearable no? you sound retarded bro

>> No.11299126

live in seattle senpai