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11238919 No.11238919 [Reply] [Original]

How do I grow back eyebrows like pic related? I fucked mine up in a sporting accident and I want to fix them ASAP. Please send help.

>> No.11238924

"how do I grow back my hair? I accidentally shaved part of it off!!11!"

just wait u dumbass

>> No.11238929

cut up some colored paper to the pattern of your liking and glue them to your brow ridge

>> No.11238939

No points for obvious answer. I'm looking to speed the process up, but thanks anyway.
Points for creative answer :^)

>> No.11238962

Your favorite drink

>> No.11239001

Your dad's cum?
Will try next time I come over.

>> No.11239024

What do if I have no eyebrows
Are fake ones worth it?
Alopecia fucked me

>> No.11239101

You never your house

>> No.11240102

rogaine and ricin oil my man

>> No.11240107

Minoxidil srs.

>> No.11240110

I always my house

>> No.11240219

don't listen to this guy. This will make ketchup gas.

>> No.11240311

What do girls do to do their eyebrows?
Same thing you do here my guy

>> No.11240495

Make up. Search youtube tutorials.
But if they are completely gone, either wait or pretend to be a marilyn manson fan

>> No.11240558

use coconut oil/butter whatever you wanna call it

you'll end up with more hairs than you started with

>> No.11241753

listen closely what I tell you now cause its the one and best wy to grow hair faster and probably a little bit thicker if there are still hair roots. Saved tons of girls who overplucked their eyebrows:
castor oil
aply it every night before sleeping on brown and lashes if you wish to (doesnt burn even a little) and in about 3 weeks you will see a difference
also, take biotin and vitamin b complex supplements
another thing I recently found which sounds pretty neat is Colostrum
its the milk cows give the first 14 h after giving birth to their calf.
Its fullwith antibodies or something like that and I started using it for my mental health, depression and stuff. But I read about people that finally grwe better hair etc with this and also never got sick again

>> No.11241775

Damn nice info man, thanks for sharing

>> No.11241780

also, I dont really ever noticed something with hair growth supplements, if its even possible to notice such minor changes, but the reason for this si that such sups are almost never good cause the body cant really use them and gets sick of them even. Its better to search for fruits and vegetables that naturally contain these vitamins and eat those
OH and another important thing: proteins.
proteins proteins proteins.
you should eat about 0,8 g protein per 1 kg of your weigth a day. Peas are my secret.

>> No.11241788

yes thank you all I ever wanted was nice hair

>> No.11241789

Yeah same here. Hair is seriously important for aesthetics, been looking for a way to get stronger hair. My eyelashes and eyebrows are just so thin

>> No.11241812

most important thing is the stuff you eat cause ones the hair is out there is little you can change
same for skin
there is seriously such a big difference in your appereance when you eat and feel like shit or when you live healthy.
Good food is everything. Your skin starts to glow. Your eyes shine brighter and are more open, you look woke and happy.
When I eat shit for some weeks cause depression hits, Im merely a 7,5/10 with makeup on, when I got some good weeks going on I go out completaly blank and feel like a 9.
I dont feel like this is objective. This shit seriously is so important

>> No.11241828

last thing I can add: drink. drink a lot. Doesnt sound like this is related to hair growth but it is.
There is a test you can make to determine which things your hair lacks: wet assessment test. You plug one out and pull on both ends. If it stretches like rubber you dont get enough proteins. If it doesnt stretch even a little you got to many.

>> No.11241941

Really appreciate the help, it's rare anyone gives a damn around here