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/fa/ - Fashion

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11221874 No.11221874 [Reply] [Original]

what will you do to improve your appearance, effay? ill lose ton of weight, get on a very light test cycle for that manly face, chew a shit ton of gum for jaw gains and on a light HGH cycle to get rid of my babyface. I am also applying rogaine to my eyebrows, since they are very sparse, and I have seen good results so far.

>> No.11221953

>tfw puppyfat
i-it'll go with a-age right?

>> No.11222413
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get on tren if you want a manly face

>> No.11222446

i've cut down on carbs so my body eats itself instead. I go for lunch , I get just the protein and don't bother with the bread. I have less sugar. Very easy cause I'm not even that strict but i'm down a belt hole in about two weeks, and everyone says I'm looking slim. Soon my belly will eat itself. Also going to a hairdressers next week that costs more than $10 and i'll get a good cut. thats it really. It's nearly summer, the easiest season for clothes when you're v. slim. and soon i'll be v. slim

>> No.11222508

You sound determined mayne, good for you.

>> No.11222515

what book is this from?

>> No.11222545
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how to get more defined jaw as a female other than lose weight and chew gum? No chin implant or surgery recommendations plz. Will facial massages help?

>> No.11222557
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>> No.11222568

"exercise" yeah, no

>> No.11222608

last year I bought only basics and stopped wearing trainers. I started exercising every morning and rode my bike to every appointment. Whatever really because I'm naturally slim and my hair is my biggest problem. This year I started smoking and drinking, i dont do any exercise and nothing's changed drastically

>> No.11222644

>light HGH cycle
>get rid of babbyface

How does that work?

>> No.11222653

Be born attractive. Thats it. Idk why ur asking /fa/. Every single one of us is compensating for something which is why there is so much hate for manlets, baldfags, poorfags, the nigs, or any single small part of somebody that isnt flawless.
Thats because EVERY SINGLE PERSON on this board has one or two things they think make them alpha, some of us have height or money and some have a small peices like a jawline or hair. Nobody on here has the real fashion ability to answer your question.

Get mad manlets

>> No.11222965


>> No.11223035

how stupid.

>> No.11223337

going to a derm to get product recommendations.

recently realized that pretty much all my acne was just from putting the wrong shit on my face.

just switched to water for washing (st ives scrub once a week), witch hazel for toner/astringent or whatever (it calms my skin best), two pumps of cerave moisturizer (feels so good, i never put enough moisturizer on), BP for bad breakouts, and super light-weight 55 SPF in the morning on top of everything.

like 80% of my acne disappeared in about a month. so my dumb ass just realized that i have sensitive skin and attacking my acne all the time with products was making it so much worse.

gonna go to a derm and hopefully get some god-tier products for my dainty skin. also some more clothes that show off my super thin bod. also more pushups and planks and running so my face/rest of my body gets some more definition. can already see my ribs but i want ribs+abs and good posture.

>> No.11223464

I don't understand how you fucks can go your entire lives with fucking acne without doing some basic research. A five second Google search will give you thousands of results. Yet you fags go your entire lives with shit acne and then complain about acne scars. Honestly if you're so lazy you can't even google basic shit, you deserve no sympathy from anyone. I mean cmon man. You really think we needed a shit ton of products on our faces when we were hunter gatherers? The reason you need it is because you're using too many products, giving you irritated skin, and probably eating a shit diet. Got a friend of mine with shit tier skin and he just keeps applying products, expecting things to get better and in turn giving more money to the Jews that sell him the shit.

Sorry for my fedora post but it's really been tickling my autism. It's like those people who walk around their entire lives with a terrible habit, just because they couldn't bother to do some simple research, such as walking around with bad posture etc.

>> No.11223488

True, but at the same time, remember this - how many day people with attractive faces have you seen (girls with makeup don't count, they use contouring, and even then, they're not that many).
How many attractive men have you seen with low testosterone?
How many attractive people have you seen with acne?

The answer to these questions are probably slim to none. And you know why? Because environment matters. Your facial FEAUTURES may be amazing, but if you don't take care of those, an uggo who does will still go before you. Low body fat, healthy hormone levels, and healthy diets/routines will make anyone more attractive. Healthy habits, such as proper swallow (according to some), proper chewing, etc, are all vital to good looks. The reason people with good teeth are naturally more attractive isn't because they have good teeth, but because bad teeth come with bad looks. Bad teeth are a consequence of not chewing enough hard food, leading to a slimmer jaw.
This is coming from someone with a very wide jaw who used to have a very weak jawline, but since I got bracers I couldn't bite my nails anymore, so I started grinding my teeth (not very good, but it gave me a wider jaw). Chewing gum as said in the OP is also amazing for jaw gains. That being said you need hard gum, not just mint bought in your local corner shop. And you need to do it a lot.

>> No.11223506

If you are past the time of your bones developing, you waste your time chewing gum. Well, on second thought, if you go on HGH, what makes your bones bit denser, you could try to stimulate your jaw more. Otherwise gum chewing is a meme.

Low bodyfat and test will give you a lean face, but how lean it gets and whether it will become chiseled is difficult to say.

>> No.11223760

i mean i've only had noticeable acne for like a year and a half. so i didn't go my whole life being a retard. but yeah i feel really dumb. i've always had sensitive skin but for some reason i thought i could dump shit on my face and it'd be fine.

feel pretty dumb, but the pretty quick healing i'm seeing makes up for it. just glad i finally stopped being retarded.

so gonna go to a derm. get some nice stuff that'll make my face feel comfy and maybe something to get rid of the pink spots the acne left.

also, your post wasn't fedora tier.

when people respond in the skincare gen with "GO TO A DERM". It's definitely the best advice. A derm will tell you what it took my a year and a half to figure out. They know their shit.

>> No.11223880

Get plastic surgery

>> No.11223902

You made me realise that losing weight is cannibalism desu.

>> No.11223979

It doesn't. He's a retard.

>> No.11224550

Yeah it does actually, you'd have to abuse it like a bodybuilder though

>> No.11225270

Work that jaw muscle.
Chew stronger foods like steak, though this night cause tooth damage over time, or blowjobs.

>> No.11225302

boosts test out the roof

>> No.11225345
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I started working out and eating less. Recieved my sixpack already but working on improvement. I'm on a strict skincare regiment. I was fat as a teenager and spent 4K on removing my gyno. Next thing is ear correction in July, minox for my beard and chewing gum.

>> No.11225546

go on AHA/BHA skin routine when i can afford it

start cutting next week so i reach ottermode by the time i go on my summer trip w/ my friends and start university

keep wearing my retainer so my teeth look straight in 4 months

>> No.11225576
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>All these people thinking spot training isn't a ruse.

You guys believe in acupuncture too? You can't choose where you lose weight. Chewing gum does fuck all for your face.

>> No.11225599

Minox is bad for the face. Causes wrinkles and eye bags.

>> No.11225721

Thanks. In this case I'll avoid it.

>> No.11225746


you look like a serial killer that lives in a barn

>> No.11225895

What'd you do for gyno?

>> No.11225907

Surgery on both sides

>> No.11225909


>> No.11226194

Acne can be genetic and is not easy to get rid of for a lot of people. "Google it!!!1!" is rarely good advice.

>> No.11226212

>and is not easy
and/or may not be easy**.
Forgot that.

>> No.11226231

tfw 18 skinny athletic build, great jawline, no acne, 6'2, supposedly attractive, and caucasian

on the other hand I have a mild overbite, have a droopy eye lid, have AWFUL social skills I'm not kidding I'm borderline autistic or something I'm shit at recognizing social cues, shit hair genetics, and I have a 36" inseam so I'm 90% legs and will never have a nice butt

I almost made it guys

do I kill myself now or l8r?

>> No.11226316

It's not genetic lol

>> No.11226382

acne can be genetic lol

>> No.11226389

Damn man its 4k? I was 205 in February and I'm around 185 right now and my gyno hasn't gone away much. When I hit my target weight of 160 and they're still here I was considering surgery but 4k man...

>> No.11227019

shitty skin is genetic.
acne isn't genetic.

being prone to alcoholism is genetic.
being an alcoholic isn't.

if you have shitty skin and bad enough acne that you think "well it must just be genetics" go to a fuckin derm.

>> No.11227142

With confidence comes beauty. Fix your social skills.

>> No.11227393

>chew a shit ton of gum for jaw gains
is this a meme or does it actually works?

>> No.11227402

Sort of.

You won't lose body fat doing it, it doesn't work like that. And it's not like your jawline will magically get stronger. If you do it enough, it could make your masseter muscle bigger. If you notice which side people chew on, you'll see their masseter muscle is bigger. But that's from a life time of chewing a lot every day. Also, chewing a lot of gum for a long time could fuck your shit up.

>> No.11227424

this thread is pathetic
handle the cards god gave you
i'm an ugly shitskin and i just accept that and wear what suits me
you're going to spend the rest of your life angrily staring at pictures of michael phelps crying that you don't have his genes OR you can just accept what you have a move on

don't forget that confidence does more for getting laid than you think

>> No.11227456

That's what I did, didn't do jackshit. Told the derm that I did everything I could to stop acne, told me that one of my last hopes was accutane. Was on the damn shit for like half a year, made my lips look like those of the joker, even with cortisone.

I did everything, on a good diet, drink liters of water daily, sleep for over 8 hours, never in the sun (friends call me a vampire because of this), have a good hygiene regime with non-comodogenic products, yet I still get breakouts from time to time. It's really inevitable. At this point, I've just learned to live with it.

>> No.11227947
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>shitskin in charge of giving advice

>> No.11228151

i need a new haircut
i need to brush my teeth more
i need to keep using acne cream to keep that shit away and wash my face better

>> No.11228160

this is a good point, except no one wants to look like fucking michael phelps

>> No.11228168

what you need is a girlfriend and maybe a couple of friends

>> No.11228200

Give the abs a break and focus more on your pecs

>> No.11228204

I shaved my face for the first time in a while and I'm planning on cutting my hair for the first time in a very long while. Other than that I'm pretty content with myself.

>> No.11228224

I need to get better clothes. I've been here for like a year or so, but my warddrobe is still fucked.
>tfw I still dont even have decent basics
Regarding appearances, not much I can do. I look forgettable amd invisible, but whatever.

My friends get shocked when I start talking about clothes. Then stare at my rags head to toe. Kek

>> No.11229146
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>> No.11229183


you look like a women post birth