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/fa/ - Fashion

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11213144 No.11213144 [Reply] [Original]

is lil kims new look /fa/?

is it possible for a black person to become /fa/ through plastic surgery?

>> No.11213153

Looks so bad man, why

>> No.11213154

She looked much better before this shit

>> No.11213156
File: 14 KB, 229x344, lil kim real.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least shes not black anymore

>> No.11213157

Also there are a ton of effay black people on 4chan alone. Kill yourself

>> No.11213160

What's so bad about being black

>> No.11213163
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>> No.11213166

fuck off man. black people can be /fa/. maybe its a bit harder for us to pull certain things off but it can be done

go back to /pol/

>> No.11213171

>black people can be /fa/

>> No.11213177

white ppl think its bad so they can feel not worthless

>> No.11213196

"...And then Tyrone called us "worthless"! "

>> No.11213201 [DELETED] 

No nigger

Stop deluding yourself

Your skin is objectively aesthetically unappealing

You cannot over come this by dropping textile over it

Nigger fashionnis also just suits and silly bow ties or waiting in line for hours to buy whatever kanye west promotes

Niggers never break into real fashion or respected designers

It's just rappers and nikes

>> No.11213232

this is so wrong, facial aesthetic/structure is more important than skin tone

>> No.11213235
File: 203 KB, 245x150, Sieg shitposting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sieg I can report you for that and if a mod notices he can get you b& tomorrow... Mind what you write. It's a global rule to keep /pol/ in /pol/.

People should learn to respect the rules, they are there to prevent annoying spam. /pol/ stuff gets spammed a lot.

Believe in whatever you want to believe but don't shitpost it over and over.

>> No.11213240

tyrone cucked ur dad and fucked ur mom in front of u? snitch ass bitch get ran over by a train

>> No.11213241

Blacks typically have unappealing facial aesthetics as well

Just nothing about niggers is fashionable

It's not even racism it's just fact

>> No.11213244

I've figured out the reason racism is dying out is because it doesn't bother us anymore...I just hope the best for you brother :)

>> No.11213245

Black people can be very effay
just try to differentiate yourself with the black fashion stereotype and your good

I don't even see why this is a discussion there are tons of people in effay who admire blacks

>> No.11213249

I'm whiter than the whitest cocaine.

and it's gone, good that you changed your mind or some janitor got rid of it and gave you a warn. I'm not saying /fa/ should be friendship candyland but that post was retarded.

>> No.11213250

> Niggers never break into real fashion

Have you heard of Olivier Rousteing? Inspiring story really. He's a black orphan from France, and now is the creative director of Balmain! He's credited for turning the brand around and achieving bigger sales than the company has ever seen.

>> No.11213251

>racism is dying
>right wing groups on the rise at levels that haven't been seen since before ww2

>> No.11213252

Also a black man runs your country. Racism is so old man

>> No.11213254

yeah didnt think about getting a rational response

>> No.11213255

i wouldnt like to be black. but good on you

>> No.11213259

you shouldnt have to want to be anything else then what you are

>> No.11213260

Can we not let this thread decent into /pol/ shit please? politics are un-/fa/ as fuck, especially when it has morons mentioning "left vs right".

If you're there OP please delete it. Thank you.

>> No.11213265

In Europe, sure. In America, they're just loud and people like to gawk at them.

>> No.11213269

Right wing =/= racist. But I'll combat the thing you meant to say. The reason white supremacist groups are on the rise is because systemic racism as a whole is on the decline. As proved by the fact that the POTUS is a black man. In 100 years everyone will be light skin

>> No.11213277

>In 100 years everyone will be light skin

in 100 years white people will be genociding people of color again

>Right wing =/= racist

in the year 2016 wearing a halloween costume = racist

>The reason white supremacist groups are on the rise is because systemic racism as a whole is on the decline

that needs to change. make america great again

>> No.11213278

I'm black and positive that my facial aesthetics, and the girls I've been with shit on yours.

>> No.11213285

not hard. sieg is a fat piece of literal human waste. at least hes white though t b h

>> No.11213286

I don't recall there ever being a large scale black genocide... But at any rate, I just want to say I hope you have a great day. Even though you hate me and everyone who's skin looks like mine, I forgive you and I send nothing but love your way. Try as hard as you can to make me respond to your next message but I'm out.

>> No.11213287

In America, there really isn't a left wing group. Modern democrats are definitely right of center. At least fiscally and much of the time socially.

>> No.11213295

but you're still subhuman, dogs fuck human women too but nobody envies them

>> No.11213298

dam now i feel bad. this is the thing about multiculturalism. i dont hate black people but "everybody is gonna be light skin in 100 years". so i have to hate black people or its game over

why did they even put me in this situation? they're literally pushing white people into a situation where we have to genocide black people to ensure a future for ourselves

this is dumb. im so glad i wont be alive by the time this mess comes to a head

>> No.11213319

lol @racism dying. I'm Jewish and I had to sit through a 1/2 hour lecture about why Jews are bad from a black woman at the DMV.
Blacks demand and get a safe space at campus but wear a yarmulke through he quad and you'll be accosted by the usual diversity squad of blacks, Arabs and Mexicans demanding to know your views on Israel (imagine the shitstorm if everyone in a kaffiyeh or a hijab were accosted for loyalty pledged against terrorism or if blacks were harassed into denouncing inner city crime)
No, my friend. Racism is alive and well. Liberals have just found a way to make it socially acceptable and even fashionable

>> No.11213327

black people cant be racist shill

>> No.11213335


>> No.11213340

your jew privilege is showing

>> No.11213349

>poor little oppressed juden

>> No.11213351

jidf go away

>> No.11213354

Samefag pls go

>> No.11213357
File: 44 KB, 600x400, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you got a holocausting juden

dude mean words

>> No.11213372

I didn't say racism doesn't exist, but that it is on the decline. I'm sorry for the negative experiences you have had, and hope it gets better for you.

>> No.11213387

racism is on the rise. it was on the decline 10 years ago. alot has changed between now and then. PC culture enabled minorities to be racist with no social repercussions and this has sparked a whole new generation of reactionary white racists

trump is an early symptom of this phenomenon. it will only get worse from here

>> No.11213438

i thought that was an 8 year old girl

>> No.11213442

is she the new amanda bynes ?

>> No.11213465

The worst kinds of subhumans are Arabs and beaners who think they're also black and try too hard to whine about 'le white people xD'

At least you can argue that black people, with all the flaws have good sportsmen, musicians, actors etc.

What the fuck do wetbacks and sandniggers contribute? Nothing. They do nothing but leech. I fucking hate Mexicans more than anybody, fat, sweaty, spongers. Wetbacks have a bigger victim complex than anybody, I despise them.

>> No.11213482

I know this white chick who's married to an asian dude and she always refers to him as a "person of color"
Victimhood is more fashionable than last season's tricky rick.
Really, if you think about it, when you call someone out because of their "privilege" because of their gender or their skin color, what you are saying is that everyone of a given gender or race experiences a monolithic set of variables that molds their culture and worldview.
You are lumping in Wall Street traders with Seattle hipster, scotch swigging data scientists, suburban cubicle-slave dads and poor southern white trash with a meth habit.
There used to be a well defined word for this sort of reductiveness: racism.
Unfortunately this word lost it's original meaning when it started getting applied unironically to white kids wearing dreads and white chicks giving free college yoga lessons.

>> No.11213510

Exactly. Applying a set group of characteristics to an entire group is the definition of racism. The sad thing is that these Twitter / Tumblr tier jokes aimed at white people aren't 'cutting edge' nor are they very funny. It's actually now the safest form of humour, because they KNOW there's no backlash when you mock a white person. Even if a white person dares to react, the progressive circle jerk will come right back with some sort of tripe. Anti-White jokes have become tired and old. It's not unfunny because it hurts, it's unfunny because it's the same 'haha white dad with happy family' 'haha white kid can talk back to his parents without getting beaten' my girlfriend is Asian, as is her brother (obviously) and his girlfriend. They'll often make jokes about white people like its nothing... They see me as the racist because of my slightly right of centre political stance.

>> No.11213532

i personally dont give a fuck if people make jokes about white people cause im not gay as fuck

>caring about mean words

but on the same note i wanna be able to roast niggas in the same way without losing my job and being socially shunned

political correctness is madness and its gonna end in a spectacular fashion

>> No.11213537

white chick at my job once posted on office chat about how she hated so-and-so mall because of how "white" it was.
Imagine saying something like that about the ghetto.
Natch she kept her job but more than that. The way she said it. It was like she knew that not only would it be an acceptable thing to say but on some level it was actually expected to shit on white people from time to time

>> No.11213556

I don't really care either, despite how my last post may have appeared. It doesn't 'hurt' and I don't feel offended, but I'm also in agreement with >>11213537 in the fact that these people are so arrogant they know they can get away with it. This type of speech IS becoming normalised, I know people who say a 45% white British population is a high number for a British city, this focus on being overly PC, and so scared to disagree and the obsession with virtue signalling is going to have serious repercussions if something doesn't change soon.

>> No.11213567

I'm in agreement with >>11213532 too. The whole thing. The problem arises not from mean words that "hurt" but from the realization that you are not on equal footing with someone else because of your skin color.
You can shit on whites if you like but the second you roast blacks or arabs or mexicans, it will mean your job.
Best recent example was that buzzfeed video "questions for black people". Now buzzfeed has been posting reductive bait like this for a while. "questions for white dudes from women" etc and it's always shit like "why do you want to touch my hair"
>literally who wants to touch some greasy chick's fro
But when buzzfeed finally came out with one of their dumb videos about blacks, the backlash was so strong that, for the first time, they apologized for their unfunny racist shit. only for that one video though.

>people are so arrogant they know they can get away with it.

>> No.11213656

Olivier Rousteing is a fucking hack and is ruining Balmain.

>> No.11213736

She looks like she's going down to Whoville

>> No.11213748

oy vey it's like another SHOAH

>> No.11213758


>> No.11213841

Why do you care? Serious question.

>> No.11213884

solid post

>> No.11213894
File: 177 KB, 564x375, n9iVNU0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

akhmed detected
post timestamped pic of skin color and eyebrows or leaf shitskin (^8

>> No.11214208


Balmain is succeeding because they are Kardashian-whoring.

>> No.11214720

Imagine if white people berated her for "appropriating white culture" the way black people do whenever they're mad about a white person doing something they perceive is "their's" or "their culture".

Too bad we're not a bunch of petty niggers.

>> No.11214727
File: 89 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true

>> No.11215154

You believe as european governments praise immigration at unprecedented levels?

>> No.11215202

If we're talking experientially, that's true but I don't think it's the case if one believes in an objective political spectrum.

>> No.11215215

You can, though. You just aren't as understanding of them as you think you are.

>> No.11215223

White women do like to touch ethnic hair, though. It's a thing.

>> No.11215242

Back to /cuck/

>> No.11215250

you are all so fucking stupid.

>> No.11215271

black people tell on people for mean words. they stalk people's instagrams and twitters to get them fired for mean words. they believe there's a difference between saying something mean about someone else's physical appearance and saying something mean about someone else's race

its laughable at best and i cant take anyone who takes this shit on board serious. word policing is the first sign of a gay cunt

>> No.11215313

and right wing parties that normally would have never been relevant are gaining traction europe wide. see austria, poland, brexit etc etc

do you think trump would have had a shot at presidency 10 years ago? no chance

what will the president that comes after trump look like?

what are your people gonna do when the scourge that is white nationalism rises?

we all lose once that happens and its happening as we speak

>> No.11216189

This thread isn't very /fa/.

>> No.11216442

is it true jews have sharp teeth? ive never met one irl. pls post teeth

>> No.11216563

It's angles, she looks like she had an allergic reaction to shellfish straight on.

>> No.11216568

Wtf thats not lil kim

>> No.11216688

I hate Trump but I'm getting really tired of people saying he's a racist because he wants to deport illegal immigrants. I'm totally against mass deportations by the way because it will be astronomically expensive just like every other idea he wants to put forth to "secure" this country.

>> No.11218232

lol fuckin stupid jew, being jewish is a religion not a race.

that being said, you arent white