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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 32 KB, 257x340, Michael_J._Fox_as_Marty_McFly_in_Back_to_the_Future,_1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11209653 No.11209653 [Reply] [Original]

Fa, I fucked up. I fucked up hard

>> No.11209661

I was dressing up normal as always this morning and didnt notice until just now.

I look like a low budget Marty McFly.
Kill me

>> No.11209669

post pic

>> No.11209674

and post boipucci too

>> No.11209686

Dont worry my man
Just shake it off

>> No.11209691
File: 662 KB, 750x1333, 20160424_114520(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I found a good connection

>> No.11209692

drop the undershirt and you'd look better and less martyish

>> No.11209697

can i be honest with you? and when i say honest i mean absolutely brutal.
you are so ugly, and i do mean ugly (you've got acne, you're fat, you are balding, you have terrible facial features), that it really won't matter what you wear. so cheer up man and feel comfortable wearing whatever you want. :)

>> No.11209699

>taking a picture with your laptop

>> No.11209709

Okay, dope.

Yeah, believe it or not I use to be worse.
Fatter, more acne. Whole shebang
Gonna take a while

Beats the flip phone Id use otherwise

>> No.11209712

You need a better haircut and glasses, it could possibly make you look less ugly.

>> No.11209726

Yeah, hairs a constant battle
Im lettin her grow out again for now.
Need somethin to work with.

Oh, and Im not balding.
Permanent deep peak, perpetually balding without ever going bald
>why live

>> No.11209910

good luck out there man

>> No.11209916
File: 48 KB, 500x282, pepe-the-frog-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Permanent deep peak

>> No.11209920

Yeah, I can't believe what I'm seeing.

He only wishes he could come close to that pic of McFly.

>> No.11209954

Holy hell, dude. You are really fucking ugly. I'm not even trolling here. Never seen anyone that looked more like a loser.

>> No.11209979

Ditch the glasses and get contacts, grow your hair out and style it with some product, lose the canadian dad outfit. Wear a plain, well-fitting button-down. Whatever you do lose the undershirt and keep it untucked. Wear slim-fitting, indigo jeans and plain white sneakers. You're gonna make it brah.

>> No.11210001
File: 393 KB, 1920x1080, DSC_0070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you think you've fucked up? I bought these shoes and a denim jacket for my future palewave outfit.
>I'll go kill myself real quick

>> No.11210012

Those are hideous, anon. What were you thinking?

>> No.11210016

I was thinking white but idk man...I'm a mess I guess

>> No.11210053

You look like the epitome of a dork right now. Dress better and lose weight and maybe you'll be decent. Drop that undershirt btw.

>> No.11210173

You look like you have downs syndrome desu dont worry about what you wear and get on steroids to make yourself super buff to make up for it.

>> No.11210194


Kill yourself.

That neckbeard is fucked. The giant fucking forehead isn't helping either.

>> No.11210248


>Yeah, believe it or not I use to be worse.
Fatter, more acne. Whole shebang
Gonna take a while

Keep at it man. I think you can look pretty good once you loose weight.

In the meantime. Make sure you grow your hair out a bit; I have hair similar to yours and I could never figure out why it looked like shit. Once I grew it out I realized that its much easier to keep it in place, has more texture and doesn't look so straight anymore. Keep your top a couple of inches long and keep the sides short (but not undercut-short). It will give your face some harder angles.

In general, you want to avoid cutting it to the length you have right now. Either go full buzzcut, or keep it medium length.

>> No.11210255

its not a laptop plebby mcpleb

>> No.11210589


Yeah, its wierd right?
Whole family has it, and no ones gone bald

Yeah I get it a lot.
Wont be winning any beuty pageants any time soon.
Just like you wont be winning any personality competitions.

Preciate it man.
Wish I could do contacts.
They dont offer my perscription though.

I...kinda like em

Id rather not.
It may not be pretty, but Ive got a good head on my shoulders

Thats the plan man

Its a size joke man. Bait?

>> No.11210956

>these are the people you argue with fashion about

>> No.11211029

Hi, I look like Leonardo DiCaprio today. FML, I fucked up today /fa/, I fucked up hard.

>> No.11211045

improve your skin, grow your hair out, lose face weight and get better glasses, quick

>> No.11211050

let us see

>> No.11211184
File: 481 KB, 2048x1536, 20160318_149632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, looking like Leonardo DiCaprio was a joke, but here's a pic anyway.

>> No.11211194

handsome guy

>> No.11211246

I never said I knew anything

If only :(
I will never look like Michael J in his youth.
Why live

How do lose face weight?
As far as I know there is no way to lose directly from the face

That jawline
Tippy top tier

>> No.11211247
File: 12 KB, 208x395, 13010760_242466929474761_2043125238772792902_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11211261

Whats up with all the balding old people... Trolls?

>> No.11211340

Old? Im 21 you little whipper snapper

>> No.11211386

where are your lips mayo

>> No.11211411

Where are yours?

>> No.11212376


Is that an iPad? lmfao

>> No.11212445
File: 2.17 MB, 2481x3289, skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i will never see a vagina

>> No.11212460

You look like the Governor from the Walking Dead.

>> No.11213790

You don't look anything like him

>> No.11213836

Honestly that fit is dope.

Just rock it, man.

>> No.11213858

>all these replies calling this kid a dork, a loser, etc

if you're too cowardly to post your face in a WAYWT thread.......then you really cant say shit bruh

>> No.11213955

Around your mom's cock, ya shit.

>> No.11215025

holy shit you guys are awful

>> No.11215087

people who are into fashion are 50% of the time really insecure and just project on other people, he wrote that message to himself and he doesn't even realize

>> No.11215122
File: 7 KB, 355x397, Smoking Jin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anywhere with anyone

>> No.11215142

You can change your body, yeah, but you're fucking disgusting to look at, can't help that.

I'm sorry buddy, but you'll never be something people lust after. Life can suck like that.

>> No.11215211

Just wanted to say that you've improved quite a biz. Not a /fa/ fit, but really decent and it makes you look thinner.