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/fa/ - Fashion

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11159926 No.11159926 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any embarrassing fashion stories?

When I was in 4th grade, I went to school dressed like Mario (it wasn't halloween). I wore brown boots, overalls, a red long sleeve shirt, and just some white knit gloves.

During class I only talked like Mario and made Mario noises, everyone thought I was a freak not funny and I eventually got sent to the principals office cause the teacher said I was being disruptive

>> No.11159937


>> No.11159953

im sure they put you in an autistic class after that

>> No.11159961


Is that how they treat children in the U.S. when one reveals creativity / intelligence?

>> No.11159963

mario noises arent a sign of intelligence

>> No.11159969

lmfao he is certainly "gifted"

>> No.11159970

>being socially inept is considered intelligent in wherever the fuck you come from

>> No.11159980

When I was either a sophmore or freshman in highschool I wore a collared shirt, tie, vest, and pocket watch every day. (with jeans and chucks)

After that I became ultra stereotypical skinny hipster and everyone thought I was cool but I still had no friends.

>> No.11159991


People who become famous actors are some of the most admired people in the world. Their skill is the ability to pretend to be someone else.

The kid in the OP story is only seen as retarded because he's unininhibition to express himself in a way that also involves performance art.


>> No.11159997

the biggest cuck on 4chan ladies and gentleman
so autistic he doesnt even realize hes autistic

>> No.11160024


ad hominem to you too, gentlesir.

>> No.11160318

Is this for real

>> No.11161983
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>> No.11162021
File: 25 KB, 480x480, savage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know axe had products other than body spray and deodorant, so my first week in middle school PE I tried to be cool and ask for some Axe real quick since I'd forgotten my deodorant. Some kid gave me a bottle of Axe shampoo, which I then smeared onto my armpits.

I wore mid-calf athletic socks back when the cool kids wore ankle socks.

Didn't wear a visible undershirt. All the cool kids did.

>> No.11162036

I would have one if I had actually gone to the park in my PJs, dressing gown(on that Lebowski wave and green sneakers) but fortunately I changed my mind at the last minute

I used to have some shitty thrifted double-breasted overcoat that I would wear over jeans, hoodies and t-shirts

>> No.11162039

When I was a kid I used to bleach my hair because I was a fan of Eminem

>> No.11162049

When I was like sixteen I once went to buy a fedora/trilby but, just before I got the chance, I spent all my money buying lunch for two of my friends

My life would be so different now if I didn't buy those lunches holy shit

>> No.11162074


I saw a rack of those hats at kohls when I was like 14, and expressed my interest in them. I was with my mom who shot me down right away. I thought she just didn't understand, but it was I who didn't understand.

Understanding the mindset should give me compassion for neckbeards who weren't as fortunate, but it does not.

>> No.11162088

I really hope you respect your mother

>> No.11162241

I went to school dressed as Lenin in 6th grade for historical figures day. Why my mother let me out of the house I do not know.

>> No.11162511

I did things like this regularly in elementary/middle school. Full autismo/adhd ALL the time.
Then I grew up and did stuff like this in highschool for many years while I maintaining a personality of edgelord "intellectual".
Then I wore a wicker fedora freshman year of college every single day.

I am a now 23 and successful in my career, have a beautiful girlfriend, respect from my peers, and a very happy and fulfilling life.

Lesson? Actually there is none here, I'm probably 1 in a million now that I'm thinking about it. But still, don't be so judgy: no one knows what the hell theyre doing and especially not when theyre young.

>> No.11162519

>Then I started tripfagging on 4chan
Let this guy be a warning to you, kids. It never actually gets better.

>> No.11162555

Boyo, people ASKED me to start tripfagging in a thread that people started ABOUT me.

I post like 4 times a month on this strangely always off-topic board, but I figure that if even one of those people recognize me and appreciate it then that makes it worth it since I imagine normal, well-adjusted people aren't gonna be bothered by my little 4chan tripcode :)

>> No.11162599
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>normal, well-adjusted people

>> No.11162625
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I'm talkin "jeans, boots, and a t-shirt wearin" kinda normies.

I'm talkin "family-lovin, party-havin, job-wielding, sports-watchin, dog-ownin, full-blown respectable and happily normal normies just having normie-orgies with their normie friends" kinda normies.

We came, we saw, and now we casually lurk and occassionally post on all your 4chans :^)

>> No.11162631

As a junior in high school I ended up wearing a superman logo, batman logo, and batman beyond logo t-shirt nearly every week the entire year. My grandma did our laundry pretty often so they were always on the top of my clothes. Didn't mind back then but now realize how awful it must have looked. Oh well

>> No.11162673
File: 23 KB, 335x267, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a short time, I was fascinated with WW1's Sargeant Alvin York. In second or third grade, I went to school dressed as him, uniform, moustache, and all. I felt great.