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/fa/ - Fashion

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11160129 No.11160129 [Reply] [Original]

What does /fa/ think of dyed hair on guys? Is it okay as long as they don't have emo hair, or if it fits with the rest of their aesthetic?

>> No.11160135
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>> No.11160141
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>> No.11160144

never ok

>> No.11160146
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>> No.11160156
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>> No.11160183

Literally every picture in this thread looks fucking awful, even though the dudes aren't bad looking. It's bad. Don't.

>> No.11160210

You should do it, If you are a faggot

>> No.11160256

as with many other things, unnatural hair color usually only looks good (not le quirky le freaky haha) on already attractive people. and those people would look even better with a natural hair color.

>> No.11160264

looks shit on girls. looks even shitter on boys.
Only reason I don't complain about it on girls because dyed hair chicks always fuck on the first date.

>> No.11160265

really just depends on ur style 2bqh

>> No.11160267

what if they just dye the tips???

>> No.11160268


>> No.11160289

Thats fine but I'm still gonna assume you're DTF :)
There's plenty of guys who love dyed hair girls.

>> No.11160334

If you're over 18 it's just pathetic...

If you're a child then that's alright I guess. Kids are always experimenting and trying to be edgy and shit so yea

>> No.11160575



>> No.11160652


Do any of these men look like they could carry on an intellectual conversation?
The answer, in case you were wondering, is no. You can figure out the rest from here.

>> No.11160686

are you fucking serious right now

>> No.11160693

In my opinion do it if you're asian or indian.
Because you all look the same.

>> No.11160699

hes right tho

>> No.11160715

These "men" look like Tumblrina wannabes. Their interests include indie bands, riding bicycles, expensive lates, and Bernie Sanders.

>> No.11160750

If you're a faggy twitch streamer. Otherwise nooooo.

>> No.11161068

sounds like something a reddit gentleman would say

>> No.11161093

Only pure bleach.

>> No.11161095

As odd as it sounds, I think you're right kek

>> No.11161114

Natural colours, okay as long as they dye beard and eyebrows too
Unnatural but subdued colours (or bleach blonde), depends on the person but again you have to match the rest of your body hair or it's weird
Warning colours like OP or the rest of the pictures in this topic, not okay ever

>> No.11161600
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>implying nu-males have any bodymods or dyed hair

only SJW females have this look. males look as conservative and boring as possible to look "mature" and "paternal"

>> No.11161648

It's only OK if you're under 24 and going for an edgy or punk look and if you're a musician or an artist. Or if you're gay like the guys in those pics

>> No.11161710

Yeah natural colors, black, and bleach are the only acceptable dyes desu

Everything else is pretty dumb looking

>> No.11161798

>In my opinion do it if you're Asian or Indian
>In my opinion do it if you're Asian or Asian

>> No.11162193

not op but what about white hair? is that too faggy at this point?

>> No.11162240

I think that dyed hair with a punk aesthetic would look pretty dope, but only if you could hop in a time machine and go back to when punk was relevant.

Otherwise nah, dyed hair usually looks like shit for men, the only real exception being older men with full heads of gray hair who don't want to have gray hair.

>> No.11162249

I've seen guys that die their hair and they all looked like betas that are trying to be edgy.

>> No.11162720

So general consensus - it's a stretch, but borderline acceptable if it's really in line with your look, a more alt aesthetic or whatever? What fits in there? Musicians, skaters, art students?

>> No.11162749


>> No.11162753

Yeah, but dyed hair chicks are 9000% more likely to cry rape after you never talk to them again

>> No.11162771

Poo in loo here
Would an all silver/grey hair work for me
maybe i can pull off an ishvalan aesthetic

>> No.11162779
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white is the only acceptable non-natural color
not even memeing

>> No.11162788

To be fair "Asian" refers to people with mongoloid facial structure and not people from Asia.

Indian people do not have this, and India is usually referred to as a subcontinent.

On-topic: It's bad on females and worse on males. Early greying (natural) could be kinda aesthetic, though.

>> No.11162801
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>> No.11162811


>> No.11162829

only looks good on teenage korean bois desu

>> No.11163694

I want to dye my hair like a purple, silver-ish color, is there a name for that?

>> No.11163736

Careful with that edge, you might cut yourself.

>> No.11163770

Is jet black hair /fa/?

>> No.11163786

It's nice, and much better than warning colour hair.

>> No.11165357


>> No.11165393

Remember when it was a weeboo thing for women to die their hair? Now it's a sjw thing.

>> No.11165395

>literally judging just because someone dyes their hair

you're literally in the top percentile of most impressionable

how do you "look" like you can carry on an intellectual conversation when it's all based on mentality and not look


>> No.11165412


>> No.11165418

>>literally judging just because someone dyes their hair
not him, but what your wear/how you look can say a lot about you. If i was a woman who didn't take care of herself, had dyed hair, and the old lady 'problem' glasses, would you want to start a conversation with me about politics?

Sure, you could be right that this women doesn't have the same ideals, but it's the rule and not the exception.

>> No.11165420
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been thinking about dying the mohawk light-blue
yes or no?

>> No.11165426

But your mohawk is only on top?

i would personally say no unless you're young like -24

>> No.11165446

90% of those people just look jewish

>> No.11165448

you're swayed too much by image and pop culture. you're basing them off on one perspective

of course what you wear/how you look can say a lot about you, but that doesn't necessarily mean they lack depth based on it. the only rule to an intellectual conversation is if you can keep up with it and not deter from the subject; i.e not how you look.

>> No.11165557
File: 29 KB, 640x347, Ryan-Gosling-Place-Beyond-the-Pines-e1364545412596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to dye my hair this color. I feel like you have to be really attractive to pull it off though.

>> No.11165582

>but that doesn't necessarily mean they lack depth based on it.
Specific kinds of people follow certain trends without caring about their context. These kinds trends create potent memes in these people for specific reasons.

>you're swayed too much by image and pop culture.

People aren't that deep, and we're easily brainwashed into following certain pattern as if they're our own thoughts if the message is repetitive enough in their subconscious.

>you're basing them off on one perspective
The dyed hair, problem glasses, ugly feminist look is a stereotype that has encroached on media. Have you see that asian lead for the new starwars?

>> No.11165583


>> No.11165586

If you're 18-22 and still in school, go for it.

If you're a professional, don't bother.

>> No.11165757

>Getting triggerd by tumblrina
>Thinking only reddit hates you

kys, you whale.

>> No.11165767

>Careful with that edge, you might cut yourself.
Being against tumblr and being conservative is edge now?

>> No.11165775
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>> No.11165782
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>> No.11165786
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>> No.11165790
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>> No.11165793
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>> No.11165800
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>> No.11166043

Was about to fall for le pastel hair maymay but when I got the full lift in preparation to do so, I loved how it looked and stuck with that

>> No.11166069

platinum blonde looks dope on some

>> No.11166246

I bet this guy's essential item to any outfit is a fedora.

>> No.11166339
File: 396 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20160413_013235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried for the first time was looking for a grey-ish but got that boy band blonde, rate hate tips whatevers bros

>> No.11166344

i might pull it off?

>> No.11166349


>> No.11166362

>What does /fa/ think of dyed hair on guys?
Hate it.