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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 700x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11089940 No.11089940 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11089955
File: 2.52 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-03-22-14-11-34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start it off with a repost from the end of last thread I guess

>> No.11089959
File: 2.39 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_0841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was sick today, but this is what I would've worn.

>> No.11089964
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>> No.11089981
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Not a fan of the flannel colors, cute legs and hair though
I like the color palate but the pieces aren't so flattering on your figure

>> No.11089984
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>> No.11089987

dude, we've told you before... those pants are terrible. plz stop wearing them. stick to black or super dark denim.

>> No.11089997
File: 555 KB, 2048x1152, tmp_20073-20160323_0926411183593850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today now

>> No.11090013
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>> No.11090129
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Kinda got lazy today, walked to the donut shop down street.

>> No.11090135

really like all of this

>> No.11090136

does this mean ur going to stop shitposting the same fit now

>> No.11090138

jacket and jumper id?

>> No.11090140

literally shit. embarrassing.

>> No.11090148
File: 1.03 MB, 1464x3331, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damir Doma
Our Legacy

>> No.11090162


>> No.11090176

Does that bomber have a mesh on the back? How does it feel like?

>> No.11090180

Yeah it does, the Jupit bomber
I'm trying to sell it tho, didn't fit me like I wanted, but I really appreciate the design and details. The mesh is pretty nice, open straight through

>> No.11090183
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>> No.11090193

jeans look awkward

bad colors ans shoes

you're good at matching colors but nothing ever really fits you flatteringly

basic but acceptable


oh fuck

fuck off

really bad man


congrats you look like a secretary

>> No.11090219

ew reddit ffa tier

>> No.11090221


>> No.11090230

looks bad, sorry

>> No.11090236

What are you drinking?

>> No.11090238


>> No.11090353


>> No.11090363
File: 3.20 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20160323124338452_20160323124423840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God created man, Sam Colt made man equal.

>> No.11090368

i like it. maybe lose the bracelets.

>> No.11090372

Damir's bombers are pretty baggy, I guess you wanted it more fitted. But it looks fine as it is.

>> No.11090393

Yeah i was, didn't fit my style
You wanna buy it tho?

>> No.11090413

Nice, but would recommend roomier pants.

Normcore, looks fine

Pants are really weird

Learn to rotate

Lmao, this is horrible

Learn to rotate

Ugly pile of shit

Get lower socks. Get rid of the shorts, replace the shoes.

Really nice

Alright, cute pattern

kys fag

>> No.11090426

Thanks, mate, but I have the Jacus bomber already, I've considered both but chose the Jacus due to colder weather here, I thought wind would pierce the thing through the mesh.

>> No.11090435

Where do you live?
The Jupit is actually pretty decent all the way down to 0c in the mornings and is probably rather perfect in the summers

>> No.11090437

>walked to the donut shop
of course you did

>> No.11090465 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11090469 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11090476

Moscow, It's really cold for 8 out of 12 months here.
–5c atm

>> No.11090513

I see, the problem wouldn't really be the mesh in my experience but the thickness of the shell in that case

>> No.11090595
File: 530 KB, 1209x3010, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to wear boots today

>> No.11090622

w2c pants

>> No.11090640


>> No.11090658
File: 614 KB, 1603x2973, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reining Champ, FairPlay, Diesel, Stans.

>> No.11090678
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>> No.11090683

Diesel is pretty terrible

>> No.11090684


>> No.11090719

Such a subtle combination of bland, ugly, tryhard and characterless.

I wish I could fault you for not trying to look cool, but those pants and undershirt say "wannabe grunge skater" and yet somehow you manage to make your fit look terribly uninspired and inoffensive.

>> No.11090720

Are you a caterpillar?

>> No.11090731


>> No.11090732

Simultaneously eloquent and savage af.

>> No.11090733

halo denim?

>> No.11090870

Nice, I like the muted brown on the flannel.
pants look really weird, but the color scheme is solid.
omg soooooo bad
stick to normcore
looks good
hootin and hollerin
looks dope. I wish my pants would stack up so perfectly.

>> No.11090871
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>> No.11090894


>> No.11090907

dude youre nextleveling

>> No.11090929
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>> No.11090953

aha fuck me

>> No.11090963
File: 684 KB, 1440x2404, Snapchat-3145931224011720752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finna ball core.
meet me at the court see me in these streets.

>> No.11091013
File: 1.12 MB, 918x1632, 2016-03-23 17.19.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beaters on @ the aquarium

>> No.11091015
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What would this be


>> No.11091017

absolute shit both of you, particularly the girl

>> No.11091031

thnx daddy

>> No.11091034


Current trends core

>> No.11091035

r u the guy, furry, or girl

would fuck/10

>> No.11091040


>> No.11091042


sick af

>> No.11091043
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Trying to keep it simple

>> No.11091044
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>> No.11091048


actually dope as shit

I know what you are going for but those shoes are shit. I think the fit would be better with some shoes with a really small profile like all black emokid vans or something

>> No.11091050

post fit

also when i opened that pic i literally could smell the smell of shit, even though i know its not shit

>> No.11091053

yeah those shoes look fucking huge on that fit, but i'd never wear that actual fit in public DESU. i wear that hoodie with a bomber over it, and some normal pants with those shoes

>> No.11091058
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>> No.11091061

i love u so much stance.

>> No.11091068

huaraches are really out of place, but i like the concept

>> No.11091071

please be grill

>> No.11091076

Fucking digusting.
Kill yourself, my man

>> No.11091080

What does that handsing mean?

Btw, isnt there an infographic with more signs meanings?

>> No.11091109

The stans I know you have would be really cool here. Also post shoe collection.

>> No.11091169
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>> No.11091222

nice 90s cup in the trashcan

v aesthetic

>> No.11091234

Lol fucking horrid, fuckbois ITT don't know what they are talking about
Maybe you should watch a damir doma show at least once in your lifetime so you don't completely ruin the look with this normcore meme shit

>> No.11091255
File: 85 KB, 720x960, waywt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new jeans :-)

>> No.11091261

nice maybe a different color on the shoes though

>> No.11091272

kys my man

>> No.11091289

what would you suggest? I've looked around at white shoes recently but always feel weird in all whites for some reason.

>> No.11091292

where did you get em

>> No.11091328


>> No.11091355
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Hawaiian shirt hwednesday
Srry if rotated... On mobile

>> No.11091375


>> No.11091382


>> No.11091400

wanna fuck?

>> No.11091432


>> No.11091447

6/10 not my taste but not bad
6/10 not sure how i feel about jean hem
would be a 7/10 if jeans fit
change shoes or jean and it would look better. they clash
b8? slobcore? slackercore? shitcore?
get some normal chino shorts and this wouldnt be a 2/10
7/10 good
good but nothing special. I personally think peep toes look weird cause they distort how toes normally look.
this would be much better with a white shirt
good but uninspired
ok but boring. not feeling the jeans but that might just be my taste
looks fine. obviously loose weight tho
fine cant tell the fit though. fix ur fingers
it looks like you have about .2 inches of chin
this is close to being good but every clothing piece is just off. shoes are wayyy to clunky, pants dont hang well and i dont like the stripes, bad lettering on jacket. sleeves look dumb.
looks ok. jeans could be less tight
cahnge shoes to stans or black CPs or something and this would be dope
i actually like this. id lose the belt though
colors dont work great but decent
it works for some reason

>> No.11091462
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tasteful gyno on #4

>> No.11091480
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shoes got kind of cut out,
they're plain white leather lacoste's

>> No.11091492

military ninja? idk man, not feeling it mostly because it makes your thighs look huge
the whole outfit is kind of jumping into naruto territory

>> No.11091498


>> No.11091506

yeah, the cargos i'm wearing fit like jodhpurs. can look cool sometimes, but can also look goofy as shit
>the whole outfit is kind of jumping into naruto territory
thank u

>> No.11091516
File: 2.56 MB, 2448x3264, a fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of an old fit of mine from last year. I think it's alright, personally.

>> No.11091533

i think it'd look cool if you lost some weight for 'em or switched to black skinnies
the pants are what scream naruto and if that's cool with you then it's not a prob
still a doper fit than 90% of the stuff in here

>> No.11091587

that jacket looks horribly uncomfortable

>> No.11091613


>> No.11091617
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>> No.11091626
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WTF, lol, this is cringe.

>> No.11091630

Do you usually post under trip? I see you a lot on here and fits are usually sick

>> No.11091646

no cohesion at all

>> No.11091667
File: 535 KB, 2121x3771, 2016-03-24 00.24.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¿Me este effay?

>> No.11091673
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>> No.11091681


>> No.11091684


Kingdom Hearts 3 doesn't come out for another year, friend

>> No.11091687

we out here in 80 degree heat

>> No.11091694

the collar's pretty annoying but only when sitting with it unzipped
cozy as fuck aside from that

>> No.11091695

huh? its called streetwear

>> No.11091700

pants fit poorly gucci belt is out of place and it seems like you just threw it together to flex

>> No.11091757
File: 643 KB, 1504x2850, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fell for the vivobarefoot meme early on but I like how they look

>> No.11091759

lol hater

>> No.11091770

i find you depressing to look at

>> No.11091784

not bad but fix your watch autist

>> No.11091787

Show me how it's done bb
Post fit

>> No.11091798

it's not the fit as much as it is your face
you look like you fucked up massively at some point

>> No.11091804

>at some point
when he was born? ayyyy lmao

>> No.11091819
File: 325 KB, 750x1334, 2016-03-23 09.17.46 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.11091827
File: 118 KB, 666x999, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look like you fucked up massively at some point
A guy eats a slice of bread 2 months ago and can never live it down
It was a moment of weakness asshole

>> No.11091831

nice memes you tool

>> No.11091839

Yes I'm fucking kanyetier, but I would like to see also a fit from you

>> No.11091841

> 1/10
> 3/10
> 2/10
> fuck off/10

the verdict is: Youre a faggot

>> No.11091844


>> No.11091846

Thats not even kanye tier kanye doesnt wear that

>> No.11091860

Lmao I cut my hair later today, you don't like the shoes just because they are hyped up without any reason, you don't like top because is not archive raf or Helmut, I know that is not a fit that will have success on /fa, but it's WAYWT thread so why not show what I wore in a Wednesday morning

>> No.11091862
File: 110 KB, 640x853, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my gear senpai

>> No.11091869

K bro I won't do it again I promise

>> No.11091878

all wrong, i hate the shoes because they look like zebra print, i dressed like that in middle school is the only reason 1/10, idc about designer

>> No.11091880

Dude this is awesome. Seriously keep it up

>> No.11091888
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Better? Don't consider the shoes if u hate them so much

>> No.11091897
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>> No.11091900

i like the jewelry. reminds me of Eddie Murphy in Boomerang

>> No.11091903

those glasses are excellent
The coat's not bad either

>> No.11091905
File: 259 KB, 755x2392, Snapchat-6420102797456960241-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? Shirt is temporary til another one comes in the mail (still black)
>tfw hips

>> No.11091908
File: 38 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complement sandwich:
First of all, nice trips. Well done
you have an unusual and chaotic, but not pleasing, sense of style
But you look like you might have some money so there's that

>> No.11091909

trips dont lie, way better

id like the first fit if the denim jacket was a size bigger, not as tight pants either

>> No.11091913
File: 281 KB, 1024x1024, Cc0OJNtWwAIUm50 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11091919

Lurk more

>> No.11091924


>> No.11091927


>> No.11091931

I feel you on the denim jacket, you can clearly see the poor quality so I'm trying to save up for something better. The pants are tight but a lot is because of the perspective, I look like I have a giant head and small legs, thank you for a serious answer

>> No.11091937

Aaron who?

>> No.11091957
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>> No.11091961

delete this

>> No.11091964
File: 3.75 MB, 5312x2988, 20160314_165159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did I do?

>> No.11092002
File: 221 KB, 1024x912, 9ZyAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

/fa/ can you dress yourselves?
About 9/10ths of this shit is super cringy.

Like one step away from flame master tier.

>> No.11092015

w2c hat?

>> No.11092029


>> No.11092060

For real, how does anyone take this board seriously if this is any indication of the userbase. The only vaguely decent looking one here is the black dude.

>> No.11092070

talkshit postafit

>> No.11092095

looking good f a m (anyone else hate how /fa/ automatically turns f a m into senpai whenever you write it?)

>> No.11092110
File: 510 KB, 1698x2902, 20160322_144650~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XD hello

>> No.11092118

Shoes ruin it

>> No.11092130

How much do they ruin it

>> No.11092138

They don't 'ruin' it, I suppose, but they look kinda clowny with those pants (1461s look really good with cropped jeans btw, you should try that out), and they don't fit the overall skater aesthetic.

>> No.11092150

i completely agree. maybe if they were more like military boots

>> No.11092151

I like the fit, but I think a less chunky show would fit more. Other than that its great.

>> No.11092164


Okay i agree with you, it does look like a mix of looks/styles but i dont have many shoes, ill try to get some black military boots if i can. Thanks.

>> No.11092170
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>> No.11092186
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>> No.11092189

I'm not the biggest fan of the hoodie or hat. Aside from that nice fit. Socially acceptable palewave. Consider a cardigan.

>> No.11092199

10/10 bb

drop the nike sb hoodie (i swear you posted this same fit and i gave you the same crit?) and change shoes. other than that solid


everything was great until i saw your nails. are you a troll or a hobbit or something? looks like you got toenails for nails. nasty, plz groom them
gr8 until memeshoe

>> No.11092248
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>> No.11092278

w2c jacket?

>> No.11092287


>> No.11092290


>> No.11092296

W2c jacket

>> No.11092300

Allsaints Mandino bomber

>> No.11092327


>> No.11092361


it's the lighting I swear

>> No.11092365

both very clean.

>> No.11092412

the fit is great except for the hoodie

>> No.11092441

Why you lookin like Yung Sherman.

>> No.11092449

>a glass of whiskey
>and diesel jeans

>> No.11092461

I knew it. The hoodie was a placeholder anyways

>> No.11092580
File: 45 KB, 539x960, 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some inspo

>> No.11092658

blow some aaron this dick

>> No.11092691

lemme suck yo feet

>> No.11093048

U so savage

>> No.11093050

occular patdown/10

>> No.11093070
File: 114 KB, 435x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little bit different today

>> No.11093081

not me but you just wasted money on the bomber wearing it with lightwash jeans and stan smiths

>> No.11093088

>this thread
I want to say it's all bait, but Christ where could it all be coming from?

>> No.11093089

>implying i'm the guy that posted the fit

>> No.11093091 [DELETED] 

post a fit
be the change you want to see

>> No.11093094

post a fit
be the change you want to see

>> No.11093096

I've posted in a few threads and been generally well accepted. I know they say "you don't need to be a chef to know the food is shit" but Christ if this is who is giving me tips

>> No.11093098

not a bad fit

shame you never your house

>> No.11093105

Thats why in selling it

>> No.11093112

not seeing a fit

>> No.11093115

Lol which fit is yours? Did he upset you?

>> No.11093123

i hate seeing people bitch about shit without doing anything to change it
i'll link mine once he posts his

>> No.11093132

underrated post

>> No.11093149

"you have an unusual and chaotic, but not pleasing, sense of style" is such a funny combination of words

>> No.11093155

cant really tell whats going on

>> No.11093159


>> No.11093163

>that fat ass head
>that skinny body
damn, senpai. your parents fucked you up.

>> No.11093177

it always looks very distorted on my phone idk why but my head is actually in proportion

>> No.11093237

still terrible fit. you have palewave on the top, and edgy kid at the bottom. get pale jeans, and lose the jacket. also, let the hair lose, and not directed like it's about to go to a nazi convention.
the sneakers, I'd change to something more light. you could really pull of the palewave look, since you're tall, and lanky. the shirt is a solid, you can keep that shit on.

>> No.11093239

Thanks for the critic!
I only have a pretty wide pair of pale jeans as posted previously but I'm looking for some skinny/straight ones

>> No.11093256




>> No.11093266

i'd be pissed if i copped a damir doma jacket and it was 2 sizes too big

>> No.11093269

Was a Small but I didn't cop it no where nere retail anyways

>> No.11093274

I need a translation for that sentence ahah

>> No.11093291

Cool, I always save your fits, looks like you know what you're doing.

>> No.11093381


>> No.11093458


>> No.11093482


>> No.11093484

you look like a middle schooler

>> No.11093504
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>> No.11093550
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>> No.11093555


>> No.11093567

damn senpai this is amazing

>> No.11093589
File: 2.18 MB, 1080x1920, mynewfalcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11093624

nice af

>> No.11093678

this is bait but in case it's not los angeles?

>> No.11093776
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>> No.11093778

phone has been stolen, so gotta use the camera...

>> No.11093867
File: 302 KB, 1091x1014, IMG_5770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have lost 35~ pounds since I last posted

>> No.11093887

could be better if you used less blue
p.good fit
good work

>> No.11093927
File: 3.61 MB, 4128x3096, IMG_20160324_154800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11093980

i feel like you should have really hairy arms, either way your body type is now desirable

>> No.11094000

Really senpai?

>> No.11094004

don't cuff your pants
lose more weight
lift more
acquire body hair
become strongdadcore

>> No.11094012
File: 2.25 MB, 1614x2152, me the return.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up dinguses here i am again with a fit. im goin on a journey to seattle today!

>> No.11094013

What pants are those?

>> No.11094015
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>> No.11094034

Socks are big fat no and would prefer shoes to be a little less bulky
Tshirt is cute but leather shorts I'm not so big on, maybe a wool skirt or something

>> No.11094042

What the fuck is this shit? The shirt is the only decent thing here. Also, lose weight. Fat pig.

>> No.11094051

The new Uniqlo x Lemaire elasticated pants! Not worth the money but I love mid/high rise pants.
Never noticed that my arms aren't that hairy. Maybe I'll hit second puberty?

>> No.11094058
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>> No.11094065

wys junior why u on /fa/ /fa/m

>> No.11094096

lookbook core

aka not a waywt, just playing dress up 4 the internet

prepare for vetements to be irrelevant in 2 months

>> No.11094114

wow this shit is terrible

fucking teenagers

>> No.11094117

It's not the pants. It's his autistic pear shaped body.

>> No.11094118

post fit

>> No.11094123
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>> No.11094151

pretty nice I think
I like the colors you have going on with the shirt and the shoes

>> No.11094159

tosp tif

>> No.11094162

this is pretty nice not sure if the shoes go with the rest of the fit too well but not bad at all

>> No.11094165

I'm gonna be honest and say that thumbhole thing is terrible. I've never seen it look good. You always end up reminding me of those 2006 autist emos, who did the same thing.

>> No.11094174

please dont tell me you thrifted that hoodie too, i need it

>> No.11094196

trying too hard

>> No.11094202

not sure if i fuck with the shoes here but i'm sure you heard that before

god damn i remember you man

whats going on with your knee here

is your hat too small or your hair too loud


>> No.11094210

Great fit, shirt is voidthebrand right?

>> No.11094216
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>shit tier elevator pic

>> No.11094238

goes well with the shit tier fit

>> No.11094348
File: 2.61 MB, 1810x3125, wasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok fine


>> No.11094370

eh not bad but shoes look like something old people in a retirement home would wear. white is fine but go for sneakers

>> No.11094378

yes sir its a goodwill find

>> No.11094382

Thank for your opinion

>> No.11094418

Great fit as per usual, w2c hoodie?

>> No.11094424

Good work man, I like the general aesthetic of this fit, but I might change out the high-waisted pants until you've lost a little bit more weight, overall good job though man.

>> No.11094430

Good fit

>> No.11094435

Nice fit, like the earthtone vibe, and excellent silhouette.

>> No.11094438

I don't get it, what?

>> No.11094565

not really in much of a position to be talking shit

>> No.11094573

thanks my man, i found it at goodwill

>> No.11094628

Hoodie under a hooded parka? Cmon man.

>> No.11094647

Fucking laughed anon

>> No.11094669

I want to laugh too, what the fuck does it mean.

>> No.11094704

last time i saw you was on 8ch

>> No.11094730

id on pants?

>> No.11094764


Guys, you have to understand that you look shit no matter what you wear.

> but why anon

Because everyone of you have disgusting bodys. The majority of you were auschwitz mode skelly's wearing skinny clothes which makes it even more awkward.
Then there were some chubby and fat guys, who look like literal jokes.

It doesnt matter what you wear, because your body ruins the whole look.

A /fit/ guy could wear ANYTHING and look good in it.

I know that this is /fa/ and its simply about fashion. But you also try to look good with this "fashion" right? Well let me tell you that you all look shit. When you walk outside, everyone will think " fuck, he looks completely awkward and weird".

Seriously guys just work out and you will look god tier in everything you wear.

>> No.11094776
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>> No.11094783
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>> No.11094790
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post a fit

>> No.11094793

Lurk more

>> No.11094794


Its the harsh truth brother. But that doesnt mean that you have to be upset about it.

Posting comments saying im a troll or bait doesnt change the fact that everything i said is true.

But hey, getting fit is something that everyone can do. So i dont really see the problem here.

>> No.11094795

where did you hide the bodies

>> No.11094798

Lose some weight fatty. At least you walked to the shop..

>> No.11094799
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Actual autism

>> No.11094802


>> No.11094832
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Under my bed.

>> No.11094841

The pants would look much nicer without the stripes, and slimmer shoes would look nice, but still a solid 7/10 fit. I would almost categorize your fit as comfycore though.

>> No.11094844
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man in black/10

>> No.11094845

You have a minority opinion. There are threads on this board literally dedicated to people being slim and flat. Every runway show uses slim models. Maybe the opinion is different in /fit/, but you alone cannot assert the opinion of the public.

>> No.11094852

You are dressed like a autist.
You look like a retard.

>> No.11094862

One small detail though
>everyone will think " fuck, he looks completely awkward and weird"
Actually no one gives a shit.

>> No.11094878

>tfw not quoted

feels good

>> No.11094886

what model are the skinny adidas trackpants you're wearing in that fit with the response trails

>> No.11095037

Accurate. Also fuck Georgia

>> No.11095125
File: 3.23 MB, 1013x1520, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North End/Jerzees/Bear Bottoms/Uniqlo/Adidas

>> No.11095141


im embarassed to share a state with u m8.

>> No.11095254

disgusting fit no way to salvage it
lose weight

>> No.11095259

fit is fine but you're only going to look like trash unless you lose weight no matter what you wear

>> No.11095265

how are your legs so fat

>> No.11095278

how is that relevant to anything?
they're not fat, i just dont skip leg day

>> No.11095308

lil adonis

>> No.11095331


>> No.11095335


did you fall for the SS meme?

stop squatting so much and so often

>> No.11095376

I did SS and have big quads but still look fine in pants>>11092580

he's just fat

>> No.11095381

Literally no definition in those legs. You're a str8 fatty.

>> No.11095461

lmao this has to be bait, why are your legs literally twice the size of your entire body