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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 44 KB, 640x640, 12716773_232170537119984_252093788_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11074681 No.11074681 [Reply] [Original]

Have you accepted the queen of /fa/?

>> No.11074684

Mallnutrition? How the fuck is she the queen of /fa/ when she doesn't post here, or do anything really outside of her own life, other than occasionally posting good fits (on her tumblr)

>> No.11074685

I'm completely and utterly in love with her; and it makes me sad knowing
> she'll never be your waifu ;-;

>> No.11074686

Who is that?

>> No.11074688

Yeah lol she's totally uninterested in a relationship and is probably the most cold girl I've seen on the internet. Its pretty cool

>> No.11074694

is this that half korean half white bitch who is practically a white girl but insists on hating white people

>> No.11074696

who is this?, tumblr link

>> No.11074697

Reminds me of those Hapa weirdos who blame all of their life problems on the fact that their dad is white and their mom is asian. It's the funniest shit ever until you realize that they're the community of idiots like Elliot Roger.

>> No.11074698

Shes hot. What else is there to need in life until she gets old?

>> No.11074699

Idk, I like girls who are more emotionally open and don't seem like they'd make fun of you if you ever feel sad

>> No.11074701

I don't remember her URL, but I follow her on tumblr

>> No.11074704

I'm saying the fact that she doesn't want a relationship is because she doesn't need one.
She's got a ton of internet goons fawning over her and girls try to be her. Of course she can act like a cunt, she gets attention regardless. Hot people have it so easy, I'm jealous I can't openly be an asshole.

>> No.11074713

What's her name/ tumblr

>> No.11074715

name is melissa
don't remember her tumblr, i stopped following her because she was a massive cunt and not actually that attractive after a while of seeing her selfies

>> No.11074722

True, people are literally buying her shit just because she looks good. She got poor people buying her books and shit, and people come to her to vent and whatnot. Its like having a bunch of relationships but never having to actually commit to anyone. MBN

>> No.11074726

can you blame them? imagine if all the yellow fever cucks on here became dads...not a fate i'd wish on any child desu

>> No.11074727
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She will always be the true queen of /fa/

>> No.11074743


>> No.11074779

that's theos tumblr

>> No.11074789
File: 501 KB, 513x479, 1411717828423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she a virgin?

>> No.11074800

She is, but you guys are fucking creeps.

>> No.11074808

from rose to nao fuck you 4chan

>> No.11074814

She looks surgically enhanced.

>> No.11074815

why does she look so fake? even her nose look fake. wtf

>> No.11074818

Apparently, she said she has never gotten it done. She said she'd want it, don't know if she was serious.

>> No.11074821

Lmfao what a ugly mutt

>> No.11074935

My girlfriends best friend is half Asian, she's the biggest cunt I've met in all my life. She literally hates herself and wishes she was Japanese (her Asian side is south East Asian) and all she talks about is black lives matter and other pseudo revolutionary tripe. She's been trying to get my girlfriend and I broken up ever since I disagreed with her on a political point of view. I weep for the future in which I'll bring my child up in.

>> No.11074946


lol that's because they're a product of a sexually fetishising, racist father and a self-loathing whore of a mother.

Literally google every single hapa that's been on the news for horrendous crimes and you find out all their dad are white.

That's what you get when you have a betacuck of a father who couldn't land a white girl and has to move to asia to get laid.

-hapa with white dad

>> No.11074952

I don't quite understand it, though. My girlfriend is Asian. Ok, nobody is going to believe me here but I went with her for how she is, I still prefer white females.

Her mother pretty much still has a postage stamp on her head desu, so there's a lot of differences between her parents and my relationship, still worrying.

>> No.11074956
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truly the worst feel

hapa girls have been the cutest girls i've ever met yet the craziest personalities

>> No.11074959

literally whom

>> No.11074968


>> No.11074971


is she cute tho?

>> No.11074972

Of course all their dads will be white... It's simply more common than an Asian dad.

Besides, by saying your father couldn't land a white woman, puts them on a pedestal and implies Asian women are less worthy, sounds to me like you have some insecurities about not being fully white.

>> No.11074973


Your son will be an Elliot Rodger, and your daughter will be a Mayli.

My condolences.

>> No.11074977

I'd destroy Maylos boipucci t bh lads

>> No.11074979

Thank you for the concern, I'm sure I'll be fine as long as they don't inherit the awful ego, self entitlement and identity complex that typically goes hand in hand with half Asians.

>> No.11074994

being with people that look like you is natural. What I said was more about my father not being able to get with a woman of his own race so he had to look elsewhere taking advantage of his white privileges. Yes it exists

you proved my point. You want white girls but settled for an Asian girl. You don't need much effort to land a self-hating asian whore. Most white dads are racist, I've seen this throughout my entire life. How can you NOT expect your kids to be fucked up holy shit

>> No.11075010

I didn't prove your point. I chose my girlfriend based upon her personality. What I was trying to say, was that I didn't choose my girlfriend because she's Asian (fetishisation) and more based on her values and personality. Before her I didn't really consider being with somebody non-White. Do you honestly think I'd put up with the cultural differences, along with being called yellow fever, racist, peado and gay due to the race of my girlfriend? All to play out some fetish or because I couldn't get anybody else?

I've had multiple people say I could do better and I get enough female attention, I didn't settle and she certainly didn't throw herself at me.

>> No.11076002

Lmfao that's beyond true. I live in Taipei for school and whites have a huge privileges. If you're even slightly attractive or tall, girls will throw themselves at you lol. I see so many faggots come here for girls because they literally can't fucking find a girl in their own countries.

>> No.11076020
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Same dynamic in Japan. (Incidentally, "Charisma Man" is fucking hilarious and worth a read). Japanese girls will message you out-of-the-blue on Mixi.jp offering dates and shit.

I honestly think it boils down quite simply: not all white guys who date asian girls are weak manlets, but a substantial portion are. That's even moreso the case among expats.

>> No.11076069


I was actually the one talking about my own girlfriend a few posts up. It's true, I know the relationship between my girlfriend and I gets looked at oddly. It's interesting to hear perspectives from other people to be honest. I really do see why I might be looked down upon, though. I live in the centre of London and see it constantly; weak, depressed manlets with their cold looking Asian partner. Not only that, but the overweight sex tourists with pretty vulnerable looking Thai wives. There are obvious exceptions to this, much in the way that black man / white girl relationships receive the same sort of thing, but if you can't be prepared for that type of thing, don't get into any relationship full stop.

>> No.11076091


lmao i love the looks. Hopeful gazes from other asian girls at me and then the judgemental gaze to my gf. then the white girls just giving both of us mean looks. I'm just attracted to dark hair and dark eyes though so i'm not really into most white girls. Not to mention the added bonus of how asian woman treat their bfs... omg senpai I probably won't date a non-asian ever again. This is my first asian gf and I always thought it was a stereotype but it's true af.

>> No.11076114

No one believes me but to start I'm mexican and mixed (mestizo) but I'm kinda tall for a mexican dude 183, for some reason when I went to estonia with some friends I was getting bitches left and right, I'm not ugly and I dress okay but this shit was weird threw me off. I wonder if its because they've never seen a brown dude apart from shitty arab guys

>> No.11076151

My parents live in the countryside, full of old people, people get incredibly shocked. The thing is, you won't please everyone with your relationship so bogging yourself down with 'who thinks what' is pointless. The right call you a race traitor and the left think the only possible way you have your girlfriend is through white privilege, just enjoy yourself.

There's a real stigma of the white guy in the relationships having a shitty low paying job as well so I've heard, at least I won't have to worry about that one too much.

>> No.11077203

fuckin creepy niggas in the thread

>> No.11077214

Just this unattractive gooklet who wears boring clothes?

>> No.11077227

Having no culture is rough on your mind. White devils and asians do not accept you.

>> No.11077229


I'm too fucking old to date a bipolar chick. Trust me this shit only looks good on the outside, this girl is nutso.

>> No.11077233

>ITT: White guys mad that she won't fuck white guys

White guys have the largest pool of possible mates, stop being mad and just move on to another girl.

>> No.11077234


>she has a wishlist

Fuckin' whore

>> No.11077564

Admit it y'all would hit it then leave the next morning. Mentally unstable pussy is best pussy

>> No.11077579
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>> No.11077597 [DELETED] 

i personally like her channel but she is definitely not /fa/

>> No.11077608

i like her channel but shes definitely not /fa/

>> No.11077626

lmao embarrassing

>> No.11077823


>le sjw boogeyman

>> No.11078431

this girl's nose job lol

>> No.11078566

berks? typical gook shit.

>> No.11078575

Asians in general are pathetic.

>> No.11079326

Which asian rejected you anon?

>> No.11080484

>I weep for the future in which I'll bring my child up in.
then don't have a kid Anon
you know it's only going to get worse

>> No.11080508

>I wonder if its because they've never seen a brown dude apart from shitty arab guys
Of course, you were an exotic latino lover to them.

>> No.11080528

does she have any pictures where she's not wearing circle lenses

>> No.11081006

>have overwhelming yellow fever
>wouldn't want to marry an asian girl/have half asian kids for exactly this reason

I'm spending a semester in Korea, here's hoping immersion therapy actually works


>> No.11081297

holy shit are you me
my gf was half chinese and only embraced her 'chinese' side and talked about fucking leftist shit before i broke up with her

>> No.11081332

lmao didn't this bitch try to off herself?
she thinks it's so cool to be a bitch, but is so mentally fragile and unstable.

>> No.11081363

Genuinely a smart post.

What, because some halves are fucked up? Lots of people are fucked up, race isn't even a factor. The hapas community is, in a lot of ways, like any self-defeating minority community: they blame a lot of dumb stuff on their race without recognizing that bad things happen to everyone. Their same whining about being "inferior," being short, etc. is shared with a huge number of ethnic communities: Latinos, Indian guys, etc.

In other words, she became a female Rene Chang?
(Some of his comments on the People's Daily website are simultaneously the funniest and dumbest shit ever)

>mentally fragile and unstable.
I have never met a girl who was popular on Tumblr/Instagram/4chan/whatever who wasn't exactly that.

It's the same old shit. Guys and girls get a little bit of popularity in some weird corner of the Internet and it promptly goes to their head. In reality they're some malcontent living with their parents with a dead-end job and no major prospects, on the Internet they're some weird icon to like 20 people. They spend a lot of time maintaining an air of aloofness about their new-found popularity while simultaneously giving a crazy amount of care what others think of them. Then suddenly the wishlist purchases dry up, people stop caring, they get old, and the world keeps spinning without them.

>> No.11081456

She never posted in fa anybody who disagrees is a newfag to fa

>> No.11081516

Admit it tho Bateman you'd hit it once hard if she let you

>> No.11081552

This, but I made the mistake of actually putting emotion and love into her

But god. Damn. Sex was so awesome. She was the lewdest girl I knew, CONSTANTLY wanting sex, she had a super small body so she was incredibly tight, literally begged me at one point to give me head

Damn I envy her next boyfriend though, he's in for a wild ride with sex but being with her is insufferable lmao. I wish I could just hatefuck her now

>> No.11081554

>braided pigtails


>> No.11081557

When she means no white guys, she means only Asian guys.

Edgier to say no whites and less racist sounding to say than only Asian

She'll say she likes non Asians but will 100% only date an Asian

>> No.11081593

back to the shed, Carl

>> No.11081718

A LOT of half Asian girls will only fuck Asian guys. They cling to their Asian side so badly that it affects their partner choice. Even if they're half white & half Thai, they'll be obsessed with Korean shows, music, clothing and skincare.

People talk a lot of shit about Filipinos but they're the coolest and most chill Asians by far.

>> No.11081729

any specific type of gook?
i rlly wanna fuck a half hngnngnghggngnngnggggg

>> No.11082067

>>11074814Talked about this in her SC story before; quite a few people say this.

Like anon stated, she says that never has she gone through and surgical changes for appearances, and that her features are from being of mixed race. That being white and asian.

Anyone know what ethnicities specifically? I must have missed it

>> No.11082069

That's a fucking gook. Our grandfathers killed them for Christ's sake.

>> No.11082075

She's half Korean half white, I'm guessing American

>> No.11082572
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>> No.11082583

>le spooky 4chan buggiman
Why do people still think the entirety of 4chan is /b/?

>> No.11082592
File: 146 KB, 500x625, 1456198424616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessing over a fucking 6 because "le everything asian is so effay" may may
this place is so depressing sometimes.
not cool depressing like a classic noir movie
depressing like r9k

>> No.11082617

>found it for you
lel beta

>> No.11082656


>"Theres been a thread created about you on an image board; not sure if it interests you at all, but I just wanted to holla and let ya' know. The sites 4chan, so you might want to prepare for boobs harassing and stuff :U"

yall are some desperate fucc bois

>> No.11082662

/b/ isnt even that scary its filled with autistic retards

damn niggas thirsty right now. white knights are a disease

>> No.11082810

this thread is literally a /b/ thread

you guys are all pathetic

>> No.11082885
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>> No.11082931

these women are too ugly and you are all too thirsty
I need a shower and a smoke. this thread is just sad

>> No.11082932

I am the product of a half Danish half Japanese dad and a Danish mom, and honestly I never feel "out of place from society". And I have really grown to fucking hate people who identify as "hapa", and hapa culture. These people are always putting emphasis on their mixed ethnicity and how it's a handicap but they learn to "embrace it". They assume that their cultural and ethnic background is their defining trait of what type of person they are. It's toxic.

>> No.11084362

because your majority white. this happens on a near equal asian-white combo

>> No.11084436

hell ye nigga half flip representtttttttttttttt

>> No.11084453

white mom asian dad masterrace

>> No.11084463

Who is that?

>> No.11084904

MELLISA IF YOU ARE READING THIS, SHOW ME YOUR BUTTHOLE. And also take those fuckin contacts out that make your iris(eyes) bigger. Also be my waifu.

>> No.11084927

flip here. can confirm we are fucking chill and have some great babes

>> No.11085627

hel yeah my man

>> No.11085634

that's because you're almost completely white and probably look white
imagine being half thai and half white but somehow looking south american

>> No.11085875

Is this hapa culture an American thing? I know of a few half Asian people and none of them seem like that. Maybe it's what >>11085634
said about looking South American, and Britain doesn't really have any South Americans, but people here just seem to get on with it.

>> No.11085955


>> No.11085957

go to b/ faggot

>> No.11087258

lol'd when saw the footwear
still qt

>> No.11087489

Should I post an instagram and tumblr rip?

>> No.11087518

i feel like half white half asian girls are the sluttiestkind of girls desu they also have the worst personalities because of identity crisis

>> No.11087982

Hows your penis gook

>> No.11089380

She read her most liked comments from here on her snapchat. Amazing.

>> No.11089404
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>> No.11089485

what's her snapchat?

>> No.11089488


>> No.11089512

lmao she seemed pretty butthurt after reading those comments.

>> No.11089550

I love the way she pretends she isn't bothered. Jesus Christ she's disgusting. 'It's just funny to me' no need to lie, we all know you're crying on the inside. Her father must have fucked her really hard as a child or something because she's got a huge issue about white people.

>> No.11089762


I'm basically the same cept half jap half jew. I look like sean lennon though, or maybe keanu. Except im a fucking Manlet.

>> No.11089861

10/10 would bang

>> No.11089863

Asian women are the most beta women in the world though, that's why pasty white nerds go there when they can't land a decent looking gf in their own race

>> No.11089869

I'm a yellow fever fag and I just find asian women cute. They usually dress pretty well too.

>> No.11089872

Nothing will ever top that one asian insta girl a few months ago who came her and sperged out because people were posting he fits as inspo


>> No.11089873

Guys while you are waifufagging tell me what the fuck is wrong with the sticky

>> No.11089877

She probably secretly fucks white guys while pretending to hate them in front of her Asian friends

>> No.11089878

And there's nothing wrong with that, I find them attractive too.
I'm just saying that for a lot of beta men the only way they'll cuff a 7+ is An Asian girl

>> No.11089880


>> No.11090248

Since you guys have asian father and white mother so i guess you guys are pretty normal and possibly good looking fellow..Vice versa would be disastrous..

>> No.11090303

kek this bitch is actually reading posts from this thread on her snapchat

Korean bitches get some sort of upper eye lid surgery just like white kids get allowance at the age of 12. malissa please fuck off you ugly fake cunt.

>> No.11090314


>> No.11090317

malissa you are a solid 7 and the only thing saving you is desperate koreaboos who want an ugu oppa. go wear full rick btw

>> No.11090417

Malissa i would wear ur ass like a pair of goggles but since your asian it would look more like a blindfold

>> No.11090422

i went thru her tumblr and she seems to really dislike white people. that's why you dont race mix

>> No.11090424

>tfw she noticed my post
Either way your nose is fake. Everything about you is fake. I would rather date my q t brown poverty tier viet hunny than a fake korean slag with the most obvious nose job. I can see that nose from here.

>> No.11090607

The reason most interracial relationships fail is because they fucking date each other based PURELY on appearance. There's the rare occasions in which an interracial couple get together based on personalities, and they'll most likely succeed and have normal, functioning children. Whereas if you date just because of some fetish your kids will have issues out of the ass

>> No.11090693

to be fair, most of it are books

>> No.11090809

I believe you. I'm a mestiza and whenever I go around middle eastern guys or Indians they're fucking creeps 8/10 times.

No wonder their women cover up. Fucking christ.

>> No.11090821


>> No.11090829

their women cover up for religious reasons
and much of their love lives are predetermined

please educate yourself

>> No.11090883

This. Kids born from fetish subconsciously know it too, whereas the other kids know their parents actually like each other.

>> No.11090887

should I dump my folder?

>> No.11090912

yfw she called us a ~weird forum~

>> No.11090924
File: 18 KB, 347x181, Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 5.05.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not reading them, huh? liar
buttmad /fa/ ain't eating your shit

>> No.11090925


>> No.11090928
File: 18 KB, 391x163, Screen Shot 2016-03-23 at 5.05.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao bewbs XDDDD

>> No.11090934


u care a lot huh

>> No.11090943

hi malissa

>> No.11091012
File: 46 KB, 599x601, thatgavemecancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>k-pop gook shit everywhere
>100s of pictures of yourself with little variation
>vapid, low effort, vague responses to everyone who tries to communicate with you
>begs for attention and gifts

You have to have extremely low self-esteem to be into tumblr girls like this.

>> No.11091091

fuck that shit nigga
/fa/ only cares about physical appearances and she is qt as fuc

>> No.11091101

shes fake

fake is shit

>> No.11091134

so is /fa/

>> No.11091142
File: 217 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-03-23-14-58-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch shops at asos, of course she isnt the queen.

>> No.11091159

reclaimed vintage has interesting stuff tho

>> No.11091189

god man california is a shit hole now because of it

im thankful the mexicans came

>> No.11091193

yeah this
decent human hot brown dudes are R A R E

>> No.11091808

all you autistic niggas are commenting on her shit as if you take pride in browsing /fa/ lmao fucking newfags

>> No.11091946

found the filipino. self-hating filipino here

>> No.11091954


like igaf she makes my dick tingle.

>> No.11091962

I'm white u dumb dumb. I just find Filipinos to be the least concerned with all this stupid shit that's gone on in this thread. You should stop hating yourself m8

>> No.11091988
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>> No.11092011

that glare off his glasses make him look like hes fucking crazy lmao

>> No.11092032

Where the fuck did this image come from? Is it a troll or genuine?

>> No.11092037


The tumblr account is a troll(not sure about the picture), but I definitely know flips like this in real life.

>> No.11092119

I'm surprised people still think like this. /b/ hasn't been that bad in years. The last major event that originated form there that made news was the fappening and that was 2 years ago.
now it's just nudes,rascism and porn

>> No.11092293

My wife is Chinese and I married her precisely because we have the same goals and perspectives. Of course I also like her looks and her personality in general.

Most importantly we share the same financial goals, save money, and make more money. We both enjoy nice clothing without splurging on retail-priced designer stuff.

She has strong family values and her family is very supportive. Her family is wealthy and also are helping raising our son so we don't have to send him to some shitty daycare.

My only concern is that my son will grow up in American culture. I know I can teach him my best, but once he is out on his own you never know what kind of influences there are. Even though the public schools in our neighborhood are some of the best in the country, I am still considering sending him to China for school. Only issue is that I would need to move there too, or be separate from him.

>> No.11092448

>rekt by spaniards
>rekt by americans
>rekt by japanese
>rekt by americans again
>getting rekt by chinese

>> No.11092455
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>> No.11092483

ripped from her instagram

>> No.11092555

god, i love her. Fucked up bitches with daddy problems are my fetish

>> No.11092575
File: 764 KB, 600x797, IMG_4313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ have such shit taste in women its cuck worthy. get some testosterone, grow some balls and find a real woman like pic related

>> No.11092629

whats her problem with white people?

>> No.11092644

>watching titty streams
ur the real joke here

>> No.11093133


Eww ugly ass trashed gypsy face

>> No.11093208

fucking mudslimes I swear

>> No.11093281

Funnily enough, my girlfriend and I are the exact same... Except we seem a little younger. I study law, she studies medicine. We both have the same goals in life, with family and financially. You're right to be concerned about your child, though. A few of my family members went to boarding school and they're pretty fucked up so I would definitely think about the idea first. I'm currently in Britain, so while our culture is pretty cancerous I don't think it's on the same level as America (yet) in regards to racism and civil rights.

>> No.11093719

i love philippines but its shit like this that makes me glad i moved out of that place

>> No.11093769
File: 236 KB, 768x1024, AMllaoL_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like daddy issues
surgery jawline?

>pic partially related.

>> No.11093774

also surgery nose?

>> No.11093780

Holy shit, she is so fucking cute

>> No.11093784

>queen of /fa/

But you didn't post a picture of Tom, fucking newfag OP.

>> No.11093786
File: 290 KB, 1280x1707, rW1zNKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like crazy girl is going to kill you in your sleep.

what nationality and ethnicity btw? korea?

this is a seemingly not crazy woman.
who is she? i dont know.

>> No.11093971

uhm No