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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 82 KB, 467x700, 346b30cdcb435eb4bded1e94fe8cb7b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11059924 No.11059924 [Reply] [Original]

I couldn't find a board dedicated to body modifications, so I figured this one would do since hipsters lover their full-sleeves and stretched ears.
Body mod thread.
I'll post my own later, feel free to do the same

>ITT classy with dank clothes and body mods

>> No.11059931


>> No.11059933

Why would anybody like to look like a fucking cenobite? I won't even talk about problems it causes when you want to get a job or when you age.

>> No.11059934
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>> No.11059939
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>> No.11059942

ITT: How to not get a good paying job in life. The thread.

>> No.11059945

Have you ever heard someone say that the first step in looking good is to learn to wear your own body well?

BM marks you as someone with the very lowest taste because it's a rejection of that elementally solid advice.

>> No.11059957
File: 61 KB, 650x1000, 704801-f8d08cc0-dbb4-11e3-917f-8bca2ad8cf46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep Chest piercing, very rare

Why would any chick want to get fake boobs?
Why would anybody want to get a tan, with cancer and shit?
Why would anybody want a sex operation?
Why would anybody wear a earing? what's the point?

People want different stuff, not exactly new.
Body mods have been around since man existed.

>> No.11059963

how'd he get those disposable razors in his chest?

>> No.11059967
File: 104 KB, 517x775, IMG_0386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on /fa/
Literally the board filled with the most insecure people on 4chan, and that's saying a lot.
And you're posting that. kek.

>> No.11059996

>Why would any chick want to get fake boobs?

To enhance their physical appearance for sexual or romantic gain, +/- remedying self esteem issues stemming from having A cups

>Why would anybody want to get a tan, with cancer and shit?

To fit into popular beauty stereotypes from the 1950s/1960s

>Why would anybody want a sex operation?

To make their body match what they feel in their head.

Why would anybody wear a earing? what's the point?

To look nice, which is the point of most jewelry.


>> No.11060041
File: 67 KB, 576x768, hand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, you wrote yourself into a corner when you realized that all the body mods you listed were the same thing:
You want to modify your body because it pleases you. To look nice.

This flayed hand is art.
You don't have to like it, most people think the hipster trend looks silly as shit but the hipsters feel good and like their looks.

>> No.11060043

You won't find any job at all. I even think if you're in this category of freaks you'll also get rejected to work as a volunteer.

I feel really sorry for their parents and family.

>> No.11060050


No, it's some retard self-mutilating to be "edgy"

>> No.11060061

Well, you can earn money from posting fotos of your masochism on some site or freak magazine. What you will do once you're >30 is a huge question mark.

>> No.11060065
File: 189 KB, 600x562, 20090312-control-fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A nice combo, dread locks (used to have some great ones but had to cut them for work), stretched lobe and knuckle tattoos.

This guy most likely picks up more chicks than the die-hards fashion-heads who are scared to make a real commitment

And BTW from that other guy previous post:
> I won't even talk about problems it causes [...] when you age.

Who the fuck cares about how you're looking when you're old and wrinkly?
At least the tattooed grampas are badass and you know they got crazy stories from when they were young.

>> No.11060088

>Nice, you wrote yourself into a corner when you realized that all the body mods you listed were the same thing:

None of those things listed are the same thing.

And fake tits/tans/jewlery/transgenderism are nothing like mutilating yourself because you think that you're "SO HARDCORE"/"SO UNIQUE".

>> No.11060093
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1454958965192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11060097
File: 48 KB, 620x930, redskull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work in the Ink industry if it's your passion.
Or have a normal office job.
I have 2 full sleeves and stretched lobes and my boss (who is a typical rich business guy type, not some aging hippy) is OK with it.

He did tell a fellow modded-coworker to take of his tongue, stretched lips and cheek piercing off at work because some old bitches and jealous hipsters (jealous that they don't have what it takes to make a life commitment)
Ridiculous, how does that harm you guys to the point of complaining?

>> No.11060099
File: 87 KB, 960x960, me2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get a tattoo of myself with a Mike Tyson tribal on my face as my first tattoo?

>> No.11060107

Why complain? Because it's fucking painful to look at. Who would like to work around a fucking Pinhead? Also office job may require you to talk with customers face to face and of course boss won't let some freak do it and scare away other people.

>> No.11060110

Anyone have any recs for articles or books on the recent history of tattooing? I find it interesting that in only a few decades it's gone from something limited to niche subcultures to being widely accepted in the mainstream (in the west at least).

>> No.11060118
File: 182 KB, 853x1078, 1401607971536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opinion nazi spotted

>And fake tits/tans/jewlery/transgenderism are nothing like mutilating yourself because you think that you're "SO HARDCORE"/"SO UNIQUE".

Of course it's the same thing you slack-jawed yokel.
>I wish my boobs were bigger, let's get them modded!
>I wish I had that tongue piercing/split, my GF will love it, let's get it modded!

As long as you think like a sheep like this
>you think that you're "SO HARDCORE"/"SO UNIQUE".
No point it arguing with you.
You're just mad because you want to be hardcore but your mom won't let you get a tat, so you hate on us?
Kek poor kid, "I'm hardcore as fuck but the guy next to me on class got a full sleeve, damn no one will think I'm edgy now"

Go back to 9fag

>> No.11060126

you're fucked in the mind if you think people are jealous of mental illness.

>> No.11060134

you're cherrypicking, most tattoos and piercings on old people look like shit.

>> No.11060138

>I wish my boobs were bigger, let's get them modded!
>I wish I had that tongue piercing/split, my GF will love it, let's get it modded!

That's a false equivalency, as one is done to boost one's aesthetics. The other intentionally subtracts from one's aesthetic to look as edgy as possible.


Because metalheads are fucking retarded, and will mutilate themselves for attention instead of cultivating an actual personality.

Not gonna bother responding to that blatant grasp at nonexistent straws.

>Go back to 9fag
Never been there, but maybe you should fuck off back to Stormfront or whatever shitty metalcuck forum shit you out.

>> No.11060146

Not that the other shit in this thread isn't retarded, but how the fuck does any of this relate to metalheads? and how does that relate to Stormfront?

>> No.11060155
File: 64 KB, 603x506, tron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As a big Tron fan, I really dig this one.

>Why complain? Because it's fucking painful to look at.

For you. I'm often complimented for my tattoos.
I don't like fake boobs, and when I have to deal with a chick that has some I won't go complain to her boss because guess what:
Only dicks/grandmas would pull a move like that.

Most people stopped being stuck-up assholes and realized that it wasn't a weird thing to do.
Tribes all over the world who had never heard pf each others have the same piercings/tattoos/brands.
It's something human, I read an article about that, will try to find it, it was on Bodymodification

>> No.11060160

Not the fag you are debating with but
>one is done to boost one's aesthetics. The other intentionally subtracts from one's aesthetic to look as edgy as possible.

Aesthetics are subjective anon. I don't even like mods like this but he is right in that mods are mods. Either way you both sound like massive faggots

>> No.11060162

The metalcuck degeneracy/subculture birthed the body mod degeneracy/subculture.

There's also a significant overlap between metalfags and stormfags

>> No.11060176 [DELETED] 

Some aspects are subjective (Breast sizem for example.

Some are objective.like tongues.

Objectively, people prefer someone's tongue to look normal, not like they're pretending to be the snake from The Jungle Book.

Shit like this >>11060097 >>11059957
>>11059939 is objectively bad.

>> No.11060177


You legitimately have no idea what you're talking about. If anything, early body modification is more in line with the 70's industrial scene, and other than fringe black metal people, stormfront nerds are listening to Skrewdriver and shit.

>> No.11060182

eww why is his ear dripping

>> No.11060184
File: 110 KB, 600x688, tongueoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tattooed eyes and plugs in the nose, nice!

>That's a false equivalency, as one is done to boost one's aesthetics. The other intentionally subtracts from one's aesthetic to look as edgy as possible.

That's complete bullshit and you know it.
If you don't, you're retarded.

>The metalcuck degeneracy/subculture birthed the body mod degeneracy/subculture.

>There's also a significant overlap between metalfags and stormfags

What the hell is this faggot talking about?

>> No.11060199

>I'm so retarded that I think that getting fake tits is the same as some dumb motherfucker putting enough holes in his face he'd earn the nickname Swiss Cheese Man

>> No.11060203
File: 195 KB, 600x849, martaichi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed they do, but who cares at that point?
Tatted grampa vs blank skin grampa

At that age do you really think their vanity is their priority?

>> No.11060232
File: 79 KB, 640x427, 2822171814_01ddd20db6_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he blew his earlobe, probably the gauge was too big (frenchfag here, don't know how you describe that stuff in english) so he cut it off with a burning sharp blade to cicatrise it quick.


>> No.11060236

This weak jawed asshole looking kid cannot pull off that look at all

>> No.11060240
File: 150 KB, 450x450, 1364779733009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh wow a whole threads just for degenerates!

>> No.11060257
File: 116 KB, 771x1100, ichi_v01_125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, body mods are like clothes, they won't fit you just because you want it to.
You need to find your own look, but I can't hate on a fellow Kakihara fan.

>> No.11060279
File: 154 KB, 600x700, 20090619-tongue-split.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11060293

"cauterise", but otherwise it looks fine

>> No.11060464


>> No.11060598

>so I figured this one would do
in fact you've picked the most possibly wrong board for that lol.
/fa/ is the place where people care what others think about them.
something which takes a commitment AND is not that widely accepted will never flow there.
They don't even wear truly experimental stuff like CCP for this same reason.

>> No.11060783

That's actually a very good point haha

I've googled CCP clothes but I don't see the big deal, what do the fashion fags have against it?

>> No.11060794

They don't. They treat CCP the same as Rick Owens, they're just more into tricky Ricky than CCP.

>> No.11060806

Basically this

I assume that OP is probably in middle school if he actually thinks that body mods is cool

>> No.11060809


>> No.11060815

Why the fuck would you want to look like a compete edgy denenerate?

Why alienate yourself so much just so you can be different and in the end you realize that your "commitment" to making yourself look like shit wasn't even worth it

Why not eat healthy, excercise and treat your body well because it's all you've got not enough?

>> No.11060829

guys this thread is making me puke repeatedly

>> No.11060838
File: 100 KB, 600x742, biglip-neil-thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why not eat healthy, excercise and treat your body well because it's all you've got not enough?

Wow, that must be the most generic sentence ever written.
And it works with everything!
Skydiving, just tell you friend who is endangering himself "Why not eat healthy, excercise and treat your body well because it's all you've got not enough?" I'm sure he will turn his life around.

If you got stoners friends it also works.
thx m8

>> No.11060841

"One time, sonny, I went to the tattoo parlor and got video playback symbols tattooed on my fingers. Those were crazier times"

>> No.11060844
File: 48 KB, 1236x700, lip-plating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people who probably yell nigger at black people trying to make themselves look like black people the thread

>> No.11060849
File: 409 KB, 1280x1691, Modchick 1 - 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl with great nipple ink. Damn dem tits!

But seriously, is there a darn place on 4chan to talk about tattoos and piercing?
Damn in my days we had 10 sections n' we was happy with it (and it's true. 10 years..)

Could a gentleman point me to the friendliest "bodymod thread' board? On /b/ it always ends up as a gore thread.

>> No.11060926
File: 36 KB, 600x450, vomit-479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.11060937 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11060941
File: 197 KB, 472x324, Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 07.38.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11060942

Wish that was a real gun and she'd pull the fucking trigger.

>Blue boards are worksafe.

>> No.11060949
File: 153 KB, 565x850, a6wOmzA_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck off Blank Skin

>> No.11060973

>Post "go back to 9fag"earlier in thread
>Starts posting pics from 9fag.

Hello cognitive dissonance.

>> No.11061008
File: 276 KB, 900x835, divell-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Yes, he really got a "Voldemort nose", this guy is pretty famous in the BM community.
You can see the full procedure on BME.

Well played.

Why? She is gorgeous, happy and got some top notch ink.
What are your occupations?
(besides being a MMA champion and banging 10/10's while using your lab material to create a cure for bronies)

>> No.11061036

I've never met anyone wearing that kind of hat that wasn't the most annoying person possible.

>> No.11061118

lmao people who do this look like shit
Not even that its like offensive or far out or anything, its just silly

>> No.11061250

Enjoy being unemployable in the professional world because you want to be "le edgy" you fucking tard.

>> No.11061256
File: 135 KB, 600x397, anthony_davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are really good at making themselves look really bad

>> No.11061308

nipple peircings are for hoes and tattoos are for people who want to outwardly portray they are 'deep' or to outwardly show how much they truly don't give a shit.

>implying 'giving a shit' is something to be proud of. I dont 'give a shit' either, but im not retarded enough to have a single picture on my face for the rest of my life.

body mods are also retarded and have no place in 4chan because simple trash.

How many billionaires have body mods? How many millionaires have body mods?

>> No.11061319

Daddy didn't love me enough general

Notice me daddy! Notice me!

Please God notice me!

>> No.11061334

Donald trump presidency = these degenerate's firing squad

>> No.11061336

Because it's easier than actually being creative or interesting and they're absolutely desperate for attention.

>> No.11061376

is that pepper from the new season of AHS?

>> No.11061407

I went through the whole thread trying to find one thing even remotely aesthetic

it all just looks so ugly, so tryhard

>> No.11061485
File: 91 KB, 612x612, by-Chaim-Maclev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nipple peircings are for hoes

Why? It's fairly common around both men and women now, like the bellybutton for chicks.

And you know she is a freak in bed if she has a tongue piercing. After all she did do it to improve fellatio.

My ex GF paid for my tongue piercing and she and all the girls after her find it "sooo sexy omg"

>I dont 'give a shit' either, but im not retarded enough to have a single picture on my face for the rest of my life.

Exactly what that anon said earlier
"/fa/ is the place where people care what others think about them.
something which takes a commitment AND is not that widely accepted will never flow there."

and what I said
"You're just mad because you want to be hardcore but your mom won't let you get a tat, so you hate on us?
Kek poor kid, "I'm hardcore as fuck but the guy next to me on class got a full sleeve, damn no one will think I'm edgy now" "

Stop being mad because you want to be hardcore but your mom won't let you and anyway you don't have the balls to take the pain, kiddo.

Grow up and grow a pair.

>> No.11061508

lmao how does this guy eat

i can totally picture french fries falling out of that

>> No.11061547
File: 33 KB, 306x400, 1368480625544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With gauges that plug his cheeks.
And if he wants to look badass while smoking he can change them like this:

pic unrelated couldn't find the one.
>impressive stretched nostril
I've been told it's a bitch to clean up but you gotta take the bad with the good....

>> No.11061570

this looks fucking retarded and gross dumb fag lol

>> No.11061580
File: 85 KB, 634x634, Joeltron-Eye-Tattoo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't judge man, that might not be your thing but...
I think beards/mustaches look stupid but I'm thankful that I don't think
>this looks fucking retarded and gross dumb fag lol

Thanks God for making me open-minded.
True bro.

>> No.11061591

I bet he gives great head

>> No.11061638

Ahahahaa when someone farts what happens
Dude how does he swim without dying, also how would he drink?

>> No.11061647


>> No.11061666
File: 80 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n0j2ixogRU1qhjycyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew a cute girl with the same mods, I'm addicted to blowjobs and the fact that you can pound her mouth from 3 different angles, ggnnhh....

I doubt it would fit but that would be a blast.

>pic: the horns are the only things I don't dig, except on rare cases most of the horns I've seen looked like nipples.
I do like implants, but that horn frenzy... I guess I just don't "get" it...

But it's very expensive and you can only have them lookin' like titties because the skin can't handle the stress of a pointy end.

>Dude how does he swim without dying,
Wild guess, but by holding his breath?

>also how would he drink?

There are plugs designated for that purpose, since so many people start piercing their cheeks, then want to stretch them...

Body mods can be addictive, when I got my first tattoo at 18 I was positive that I would never need another one.
Same for my arcade piercing.

And now I'm all modded, my only personnal rules are:
>no tattoos on the hands, neck or face
>no piercings on the face that can't be removed if needed
>no genital piercings. I used to want a Prince Albert but when my buddy got his Ampalang in front of me it made me think again.

No one asked you about your body.

>> No.11061669

that would be pretty funny.
probably no but where and how big

>> No.11061676

He looks very sad.

>> No.11061699
File: 198 KB, 600x526, 20091014-lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well he wanted to look like a demon, he got his 666 at least.

When people tattoo their eyeball with black skin, it tends to look that way.

If you want to tattoo your eyeball, it's not a coincidence if the artist recommend colors like light blue, yellow, green, etc...

>pic: lips tattoos, these are a lot of fun. But they only last a few years sadly, mine was gone after 'bout 2 years and the artist had a perfect reputation.

>> No.11061982

it must be so uncomfortable to be one of these peope

>> No.11061995
File: 21 KB, 288x499, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe Mr. Kornheiser said it best.

>> No.11061999

>go to sleep
>drool pours out side of face
>forever wake up with dry mouth
>can't eat or drink like a normal person
>can't scuba
>you can stick dick shaped foods and actual dicks through the hole.

why live

>> No.11062031

>84 replies
>40 posters

Wow dude stop convincing people to like your disgusting shit you degenerate fag

>> No.11062210

>How many billionaires have body mods? How many millionaires have body mods?

None that aren't metalheads that will be broke withing 2 years of them getting kicked out of the band.

Shitloads of poor people do this shit tho.

Something about poor people not being smart and having shit decision making skills.

Something they and OP have in common.

>> No.11062215


Is this a mental illness thread?

>> No.11062241

Oswald Spengler - The Decline of the West

>> No.11062262
File: 126 KB, 1057x792, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blank Skin

>> No.11062319

delet this

>> No.11062343

>blank skin normie triggered

>> No.11062387

>Tfw I have a tat and both sides of this thread make me cringe
Full of Normies arguing with Normies trying hard not to be Normies

>> No.11062437

>Who the fuck cares about how you're looking when you're old and wrinkly?
>At least the tattooed grampas are badass and you know they got crazy stories from when they were young.
You have to be 18 or above to visit this board

>> No.11062828

>/fa/ - MMXVI edition

>> No.11062911
File: 46 KB, 700x443, 7053713_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and the normiest off all normies is here we're saved.

Happy to know that you have a tat, you rebel you.

>> No.11062953

This is the most autistic thread I've seen in a while

>> No.11063497

>do since hipsters lover their full-sleeves and stretched ears.
what the fuck
get off this board please

>> No.11063510

>Why would anybody wear a earing? what's the point?
>People want different stuff, not exactly new.
>Body mods have been around since man existed.

the more i read your posts the more i realize how stupid and in denial you are

out on a trip so we can all know to disregard all your posts

>> No.11063532

people talking shit on this are making one single mistake when they are talking shit: they think that their own personal aesthetic and/or value set is objectively correct. you can make arguments philosophically for moral absolutism to a degree, but when you're talking about personal sense of aesthetic it all goes out the window.

as the fashion board, you should all be acutely aware of how standards of beauty have shifted over the course of human history and recognize its mutability.

the only "correct" opinion on what these people do of their own free will to their own bodies is "i don't understand why they would do this, i don't like it." i'm personally inclined to agree, but trying to speak like you're the absolute authority is arrogant and self-serving.

>> No.11063549
File: 127 KB, 600x450, HPscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do elaborate and prove me wrong.
Damn, first time on this /fa/ and the only sensible answer I got was:

>in fact you've picked the most possibly wrong board for that lol.
/fa/ is the place where people care what others think about them.
something which takes a commitment AND is not that widely accepted will never flow there.

Just a bunch of self-conscious blank skins hipsters wearing shitty clothes and circle-jerking "because that's me, these shoes really represent my personality"

That's pathetic, I'd wager that most of you rage on tattooed guys because even though you like it, you never had the balls to go to your local parlor and make a REAL fashion statement.

>pic related

>> No.11063623
File: 64 KB, 533x800, We-Are-Not-Like-You-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice post, you made a better point than me in the one just after...

I actually do respect fashionfags, I would never wear the kind of outrageous clothes and ridiculous haircuts and fedoras you guys rock.

Random people are way more likely to openly mock a fashionfag than a bodymodfag,

No one ever talked shit about my tattoos, and even if they did, why would I care? It's my body and I love every inch of it.
Not bragging, but I'm a pretty good looking dude and when I get hit on by chicks, they always ask me about my tattoos to start a conversation.

And there is nothing like laying in your bed next to a pretty girl that looks at your naked body and admiring the work of art on your skin.

I keep the significance of my ink to myself, but chicks always want to know
>what does this one mean?
>and this one?
>and the big piece on your back?
>i love it

I guess the old stereotype of the "tattooed badboy" is still real in girl's minds, even if it's unconscious.

>s "i don't understand why they would do this, i don't like it."

I totally respect the opinion of someone who would think that, it's 100% sure that this person likes stuff that I don't.

But I won't talk shit to him just because I don't understand how someone could wear a fedora and grow a hipster beard, I don't like it but why would I say terrible things to him.

If a girlfriend wants to get fake boobs, even if I don't understand it I'll be supportive.
If she wants some tattoo make-up (don't recall how you call that in english, like permanent mascara), get your body mod my friend, live your life, enjoy.

Be positive and don't let salty self-loathing scum full of regrets get you down.
Yay you guys will be Blank Skins at 70 if you don't die of rectum cancer or in car crash tomorrow.


>> No.11063786
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>> No.11063811
File: 631 KB, 3475x4111, 234663423462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White people who probably yell nigger at black people trying to make themselves look like black people the thread

>> No.11063821
File: 58 KB, 600x432, blood-powered mechanical piercing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this shit is too vanilla.

How about a golden turbine connected to needles inserted into your blood vessels, powered by blood flow?

>> No.11063914
File: 101 KB, 514x769, pulse conductor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, too vanilla for my taste.
The one that capt pulsations from the nervous system is pretty gnarly though.

Reminds me of the magnets implants I had on my hand (I had to remove them after a while), that was handy for magic tricks.

>> No.11063934
File: 2.99 MB, 550x309, IIfTxBt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe people should be free to do whatever they want with their own bodies. However, don't try and pass any of this off as being fashionable—it isn't. Some tattoos can look good, even some piercings can look good, but this extensive body modification looks repulsive.

>> No.11063938
File: 34 KB, 250x334, 1374957882251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I yell "nigger" at that dude? His bodymods are gnarly as hell and he pulls it off well.

Nice lip plate (as big as pic related, and it's trickier to stretch your lip than your lobe), props to the guy for it looking healthy, he must not have the best hygiene.

>> No.11063951

They'd scream "nigger" at random black people in their own country while trying to look like that black guy/appropriating body mods developed by black people, making their racism incredibly ironic.

>> No.11064020
File: 63 KB, 500x426, 1426083010980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this extensive body modification looks repulsive.

The first one I posted, the James Franco lookalike?
He is a pretty famous body mod artist, and before his mods he already looked way better than the average 4channer.

The important part is that you declare that it is repulsive, while he loves it like that. It's subjective.

I do realize that this was the wrong board to start this thread, but I figured "hey at least these guys won't judge since they are obsessed with body appearance.

Then I read some threads and was shaking my head.
"haha no way that dude dresses like that in public? I find his sense of fashion repulsive, but more power to him to wear that hat or shirt in the street."

Some people maybe, but I'm not sure if you're targeting the right people.

It's typically NOT stormfags and neo nazis in general who would wear "nigger stuff".
They mostly stick to tattoos.

Stretching your lip until you can get a decent sized plate in it, it takes a lot of commitment, it's very expensive, you need to watch over it all the time, use products to prevent scabs and worse.
If you're not interested in the culture that started it, there are way more bodymods that don't take so long to heal.

Or at least that's what I've constated.

>> No.11064065

They don't even need to be stormfronters, just the usual poor/low-class degenerates that do the shit body mods.

>> No.11064111

Won't that damage the red blood cells and give you anemia?

>> No.11064116
File: 203 KB, 600x773, glowing-rafa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the usual poor/low-class degenerates

To be fair, that would describe most of 4chan dwellers.

And this thread showed us how well they are accepting of heavy body modifications aficionados.

Well if moonshined inbred hillbillies crackers start a lip stretching trend, that will become funny.
But today
>Belly-button piercing on girl+ generic tramp stamp=good, not degenerate.

>Nipple piercing/nipple tattoo on girl=thrash, degenerate.

They don't even stop to think *why* they think like that, they just do.
And when they see something a bit different they freak out, even if objectively there is no reason to...

>> No.11064136
File: 1015 KB, 500x250, tumblr_n5bclsP9pJ1qb9is3o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I don't have any problems with these threads on /fa/. Different people find different things fashionable. There are plenty of people that find body mods attractive and/or fashionable. I'm covered in tattoos, neck to toe, but I've done it in a way so that I can still cover the majority of them if necessary.

If I dress up it still looks presentable, if that makes sense? They've never hindered me from finding work or interacting with clients (I'm in stocks and bonds and I dabble in creative design).

>> No.11064143

>To be fair, that would describe most of 4chan dwellers.

Meanwhile the people of /fa/ that aren't Rick Owens shitposters are trying to better themselves/look decent, but normal.

Unlike the mentally defective "I WANNA BE A DEMON" shitlords you've posted.

>moonshined inbred hillbillies crackers

They already do. 99% of kids that gauge are trailer trash trying to seem edgy.

>Belly-button piercing on girl+ generic tramp stamp=good, not degenerate.

Except those things are considered degenerate/whoreish by nearly everyone that isn't trying to run a strip club.

>> No.11064144
File: 44 KB, 576x768, 2c27d46515c0efe0aa09809d09030857_jpg_1024x768_first-0_second-3_watermark_q851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the fag that posted that, but since you got trips...
That /fa/g didn't mention that it produces almost nothing, you can't find an utility for a power that low.

It's just for the sake of saying "this new body mod produces energy wow!" but you won't use it.

It's just art.

>pic: when you get in a fight while rocking an upper lip plate.

>> No.11064147

there's one issue with this entire discussion

the true core of bodymod culture are:
1. spiritual researches, adopting tribe rituals like suspention and lip stretching
2. transhumanism enthusiasts, pushing the limits of their bodies with magnetic implants and horns
3. deviants of the masochistic spectrum, stretching their urethras so they could put a wider rod in them

it's a process with a certain goal and philosophy behind it. they don't do it becuase they think it looks good. they simply don't give a fuck about what people think. that's the main appeal of this culture to ones, and that's why it looks repulsive to the others.

you put yourself in a pretty hard position, trying to justify the movement which is ultimately ani-fashionable in its very idea

>> No.11064247

You made some very good points, originally I wanted to make a simple tattoo thread but when I saw the butthurt at the OP, I decided to crank it up a notch with the pics to piss them off.

My first suspension is for soon, can't wait.

>> No.11064694


>> No.11066577
File: 45 KB, 600x446, 1457302732448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you not conform? Why not conform instead?


>> No.11066594

dafuq is this thread ?
this is /fa/, not /fakirmusafar/

>> No.11066900
File: 138 KB, 600x401, 20090108-swastika-hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs confirm that it is bullshit.

>dafuq is this thread ?
Le 9fag is pouring out of every pores of you body.

This was an good thread, few responses were interesting, like this anon
or this one

I don't follow fashions, I always dress casually and if I wear long sleeves and pants no one can see my tattoos.

It's different from /fa/gs who change their looks all the time, and it's a different mentality for sure.
It's a commitment to life; not a costume you can take off when you're bored with it.

>> No.11066937
File: 20 KB, 570x463, 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11066976

ITT: what happens when you put body dysmorphia and a complete lack of paternal guidance into the large gadron collider and run them into each other at high speed

Sage, disgusting lizard creatures get the fuck out mods pls delete

>> No.11066996

The best part of that it's he's attacked his detractors for being "9faggers" twice or thrice now.

Cognitive dissonance and projection at their worst

>> No.11067037
File: 102 KB, 500x652, a3974179fab8b0d6c703b4546930fd5c.600x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand how Sage works, my newfriend.

>> No.11067091
File: 18 KB, 600x403, iFbvoQG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>willingly choosing to make yourself repulsive to 95% of the opposite sex
Bet you have a strong left hand

>> No.11067231
File: 193 KB, 650x667, 1368806406533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying young hot chicks aren't all over tattooed dudes's pierced dicks.

Bet you don't go out much in clubs and concerts.

>> No.11067247

I have stretched lobes, but that's it. I don't think I'll ever get a tattoo though, they've never appealed to me. Some people like to spend hundreds on an outfit, others like this kind of thing.

>> No.11067263

Wouldn't this cause awful tooth decay?

>> No.11067269

ayyyy lmao core

>> No.11067289

>Bet you don't go out much in clubs and concerts.
you have low standards. Juggalos are not attractive.

>> No.11067333
File: 2.09 MB, 1024x1024, 1415067896127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people like to spend hundreds on an outfit, others like this kind of thing.

Which is why I figured this board would be suitable for this thread 7
(I didn't exactly think about it for long, "what's that, /fa/, meh seems the least worst option), since members here buy and love what they wear on their skin too.

It makes them feel like it improves their physical appearance.

And that's where I made the mistake to only think about surface stuff, because fashion doesn't have a deeper layer/meaning for the wearer like tattoos.

It was actually interesting to shitpost ITT to get real reactions and different points of view.

Probably, the first known guy who did it, ZigZag (a big figure of bodymod here in Germany) doesn't have any issues with it, but he uses wood plates.
The one jewel on this picture is not a practical one, just the kind of stuff you wear for special occasions.

But I'm not really into cheeks stretching, so your guess is as good as mine.

This dude is actually pretty well known in Mexico, and it's not even his final form, there are more recent pictures.

He literally wants to look like Redskull (his favorite Marvel character, he is a comic book nerd).
Good for him.
But some of then are smoking hot, and I don't really care what's inside her head when I fuck one I met 10 min ago at a concert.

Most of these chicks, if they have heavy body mods that she as looks clean and well take care of...
it means she has money, can put serious dedication into something, and is not a bum.
And probably very liberated sexually.

From my personal experience, I'm not complaining at all.
If a 8/10 is "low standards", I'm afraid I've had sex with several whales :(

>> No.11067370

Girls at clubs go for the fratbros more than the "tatted up" droputs/deadbeats.

>But some of then are smoking hot, and I don't really care what's inside her head when I fuck one I met 10 min ago at a concert.

Bet you won't be saying that when you get chlamydia from one.

>> No.11067433
File: 78 KB, 600x1005, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this degenerate thing can talk

>> No.11067512

>ZigZag (a big figure of bodymod here in Germany) doesn't have any issues with it
he actually had them surgically reconstructed, after experiencing muscle death in his mouth and cheeks. but then again his sizing wassimply outrageous.

yes it would, and not even due to the teeth being exposed. but to the jewelry grinding on the dents. a lot of people with lip plates reported losing several teeth to the dental traction over time.

>> No.11067616

Wow ok it's been so many years since I've heard of him.
He doesn't like the attention so there are few pictures of him online but yeah he stretched to the max.
Even with plates his face was kinda funky, the skin around the top cheekbones was pushed weirdly.

But at the time he was always drunk at concerts, hanging out with other punks, I wonder how well he was cleaning and taking care of his cheeks.

Hope he does well nowadays, he can grow a beard to help hiding the scars hopefully.

And yeah I often heard/read that the teeth were grinding with the jewlerly,
Wonder what would be the perfect material to make a safer one.

>> No.11067635

he actually died iirc

>> No.11067792
File: 58 KB, 640x483, 18197241_17575378_1202731343_zygzag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he did grew a beard. it only made the things worse tbqh. but it looks like he stays unphazed anyway

you're thinking about the other guy, which i post right here. there's only 3 pictures of him and no info, so many assume he's dead. but nobody knows for a fact.

>> No.11067811


Never saw that picture, I was thinking more of a short but covering the whole cheeks.
This hobo chin beards indeed looks dirty.
Oh well, genetics...

I don't think he's dead, many people who know him say that he doesn't like the attention and politely declines when someone wants to take his picture.

Probably doesn't want to become "that guy with cheeks plates lol" on internet.

>> No.11067817
File: 39 KB, 500x587, 2674-kakihara-ichi-the-killer-tattoo_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I was thinking more of a short but covering

*a short beard.

>> No.11067834
File: 147 KB, 740x524, ichi6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not going with the manga version of kakihara

>> No.11067868

>It makes them feel like it improves their physical appearance.

And as >>11067792 proves, it doesn't, it makes you look like shit.

Serves the poor/low-class/uneducated fucktards right.

>> No.11068317
File: 141 KB, 610x783, 38-Intense-Tattoos-That-Will-Blow-Your-Mind-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, for once they changed a character's apparence for the better for the movie.
Both versions of the character are badass.

Yeah, because one measly example = general rule amirite?

>Serves the poor/low-class/uneducated fucktards right.

>projecting this hard
It's not our fault you're trailer trash, my poor (no pun intended) anon.

Go in another thread to look a clothes you can't afford and stop shitposting in this one, k? :)))
These fucking white trash hillbillies I swear...

>> No.11069722
File: 46 KB, 620x318, 15232351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pretending the majority of this shit doesn't scar over horribly 99% of the time.
>Accurately describes the type of people who gauges/non-traditional piercing/shitty low-quality tattoos like what you/OP have posted


>> No.11069778

Fucking degenerates