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10994860 No.10994860 [Reply] [Original]

How to dress similar to Yohji's aesthetic on a budget?

>> No.10994903
File: 298 KB, 1062x876, samurai things weaboos etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have thought about this and...

DIY some black baggy women pants & clothing or ordering actual Samurai Clothing, Kimonos and Hakamasand dying it black modifying one thing or two.

>> No.10994916

How skinny are you? If you're skeleton mode like me you can order these on L: http://www.zara.com/us/en/woman/trousers/baggy-trousers-c358005p3279627.html

>> No.10995348

buy yohji pants, buy cheap xl ts the pants must be yohji once you have some youll see why

>> No.10995499

just explain why

>> No.10995552

If you can afford it, try devoa, lumen et umbra, or the viridi anne, they usually bave slightly more affordable clothes within that style.

>> No.10995566

None of those are anything like Yohji at all

>> No.10995751

"slightly more affordable"
this op nigga is poor, he can't afford the labels you dropped

buy second hand at raku or y!jp
have fun, because you will look ridiculous without getting used to the aesthetic and developing it

>> No.10995764

Not even close to Yohji's work.

>> No.10995809

>because you will look ridiculous without getting used to the aesthetic and developing it

What... why?

>> No.10995814

Because you can't capture yohjis aesthetic with fucking etsy tier samurai pants and Zara you dumbass, if you've ever handled a yohji piece in your life you would understand how full of detail it is and how hopelessly impossible it is to try and copy it

>> No.10995816

Your could have at least offered cdg as an alternative none of those brands are anything like yohji lmao

>> No.10995822

i think wearing yohji is about the attitude as much as your actual wardrobe; just saying, be confident.

also, the issue seems with people new to yohji will start with one piece. that's fine, but the cut and fit is very different, as you know. try to coordinate fit with clothing of ismilar aesthetics, don't force a pair of hakamas innto whatever you wear if they clash visually

>> No.10995849


step 1: quit your job
step 2: live on the streets

>> No.10995876

if we're talking silhouette, then yes they are similar. because some of the brands mentioned do carry hakama style pants and drapey cardigans.

>> No.10996216

>if we're talking silhouette

Stop pretending like you know what you are talking about, all of those brands that were listed have silhouettes and tailoring that are the antithesis to Yohji's loose and bulbous silhouettes.

>> No.10996394


Will you all shut up about those, Yohji is much more than that shit.

>> No.10996450

save up for genuine yohji pants, look for them at the right times in the right places. U can cheap out on everything else just size up and make sure its black.

>> No.10996467


>> No.10996482

>the right places

Don't say rakuten, please.

>> No.10996493


>> No.10996499



whats wrong with rak
gotten 2 pairs of yyph for less than 100 bucks

>> No.10996501

another faggot peddling his shitty fifth hand buys for way more than they're worth

>> No.10997131

literally nothing on a budget. yohji does unique cuts on his shit, most of which require better nlmaterials thus the price tag

>> No.10997143

buy old people clothes and alter them to look oversized
literally all there is to it

>> No.10997191
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To add to >>10995814's point, Yohji's biggest strengths are his patterns and fabric choices. Because all his stuff is very billowy and flows around you, it's just impossible to replicate using cheaper alternatives. For example, instead of just sewing a pleated trapezoid with two pants legs, his hakama pants feature a lot subtle stitching that changes the way they look, billowing around you instead of just jutting outward. The fabrics in his clothing often wool gabardine and silk is also woven with this in mind.

Furthermore, like >>10995814 said, his clothes are full of small details. These details give the clothes the feel of traditional Western menswear blended with traditional Japanese clothing, instead of something that ken-chan would wear.

At some point, three years ago, I went for black Thai fisherman pants in an attempt to capture that silhouette. It took me a full week before I realized that I was an idiot, luckily they got stolen at a rave.

>> No.10997214

I have a problem where I like yohji clothes but also hype sneakers. Lord save me.

>> No.10997235

You can try.

>> No.10997239

easy with white sneakers that aren't full hype core. Anything that doesn't have a huge tongue and is kinda minimal works

>> No.10997926

How to mix yohji and rick?

>> No.10997936


>> No.10997941

pull the shirts over your head and wear the pants over your waist

>> No.10997979

It could work

>> No.10997994

what's wrong with y's besides "not muh mainline"

>> No.10997995


>> No.10998012


>> No.10998064

dantebykiko for inspo. https://www.instagram.com/kikokostadinov/ he has a couple more fits on his tumblr (if it still exists).

how much of a budget? like poorfag? my advice is save for a trip to Japan (cheap from Australia) and shop from there. or proxy large amounts from Yahoo Auctions. no joke.

>> No.10998082
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>> No.10998197

Don't be stupid, Yohji and Rick mixes well. Yohji pants and a Rick tee - beautiful!

>> No.10998213

I love it when /fa/ talks about Yohji, I would like to see how an official Yohji thread every now and again would do.

>> No.10998240

I'm talking low brow hype, as in, two of my favorite shoes I own right now are black Air Max 95s and B/W Jordan 2s.

>> No.10998287

I hate hype in every flavour it rears it's head in. Especially the sneakers.

Could you explain to me what it is that you enjoy about hypebeast sneakers? I'd love to understand their appeal.

>> No.10998441

Not even close. Devoa and LeU for starters tend to deal with heavier fabrics cur close and/or anatomycal, very much different from yohji and I personally wouldn't group them in the same category

Source: I own devoa and LeU pants, and going by pics i'd imagine yohji's fabrics are fairly lighter

>> No.10998449

Yohji is also more substantial and 'flowy', big silhouettes and focus on Japanese inspired menswear, Devoa is almost militant and utilitarian. I mean Yohji has his inspiration from military as well but the approach is entirely different.

>> No.10998450

I'd proxy. When i was down in Jp retail was what you'd expect. Beams and ships was expensive desu for what it is, and thats not even touching higher end stuff like yohji.

Yahoo jp and rak are treasure troves, copped brand new ploier pants for like $70 aud before shipping

>> No.10999426

invest in some yy or cdgph trousers (worth it)
uniqlo tops
thrifted derbies

>> No.10999528


>> No.10999869

considerably different from the mainline
tends to be slimmer fitting less detailed pieces

don't get me wrong there are lots of good y's pieces but it does pale in comparison considerably when you compare it to yyph or yyf.
you're not going to get the classic yohji silhouette if you're buying y's pieces like the one i responded to.

>> No.10999900

yohji fabrics are better constructed for their purpose
there are some very heavy weight yohji fabrics esp. some of his wool gab. and there are some lightweight devoa fabrics the waishi paper pants come to mind but, yohji's fabrics are constructed to his specification for the piece he he's using it for. devoa and LeU don't have that same oppurtunity, i mean yohji literally has a nearly 500 year old family owned buisness hand crafting him fabric to his exact specification other brands esp. some of the good ninja derivative shit listed in this thread simply can't do that. one of the reasons yohji has struggled financially is his dedication to his philosophy and refusal to settle for anything but the best for his mainline

>> No.10999905

I thought Y's was his first ever line (and therefore his main line)-
So his main line is Yohji Yamamoto?.

>> No.10999910

Ann Dememmeellemeestumemester is better.

Slightly toned down, beautiful aesthetics, works all day long.

>> No.10999912

>the waishi paper pants come to mind
Those are actually really heavy
Owned a pair

>> No.10999930

his mainline i.e. the one he presents in paris and sometimes tokyo is pour homme and femme

for another example Comme des garcons homme has been a line since 1978
homme plus is the mainline despite being launched in 1984

>> No.10999934

different aesthetic and design philosophy
if you want to be an 18th century poet wear ann d

also it's pretty trash since she retired

>> No.10999941

you found them heavy?
i mean fair enough but, some of the yohji i've owned is heavier

regardless the point is yohji also makes heavy fabrics but they're for a different purpose

>> No.10999969

can't remember the exact order but I think it was originally when presenting in paris called y's because he wanted to call it 'y' but was pressured to change so as not to confuse with yves saint.

y's is only in name only. I think it was
y's (in the 1980's) -> yyph (late 80s/90s still going) -> diffusion line carries the name of the original name.

retail outside japan is like 2x or 3x more. but yeah prozy is best. not individual items because the shipping will pile up quickly.

>> No.11000274

>uniqlo tops
XXL tees?

>> No.11000287

Completely different my man

>> No.11000907
File: 24 KB, 464x580, JYYFEASS15_1_20150306160850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is he still involved personally in the design of all of his other lines (i seriously doubt it)?

I know he is involved in YYph and YYpf, but what about hes other lines Gipsy or +Noir.

Pic related.

>> No.11000921

Recently thrifted some yohjiesque pants and the tag said tai pan tailor so go there I guess

>> No.11000924

>tai pan tailor
Pics or didn't happen

>> No.11000936
File: 81 KB, 1024x575, 14317103173_1999b577ff_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tai Pan is a tailor from Hong Kong. No yohji style at all.

>> No.11000949

for sure he has a hand in y's (only womens now afaik) and y-3 for any of the other dozen or so sublimes that have been put out i'm not sure
but seeing as how small and tight knit yohji's company is i imagine he at the very least directly oversees every line

>> No.11000973

It's still at the laundry place can't take pics sorry. It's def not that style. Could be an older cut or custom made, they do those too.

>> No.11000983

Also it's this https://www.taipantailor.com/ not tai pan row

>> No.11001000
File: 93 KB, 1571x2000, 44941104sm_14_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his company is quite tight, but every eclectic.

As much as I'd love Y-3 to be by Yohji Yamamoto, i only find it to be 10% - 40% YY and the rest is adidas design team. YY design dept. probably sends one design reference to adidas one every season and they should figure something out.
Pic related
YY is not supposed to be worn together with bape by some /supreme/-fuccboi.

Look also at Yohji Yamamoto gothic - what the hell is that shit?!

It is really getting hard to keep track of his business ventures:

- Yohji Yamamoto pour femme
- Yohji Yamamoto pour homme
- Yohji Yamamoto Regulation
- Yohji Yamamoto +Noir
- Y's (only women?)
- Y's Exclusive
- Y's Gipsy
- by Y's (his trainees)

-YY really should refocus on his essential core.
- Y-3 (basically adidas)

>> No.11001009

Custom thrift? would want to see that if possible.

>> No.11001014

yohji and his team design the clothes for y-3
the shoes are dirk and his team

>> No.11001025

There's been quite a bit of restructuring after bankruptcy.
I'm pretty sure most are defunct now.

Y's (Women only)
Yohji Yamamoto Regulation
Yohji Yamamoto +Noir
Yohji Yamamoto discord
Not too sure on gothic, still listed on website though.

>> No.11001033

forgot about ground Y too.

>> No.11001044

I wasn't aware this was a competition, especially when Ann D doesn't have much to do with Yohji at all.

>> No.11001052

whoa shit that nigga got a feather hanging from a chain that nigga be deep as shit walking around with fuckin grailz and shit on his neck like it just some feather necklace fucking shit dog

>> No.11001116

I only go after the websites and the things I happen to see in stores.

Yeah I forgot S'tyle, though never understand what it is supposed to represent in the context of the line up.
So Exclusive is defunct but still on the website (why?)
Gipsy is supposed to be 'new' but never saw it in any store or outside the website.

Also forgot:
Y's x Alcantara
Women on the move
- That makes (apparently) 13 independent fashion brands/lines within one company, carrying the name of one person.

To me this makes very little sense from a business and marketing sense. The end consumer cannot keep track and doesn't even know what the individual lines are supposed to represent and what they stand for.
With such terrible organisation, no wonder YY went bankrupt.

>> No.11001132

Also forgetting workshop (og line)
The ginza story (women's)
The Eva collab
The y'sx red wing collab
Yohji x Dr martens
Costume d'homme
Aar Durban (believe it's jap only fast fashion collab)

>> No.11001134

Also I believe half these lines were intended for yohji to simply take the money and run so he could continue his mainline

>> No.11001147

Style always struck me as a even simpler version of y's at a lower price point so think cdg girl for comparison

Its possible to have 15-20 different sublines in one company it just needs better organaztion and direction, I mean cdg as the direct parralel has cdg, cdg cdg(secondary line) ganryu, girl, noi rei nimonoya, junya men's cdg junya junya pink cdg tricot evergreen Homme Homme plus etc and issey miyake has issey, issey mens, plantation, me, pleats please, issey sport, Homme Plisse etc it's possible to run a label with all those sublines but they have to have some sort of design purpose beyond serving as a cash grab for the company

>> No.11001151


get it right noobs

YY Femme
Y's Pink Label
Y's Purple Label

Gothic is relaunch of an older legacy line with focus on necklaces rings accessories etc.

KittY's (Hello Kitty collab)

Y's bis (Limi) is Limi's work before Limi Feu

Actually never heard of Y's Exclusive before, it's probably like Japan only with not much distribution

Rare shit : Yohji Yamamoto Pour La Nuit, Y's at Work, Y's for Living, Yohji JEANS, WORKSHOP

The company is all over the place and recent collections have been unexciting for me


Women on the move was the name of a photography project, not a line. Y's x Alcantra was a 1 off thing for 1 season

>> No.11001156

y's for living isnt really rare and there is a lot of cheap workshop stuff floating around

>> No.11001167

You forgot Y's For Men Red Label. Was a limited sub line based on Yohji's personal wardrobe, or things Yohji would like to wear himself.

>> No.11001171

shut up fag

>> No.11001180
File: 33 KB, 960x720, fashion-pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and most of these brands I have yet to spot in any store.
Even finding all these lines online is almost impossible.

Now can someone explain the artistic inclination of every single line/brand?

Well. Having a pyramid and using the lesser lower brands to feed into the Haute-Couture is what every bigger fashion house needs to do to maintain itself to an extent.
But still this is some terrible organisation, internet presence and marketing. Most of these even YY fans wont have heard off. Waters down the main line as well.

Look at Armani, with him it is fairly clear what belongs where, from Giorgio Armani over Emporio to Armani Exchange, you know where you stand on the hierarchy. Here not so much.

>> No.11001206

you copy and paste that from one of trouble's listings? lmao

>> No.11001242

why does it matter? are you implying he's misinformed?

>> No.11001413

someone stole your pants? how did you get home

>> No.11001562
File: 1.34 MB, 3684x2394, cringeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what hakamas look like on a white dude

>> No.11001696

>you found them heavy?
Yeah I mean the weight of the fabric itself, they were pretty heavy. They were warm and breathable though so in a that sense they felt light but the actual physical product was pretty heavy.

>> No.11001794

Not that bad actually. If hre had long hair he would pull that off. But he looks domesticated af.

>> No.11002762


>> No.11002851

How much do I have to weight to be considered skeleton mode? I am 186cm tall, weigh 63kg and have a skinny build.

>> No.11003409

Looks great

>> No.11003482
File: 107 KB, 640x640, 138089583869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made a YY thread with some inspo a while back but the archive's dead :/

>> No.11003535

Are you on Tumblr or Instagram? Not OP, but I'm interested.

>> No.11004175
File: 78 KB, 500x750, 1425343715201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get an ID on that jacket?
Fantastic fit.

>> No.11004197

Lord have mercy on your soul.

>> No.11004238

>school shooter/10

>> No.11004374

do yohji pants only work on skinny legs or will they look nice over 4plate squat legs

>> No.11004380

>implying it looks good on any body type
yohji is to fashion what merzbow is to music

>> No.11004390
File: 126 KB, 850x228, Untitled9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're telling this to someone who has seen merzbow live

>> No.11004396

I rest my case

>> No.11004408

I feel like you're a pretty boring person but to each their own

>> No.11004432

>/fa/ feels cut deep and bares her claws
this place is so catty

>> No.11004437

if he would've had sandals instead, or loafers

holy fugg

>> No.11004443

I don't mean to be too catty
but if you can find no appeal in yohji nor merzbow, figures with little in common except a desire to do something fresh and different, I don't think I value your opinion very much

why would you be browsing /fa/ to begin with?
I threw in the to each their own to not be catty, taste is subjective, I just happen to not like their taste

>> No.11004466

they're both overly contrived and pretentious wrappings for what is essentially flat, emo asian minimalism
they both stand out in how often their products are perceived as sophisticated
if non-mainstream for the sake of non-mainstream is what you seek, they're both probably good choices in their fields

>> No.11004613

>they're both overly contrived and pretentious wrappings for what is essentially flat, emo asian minimalism
I dig the aesthetic. I'm not always in the mood for noise (and truthfully I find a lot of Merzbow's work rather uninteresting-- Venereology and his collabs with Boris are my favorites, but a lot of the stuff doesn't hold my attention), but sometimes it just scratches the itch
I'm not as articulate when it comes to fashion but I just think Yohji's work looks cool

>pretentious...they both stand out in how often their products are perceived as sophisticated
asian noise artists are about as non-pretentious as you can get
see hijokaidan, gerogerogegegege, torturing nurse, masonna, guilty connector
they all just fuck around and have fun and make loud noises because they enjoy it

>if non-mainstream for the sake of non-mainstream is what you seek, they're both probably good choices in their fields
Merzbow is hands-down the most mainstream noise artist, this holds no water

>> No.11004637

>they all just fuck around and have fun and make loud noises because they enjoy it
hey, man. if you like it, it's all good. idc what you spend your time listening to. I don't believe that you enjoy it though (inb4 "idc what you believe". I'm saving you the post if that's the thrust of it). It feels like conceit over "understanding" abstract performance art.
I wonder if people who listened to merzbow had to sign an NDA they would bother with all the hassle.
>Merzbow is hands-down the most mainstream noise artist, this holds no water
he's the most mainstream artist of one of the least mainstream genres. circles within circles, anon

>> No.11004657

>least mainstream genres
>noise (harsh)
How to spot someone who knows dick about music: the instructional post.

>> No.11004708

>I don't believe that you enjoy it though
don't you have any weird hobbies or interests? or even a fetish? Never felt confused when you saw people enjoying themselves at school dances? I held the same opinion you did once, but then I realized I enjoyed it

I like abstract expressionism over most artistic mediums, noise happens to be one of the most fun and least serious of those

there's a lot of out-there art that I don't like or even find to be just plain shit, obscurity =/= quality in the slightest

>> No.11004730

I'm open to the possibility that I just don't get it but my first instinct is that it's like people who say they enjoyed that interior semiotics play or single malt scotch
It doesn't help that an overarching theme of 4chan seems to be contrarianism masquerading as sophistication or principled dissent
My all time favorite band is Oasis. That may or may not be your cup of tea but I doubt you don't believe me.

>> No.11004845

I enjoy bitter things (I love 90-100% dark chocolate, sen-sens, the like) and very spicy or sour things, I think the extremity carries over to my aesthetic tastes

If you're big into Oasis, noise likely isn't for you
I find Oasis rather grating personally, the lack of dissonance bothers me... it's the same way you wouldn't recommend Rick to someone who always wears prep, not because one person or the other has "bad" taste, but rather because the two tastes are largely incompatible

I think that the theme of contrarianism comes in a way from the inability of 4channers to find people in the real world who share their interests

tfw no yohji noise gf

>> No.11004854

some of these pants are actually growing on me but jfc the price
at least merzbow is priced rationally

>> No.11004894

can yohji and ziggy or issey mix well?

>> No.11004899

>thinks noise is mainstream
how to spot someone who never goes outside and spends their entire life on /mu/ : the instructional post

>> No.11005730


>> No.11005757

fucking 10/10 GOAT tier
saved to my inspo
kmao@ur taste if u think this is cringe

>> No.11005771

Looks like a halloween costume......

>> No.11005928

confirmed for being the guy on the pic

>> No.11006020

w2c those exact pants

>> No.11006035
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>> No.11006037

Till your body looks like David Bowie's or even slimmer.

>> No.11006046

id on them pls
these are also cool but the hem doesn't narrow out at the end

>> No.11006047
File: 637 KB, 1516x1484, tbh fem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just covered his nerd face. Fuckin beautiful fit.

>> No.11006161
File: 41 KB, 500x667, fireflygrave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nerd face
pic related is him. he is basically model tier and the fit is confirmed GOAT

>> No.11006174

W2C entire fit??

>> No.11007034

ss13 look 18 balloon jacket
ss12 look 7 hakamas

>> No.11007767


>> No.11009026


>> No.11009145

fuck off attention whore
i know who you are

>> No.11009323

you're getting mad at someone for trying to preserve a quality thread

this is what's wrong with /fa/

>> No.11009341



>> No.11009534

so the only way to get the yohji look is to dress in yohji pour homme? none of his diffusion lines or other brands?

>> No.11009551

if you want classic yohji stick to yyph at first and then try some y's pieces out because as much as it gets shit on this board it does have some very good pieces
workshop might be worth it check out
but, beyond that you're better off leaving the rest of it alone

>> No.11010391

How about some more discussion.

>> No.11010630

I forget that /fa/ is /mu/

>> No.11010798

>materials add up to even a fraction of the price tag

yeah no the only thing you're paying for is the name, don't kid yourself

>> No.11011070

ofc but yohjis cuts need special materials to work

>> No.11011084

Yohji pants, Rick tee and gray suede Geobaskets

>> No.11011100

Got any examples of Yohji pants with geos? For some reason I can't imagine that looking good.

>> No.11011126

not he guy you asked but I think that hakamas would look bad because geobaskets are open at the top and look best with skinny pants
the pants in OPs pic might work as they get tighter at the hem

>> No.11011234

Saw some Chinese something guy with almost the same outfit (baggy pants etc.) but with some completely beige old skools. Looked sick!

Btw that was in Vienna, so a chink tourist.

>> No.11011322

Cut some holes in some black stretchy bedsheets.

>> No.11011409

more please!

>> No.11012336

Long shot, but does anyone know/know how to get the product code/number for http://www.luisaviaroma.com/index.aspx?#ItemSrv.ashx|SeasonId=63I&CollectionId=01V&ItemId=28&VendorColorId=Mg2&SeasonMemoCode=actual&GenderMemoCode=men&Language=&CountryId=&SubLineMemoCode=&CategoryId=0&ItemResponse=&MenuResponse=&SizeChart=false&ItemTag=true&NoContext=false


>> No.11012379

why do you need it ?

>> No.11012554


All the item codes are listed here, those pants will be from the middle section of slimmer suiting from S/S16. You'll find the code there, just look for the look.

>> No.11012694

thanks so much! if anything it's look 16!

because have friends in tokyo that could cop it for me.

>> No.11012719
File: 335 KB, 1366x2048, _MON0651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice perk man having friends in Tokyo. I use Japan shopping services to pick it up for me, recently copped the full set for pic related.

>> No.11012756

>I use Japan shopping services to pick it up for me

>> No.11012936

These guys are good in my experience


>> No.11012943

don't you have to pay out the asshole for those services? like they charge every 15mins their out of the office to pick up the goods.

>> No.11014223

Says 10% of item value

>> No.11014328

so this thread didnt find anything for the aesthetic?

>> No.11014518

tl;dr: buy yohji directly in Japan for the cheapest way possible to get the aesthetic.

Yeah, it's bullshit.

>> No.11015469

what'd you pay breh

>> No.11015487

this dude is nxt lvl af