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10721875 No.10721875 [Reply] [Original]

I just submitted photos to a couple of agencies and plan on attending some open calls. What can you tell me about the experiences you've had or how you got into modeling in the first place?

Is it really that great? Is the money good? Are other models friendly?

>> No.10721880

Post pic of ur face familia

>> No.10721883

No sir

>> No.10721885

It's not who you know its who you blow

>> No.10721888
File: 815 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, I'm a model.

ask me anything.

>> No.10722175

>that forehead bossing
>the acne
>that hair
I wouldn't, but then again, those are rather nice digits. I would and not regret it a bit. :^)

>> No.10722925

hi yes i model
i got scouted,
it can be great, it depends, some jobs are, some jobs aren't, sometimes having jobs is great, sometimes you have too many jobs and don't want any

from my experience money has been good, but i can only model for money for ysl which sucks dick. all models are friendly, it's just if they're really friendly or are friendly for their career's sake. there's a lot of that. hope i helped

>> No.10722950

>oblong face shape
>hitler youth haircut
>making your face look even longer

yeah your stylist is shit af

>> No.10722995

no you're not.

>> No.10723000

I was a model. I didn't like it at first, but I guess my asshole got used to it after a while, so it was okay. Pay was cool tho.

>> No.10723010

Modeled as a child for clothing, then moved onto commercials when I was a teen, now I do commercials, clothing (catalogues/online stores, all big brands/stores), and so on. About half a year ago I did a shoot for H&M and I had a large canvas print of myself put up in a few local H&M branches. Probably my proudest achievement to date.

Ask me anything, advice etc for anyone looking to start out

>> No.10723011

I have this typical SLP model body with slender upper body and long arms and "interesting"/good-looking face

was scouted in my teens but didn't dare

where to turn

>> No.10723013


>> No.10723018

go to reddit for proof

this is an anonymous imageboard

>> No.10723035

I'm considering taking shots and putting my headshot in the mix, but idk anything about modeling. idk how to pose or anything. where can I learn? luckily it's different than woman, so I don't have to try and look the same as a typical sex symbol so to speak.

>> No.10723040

>>10723010 << here


>Is it really that great?
As you're starting out sure it feels great, your ego will get a massive boost and you'll think that you're the shit. It's tiring as fuck really, make sure you're mentally prepared. Have thick skin and never be offended personally if you get rejected, trust me you will.

Once you get further into the modelling world and you start getting higher profile gigs you'll be surrounded by all sorts of people, all of them will look good as fuck, and you will get insecure obviously.

>Is the money good?
When you're just starting out it's okay, as long as you have a good agency that cares about their models and not trying to cash in on a big chunk.

>Are other models friendly?
It varies, I've met some really humble and inspiring people who know their shit and treat everyone with respect but I've met some horrible people who think they're better than everyone and are just big dicks to everyone.

>> No.10723042

nice dubs

yeah i've always said to everybody to just apply, you never know, and of the people who actually have, they've been signed up to agencies. So if you've been scouted before then i'd say definitely apply. YSL is a bit difficult to get into, i know i guess i'm quite SLP trademark looking, 6'5 and weigh 0, but personality really goes a long way, don't underestimate, i'm going to star in a ysl campaign in jan, and i really think i got it through being nice to everybody in hedi's team, i know all of them by name, they all know me by name, and i actually have a few on fb, etc etc so i know what they're up to so i can talk to them. That's really important to Hedi, his team is like his family

>> No.10723055

For professional headshots get a camera with proper focal length that's good for portraits. Make sure the aperture is fairly wide (<f2.0) so that you get good background separation. Look at other models headshots for inspiration, and some actors on IMDB have good headshots as well.

Don't pose too much and be natural. Your smile has to be natural as well, you don't want to come off as trying too hard. Smile <1s before the camera snaps the pics. Take two types of headshots; smiling with your teeth visible and without. See which one you look best in. I wouldn't recommend smiling with your teeth visible if you don't have very good teeth.

For angles there's two important ones:
You wanna look straight into the camera / position your face directly towards the camera, and second the one where you angle your head a little to put emphasis on the jawline. Or you can try out different angles and include one of each.

>> No.10723056

oh cool. sounds really fun.

I'm 6'4 and about 161

should I apply directly to YSL/SLP or where to?

thanks for the info man

>> No.10723062


Also, do not put too much of emphasis onto your smile, I forgot to add that in.. as a model you want all the focus to be on your face and its features, so if you can't nail a perfect smile just take a headshot without a smile or just a slight smile without opening your mouth.

>> No.10723069

okay they are some cool stats i guess, i think the problem is you and i are a bit too tall. I'm getting pissy at the moment because all the magazine shoots i do, they always portray me as weird looking, on account for my height. They never make me look cool, always weird, so i'm actually getting my friend to take photos of me, where i tell him what to do, because i know how to make myself look cool.

So maybe think about that, because it's fun when you're proud of yourself looking cool, will you be proud of yourself looking weird? because that's 90% of fashion.

I'm gonna post the photos that my agency took of me when i got scouted, it was these photos that decided whether they would sign me or not, i would suggest to anybody looking to apply to an agency, copy these photos, include your measurements and send them to agencies near you. (my stats are actually wrong i'm 6'5, not 6'3 lol)

>> No.10723072
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10723081

What is the perfect body for modeling?

>> No.10723091



>> No.10723092

aren't you 6'5"? I'm 6'3", should I state my height as 6'2"?

>> No.10723094

i am 6'5. 6'3 is a fine height to be, but yeah say you're 6'2 just because it's more common

>> No.10723109

How lean? Ottermode?

>> No.10723122
File: 158 KB, 513x682, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I saw that. A local agency had a max height of 6'3" I think

Thanks for all this help man. I really appreciate it.

this is currently me btw

>> No.10723137

yeah man you'll do fine, you're bordering skinny and athletic, good luck!

>> No.10723227


>> No.10723248

reference Tyler McFerson

>> No.10723344

no offense but arent you too big for ysl?

>> No.10723346

I'm a grill fit model considering actually getting an agent soon and doing some real stuff

>> No.10723704

maybe. It's muscle I've worked hard to get, though. believe it or not. was similar to >>10723072 a while ago, so.

not gonna become a hungry skeleton again just to model for YSL/SLP

>> No.10723708

example pics? without face ofc

>> No.10723712

The alien arms might be good enough though. They're like 6'9". Haha.

>> No.10723788


>> No.10723806


lol which one of your fb friends is this and why are you mad at him

>> No.10723899


you look gross and old, dude

>> No.10723907

post face and body
let's see them model looks

>> No.10723914

Is it possible to be a model without showing your face?

>> No.10724675


>> No.10724757

are you a male or female?

>> No.10724933

nice dubs, don't worry man i'm totally with you 100% on my body, it's not sexy at all, but unlike you i think my body looks really immature, so we have our differences

>> No.10725026

I really really want to model.Some people have told I should/could model irl and url, but I'm still not sure about it because other people have told me I look average or just okay. Sometimes I think I look pretty good in pic and other times JUST terrible.

For next year I'll try and jump out of skelly mode and get ottermode and get a better haircut for higher chances of acceptance if I ever apply.


>> No.10725042


nah i mean your face, you have bad old-looking skin

>> No.10725049

oh i get ya, well that was during my freshers week of uni, so for two months i had been drinking heavily every night after 4pm, so my skin was awful. It's fine now though, i use effaclar duo+ every night it's the best