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File: 222 KB, 1400x2065, karlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10604203 No.10604203 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so perfect, bros?


>> No.10604208

w2c thighs?

>> No.10604212

I love her! I'm going to marry her!

>> No.10604217

No. I was there first.

>> No.10604218

Nope! She'll marry me!

>> No.10604221

Fuck off, she's mine.

>> No.10604227
File: 1.99 MB, 540x304, 921939123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuh uh! Butt out!

>> No.10604229

why is she so perfect

>> No.10604231

>generic rich model married to a rich man #231878923
>"omg she's so cute I'm gonna marry her :3 xD"

She doesn't even know you exist, and even if she did she'd only think of you as a cash cow.

Keep saving and fawning over pictures of her while she lives in her 20 000 000$ appartment doing nothing except fucking, hanging with starlets and taking pictures of herself.

By the way, in 5 years we'll stop hearing from her (and hopefully from you too), I'll let you guess why.

>> No.10604234

Shut up, bully!
Anything can happen!

>> No.10604236

I feel your frustration. Karlie will never be your wife.

>> No.10604254

idk they made her eyes a bit too chinese 4me

>> No.10604286

>she'd only think of you as a cash cow.

joke's on her i'm poor af :^)

>> No.10604301

you fuckers are so sad
come in here lads really funny thread i made
greetings from pol

>> No.10604310

go back to reddit you cancerous faggots

>> No.10604359

hello newfag

>> No.10604384

"a movie by Karlie Koss
produced by Casey Neisat, edit by Tim Kellner, associate producers x and y"

What the fuck, all this shit for a how to make cookies

>> No.10604395

whos the male equivalent for taylor swift?

>> No.10604475

god damn rat

>> No.10604488

someone post that webm of her eating with a close-up of her eyes

>> No.10604507
File: 150 KB, 229x261, 1402916421241 (2015_09_18 12_40_44 UTC).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat her shit to be honest

>> No.10604512

She's hot for a dyke.

>> No.10604517

whenever people say bros now i hear it in pewdiepie voice :/

#Internet Culture

>> No.10604608
File: 896 KB, 936x1401, 936full-karlie-kloss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Answering twitter questions
>a movie by Karlie Kloss
> M O V I E
>produced by Casey Neistat | edit by Annalora von Pentz
>associate producers Annalora von Pentz + Ruby Honerkamp
>music by Henry Hall

Seriously, this is the worst attempt at trying to be intimate and "real," with your fans ever.
I'm also calling bullshit on her dumb "koding," thing.

Karlie's appeal faded around 2012, she just looks like a T-Swift clone now.

>> No.10604656

she's so hot

>> No.10604712
File: 1.79 MB, 1794x1010, 1424614576543.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10604730


>> No.10604752

So true, looking at the image tab I thought it was tswift

>> No.10604763

What's her appeal? I never got it. She doesn't have the prettiest eyes, cheeks, face, nose or combination of facial features.

>> No.10604807
File: 338 KB, 582x1469, eiGaT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.10604876

her face is the wurst.

>> No.10604991

But 5'10 to 5'11 is model height you retard.

>> No.10605022
File: 23 KB, 385x385, sad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why hasn't she posted any videos in over a week bros ...

>> No.10605100

yes thanks senpai

>> No.10605123

>she just looks like a T-Swift clone now.
like that's a bad thing

>> No.10605417

this has to be bait
have you ever seen a runway show, ever? literally all the female models are above 5'7. also I like tall girls. not a big fan of short girls

>> No.10605689

Fucking disgusting. This chart was made by some nip or south East Asian chimp dwarf.

Ideal female height is 5'2-5'11. Perfect is 5'7-5'10. No one wants to fuck a child.

>> No.10605726

i only just realised that you guys aren't talking about taylor swift

>> No.10606098

She was beautiful during the early parts of her career, when she still looked quite alien.
Had a signature walk, designers loved her.
Also had very good management and was wholesome enough to be sold to the masses. Unfortunately, she's become boring and a bit too well managed, if that makes sense. I actually hate seeing her walk now, and that dumb face she always makes on the runway.

>> No.10606103
File: 112 KB, 224x215, Screen Shot 2015-10-10 at 8.03.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.10606107

what is this from?

>> No.10606112

she looks so much better natural (without the red lipstick and all that)

>> No.10606116

blame t swift for getting karlie addicted to that ugly ass red lipstick

>> No.10606677

And haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

>> No.10606710

she strikes me as someone who has emotional issues and a difficulty dealing with confrontation, that being said i dont really care as i am homosexual, and also because she doesn't seem like an ill intending person

"perfect"? not really, imho.

>> No.10606712

>tfw no clingy gf

>> No.10606844

>Taylor got to plow that and you never will


>> No.10606846

>ywn plow them both

>> No.10607038


>> No.10607041

>noone wants to fuck a child

How long have you been on 4chan m8

>> No.10607163

5'9 is actually optimal imo

>> No.10608203

lmao she's caked af

>> No.10608226
File: 60 KB, 820x500, trenchcoat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys I need advice do you think if I got someone to carry me on their shoulders so I looked taller she would date me?

Pic is more or less what I have in mind, except I'm naked underneath the trench coat.

>> No.10608234
File: 182 KB, 453x604, tumblr_mg7bi8z3nf1qeft4mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just be confident Patrick.

>> No.10608251

manlets, when will they learn

>> No.10608252
File: 137 KB, 634x576, article-1166637-0445E3BC000005DC-857_634x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid advice.

Actually, I think dating taller is a mark of goddamn intelligence. Why wouldn't want goddamn massive children? Even if they're dumb, they'll have a decent shot at playing in the NBA.

Also I doubt anyone would judge me because, let's face it, no-one judges Nicolas Sarkozy for his choice in tall hot-as-fuck wives except himself apparently

>> No.10608285
File: 63 KB, 600x500, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>President of France.
>Marries model (now cat-lady lel botox)

Truly a king of Manlets. Al because of brazen French confidence. Same as Berlusconi.


>> No.10608452
File: 1.76 MB, 356x200, 1447072860317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying too hard to get into simply sarah status

>> No.10609967

She's pretty great if not for her hair.

Its too thin, flat and has no volume.

>> No.10609969

How can the presidents of one of the most powerful countries on earth be so horribly dressed?!

Fuck democracy.

>> No.10609995
File: 51 KB, 470x517, idontgiveafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true. Dictators always have more style

>> No.10610008

>loves to cook

find a flaw

>> No.10611356



>> No.10611381

>cumskin female
>not a flaw

pic two

>> No.10611539

What a cunt

>> No.10611540

>not gay

>> No.10612712

obama needs to see a tailor. That shit is bad senpai.