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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 97 KB, 960x540, london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10567521 No.10567521 [Reply] [Original]

did london do it better than brisbane /fa/?

>> No.10567527

>that grill

>> No.10567532
File: 69 KB, 1440x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only effay person is the black guy


>> No.10567534

this isn't real is it

>> No.10567537

probably less spaghetti but their fits are p bad

>> No.10567546

literally looks like every other guy walking around in the street

wouldn't think any of these lads are into fashion aside from the Ricky token 2nd from left

>> No.10567549

no its a painting you muppet

>> No.10567553

brisbane KILLED IT ok

love 3rd from left

wish we could see grills fit better tbqh

>> No.10567614

why do english girls always look so slimy?

>> No.10567623

They are the filthiest women on planet earth and I mean this in A good and a bad way

>> No.10567630

it's like a competition between british women to see who can be the most vulgar sex crazed disease ridden rodents

>> No.10567759

worse than brisbane, which is quite an achievement.

>> No.10567774

black dude looks awesome, white faggot with the aviators in the middle is cringe af. rest just look like high school kids

>> No.10567783
File: 156 KB, 410x425, 1412333199897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there was a gril in london after all

>> No.10567791

Why are they wearing tracksuit pants? Bloody chavs m8

>> No.10567794

they're british, they can't help it

>> No.10567797

Even in the streets, every young tourist lad is wearing these. baka desu senpai

>> No.10567799

looks pretty fucking terrible, but I don't think anyone could do worse than Brisbane

>> No.10567812
File: 5 KB, 266x266, 686-emoji_android_person_frowning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks as unremarkable as I'd expect.

>> No.10567821

I think they cool.

>> No.10567824 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that these are the guys who bang yo girl while you watch.

>> No.10567827

black british people are hilarious

you never know what you're going to get

some brit motherfucker that adopted american hood culture from East LA

or some uncle tom fucking bloke

>> No.10567834

Daily reminder that these are the guys who judge your facial expression while they bang your chick.

>> No.10567836

lmao desu senpai

>> No.10567840

>post on an autistic fashion forum
>dress like a regular person
Would have been better if they wore something interesting even if it was trash. They're so unremarkable. The black bloke is all right, though.

>> No.10567850
File: 182 KB, 620x385, russia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10567852

Dude in the glasses is alright, black guy is okay and pulls off the memeboots. Rest are some of the worst I've seen. This is far worse than the Brisbane meet and /mfa/. Only HFM dresses worse than this.

>> No.10567854

this is bait

>> No.10567873

desu we were just drinking/doing edibles/doing benzos in central it wasnt an effay meet we're just pals innit

>> No.10567878
File: 822 KB, 1920x1080, cheekynandostbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10567882

the fits are less cringey than the people in this thread who are critiquing guy's garms who are just chilling out and obviously not dressing up to show off muh gains

>> No.10567883

lol i like these to be honest

>> No.10567887

3rd from left goes to my uni i think

>> No.10567891

i think these are p chill fits desu imo baka

>> No.10567894

Literal fucking children, jesus why do I ever come here

>> No.10567897

chavwear is in this season lads

>> No.10567898

says the guy browsing 4chan at this time

>> No.10567899

how old are you

>> No.10567911

let's do this:
(from left to right)

-looks like a poor chav/homeless
-nigga is decent with terrible shoes, it destroys the fit
-half of the refugees going through my contry dress better than this
-pretty good, shoes look shit tho, maybe the best fit.
-cant see the girl
-everyone right too the girl: homeless refugees

disgusting display guys, the average clueless normie dresses better than you guys nowadays, at least in my country

>> No.10567916

>that grill

hnnng w2c 4chan gf

>> No.10567927

he he u will never live in L O N D O N
go back 2 ur shit dadcore 3rd world

>> No.10567930

Agreed he's mad because he eats dog food with milk for breakfast, fucking commoner

>> No.10567933


>> No.10567934

This, honestly this is the most self-sabotaging shit show i have ever seen here, within a few hours (or days for the retards) of browsing this shithole you could get the basics of good fit, colors and styles but these guys made their fits look even worse than clueless normies somehow.
I don't even know how is this possible. Just copying the fits on the mannequins in most shops could have made these guys look 10x better. Spending huge money to look like slav middleschoolers playing football on the street?

>> No.10567941

lol clueless

>> No.10567942

to be honest the like chav/raver/early-2000s/sportswear/roadman look is what's in fashion in london at the moment

>> No.10567943

Have fun getting stabbed by shitskins in London while wearing your best school-shooter fits

>> No.10567947

>not wanting to look like a school shooter
lmao senpai remain irrelevant

>> No.10567952


Those fits look like bored rich/middleclass white kids trying to appear roadworn/though on their way between their dark rooms and school/starbucks

>> No.10567953
File: 46 KB, 300x300, 1346594638917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they just look like average high school kids dressed by their working class parents, the cringey part is that you know these people are really, really into "fashion" and probably unironically think they dress better than average people

the nig looks gud tho

>> No.10567959

haha yeah pretty much to be honest xD

>> No.10567983

>the cringey part not being that you're literally over analysing a bunch of mates chilling at a park or smth

>> No.10567984

this. except i disagree, the nigger doesnt look good either

>> No.10567999

Doesn't the fa whatsapp group hang out all the time tho lol. This isn't the first image of them hanging out either. Same black guy tho. Last one was full of r.o fails and one nicely dressed dude in raf and postmans

>> No.10568011

Lad guess what xDDDD
That nicely dressed dude
Is mr top gun in this photo XDDDDDDDDDDD DESU SENPAI

>> No.10568014
File: 388 KB, 196x220, 5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is so British it makes me feel like Britain never ever ever shall be slaves

>> No.10568016

>nig looks good thou
Making me blush

>> No.10568021




>> No.10568022


Whatsapp England aka skepta shutdown squaa squad

>> No.10568026
File: 265 KB, 1328x747, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10568028


>> No.10568041

t b h if these sexy young thuggas did rock there thousand-pound wardrobes they would be accused of trying too hard soooo...

>> No.10568043

their* sorry l a d s

>> No.10568048

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Pirus gang signs

>> No.10568062


>> No.10568076


>> No.10568140

the poor chav/homeless look was what i was going for

>> No.10568146

third from left is same as well, but he was dressed in full undercover

>> No.10568165

baka @ the shook guy hiding behind the loudest dressed guy so he takes all the heat, i see you pal

>> No.10568174

Where is the Brisbane photo?

>> No.10568224

they honestly look like theyd be ok people to hang out with except for the dude in aviators who looks a right cunt

>> No.10568237

>yfw when u realize the 'tall' black guy is 5' 11''

>> No.10568242

they do look a lot more relaxed/comfortable with each other than the brisbane lot i suppose

>> No.10568247

nah he's like 6' 3" (~)

>> No.10568252

He's 6'1"

>> No.10568253


>> No.10568256

>implying this was a meetup
>implying they weren't casually hanging out getting pissed before marveling at weaboos at MCM

>> No.10568258

mm, i dont think so
how do u know this?

>> No.10568262

I stood next to him

>> No.10568266

fuck off malte

>> No.10568269

Alot of samefagging from the autists in the op photo in here kek

>> No.10568270


>> No.10568283


You can't call them autists when they go outside and socialize. Dorks, maybe, but not autists. Please learn to use proper vocabulary.

>> No.10568287

Autists go to social autist events all the time and be autistic with each other

>> No.10568292

autists go on on imageboards and agrue about what makes someone an autist lol

>> No.10568301

>still wearing all black errything

>> No.10568317

Shurrup u autist desu baka kek

>> No.10568421

left to right:
poor mans theodore
the token guy that actually got the toj he payed for (the only one in the group that looks like hes into fashion)
a person who does cheeky nandos too much
three other roadmen

>> No.10568436

Lmao there is nothing roadman about any of them

>> No.10568513

considering the london people are like a group of 23 friends i dont really know if it can be called a 'meet'
some of these fits are poverty though. couple of these guys dont realise they arent stormzy.
black guy would have a nice fit if not for the too tight trousers, sunglasses guy nearly has a good fit

>> No.10568532

Why is literally everbody in black

>> No.10568542

> 2015
> still all black

When will fa admit the only reason this 'meme' took off is becasue they can't dress anything else

But desu this is much better than i thought it'd look desu. good job senpai

>> No.10568748

>those fits
Pls b in Brisbane

>> No.10568753

holy fuck these kikes all dressed in black

>> No.10568765

fugg I would totally gone

>> No.10568769

wtf is this

>> No.10568774

why did no one tell me about this ?

>> No.10568776

count me in

>> No.10568800

desu baka senpai

>> No.10568823
File: 182 KB, 500x722, 1446000153036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the faking Brisbane pics I haven't seen them I want to compare

The black guy is /fa/ if you disagree y I you're probably a hater.

Seriously all black though?

>> No.10568867

They all dress like Niggers

That cheeky cunt on the far right.

>> No.10568922

>i was just pretending to look shit

>> No.10568941

post fit pic

>> No.10569516


>> No.10569723


why is everyone in black and white

>> No.10569749

because memeochrome is a real thing going on outside in thousands of fast fashion stores like gap and h&m and TJmaxx and Ross and Target as we speak

>> No.10569759
File: 59 KB, 500x332, 1446521299240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these faggots live in the same city as me

>> No.10569766

Senpaitachi how can I get in on the action?

>> No.10569769


Where is Ricky?

>> No.10569813

Just look like regular chavs. has the neo-slav prole drift of sportswear through high end fashion really reached such a point that people claiming to be into fashion just look like poor people from only a few years before? ... wait, 2005 as a decade ago, shit. does that mean nostalgia for this period has already begun?

>> No.10569841


>> No.10569864

>took me a while to notice Dylann
and that gril is qt desu

>> No.10569898

Don't really browse /fa/ anymore but got linked this thread; I did that photoshop, I'm the guy in glasses, grill is my gf. That pic was basically a bunch of lads getting slew at a NerdCon, don't think anyone was tryna flex garms just have banter with the lads.

I was also the Raf Simons / postmans guy somebody mentioned earlier in the thread.

Glasses aren't mine btw (borrowed em off a cosplayer) only wore em to conceal how fucked looking I was from raving the night before.

>> No.10569914

is that beg on the far right really doing pecknarm?

>> No.10569923

who would've thought that /fa/ would look like a bunch of autistic ponces in real life? i'm ashamed that i live in london

>> No.10569933

talk shit post fit fām

>> No.10569943

why did the guy on the far right even turn up. shocking

>> No.10569950

desu i dont give a shit about meetups but too many posters like you talk a big game
there's a strong chance you dress like complete shit
rt every /fa/ poster is delusional.

except me.

>> No.10569955

>calling man out for repping false endz on some next dbz website
nah but who's really the beg mr black gang??

>> No.10569966

>i dont give a shit about meetups
yet you were at the meetup? i don't dress like a 15 year old chav trying to be ard, but i dont think anyone would take me seriously if i dressed like the people in that meetup.

>> No.10569970

>yet you were at the meetup
no lol

>> No.10569974

i am the leader of peckham boys and i have tracked your ip

>> No.10569988

wew ok lad bit negative there was jus out meetin me mates feelin a bit down about that :-(

>> No.10569989

>these are the people giving you clothing advice

fucking kek

>> No.10569991

post fit

>> No.10570003

post fit

>> No.10570018

you assembled the perfect "fashion just doesnt interest me" fit

>> No.10570022
File: 757 KB, 1024x1024, OcMJpxF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10570034

kek core

>> No.10570048
File: 136 KB, 984x1168, IMG-20151026-WA0029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look out at a school near you

>> No.10570095

this probably isnt you
though it does looks terrible.
the fact that you wont post a real fit goes to show though

>> No.10570158

why did the guy on the right turn up to go hang with his friends?
>why wouldn't he turn up this is just another weekend activity for the LNDN f a m

>> No.10570162


moist meet up desu

>> No.10570171

guys why is michael such a normie? did he really bring his gf

>> No.10570175

tells him to post a fit
says its not his when he posts
way to be a shithead

>> No.10570193

post a fit

>> No.10570204

dude what happened to your face!?!?!?

>> No.10570212

only said so because reverse image search brings up a lot of results
could possibly be an mfa crossposter which is why i said 'probably'
sorry senpai

>> No.10570234

Brismeet was dope git fukt cunt

>> No.10570975


>> No.10571081
File: 125 KB, 639x530, WAKEMEUPANIME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10571092

>These are the awfully dressed, ugly, faggots that judge your fits.

How is this place even around anymore?

>> No.10571095

post fit

>> No.10571329

essential kekcore hate shit like this

>> No.10571357

wow i think so yeah

>> No.10571761
File: 648 KB, 1556x1037, 1402097056555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it so hard to search a bit on Google ?


>> No.10571775
File: 799 KB, 3110x2073, 1413765786186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus post their faces dude. We all shall see their faces.

>> No.10571822

Pink bucket hat is cute 10/10 would use as inspo

>> No.10571888
File: 107 KB, 598x1015, _20151104_074309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That neck

>> No.10571903

can someone add me back to the whatsapp group?

>> No.10571905

got shit on by London fits as expected desu senpai

>> No.10571910

james b? done m8

>> No.10571911

can i join i need m8s in Ldn who can actually dress and know girls

>> No.10571934

send ur number to effaylondon@hush.com if u like lad

>> No.10571935

>an mfa crossposter
True. So?
Well, depend on your look, and im sure you look like one of this ones >>10571775 - thx for your opinion man, i really need it.

>> No.10571947


>> No.10571952

>no squat

why bother with that outfits

>> No.10571953

These guys get shit on so much but all of their fits are equal to or better than 90% of the fits in every waywt.

>> No.10571969

dub dubs

>> No.10571979

Lol at all the chavs in that pic

>> No.10571986

nah i wasnt implying that crossposting is a bad thing, just raised a few doubts it was actually you.

no need to get snarky either. its fine if you dont care, wouldnt expect you to. not sure how you can insult the shitty fits at brismeet (bar tesselate) when you would fit right in, either. i think your fit is trash, simple as, but remember that i told you to post a fit in the first place because you were shitting on these guys and acting like your fits were better.

turned out they arent.

>> No.10571994

So, now can we see your fit? Show us.

>> No.10572012

nah i dress like complete shit man
not going to pretend that i dont, that'd be really silly

>> No.10572016
File: 119 KB, 458x504, f55a2d9d20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10572017

Second from the left is on point as fuck.

The rest...

>> No.10572031


>> No.10572051

Fucking rekt

Bet all these lads went to private school in south and think they're proper roadmans because they've been out in Brixton

>> No.10572052
File: 896 KB, 3187x1793, vL4YWYN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10572057

Black guy is basic as fuck ro fetishist. Dunno why people say he's good.

>> No.10572092

yeh ok ok but u don't want to see me on road

>> No.10572096
File: 29 KB, 720x405, IMG-20151102-WA0038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw when none of you are big guys
the smallest person in this photo is 6" 1

>> No.10572115

>some uncle tom fucking bloke
I'll never understand this, I was born here am I not allowed to be influenced by brit culture? I can't help it tbqh

>> No.10572127

step to me cuz ill one bomb you

>> No.10572130


>> No.10572135

>>being baited by amerikeks
ladm8 you've a long way to go.

>> No.10572137

Is that a cheeky tyskie you're sippin on m8?

>> No.10572166
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, smee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10572378
File: 205 KB, 1500x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man you leave your house wearing that rip

>> No.10572407

shoes and blue on coat is bad. otherwise, okay.

>> No.10572611


Man came out his house looking like a hipster tramp

>> No.10572639


Whats the point in being into fashion if you're just going to subvert it and dress like shit on purpose?

The whole 'sitting in the front row in a black tracksuit' thing makes no fucking sense

'I'm really into racing bikes thats why I ride around on this shitty tricycle'

>> No.10572662

>listens to grime once

>> No.10572667

kek the 2nd from left looks like hes physically greasy and slimey

>> No.10572678



>> No.10572682

desu he had come straight from the rave without sleeping

>> No.10572692

Is he persian? He looks like hes Persian and sells carpets on the weekend

>> No.10572717

Lmao this tbqh

>> No.10572733

hello reddit

>> No.10572813

Whare was my invite?

Look like a bunch of imitation roadmen ngl

>> No.10572833

I want to bant with the lads but I don't like drugs :(

>> No.10572840

have you literally never met a black British person before? lmao

>> No.10572896

ey senpai is that girls name Heidi?

>> No.10572903

spot the 2015 grime fans hihi

>> No.10572932

2015 grime fans are the worst meme of the year.

>> No.10573049


I'm not talking about distressed clothes, looking like a hobo etc obviously. I'm talking about just looking like a normal guy who throws on only old shit, resulting in shit fits

>> No.10573253

is anyone down for a dallas meetup? Xavier wulf is coming here on december 5th, the show is at a pretty effay art studio

>> No.10573435

dressing in chav sportswear is what's in fashion in london at the moment. comes from the resurgence in popularity in early 2000s music. i guess it's also like london/urban utilitarian "normcore". and also because people don't wanna look like "hipsters" anymore and instead that they're "authentic" and not a part of "gentrification"

>> No.10573572


>> No.10573735

Apart from the black guy, it looks like the dole queue for the job centre.

>> No.10573749

So what? The early 2000s was the nadir of fashion. The bleach blonde twink look becoming popular again should have told you this.

>> No.10573975


>> No.10574212

cheers lad I love this

>> No.10574315


>> No.10574825

i want the asian kids shirt

>> No.10574860

>toffs in tracksuits
wow way better

>> No.10575267

honestly fucking terrible

>> No.10575303




>> No.10575314

I am sure this guy is one of the Brisbaners like 99 percent

>> No.10575317
File: 84 KB, 164x203, 124329786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice grime music video cosplay we got here

>> No.10575360

Where abouts in brisbane was this taken?

>> No.10575484

Autism Lane

>> No.10575488

Lol, you blind, idiot?

>> No.10575505

Ur bad fit blinded him lmao

>> No.10575531
File: 245 KB, 878x900, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10575625

post fit fåm

>> No.10575670
File: 1.75 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-11-05-14-44-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576004

sieg acting like he knows people again

>> No.10576012

Go to London senpai.

You've clearly never heard of grime or roadmanz.

>> No.10576018

yas queens

>> No.10576107

does anyone have the rare footage of long-neck guy dancing webm?

pls senpai desu tru goat

>> No.10576125

oh fuck was that the fa cgl meetup outside mcm in the summer?

topkek I actually saw you but I didnt want to involve myself with people like these

>> No.10576140

>youtube suggests thats not me by skepta once

>> No.10576144

u actually think this which is the sad part

literally the most basic of any of them

>> No.10576443
File: 1.21 MB, 1080x1920, kahn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive english, i am Russia.

i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss.

We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in Russia. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in Russia). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though.

I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.

>> No.10576476

lel, gay sex novels

>> No.10576493

>Benzos interest me

>> No.10576512

why are the two guys on the right doing the "ok"symbol with their hands

>> No.10576559

its an emoji meme
tired meme
>I saw you but didn't want to involve myself with people - FTFY

PSA: This wasn't a 'meet-up' we just went out to drink - nobody thought "better put on my best garms to impress 4chan"

>> No.10576673

I am a sinner and a humble servant.

>> No.10576708

Fucking kekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.10576999

god damn that girl is hot

>> No.10577015

the black guy is the only one who's fit is really good, the far left guys fit is solid. the rest are fuckng awful.

>> No.10577211

tfw got kicked from group

>> No.10577237

lmao 3rd from left
s a d b o y s

>> No.10577289

that picture says otherwise

>> No.10577335

pigfuck was right

>> No.10577529

Ops picture is basement faggots 101

>> No.10577532

>black guy


>> No.10577540
File: 171 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basement fucking autism senpai.

>> No.10577546

Go back 2 africa m8, nobody wants ur family. leave your tea utensils here.

>> No.10577552

Basement is the facebook group version of that h&m sweater everyone shat themselves over. Low quality and is for prats

>> No.10577561

Circle jerk of autistic kids who take photos of each other then talk online rather than actually speaking to each other, need to neck themselves.

>> No.10577569

/fa/ isn't really a circle jerk, m8, almost urrybody is anon.

>> No.10577572

Talking about basement, not effay senpai.

>> No.10577575

we're so cool omfg senpai.

>> No.10578541
File: 31 KB, 500x365, 1403410932182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>True. So?
fuck off crossposting nigger, cancer of this website