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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 52 KB, 599x369, Ben Garrison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10555539 No.10555539 [Reply] [Original]

can you be republican and still be effay?

>> No.10555557

dorky young republicans will never be effay

>> No.10555559

All the republicans I know look like dads or engineering students

>> No.10555564

Do be a true republican you need the most disgustingly dry and poofy hair you can get, think Jim Bob from 21 Kids and Counting

>> No.10555593

you might want to start by growing a brain tbqh fam

>> No.10555631

You can't actively identify with ANY political party, especially Democrat or Republican, and be /fa/.

>> No.10555632

truth right here
apolitical is the best

>> No.10555653
File: 186 KB, 500x376, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to be so fucking retarded to believe all that democrat bullshit over the age of 15

>> No.10555658

im not even saying that the republicans are right or anything

>> No.10555659

This. Democrats are peddling candy and only children eat it.

>> No.10555678

No, not apolitical, just know what you are talking about if someone asks you about a topic. Being stupid isn't /fa/ either.

>> No.10555715

>it's literally, LITERALLY the same as believing in santa claus
this fucking guy

>> No.10555725

>People ITT implying that Democrats are any better

Both Ds and Rs are filled with vapid, poorly-dressed people. From my - limited - experience, it's just that Republicans gyrate harder towards ill-fitting Brooks Brothers, whereas Democrats tend to gyrate towards a broader category of dumb shit like athleticwear and dyke-y stuff.

Fun fact: a girl who was part of a Libertarian group I knew stripped naked in front of me and basically asked for sex. It was a pretty Ayn Rand thing to do, thinking about it (but I turned her down lol)

>> No.10555749

You can't be American and still be effay

>> No.10555765
File: 28 KB, 450x439, Republicrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Republicans are dadcore

Democrats are tumblr-core

Both are trash.

Find your own way.

>> No.10555768

People who have the disposable income to buy designer clothes are most likely republican or famous so yes.

>> No.10555773

They waste it on dadcore through since they have always tried to fit in. Never exploring.

>> No.10555779
File: 189 KB, 660x641, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F32e804ff575f080f6352cc79d61209f4%2Ftumblr_n7cegz4rui1so28u7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can you be republican and still be effay?
No. Not even close.

Man the fuck up and join your uni's Socialist club. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the politics of it, left wing will ALWAYS be more effay. Ever since the right lost William F Buckley Jr, they haven't been able to produce anymore effay qualities.

Whatever you do, stay the fuck away from the libertarians. Jesus, what a joke.

>> No.10555784

>muh corrupted politicians and evil corporations
I bet you also identify as a communist, anarchist or libertarian, faggot.

>> No.10555845

what are you talking about
i didnt say anything about religion
i didnt say anything about republicans
im not even republican

>> No.10555860

very intelligent thing to say man

>> No.10555868

>become a socialist because it's effay
I'd call you a retard but then again this whole thread is

>> No.10555941

I'm not saying you have to agree with me, man. That's just how it is. This descriptive, not prescriptive.

>> No.10555996


I'd like to hear your opinions as to why. This should be good, especially since you're so smart.

>> No.10556032

So let me clarify on these guys. I go to the same University, and I'm part of the Greek system as well. They're members of Alpha Gamma Rho, or AGR for short. They're the biggest fucking weirdos at Iowa State. When on campus, they wear cowboy boots, boot cut jeans, and old, ratty button-down shirts. Oh, I almost forgot the belt buckles. When you're a member of a fraternity, you get a roster number. For them, they think it's cool to get custom license plates with their roster number on it, when in reality, it only helps to identify them when they're driving around, rolling coal in their trucks that their parents bought for them.

>> No.10556035

socialism is childish

its that simple

>> No.10556039


>> No.10556066

caring about the fashionability of a "political party" is another confirmation that we live in dystopia.

>> No.10556142

Not the guy u replied to, but in a crony capitalism country, both sides really are useless, and any third party is tinfoil-hat tier, so it really is just a "lesser of the two evils" situation.

>> No.10556147

>mfw I'm in AGR

>> No.10556152

you Americans and your shitty politics kek

>> No.10556153

If this were true, the board would actually discuss fashion.

>> No.10556156

False equivalency isn't /fa/ either.

>> No.10556308

/fa/ Political views:

libertarian(little L)
market based socialism

>> No.10556319

Libertarians rival republicans for the worst dressed (in my experience)

>> No.10556320

fascism or national socialism under a good dictator is the most /fa/.

Culture develops strongly, this is a good playground for fashion and aesthetics of the region. Nazi Germany was very unique.

Libertarianism is most /fa/ under a democracy.

freedom of market, also societal freedom. It's a good playground for fashion.

>> No.10557311

agree r.e. William Buckley

>> No.10557415
File: 95 KB, 376x1000, average libertarianjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, cargo shorts and sandals are V effay, m8.

>> No.10558467
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official effay power rankings:




"Democratic socialism"
modern american liberalism

Libertarian/Tea party

>> No.10558469
File: 15 KB, 232x289, 4932432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta agree desu

>> No.10558471

Independent is the most /fa/ and that doesn't even have any meaning.

>> No.10558473

L e L i n g

>> No.10558959

Kennedy is effay af

>> No.10558962

authoritarians dress better in general but that pic ugh

>> No.10558978


>> No.10559033

kennedy is probably one of the most effay of all world leaders

>> No.10559053

honestly, republicans are just bourgeois apologists.

>> No.10560130

Listening to either party is retarded, have you thought about how strange it is that there are only two parties that can be in power in a supposed democracy

>> No.10560134

You're truly retarded

>> No.10560140

When I think of /fa/ political leaders I think of dictators tbqh with you, I think it has to do with the aspect of having total power and it is much harder to attain

>> No.10560171
File: 102 KB, 800x511, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis are pretty effay
African warlords have their moments too though

>> No.10560264

literally all white upper middle class

what a surprise

>> No.10560559

and all ugly
what a surprise

>> No.10560882

Fashion as a concept couldn't even exist under fascism.

>> No.10560901
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pick one

>> No.10560954
File: 52 KB, 468x631, lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who /lenin/ here?

>> No.10560971

Post cold war republicans have done nothing good for America. This is a fact. The party is a complete joke.

>> No.10560979
File: 384 KB, 1003x1280, crumh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10560982

>being over 12 years old
>being communist, anarchist, liberatarian, or socialist


>> No.10560988

>thinking the cold war ended

look i know democrats are retarded, but really? US funding arab spring and "moderate islamist rebels" didnt tip you off? coup in ukraine didnt tip you off? georgia didnt tip you off?

>> No.10562439
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>> No.10562518



>> No.10562909
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>> No.10563215


>forefathers warn future generations of Americans of the dangers of a two party political system
>do exactly that

its been a good run boys...

>> No.10563266
File: 125 KB, 1280x612, Feuerbach_symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all delusional if you think any political system aside from aristocracy is /fa/

>> No.10563350

swap socialism and capitalism and this is perfect

>> No.10563362

youre a retarded niggerkeklet

>> No.10563369
File: 133 KB, 600x600, fanisk-noontide-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying anything other than natsoc esotericism is /fa

read some Evola than kill urselves u fucking fags

>> No.10563641

that pic would somewhat be true if bernie was a socialist, and bernie had a supermajority of support from democrats or democratic leaning voters; not 20% of em

>> No.10563737

sick fit w2c drawstring cargos

>> No.10563752

egoist anarchism is fashionable

even if it is impractical

hyper-capitalist corporate fascism is the only possibly existent political system and the best course of action is to be a rich fascist

>> No.10563846

>tfw not 1 single republican policy since ending jim crow laws has benefited society

why does half the nation agree with those dumbfucks again? is stockholm syndrome that fucking rampant?

>> No.10563852


jews and 'options'

>> No.10563918

At least the republicans I know wear Lanvin not thrift store trash that smells like piss u edgy teen angst demokeks

>> No.10563923

C u pc scumbags what happened to the first amendment I wrote c.u.c.k.

>> No.10563959

North Korea has 4 party's go there

>> No.10563970

What have democrats done for u? Section 8?

>> No.10563978

Why does everyone say neocons are un /fa they have the best education and are super aloof and arrogant

>> No.10563979

Jews vote democrat

>> No.10563982

U know Reagan won the Cold War ended a recession and balanced the budget and trade deficits? Retarded plebs like who posts this bs

>> No.10563985
File: 177 KB, 827x1130, yukiomishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pathetic last man tier
go right or bust

>> No.10564055
File: 203 KB, 480x320, Don-Draper-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being republican is the only way a man can be effay without looking like a fag

>> No.10565590

Nah it's pretty much spot on

>> No.10565609

I know multiple dems who lean toward socialism. they all have tattoos of Pokemon or Star Wars, they are all overweight, and they never stop talking. None of that is at all /fa/

>> No.10565750
File: 35 KB, 295x700, 1409364432824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the more far-right literature I read, the more I start to dress the part

>> No.10565781


>> No.10565817
File: 1.38 MB, 1536x2048, 1445895069733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid amerifats still living like its the middle ages with your stupid gun rights and retarded racist country.

>inb4 must be black dude
Im german you fat fucks

>> No.10565825


>> No.10565873
File: 35 KB, 518x427, 10713008_1493864434209227_2364257404474145950_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still sucking partisan cock
>Not being an /fa/ fascist

>> No.10565893


>> No.10565924

this is the gayest thing ive ever read. shut up man holy fuck

>> No.10565926

I think pol is the only true fa place politically, everything else gets convoluted by tryhards and dweebs. the contrarian/counterculture is really where fa is at, and that is facism rn

>> No.10566233

Well reddit and /fa/ is primarily made up of <15 year old Democrats.

>> No.10566242

If you're not white upper middle class you can't be /fa/. Sorry.

>> No.10566378

Right Wing Libertarian here. I don't wear sandals or cargoes. If you dress based upon political belief or think political belief makes you fashionable or not, you're a good rationalization for why people should be allowed to kill themselves.

>> No.10566500

post a fit

>> No.10566538

Rebublicans are more likely to be rich fags desu. Of course they can be effay.

>> No.10566689

>being a gommunist
not even joking become an hero

>> No.10567390
File: 418 KB, 856x1458, 5cVFSYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10567411


>> No.10567412

Trisha Paytas is a Republican
so there's your answer

>> No.10567447
