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/fa/ - Fashion

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10545911 No.10545911 [Reply] [Original]

do looks matter at all in being /fa/?


>> No.10545913


>> No.10545952

All models really have is a good base for makeup.
THAT'S IT. Its nothing but lighting, makeup and photoshop

>> No.10546552

>looks theory
lmao it's like Cosmopolitan articles for men

>> No.10546580

don't forget the facial aesthetics

>> No.10546618

Yes they're probably the most important thing tbh

>> No.10547811

Actually enjoyed that video, does that make me a skatman?

>> No.10548120
File: 49 KB, 401x650, sean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol looks matter more than clothes you wear.

Be 6'2 with 7/10 face wearing gray sweatpants and plain t-shirt and completely destroy any ugly manlet wearing hugo boss branded clothing in any social setting, even weddings

>> No.10548128

They're pretty much all that matters, tbh.

>> No.10548136

>tfw you don't know if you're good looking or not
>you would know if you were
>occasionally people compliment your looks
>might be true
>overhear other people saying they don't find you attractive
>it's not unanimous.......
>you're probably just a little above average and that's all you'll ever be

>> No.10548142

post a picture, I am good at analysing looks

>> No.10548157

this guy looks so much like me its fucking wierd..

>> No.10548158

Yes, looks do matter, a lot infact.
But you don't need a pretty face to be a model or look good, you just need to find an aesthetic that fits your face.
There's a certain aesthetic in being fugly that, when combined with the right clothes, makes you look desireable.
It's all about pulling it off, really.
Most people can't pull off their own face tho, because they don't even know how their own face looks like.

>> No.10548199

Thanks for the motivation to keep up my cut and head to the gym later, saving link for when I feel like eating shit

Get so much attention and stares already, but want more

>> No.10548229

post pic

>> No.10548666

I think everyone 6/10 and above feel this way.

Maybe it's just me ;_;

>> No.10549699

you just contradicted yourself completely.
>insanity detected

>> No.10549983


It sounds extremely cliche but you know if you are, based solely on how people interact around you in society. When I graduated high school and entered college there was a period of like a month where I was a little in denial and thought it was all a coincidence, but through more and more exposure you realize you're just that attractive. For example,

6/10 girls spill spaghetti when talking to you (it's really cute)
GUARANTEED to have a female in your vicinity take constant glances at you (I expect it at this point and feel a little annoyed if a female next to me doesn't look at me)
Females near you touching their hair, applying lip gloss, or things like that
Continual stares from men and children (can be kind of weird)
Females always laugh at what you say, so easy to be "charming", girls with boyfriends flirt all day
More respect from older people
Everything you do, even autism, is "cute"

>> No.10550007
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>hugo boss branded clothing

>> No.10550027

I'm not sure if I'm ridiculously good looking or completely deformed. My perception of how I look changes day to day, I got told I could be a model a few times, but I'm not sure sometimes. When I was 15 I used to get told I looked like Gerard Way, but I was also fatter.

>> No.10550596

How so?
Looks matter in fashion, but only in the way that you have to find an aesthetic that compliments your looks.
Cop some reading comprehension pls

>> No.10550605

I experience all of these and can relate especially to being annoyed about girls not glancing over. I also get those prolonged stares from other men, and it always makes me laugh. Being attractive is the ultimate blessing.

>> No.10550678

I've experienced this, not as much, but I definitely have, even from women who've seen me in boxer briefs, messed up hair and my super skinny body.

>> No.10550682

yeah wtf is with men looking at us, it's as if they are considering their sexuality. they either throw shade or keep acting creepy

>> No.10550702

there are a few girls who find me super cute and other find me average/ugly :'(

>> No.10550905

>Females always laugh at what you say
Some girls just laugh all the time no matter what you say or who you are, some guys do the same too.
>Females near you touching their hair, applying lip gloss, or things like that
Breaking: women touch their hair in public!!!!!
>6/10 girls spill spaghetti when talking to you (it's really cute)
Because it means they are attracted to you, no way they can be shy or just uncomfortable talking to a stranger
>Continual stares from men and children
A child interacts with everybody because they dont know safety implications like an adult does.

What a coincidence, everything occuring around you is related to you.

>> No.10550918

I'm a below average looking and have to say I find it easier to talk to fugly girls rather than girls I perceive as attractive. I'm not even that insecure or autistic, but there's still a little bit more pressure when talking to someone attractive.

I'm guessing this works both ways.

>> No.10550948
File: 31 KB, 659x625, 1445728839740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have many friends, but the ones I DO have are so fucking insanely attractive it's driven me insane. And they're not just all looks, they're fucking smart, rich, built, good looking, everything.
It's almost degrading, because if we're all out. You see these 10/10, charismatic, tall as fuck guys then there's me. The 5/10, poor, uncharismatic fucking loser.
ANY of my friends could be models.

Fuck me, fuck you

>> No.10550987


Damn dude, the salt is real

I have nothing to prove to you, if you were actually attractive you would understand a lot of these things and the context and exaggerated form they arise in

But good luck with what you got

>> No.10551010

people must love you at parties

>> No.10551027

Tfw 8/10 from the front
Tfw ugly ass profile with jewnose

>> No.10551290

i hear this. idk if it's just that the camera really does 'add' weight. but my jawline is strong as hell, but in pics it looks fucking terrible, like from side on

>> No.10551300

>hugo boss

>> No.10551310

>have low bf%, eat only healthy, drink a lof of water
>work out, do lots of cardio
>take care of your face
>get a nice haircut
>possibly pluck your eyebrows

Et voilà! You are now at least a 8/10. If you think any of this is "genetic" you are dumb as shit.

>> No.10551336

good job anon

>> No.10551358
File: 79 KB, 500x718, tumblr_mwihvcWJZi1soomsgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh bitch

>> No.10551394

Part of it is genetic, and you're an idiot if you don't think so.

You've never seen thin people with fat faces? Or people who are ridiculously ugly no matter how well they take of their body? Or people with really disfiguring hormonal acne?

Leave your house more dude. It's obscuring what you think the world is.

>> No.10551527

Those people make up 5% of the population.

Almost everyone on /fa/ whines how ugly he/she is, but almost nobody follows all of these simple tips.

>> No.10552053

>always thought I was somewhat good looking
>new uni female friends talk about good looking guys in the class like I'm not even there listening to them

whelp, at least now I know

>> No.10552274

Im really attractive face wise. Like , really attractive. But im 175 cm. Which is shite.

>> No.10552425

I'm just ugly as fuck dude, my face looks like a checklist of unattractive male features.

>> No.10553833

What makes you good?

>> No.10553854

Your lack of self-confidence is unattractive.

They're not going to talk about how attractive you are to your face. I believe that's fairly awkward.

Maybe you are ugly I don't know but I'm just saying.

>> No.10554342

I think it's more likely that you're seen as threatening because you have a genetic advantage when it comes to looks. Honestly I've always found it weird.

>> No.10554356

why am I now just realizing this board is chock full of grade A faggot puss whips