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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 41 KB, 316x421, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10458823 No.10458823 [Reply] [Original]

Post your cops coming into summer, also looking for advice on some effay swimwear, shorts or boardshorts. stuff you'd wear with a plain white shirt on a hot day at the beach and not look like a fuccboi in.

>> No.10458849

Bump for budgie smugglers

>> No.10458887
File: 116 KB, 800x1067, bape milo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the most effay boardshorts/brands?

>> No.10458908

I'm looking on Asos at the moment, they have some nice Asos branded swim shorts and some decent boardshorts but I'm a poor cunt and can't afford Polo Ralph etc

>> No.10458979

went to Savers the other day, summer shorts mostly sorted w/ two pairs of comfy black tech-ish shorts for $5 total

spaulding running shorts and AND1 basketball shorts (gonna unpick the logo off though)

>> No.10459072


hows the weather in melbourne?

>> No.10459139

What are some good thongs? Ones that look decent and won't fall apart in 3 months

>> No.10459307

Been hot as fuck the past few days

>> No.10459312

Fucking Australians always make their threads 6 months late.

>> No.10459314

Dickies shorts. Or just some cheap shorts, it's only hot enough for them for like 3 weeks anyway so who cares.

>> No.10459318

r.i.p based tony

>> No.10459363

im going full palewave
too hot for black shit
already 33C here, its absolutely disgusting

>> No.10459374

>it's only hot enough for them for like 3 weeks anyway
Filthy southerner

>> No.10459379

Queensland, actually.

>> No.10459455

I need to cop some tees/basics for the summer, I don't own anything effay for summer so I was going to order some basics from uniqlo. Question about uniqlo, are the sizes on their AU website different to the sizes used in Japan/other countries?

Been to a uniqlo in Japan and I was easily a large there, but I've just done the measurements based on the chart found on their AU website and apparently I'm a small? This is in shirts/t-shirts.

>> No.10459475

how do you only wear shorts for 3 weeks of the year?

>> No.10459567

fuck boardshorts.

>> No.10459572

Tried AS Colour? Go support Aussie companies fam.

>> No.10459670

It's not hot on the Sunshine Coast.

>> No.10459684

I'm with you dude.
Too hot for anything else.

>> No.10459688

Is the quality good? I'm looking to get some black t-shirts and was thinking about either Uniqlo and AS. Also, what shirts have you gotten from AS? I think the classic tee looks the best.

>> No.10459707

Australia send more of your women to the rest of the world... afterwards piss off and die thanks,

The world

>> No.10459716

they're all gangas

>> No.10459719

Australia has best girls, majority of girls here are atleast 7.5/10s

>> No.10459729

I hate the blonde surfy chick look tho.
Prefer that European type look.

>> No.10459731

if you live on the sunny coast and wear jeans all the time... RIP

>> No.10459734

What's the most effay university?
Hint: it's not New South :^)

>> No.10459750


>> No.10459778

>Terrorist attack in Sydney
>Nobody talks about it because muh grand final

>> No.10459787

Was there? When? Do you mean the Lindt Cafe attack?

>> No.10459790

Na he means the 15 year old leb kid who shot a police officer

>> No.10459800

A little Mohammed shot a Sydney police beancounter outside the head office in Paramatta.

>> No.10459807

I like reef, they are pretty comfy
just hard to find minimal designs

>> No.10459808

fucking hate summer in australia

>> No.10459831

I used to live in England, now i'm suffering through this bullshit.
Ty family.

>> No.10459851

Oh alright. That's been all over the news though

>> No.10459857

so hot today in sydney adlas been punishing my body all week jesus christ

>> No.10459921

so ready for it, but no idea what to wear
international fashion houses are still in winter mode, and Idon't want to wear europe's left overs from last season

>> No.10459924

Ive gotten the Staple, Paper and marble.
I havent tried the classic because I like the slim-ish fit of the Staple, Quality is good, in my opinion.

>> No.10459929

>tfw I have that same bullshit body
Fuck this little wiggle belly shit stays below 10% bf

>> No.10459991


>> No.10460274

What are some good fits with shorts?

>> No.10460320
File: 17 KB, 570x570, 03_133521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf got me 4 linen shirts for my birthday (white, grey, navy, beige) and they've been fucking amazing these past few 30 degree days. Been wearing pic related with my favourite navy shorts

>> No.10460342

traditional cuckcore, man. nice
glad you've accepted the uniform and the lifestyle so well
tell us, do the black bulls just breed her or you also?
cheers m8

>> No.10460345

White reflects heat right in yr face, enjoy dying

>> No.10460350

lol talk shit post fit you insecure faggot

>> No.10460351
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This and a grey/white top with thongs, never where boardies, other shorts are usually good

>> No.10460362

>and Idon't want to wear europe's left overs from last season
Technically it's impossible for Australians to stay in fashion because that is all we get.

>> No.10460368

fucking lebs

>> No.10460374

theres a few aussie designers left. mostly for girls but a few for guys

>> No.10460375

fuckin love summer in australia

>> No.10460376

support the local scene...

fucking shit over priced and all looks the same

>> No.10460379

What are some brands made in Australia? All I know is those made by local stores (Apartment, Supply Store)

>> No.10460382

the only brand i can actually think of is cue and some haute couture labels

>> No.10460448

its time to bring out the fans

>> No.10460650

vanishing elephant

>> No.10461996

All the stuff I have from them is Made in China

>> No.10462008

Chronicles of Never
Song for the Mute
Some older season Ksubi

>> No.10462373
File: 128 KB, 640x480, chekm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people of australia, what are some good esh brands?

trying to get some shorts. I already know of nautica, adidas, hilfiger, canterbury, lacoste.

>> No.10462426

gotta have the airmax 95s lad and the vintage ralph lauren like the polo king of australia

>> No.10462694

>afends bandcut tee or oversized XL zara plain tee
>above knee chinos/swim shorts
>old skools or nike air tarvas

Who else is ready for the 40 degree heat waves?
Best thing about rocking swim shorts is you can literally just jump into any body of water to cool down, use your shirt as a towel, then as a sachel to hold your phone, wallet and keys while your shorts dry

>> No.10463562


>> No.10463574

Annual reminder that shorts are not effay.

The only acceptable reasons for adults to wear shorts are:
>playing sport
>swimming (not just 'standing near water')
>wearing them ironically

The fact that it's a bit warm should not prevent you from wearing proper clothes.

>> No.10463623

*tips fedora*
Nah seriously just because you have laughable legs doesn't mean us men shouldn't wear shorts

>> No.10463637

I've got a few cool shorts. I like wearing them in the summer. Boardies and footie shorts are pretty pleb but yea..

>> No.10463668

>A bit warm
>45 degrees in some places

>> No.10463679

>shorts are not effay
>being this embarrassed about your legs

lol ok mate whatever you say

>> No.10463683

so ive become pale as fuck over the last two years. what kind of clothes should i target?

>> No.10463684


>> No.10463687

white, cream and light blue cotton, denim and linen
you'll look sick bro

>> No.10463695

It has nothing to do with my legs.
I'm perfectly happy with the appearance of my cock, but I'm not about to start walking around completely naked just because it's a warm day.

If you wear shorts as ordinary clothing, you are either a girl, a young child, or a bogan. And your shins are probably riddled with skin cancer.

>> No.10463696

Hey Owen, saw you outside the ANU zambrero, how goes it

>> No.10463699

*fedora tipping intensifies*

>> No.10463705

RMIT no doubt

>> No.10463708

I'm not sure you really understand that meme, but keep at it.
Anyway, if you want to be very, very slightly more comfortable in the heat, at the expense of looking completely unfashionable, that's your call. But this probably isn't the right board for you.
Nice dubs though.

>> No.10463710
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Is he, dare I say it, the most /fa/ man in Australian sports?

>> No.10463717

So you're saying that i can increase my comfort, show off my legs (which, unlike yours, aren't pale sticks) and only at the cost of looking slightly less effay? Oh, and riddled with cancer? Get your head outta your ass, it's not like i'm going out to tan every single day, your lungs gonna be filled with more tar from your "sweet ciggies" than my fucking legs are. Fuck your opinion.

>> No.10463722
File: 21 KB, 480x600, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really are a gentleman and a scholar anon

I bet he's got big fat pale legs that look like raw chicken skin

>> No.10463727

couldn't agree more with >>10463717

>>10463708 you have a somewhat valid point. emphasis on somewhat. I hope you're making that opinion whilst being Australian however, because then you would know shorts are a massive fucking part of this culture. Oh, but please forgive me for even considering to be "slightly less effay"...seriously man, take your head out of your ass.

I guess you aren't really open to other styles apart from your own, "but this probably isn't the right board for you."

>> No.10463728

No, not 'slightly less effay'. You look like someone who has literally no interest in, or understanding of, fashion. You're proudly displaying the fact that you just want to be comfortable even if you look like an idiot. You probably wear track pants everywhere in winter, too. Really, I think it's kind of cool that you don't give a shit what anyone thinks about you. But that's pretty much the antithesis of fashion.

And you don't have to 'go out to tan' every day to get skin cancer. One in three Australians will get skin cancer at some point in their lives. If you're white, your odds are significantly higher than that. And if you expose most of your body all summer (whether deliberately to get a tan or not) then it's pretty much a certainty.
In all seriousness, I hope you are at least doing regular mole checks. I'm worried about you, man.

>> No.10463735

lol post a fit, I bet you look like absolute shit. Just because you're staying inside your air conditioned basement all day doesn't mean the rest of us don't go outside with friends

I bet your fedora is really helping to stop any skin cancer though (as well as any potential girls)

>> No.10463739

I hope you enjoy wearing that nice thick leather trenchcoat to protect you from the summer sun anon.

Also, why the hell should i be effay at literally every point of time in my life? Do i want to look like some beta "dressed by the internet" meme? Hell fucking no, i actually want to look like a normal person sometimes.

Try going outside once in a while dude.

>> No.10463742

Need some grey/white tees boys, anything you guys would suggest?

I'm looking for a white/grey palace tee but can't seem to find one.

>> No.10463745

AS Colour and Target for all my basics

How long have you been posting here?

>> No.10463754

Actually I stay in my air conditioned office all day. I wear a suit and tie to work every day of the year, and not once have I ever felt that my shins were so hot that I would have liked to be wearing shorts.
If you have to spend all your time standing outside in the sun (and I really don't see why anyone would), just wear light fabrics. You can actually keep cooler by covering yourself in light, breathable fabrics than with bare skin.

>why the hell should i be effay at literally every point of time in my life
Why should anyone ever care about being fashionable? It's a valid question, but again I wonder whether perhaps you're in the wrong place.

>> No.10463759

Palace are dope but fit way bigger than most brands, I think Supply Store had some the other day. I bought bulk AsColour shirts and I love them, nice material and fit. Carhartt and Wtaps make some real nice tees as well

>> No.10463761

Also I should add the obvious Norse Projects as well

>> No.10463763

>Actually I stay in my air conditioned office all day. I wear a suit and tie to work every day of the year
sick life you got there bro. Do you remember where you are though? Why the fuck do you even post here you boring old man

>> No.10463765


>> No.10463768

Maybe an Aussie company, but made in Bangladesh by people who probably don't get a living wage or decent working conditions. Why "support Aussie" if it's not Australian made?

>> No.10463770

this is some masterful trolling

>> No.10463773

Please more attention to this. Also very interested.

>> No.10463776

AS Colour or uniqlo for plain tees and doomsday store still have a few palace tees in stock but they arent their best ones

>> No.10463786
File: 154 KB, 680x482, Imperial_Duke_Denim_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imperial denim is Australian made

>> No.10463798
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70's Outback-Core

>> No.10463807
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haha these things were fashionable as fuck... back in 2006

>> No.10463816

lmao talk shit post fit

>> No.10463826

nice damage control

>> No.10463829
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who /cowboys/ here

walkcunt on suicide watch

>> No.10463838
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I agree with this completely. And you destroyed the people who tried to argue with you.

>You probably wear track pants everywhere in winter, too

I do this though. I love Adidas track pants.

>> No.10463844
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samefag b8

>> No.10463849


cuck me dead if a cowboys supporter is on /fa/

where to shop in townsville lad

>> No.10463873

im TSV as well never thought another cunt from TSV would shitpost on this board

>> No.10463878

You should do less of what you're doing and more arguing or making good points

>> No.10463898
File: 70 KB, 600x900, Increased_sweating[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>H-hey, I'm here for the bbq

>> No.10463907

>implying people invite him to bbqs

>> No.10463965



>can't walk for more than 10 minutes without breaking a sweat
>fuccbois and normies fill swimming pools to splash water at other fuccbois and normies
>my car's ac doesn't work because I spent it all on fashun
>toss in bed for half an hour trying to find a part of the bed that doesn't have that uncomfortable body warmth

how can normies even defend summer over nice 8C days

>> No.10463972

soft cunt detected

>> No.10463976


prove me wrong, winter is better in every way

>> No.10464007

kek non Go8 unis

UQ is probs the best submitted....

>> No.10464022

Which is the best coffee at QUT and why is it Pantry?

>> No.10464025

fucking 42 in sydney today, i wanted to die

>> No.10464029

UTS, anything else is a joke

>> No.10464045

Probably bait, but do you actually not realise how autistic you look not wearing shorts in the middle of the Aussie summer?

>> No.10464047

Prove me wrong, post fit that you could get away with on a 40 degree day

>> No.10464048
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>> No.10464050


Don't care what other people think. Thats for little people.

>> No.10464051

Literally the only people I know who refuse to wear shorts in summer are mfa-tier autists. lmao at all the cunts ITT who think they're edgy because they don't wear shorts.

>> No.10464057

I've also noticed its a Muslim thing, where even the lads are averse showing some shin and never wear shorts

>> No.10464083

shut the fuck up newcunt

>> No.10464120


>> No.10464124

pls recommend some siq shorts for summer :( i love you <3

>> No.10464128


>> No.10464132


>> No.10464140

>Rivers death metal ad
This is why I love our country

>> No.10464149

i bought the ascolour beach shorts in black, theyre okay if you cant find anything else for cheaper

usually just alternate between those and my dr denim slim and those depending on the length/fabric/cut of my top

cant really recommend you anything because i dont know what style you like

>> No.10464273

it's not Newcastle. People here can't dress for shit

>> No.10464907

>I don't know anyone over the age of 22

>> No.10465119

Where can I get good white shorts? (or alternativleey what other colours go with beige or navy)

>> No.10465407

Then why the fuck are you on a fashion board if it isn't for the purpose of dressing to impress other people?

>> No.10465443


Newwwwwwwwwwwwwwwy bruh

>> No.10465500
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>Eat it cunt!

>> No.10466715

Whats the best bag for the summer? Backpacks are just asking for sweaty pits

>> No.10466809

Any tees that are kinda branded or have something on them a bit more interesting than a plain tee? I'm talking kind of like a supreme bogo simplicity, but more interesting than just a plain t-shirt. (I don't want to buy a supremem bogo, just giving an example).

>> No.10466836

just wear stripes

>> No.10466939

Got an interview/recruitment day with General Pants Co. Tomorrow. They said casual wear, what the fuck should I wear?

>> No.10466953

Mind listing these brands? Wouldn't mind supporting such local scene.

>> No.10466989

only the international asian students are effay at UoN

>> No.10466990

black nylon shoulder bags
no leather

>> No.10467011

for an interview I'd wear a button up and jeans unless it's hot as fuck where you are atm then go for shorts

>> No.10467037
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawstring bag

>> No.10467195

I like to dress in what I feels good for me to wear. That doesn't necessarily mean trying to impress other people.

>> No.10467228

After some above the knee chino shorts in a straight tapered fit none of this super skinny stuff everyone sells, I'm a rugby player so have tree trunk legs

any recommendations? happy to pay with one of those promo codes that gives you 10% of my order as credit or whatever as thanks

>> No.10467241

Dont forget your Nike Tn's and Dri-Fit caps or your phanny pack.

Also, add Stussy to that list. Every eshay lad around sydney are wearing Stussy now. (every second person at this years DEFCON was wearing a stussy Item for fuck sake.)

>> No.10467248

What position do you play and whats your gym routine like?

>> No.10467264

Sweet, you dress in whatever the fuck it is that you want to wear and since you don't care what other people think about the clothes that you wear then you can stop trying to impose your shitty ass fashion sense on others, okay?
The fuck is your problem.

>> No.10467300

Honestly, target has some good tight & baggy chino shorts in good colours. Can't vouch for quality though, but they're inexpensive and look good.

>> No.10467323

Yeah same mate I can't wait, the heat over the long weekend was fuckin nice, spent literally all day surfing.
Also, w2c nice shorts that have a beachy vibe, dont want boardies unless theyre nice though, thanks!

>> No.10467371

>since you don't care what other people think about the clothes that you wear then you can stop trying to impose your shitty ass fashion sense on others, okay?

I care a little about what others think. Obviously nobody lives in a bubble. Fashion obviously is in part a reaction to the things around you and what other people wear. But you don't have to focus that much on what other people want you to wear. Most people don't really care what you wear anyway.

This is also the opposite of redditors. Redditors are extremely rule-abiding. They are extremely safe. Be the opposite! Be dangerous! You should always be happy and confident in whatever you choose to wear.

>> No.10467499
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>2015 Jack Dyer Medallist
>Back to back AA
How can one man BE so based?

>> No.10467513

AsColour beach short

>> No.10467805

Nice scrunched up building :^)

>> No.10467816

thx !! its effay af

>> No.10467932
File: 64 KB, 564x518, 1420858886321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw after years of dog attacks, untoward nails and general wear and tear, I have to throw out my favorite pair of thongs
>tfw they've perfectly molded around my feet by now

>> No.10467936

i agree with this guy. down in brisbane and i cant wear long pants unless its like under 27 degs

>> No.10467957

>Jehova's Witness
There's your answer, Tiggerbro
>dat speech

>> No.10469275
File: 228 KB, 1556x875, 1443610121286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UQ is probs the best submitted....

lol okay buddy

>> No.10469493

>buy new thongs
>lose one a week later at the beach
every time

>> No.10470083

Doggies bro?

>> No.10470330

Why don't people just take those stupid signs down? Don't know how many lgbt posters I've taken down in Brisbane.

>> No.10470340

what uni should i go to braaahs
btw im 20 and only just decided to not get a full time job and go to uni instead, got a 78 atar but i don't think it's usable anymore, got it in 2013

>> No.10470418

I believe it got taken down after it made the front page of reddit

>> No.10470875

Ayyy same, Perth? Had the interview a few hours ago, hoping I get it if only for the staff discounts

>> No.10471068

Fuck me cunts, is there anywhere to buy good sneakers in Adelaide? I'm thinking of Stan Smiths and other cheap CP alternatives, but I've had problems ordering shoes online because my feet are fucked and I need to try before I buy.

>> No.10471134

where you from and what are you interested in ?

>> No.10471176

raining here, cooling down again after a few days of miserable heat
can enjoy a few more days of being somewhat fashionable

>> No.10471428

There's a billion on oxford st in sydney that never get customers and close down every few months

>> No.10471430

are you cunts in year 8 because that's what my year 8 friend told me all the 'eshays' wore

>> No.10471438

most autist thing I've seen posted on this board in a while.

>> No.10471466

lmfao you have a yr 8 m8 ?? either you are b8 or you should hang with people your own age

>> No.10471467

Also interested

>> No.10472499

I like

>> No.10473771


>> No.10474188

Fuck it was hot in Canberra today. No frost or anything.

>> No.10474486

prestigious USYD

>> No.10474493

just got my bulk ascolour delivery this morning after seeing this, really liking the paper tees, longish, skinny fit and thin

>> No.10474531

I bought one paper tee in medium just to try them and it's a tad loose and a tad long, thinking of doing a bulk order of staple tees in small since, going by their size charts, they will be a perfect fit except theyre out of stock in one of the colours I want. Wonder how long restocks take

>> No.10474539

>paper tees, longish, skinny fit and thin
Yeah man, thats why I love them. They fit me perfectly

The staple tees are lot shorter but also a tad wider

>> No.10474543
File: 598 KB, 598x597, imaplemeonafuckingstick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cops: I got sent the wrong anime swimsuit

As someone whose had a gutful of both RMIT & UQ, RMIT is more toxically effay but UQ is preppy as fuck and I don't know where the real winner is in that at the end of the day.

That's fantastic content holy shit

>> No.10474548
File: 269 KB, 1000x1334, polo-ralph-lauren-yellow-orange-large-logo-polo-shirt-product-1-14544122-737664079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UQ is preppy as fuck
If you mean Indians wearing Ralph Lauren shirts with huge logos from DFO then sure

>> No.10474565

>The staple tees are lot shorter but also a tad wider

But for M the staple tees are supposed to be 1cm longer than the paper tees. Theyre 2cm wider too which is why I want to go down a size since the M paper tee I have is already a bit loose

>> No.10474575

girl or boy