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/fa/ - Fashion

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10366289 No.10366289 [Reply] [Original]

Is nofap /fa/?

For the uninformed, it's when you stop fucking masturbating.

I fap about once a week on a monday or tues. I find by the end of the week, i'm really fucking thirsty for women and I notice I feel more confident around women and this shows in my attitude and the way I hold myself. i fucking hate redpill shit, so this isn't anything like that.

>> No.10366292

Never thought about this, might have to try it.

>> No.10366299

I used to do nofap until I realized the only effect I got from it was that it gave women more power over me. Sure I was more confident around them but that's only because I wanted something from them.

>> No.10366303

What sort of answer are you expecting dumbass? Not masturbatino is not a fashion statement. It has nothing to do with fashion or the culture surrounding the fashion industry. I'm sure it will work if you have available female associates but why the fuck do you need the approval of anorexic teenagers with low self-esteem on the Internet to dictate how you get off?

>> No.10366305

fapping is normal dude

nofap is for virgins that are addicted to fapping multiples times a day

>> No.10366311

Lasting like 30 seconds once you hook up with that girl you feel more confident around isn't /fa/. Not to mention the whole concept of restraining yourself for some kind of confidence boost is ridiculously creepy and cringey. I have had experience with a similar system for athletics and it's pretty commonplace. It definitely does give you all the benefits associated with increased testosterone, but then you can just adjust your diet.

>> No.10368098

dat model
dat bomber w2c

>> No.10368122

It's okay to masturbate. What a lot of people overlook, is that pornography is bad for you mentally - which is what you need to stop watching - not stop masturbating

The cognitive dissonance starts as you are pleasuring yourself from a third person point of view when the act itself if of course first person

Next thing you know you're inviting people over to bang your girlfriend while you masturbate

Or you venture off into gay and / or she male porn, then you start wondering what it's like to be a girl, and next thing you know you're cross dressing in 4chan and making everyone call you female


That's a little drastic, I know but pornography is not good for you. You need to stop watching pornography - not stop masturbating

>> No.10368189

2nd for w2c

>> No.10368219

if you feel better not doing it than go for it

what >>10368122 said is probably more important though

i have low/no sex drive myself and don't masturbate due to lack of interest and it seems like i avoid a lot of distractions because of it

but many people are just sex/porn obsessed

>> No.10368233

nofap is too obsessive, but fapping once every week or other week is the way too go. Sexual exhaustion has also been linked to premature hairloss.

>> No.10368235


found this. if it helps.

>> No.10368246
File: 60 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mddz39bKCG1r1vfbso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are /fa/ or not depends sorely on what you fap to
I only jerk off to statues with 10/10 asses
If you jerk off to not-mom videos starting a 40 year old pretending to the son of a 30 year something milf you aren't even closely /fa/

>> No.10368251

w2c that nose

>> No.10368261

my first masturbatory experience was with a rubens print at 6 years old

>> No.10368264

Im not a virgin and I fap multiple times a day

\its a good 45 minute time killer

>> No.10368271
File: 36 KB, 320x601, 320px-Venus_von_Willendorf_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to out /fa/ me
pls you fuccboi
I jerked off to mother goddess when I was 5

>> No.10368280

second this

>> No.10368285
File: 14 KB, 333x293, bh8y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fapping to nigger art

>> No.10368292

>not fapping ironically
I didn't know you guys were from reddit

>> No.10368304
File: 53 KB, 334x334, f34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new sincerity, pleb

pic related is the highest test

>> No.10368307

NoFap is an excuse used by people with low libido and ED.

You lose your man card once you deny yourself ejaculation. Retard.

>> No.10368318

There is literally nothing wrong with masturbation. Pleasuring yourself is one of the most logical thing to do, and the "uncoolness" of masturbating is only society's creation.

So I'd say that nofap isn't particularly more /fa/ than masturbating.

>> No.10368692

nofap is stupid, noporn will be better

>> No.10368855

but what about the /fa/ lifestyle? The fashion industry is only a fraction of the bigger picture, the /fa/

>> No.10368881

This should be on /fit/ but,
Not MASTURBATING results in a significantly increased libido, wakefulness, motivation, and testosterone levels. The last part can give you a bit more acne than usual. The effect peaks after about 1.5 to two weeks, and then diminishes to slightly above normal testosterone levels, presumably the rest follows.

If you fap at this point, due to your lowered cum-rate, you'll temporarily find yourself with a very low libido and low testosterone levels. Many nofap breakers describe their orgasms as "sad".

Not watching porn is a different story. Plain and simple, porn aint healthy. It hurts your libido due to hyper-stimulus, and is addictive. It could also affect you psychologically, of course.

So fap if you want to. But try not to watch too much porn. Think of it as alcohol. Also go to /fit/.

>> No.10368891

No. The human body is kept strong through usage. Any muscle (in this case he pelvic floor) you stop using detereriates. Fapping probably doesn't do you much good, but not bad either. Its neutral.

>> No.10368895

if I knew 5 years ago this would be what I'd be spending my friday night laughing at

>> No.10369252 [DELETED] 

>you stop fucking masturbating.
never started tbh, my p is a temple
is it healthy tho?

>> No.10369267

I have a girlfriend, but that sure as fuck doesnt stop me

>> No.10369318

enjoy your erectile dysfunction