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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 76 KB, 500x694, tumblr_nceyhpKbYS1sxbrr3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10350996 No.10350996 [Reply] [Original]

ITT modeling general; discuss being a model, how to be a model, etc etc

hey /fa/
so...i'm finally gonna try to be a model; both my sister and i are going to take pics and submit them, and also go to a local open call thing
i'm tall but a little heavy, she's pretty much perfect model size (5'8", 120 or something)

>how should to take snapshots to submit to modeling agencies
>what should we wear
>should we use a dslr or just our iphones or something simple
>anything else we should know

>> No.10351009

lol 5'8" is not perfect model height and 120 isn't model size either. Unless she has a super amazing face they aren't going to be interested at all.

>> No.10351091

You know you're fat so why even bother?

>> No.10351132

okay, noted
i dont know how much she actually weighs but she's very slim
i'm not fat, though
i'm slim but approaching average

>> No.10351272

show pics, I'll give you an honest opinion and advice.

>> No.10351299

how little do you eat?

>> No.10351389

I'd be interested in the last half of his post and if anyone here has somewhat decent experience with any sort of modeling job. Always been curious about it.

>> No.10351390
File: 36 KB, 420x339, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some lil white dude from h.lorenzo gave me his card on the redline in los angeles some weeks ago but i never called him. anyone ever been approached on the street? How u feel bout dat?

>> No.10351395

Pretty sure %1 percent of the board has any experience at all

>> No.10351406

that's a great demographic, im sure there will be plenty of good posts.

>> No.10351428

U probably shouldn't be or try to be a model unless u have model friends and they tell you "yo g y u dont u model man"

>> No.10351448

height weight? modelling agencies can be very picky, especially since every prick and his grandmother want to model nowadays.

>> No.10351603

Actually got a streetscouted last friday and i sent in my pics this morning just waiting for a response now

>> No.10351606


im >>10351603 have no real experience in the fashion buisness YET but i've gotten to model for a bunch of diffrent newspapers and ads etc when i was a child since my mom is a photographer so if u gotta any questions give em too me

>> No.10351626

OP you'd be better off asking /cgl/ about this.

>> No.10351678

If you aren't willing to post pics idk why ur going into the modelling business

>> No.10351703

Curious about general stats - height, weight, and such.

>> No.10351705

yeah 5'9 is entry level height 5'8 and I doubt she'll make it it's so rare I can promise you your sister is not the next kate moss and I doubt you have the connections that cara delevigne had

Also 120 is too fat

Just give up
If you still wanna try-

Wear a plain white shirt, minimal to no makeup- take a picture of your face (profile and stuff) no need for dslr and be expressionless in them

Also it's super harsh as everyone knows so set your selves up for disappointment (even if you make it) or you'll most likely end up killing ur selves

>> No.10351730

What about male modeling? Do you have to be all /fit/ and hit or could a 6'2" 150lb with good facial aesthetics get a gig?

>> No.10351739
File: 157 KB, 646x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could i make model gf or bf if i land on jew york city??

>> No.10352099
File: 70 KB, 640x640, selfie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 6.2 145 so im pretty much skelly and i have pretty good facial aestethics which tbh is all that matters also i have pretty much perfect skin which should be in my favor
pic related my face

>> No.10352114

>sent pictures to an agency a while ago
>tell me they'd send me an email at the end of september to make an appointment for a test fotoshoot
>still no email


>> No.10352115

tbh you look like that obese girl in my class with semi-autisn

>> No.10352121
File: 84 KB, 640x721, 1438559835450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats probably for porn lol

>> No.10352138

>Send photo to agency
>They were very impressed with said photo
>Tried to contact me for days
>Ignored every call
>Worried that my photo was better looking than I am in person, so didn't want to disappoint

I'm a little bitch lads

>> No.10352153


>> No.10352312

m8 nobody here is jealous of you. You're not ugly, but to be a model you've got to have at least one extraordinary feature and you look just like your every run-of-the-mill skinny black guy

>> No.10352597

Depending on the agency and what they're like looking for, I'd say you have a better than average chance

>> No.10352600

I'm signed and have a bit of experience modeling for local boutiques and doing some runway, have friends that are signed to Vision and Ford and such, if you have questions I'm available as a resource too. For as long as this thread lasts that is

>> No.10352612

it's only the 7th...

>> No.10352618

Will 5'10" for male work or am i gonna be laughed at? Ive been told to reach for an agency but i think im kinda short tbh (to be honest). And would an instagram photo work if it shows my face? Like, what do i send? Do i send an email? pls guide me

>> No.10352631

Model agencies know that designers don't look for classic beauty but something unique. I'd say you have a fair chance

>> No.10352640

yeah..sorry to tell you man, but i'm 6'1 and most other guys were taller then me. And instagram doesn't do it, those pics are way too small

>> No.10352650

yeah thats what i though

>> No.10352651

Yeah im not that naturally attractive but i do belive i have that model lookl and based on the type of people who browse /fa/ i dont really feel the criticism is valid lol

>> No.10352672
File: 1.79 MB, 2832x4256, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my rocking hair

>> No.10352681

Is 6'1" 120 good or should I gain more weight?

>> No.10352735

There are shorter models, they just have to work in a certain niche (most I know are lifestyle) face shots are good but you should talk with a photographer or two and see about getting more pictures containing your entire body

>> No.10352742

Also I would send an email containing around 3-5 photos if you're serious about it. Keep your chin up, you'd be surprised that there are quite a few male models between 5'8"-5'11"

>> No.10352745

What are your sister's measurements?

Because I'm 5'9.5" and 120lbs and I'm 33-25-37 which is way too large for modeling.

When I was modeling I weighed 106lbs

>> No.10352752

I'd gain more weight. I was 155 when I met with agents and I knew I needed to gain more weight, but if you have the aesthetics they won't shoot you down right off the bat

>> No.10353019

Don't know where you live, but in my country the frizzy hair isn't really seen as aesthetic

>> No.10353128

that's not very well kempt hair, it looks icky
use some coconut butter m8

>> No.10353269

snapshots are easy. you can use your phone or whatever camera. just have good lighting. they basically just want digitals of your look.

to meet with them, wear all black, or a plain outfit. my agency likes all black, skinny stuff, so they get an idea of your figure.

also its not necessarily a "hard" industry to get in, but they are very specific. They don't take anyone under 6 ft, and if you ARE 6 ft, you better have some great facial aesthetics. 6'3" is the cut off for height most of the time, too.

if anyone has any more questions, let me know.

>> No.10353350

oh and my stats btw.

Height: 189cm - 6' 2"
Chest: 84cm - 33"
Waist: 79cm - 31"
Inseam: 89cm - 35"
Hair Color: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Collar: 37cm - 14.5"
Suit Size: 36
Suit Cut: long
Sleeve: 86cm - 34"
Shoes: 11
Weight: 68kg - 150 lbs

>> No.10353480
File: 9 KB, 340x508, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 6'2" 135 with p good facial aesthetics, on here i generally get rated either 8/9 or 5, some people seem to think i'm generally attractive in reality as well but others think i just look really average

my only real issue is some minor acne and then potentially not an interesting enough face

so assuming my skin either gets better or i just use makeup how important is looking somewhat unique or how can i make myself look more unique? maybe a strange haircut or dye?

my father was a model as well and i've spoken to some models who thought i could. never been scouted but i'm not around other people that often really.

i could post a picture but as of right now i'd like to somewhat avoid the 'there's no way you could be a model' remarks if there are any

body picture for now

>> No.10353496

post your face, i'll give an honest opinion. :)


>> No.10353508

you that emaciated kid in germany/berlin or something similar

blonde hair and fish lips

ultimately cant tell without face pic

>> No.10353518
File: 99 KB, 458x508, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wreck me

>> No.10353528

you could definitely apply. If you have the right proportions you could try local modeling. pic isnt very good lighting so it isn't particularly flattering.

>> No.10353538


totally unnatural yellow bathroom bulbs

i think i generally would look better under more pale or natural light, goes for most people

any ideas for what type of shots to get and submit?

i have done a little bit of local modeling but only for friends in fashion really

>> No.10353540

i'll take it from here friendo

no you cant model

>> No.10353547 [DELETED] 

You're below 6'.

>> No.10353551


>> No.10353552

Oh fuck, you can't possibly be rated 8-9 by someone with 20/20 vision.

You're not ugly. You're not that handsome. I would rate you a 6.

>> No.10353556

just find natural light and take photos of yourself from different angles. they don't want professional photos for submissions.

>> No.10353561





pretty comfortably average then

>> No.10353571

you'll probably grow into your face once you get out of puberty though, and might become a solid 7-8

>> No.10353684

Can I make it if I'm just 6'0????

>> No.10353718


what agency are you with?

>> No.10353737

there's only one way to find out, Gimli

>> No.10355365

5'11 grill. 120 lbs. I have a big nose and high cheek bones. Could I try or am I just ugly af?

>> No.10355371

We can't know if you're ugly unless you
>post face

>> No.10355396

you look like a fatter version of Michael Lockley, that ginger Afro model; change something to make your look more unique and drop your bodyfat percentage to around 9% then an agency will definitely pick you up

>> No.10355402

>tfw Im too short to model even if I had the looks

>> No.10355404

you look like a neanderthal, not attractive, but if your body is tall and skinny enough an agency would pick you up because you look unique

>> No.10355406

attractiveness really doesn't matter for modeling unless you're trying to do some dolce and gabanana pleb shit, agencies really care more about an interesting look

>> No.10355411

>thighs as large as waist
>not killing self

>> No.10355431

Do you have to have absolutely flawless skin to model m8's? .. I've just been on accutane for a year and I've still got a bit of redness in my cheeks :'(

>> No.10355436

no body actually has flawless skin m8. that's the magic of makeup and photo retouching

>> No.10355439

What is makeup

>> No.10355450

Yeah true man. What I'm saying is.. when I had baby tier skin at 16 before acne.. is that what they are looking for?

>> No.10355455

i'm going into a couple agencies later this week for some open calls. any advice? what should i expect?

>> No.10355459

Unless your acne can't easily be covered by makeup it shouldn't matter

>> No.10355460

no they're not. do your best to take care of your skin and you'll be fine.

>> No.10355464

Damn. I might give it a shot then.

>> No.10355526


my body is


so maybe?


my goal/dream is SLP, is there a chance

>> No.10355694

Can someone explain /fa/s obsession with modelling? Validation? Fame? Getting money for doing basically nothing?

I guess it could be a "cool hobby to impress girls at bars" with if you already live in New York/Paris/Milan/Seoul etc. so you're not actually getting yourself in to debt with the agency for travel and accommodation costs.

But as a job when the 99% of the fresh faces of last season get replaced with new comers while the few industry favorites keep scoring the big paying campaigns year after year, making decent money from this you might as well be scratching lottery tickets at the gas station. At least there'd be some mathematical certainty of you getting some money back from it.

>> No.10355772

you can do it man
dont listen to these duders

>> No.10355787

if you get the right connections in the fashion industry you could definitely model for slp. send your pictures to as many agencies as possible and see if any of them pick you up. you could also just hang out in the la indie scene because hedi discovers a lot of models for his shows there

>> No.10355850
File: 57 KB, 913x909, FB_IMG_1441700200501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been told to look into modelling by a lot of people, people that don't know anything about fashion or modelling tho. I'm 6'1 with a fairly athletic build at 71kg. Just wanna get some opinions from /fa/ before potentially mugging myself off applying for agencies.

I don't take a lot of pictures, hope this is alright

>> No.10355853 [DELETED] 

you dont, you look like a jewy cuck, nonwhite to boot, kill yourself.

>> No.10355874
File: 492 KB, 1079x860, Screenshot_2015-06-19-09-43-44-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i was a cuck jew, at least they have money. This is a more homo pic, but I don't look so much like a fag in this. Thanks for the reply either way tho

>> No.10355879

Please leave the top of your eyebrows alone.

>> No.10355884

Yeah you look better in this pic, sexy

>> No.10355889

Yeah, you look good, but please listen to >>10355879

>> No.10355951

im 17,3 bmi or smth and i literally look like a skrlly

>> No.10356295
File: 1.27 MB, 1456x1520, IMG_20150904_083747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make good pictures to send to agiency?
>pic related is me

>> No.10356304
File: 40 KB, 600x402, 1440228738115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally an average white dude. No hope for you

>> No.10356313

This isnt the answer to my question

>> No.10356321


Way to sound rustled and jealous at the same time..

>> No.10356327

Don't listen to him. You have very good external data.
It's very simple, just stand near white background and take a couple photos in full length same with face (profile\full face). Good luck.

>> No.10356349

Thanks man, a lot of people have told me should be a model, so why not give it a shot

>> No.10356383

don't need to be rude. i for one think he's pretty cute

>> No.10356442

You think im jealous all the time because of my face. I always look so serious because of my resting bitch/poker face.

>> No.10356449

Every normie says this to anyone who looks above average or distinct, tall and skinny. Because a lot of people told me this. A LOT.

>> No.10356463


>> No.10356474

People who work around models told me this. Dont reflect your insecurities on my please, you sound buthurt.

>> No.10356573

Im almost never insecure but my reputation here makes you assume that im butthurt or insane, I have been scouted before and adults told me this, i havent been around people in the fashion industry but im sure ur lying bc they would of reffered you to an agency by now LOL

>> No.10356607


>> No.10356682

Dude you sound fucking pathetic, log off please

>> No.10356715

Ummm good lighting, full body, eye level, diffrent angles? etcccc

>> No.10356727

take polaroid pics, no digital allowed
torso front, torso side, full body front
you got what gay designers like
blond hair blue eyes and bronze skin

>> No.10356740

Sorry homie, that's just not true.

>> No.10356755

Don't be mad, its true. You're just an average white dude sorry to break it to you unfortunately.

>> No.10356759

Forgot to add.

On the bright side; you can be a hair model lelz

>> No.10356773

I never said I wasnt, but you try to sound all cocky here, we're all anonymous don't forget that, idc about your opinion

>> No.10356781

lmao man i like it when people make these weird speculations about me. Must be the trip hahahaha

Noones cocky here. Its just honesty but you can try and fail dont say i didnt warn you

>> No.10356802

Its alright, but the demographic of this board makes me assume these things you know...

>> No.10356814


you get to wear nice clothes

there's potential for an easy job with travel as well as networking opportunities but it just seems like fun to me


i live in la

but what does the indie scene entail exactly

>> No.10357567

looks good just fix your skin its pretty bad

>> No.10357709

why would any sane, level headed person want to work as a model? sounds boring af tbh

>> No.10357720

Because I wanna wear nice designer clothes & get paid for purely being sexy as hell. Also wanna be able to use a lot of drugs and it's one of the only professions that my ED might actually help with

>> No.10357745


why do you expect me to be sane and level headed

>> No.10357762

lol the majority of people on /fa are not same or level headed
seems like most people here either are anorexic, clinically depressed, narcissists, or have drug problems
basically everyone here has some form of mental illness m8
personally runway modeling is my dream career, over anything else

>> No.10357776

This isnt true since most people just fake that to blend in or mock them. Like me :))

Everyone thinks i am maniac with no life or friends or even a social life so anytime i say anything based on school or real life ppl here get triggered hard

>> No.10357778

Fuck off you are the worst fucking trip
Seriously, you're terrible. You're honestly the first trip I genuinely hate

>> No.10357795

see what i mean.? I predicted this perfectly. I wonder if they realize most people do this here? Or is everyone here dumb as shit?

Maybe they feel like i care or i have some remorse to their repeating dialogues.

Are they even aware of how much they contradict themselves? LOOOL

>> No.10357800

You're broken, seriously this website has ruined you. I've seen you grow more and more deluded, insecure, attention seeking, & crazy with each day you trip here

>> No.10357809

>end of september

calm down you freak the month barely started

>> No.10357816

You're so dumb it's not even funny.
Another thing i predicted; prissy cunt cry baby tries to guilt me into something that isnt true.

The only possible way to get to me is actually saying something genuine I and everyone else knows about and you have no idea personally. Anons have tried and they've made a million conjectures you can never really know on the internet.

No one knows you're a dog on the internet

>> No.10357820
File: 54 KB, 900x550, bigstock_disgusted_shock_face_4327992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make a shit ton of money for literally no work. I got paid $400 to drink beer for 4 hours once.

>> No.10357823

are you that average looking black high schooler who is super delusional and thinks she can model? asking seriously

>> No.10357842

> frizzy hair isn't really seen as aesthetic

yeah great point, makes perfect sense, you really know what the word aesthetic means 10/10

>> No.10357849

Im not average looking and im not super delusional.

I dont think i can personally model, you dont know why i believe i can model or how I look like in real life. None of those pictures decipher any of my looks and you can never find me in real life using them as a way to target me.

You can never really understand. I also dont care about what anyone says here i just continue to bring it up since its the best bait bc i honestly think its funny and love how hard you guys try and think of a comeback to later see how bad it comes out.

>> No.10357863

genuine question: if everyone on here hates you and you don't find any value in anything anyone ever says why are you here? why do you post so much? wouldn't literally anything else be a better use of your time?

>> No.10357872

>he actually thinks i would read something that long and thinks everything i say is literal or id take anything said here personally or as a whole community.

wow its kind of nostalgia when it feels like kindergarten in here.

>> No.10357900

just stop responding to sudoku please
its been long established that she is just a no life loser with delusions of grandeur

>> No.10357964

>she thinks she attractive but i dont so shes delusional

oh boy, im sorry that ti hurts you so much that im happy about myself. Also I have been through a lot and this site wasn't a staple of it how on earth can anyone be so affected by a website? I have been in so many communities that are far better than this and have discovered 4chan in 2013 and reddit in late 2014 but discontinued after browsing a few times since its too cringey.

Im also not a normie becausei think in an distinctive way.

Seriously you dont even know 1 grain of a millimeter of how this place works or who i am. I can trip and you really can do anything about that friendo

>> No.10357987

I think this is satire

>> No.10357994

where exactly do you lie on the autism spectrum?

>> No.10357996
File: 40 KB, 625x626, 5284631+_d0427bac0d1e3715c841a42722047d73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's honestly good she's tripping so we can just filter her. that's really the only solution here like every other awful trip

>> No.10358000

You are mentally ill, please get help.

>> No.10358008


1. Highlight someone's tripcode, it's the string that follows the exclamation point, which looks like this: !9YRObBkkAM

2. Copy the highlighted tripcode.

3. Scroll to the top of the page and look for "Settings" in the top-right corner.

4. Click on "Settings". It's right next to home.

3. Under advanced, look for Filters & Highlights

4. Drag your mouse over where it says [EDIT].

5. Click where it says [EDIT].

6. Hit ADD.

7. In the box that says "Pattern" paste the tripcode you wish to filter. Look back at step 1 if you must.

8. Make sure to select "Tripcode" under "Type" from the drop box.

9. Check the check-box that says "Hide".

10. Click Save, bottom-right corner.

11. This brings you back to the "Settings" menu. Don't panic!

12. Then click the "Save Settings" button at the bottom of the page.

13. Your page should refresh, and your trip(s) filtered.

>> No.10358057

Right and tell me what makes me mentally ill.

Really I'd like to see someone type like they have sense here.

>> No.10358204

you got a chance broe

>> No.10358746
File: 39 KB, 442x884, 1440790491806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, what??
Can someone explain what they're talking about?

>> No.10358829

i guess i didn't make it clear, but i'm also a girl, so i figured being tall i'd have an advantage over my sister

also, can we make a list of modeling submission pages?
this is what I've got:

yeah, she's gonna drop down to 115 before we submit, i'm gonna lose weight too

thanks anon, we're not expecting much, but we at least want to give it a shot
thanks anon
i'm sorry anon

i quite honestly do not know; i have to ask her when we talk later.
the last time I checked (and it's been awhile), I was 36- 28- 37 @ 6'1"
do you think thats at all workable? i'm going to lose a few pounds by the time we submit, so that will knock an inch or two off my waist, but then it could also come off my boobs as well, idk

>> No.10358834

I don't know why, but review brah puts a smile on my face

>> No.10358847
File: 22 KB, 409x221, rb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you know why.

>> No.10359141

So, I went to one of Wilhelmina's open calls in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. They like my photos, called me and said that I had received an email, and I didn't. Mind you, this was two weeks ago and I'm still waiting, but I don't feel like calling every other day. One of the days I did call, the representative told me that I should have an email coming this week, but if it doesn't show up, there is an open call at the agency this Saturday, Sept 12th.

So, if anyone is within range of Wilhelmina Philadelphia and wants to model, go check their site for info. I'm gonna try again and try to get a direct answer

>> No.10359762

not to be that person, but ur cute as

>> No.10359791


>> No.10359913

You look like the kinda guy who in twenty years will be a lonely divorced masseuse living with his rich, playboy songwriter of a brother.

Ur defs not ugly tho

>> No.10360763


>> No.10360924


44 chest
32 waist
16 inch biceps

Been told I look like a very young tom cruise and that I should model. Just no idea how to get into any of it.

>> No.10361018

lol you sound way too beefy to model
normies telling you that you should model means fuck all. post pics of face and let's see but your stats aren't good

>> No.10361385
File: 48 KB, 750x739, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey boys :)
you think i cud model?
i think so and other ppl also think

>> No.10361402

Stats? Your facial structure is really good

>> No.10361418
File: 68 KB, 439x600, rami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly creep version of rami malek

>> No.10361441

thanks man i'm 5'1"
180 pounds

>> No.10361449

i like your hiar dood, used to play basketball against a dude that looked just like u

>> No.10361465


lol you're a pretty good troll, almost better than reeee

but i think you posted a face pic once and looked like a busted negro mongoloid woman

>> No.10361483

ya ur a good looking dude, how much pussy u get

>> No.10361572

fuck me pleease omg 111!!!!

>> No.10361593
File: 86 KB, 947x526, aaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could I make it with this face and height despite having a crooked mannish body lads

>> No.10361607

post body

>> No.10361629


>> No.10361636

Definitely loose weight. 5'8" is a long shot, at 6'1" you have orders of magnitude of a better shot at making it. Industry standard is a Dress Size of 2, with 0-2 being preferable and 2-4 pushing it. Lose weight and maintain your measurements.

Make sure to keep yourself healthy looking. Sleep, water, eat right and avoid anything that make your skin look like shit.

Remember, if you do get signed by an agency and they move you to NYC (if they don't send you to NYC, they don't think highly of you) you are borrowing from them against future earnings. Be a professional, get to go-sees on time, don't show up with bags under your eyes because you partied all last night. Fucking brush your teeth, god damn models with yellow smokers teeth.

If your agent is competent, he/she will get you runway shows first, as the demand is high. You will likely not get paid, even in trade. If you catch any heat, you will get editorials, also lo to no pay. If you get a cover (any cover) get at least catalog work. The key to becoming a model with a living wage is campaigns, one a year could sustain a career if you are frugal.

It's a very small world and people talk, get the reputation of a professional that doesn't fuck up everyone else's schedule and you will go further than most. Be friendly to everyone, especially rank and file people like assistants. Most people are assistants.

Make sure you have an exit strategy, school, acting, marrying rich.

>> No.10361647

Hey Sarah. Go fuck yourself.


>> No.10361652

Get down to a size 2 dress size and the answer is yes. You can't teach someone to be 5'10". Don't worry about being 'pretty', as there are black models.

>> No.10361667
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why are you the female oioi man

>> No.10361699




>> No.10361714
File: 278 KB, 607x1609, a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old, please do not bully.
The main question is, does height cancel out everything else?
>shoulders wider than hips
>kyphosis (hunchback), you can see it in pic

I am not considered attractive IRL by anyone. I look like a different species next to average-sized grills, is this true for models or am I just tall and nothing else?

Fuck me, I wear a size 10 because nothing is long enough on me.
Weight is 135.

>> No.10361739 [DELETED] 
File: 735 KB, 2448x2448, log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I mod

>> No.10361745
File: 735 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I model tbh fam?

>> No.10361748

I'm 6'1 and 128 lbs.

>> No.10361758

You complain about your mannish body yet you wear shorts and a shirt... This doesn't help your cause.

No reason why your face couldn't make it but there's no way of telling how your body would go with that pic.
Fix your hair to look more natural.
You're above average overall so fix your self confidence... it will help you more than you realise.

>> No.10361768

profile looks good
lighting is shit on the left pic
eyes sorta close togehter maybe
you look like jim morrison

>> No.10361939

models dot com has the NYFW agency show packages up. Compare your measurements with the models. 23"-24" waist is standard, there are a few 22's and 25's. If you don't want to post measurements, just look it up yourself.

>> No.10361970

I've been considering starting an agency. The problem is that I only have one connection where I could get models jobs, mostly low paying too. I'm a photog by trade though. Done a few portfolios that have secured people very good jobs in the modeling industry. Doesn't help im not in London, Mancs or Birmingham either,

Can i have your hair routine? Fuck thats good hair. I've got long hair, but it looks like Slaughters roast beef cunt.

Yee look like the type of guy for a H&M catalog or something, good face aethsteticfs

>> No.10362326

Ok. Thank you
good point, ty m8

>> No.10363334

>few weeks ago, sent pictures to an agency
>they sent me an email back saying "lol u dont have enough experience, pay us 175 bucks for runway classes and pictures goy
>send them an email back saying no, I'm not paying you anything.
>dont hear from them again until yesterday
>'we have enlisted you into our model database! :DDD'

what the hell

>> No.10363601

This isn't model related (Implying I could model) but how would I go about submitting designs to be featured on a smaller store, such as therafstore? Maybe that's a bad example because they have a page about looking for collabs.

I like designing stuff but I dont have the connections or money to make anything happen by myself.

>> No.10363607

Good for you anon

Remember, an agency is going to want to "pimp" you out and get a cut of the money you make - money up front is 99.99% always a scam

Models have been grabbed off the street minutes before shows and obvs they don't have walking experience, so to emphasize it was really bs

>> No.10363721

I'm a model from America, but open cases stopped me from getting dough up in Europa.
I beat the cases then I go to my managers, some dude wanted his ass whooped...
So I opened the canister. Caught another case, no I ain't playing, but if you wanna give me work I'm going over the banister.

>> No.10363773

If you can model

you will know you can model

if you have to ask

you cannot model.

>> No.10364154

This thread makes me really sad for some reason.

Do some of you actually have autism?

>> No.10364185
File: 1 KB, 266x42, not true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am not considered attractive IRL by anyone

>> No.10364186

>people randomly ask me if I'm a model
>5'3" 127lbls
>basically obese midget by fashion standards
>life is suffering

>> No.10364198
File: 35 KB, 500x375, 8a10e439514b9cf92244c71f2d0a9837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i used to model from 13 to 16 never made it big
>am 26 now and moved to a new country
>need the monies

Should I try it /fa/? I still weigh the same ffs and am a hardcore Tretinoin user. But how do I go lying about my age to agencies?

>> No.10364199
File: 79 KB, 436x399, 1441850193741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this tbh, unless your'e some weird looking dior type shit that some agency sees in you.

>> No.10364204


If you have a strong look they won't care.

>> No.10365341


>> No.10366179

Height: 5' 11"
Chest: 36 1/2 "
Waist: 32"
Shoulder: 17"
Weight: 164 lb

I got invited to the open call, today

>> No.10366181

hardcore Tretinoin user.

Does it work?

>> No.10366202

don't dream too high
if you drop some measures you could go model in japan

>> No.10366230


also idk if you baited for a compliment on purpose but refrain from that shit online its lame

>> No.10366353

Modelling isn't my only aspiration. I'm into acting and drawing, as well. I'm trying to get into coding, too, but I've been putting it off.

>> No.10366894

no lmao. everything i posted is true, it does come off as whiney though which i regret. just lookin for honest advice