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/fa/ - Fashion

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10357399 No.10357399 [Reply] [Original]

>she has tattoos
>she has piercings other than her ears
>she dyes her hair with flashy color

>> No.10357406
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she's 3d

>> No.10357408

oh look, this thread again with the exact same OP
fuck off

>> No.10357412

Just wondering, what's the point of these threads

>> No.10357435

to release inner anger at girls that reject these guys or rape fantasies, I assume. but to contribute
>daddy issues
stay the fuck away from these nightmares

>> No.10357439
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>> No.10357503

>she's white

>> No.10357512

That's a green flag for me and I'm black

>> No.10357518 [DELETED] 

>she doesn't have a penis

>> No.10357526
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> shes not cara

>> No.10357573

ofc it is who wouldn't prefer the superior ubermensch?

>> No.10357587

Uberwhat? This is an American site fam.

>> No.10357590

i'm conflicted on this one because literally all 4 of my girlfriends have been asian
they're cute to look at, but holy shit are the american ones high maintenance

>> No.10357597

>Autism the post

>> No.10357617
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>> No.10357673

I find white girls attractive and plentiful

>> No.10357677


>> No.10357739

>she supports right-wing ideologies
>she isn't a nice person

>> No.10357761

cuck detected

>> No.10358384

>not getting the quiet virgin asian girls
>My social standing and my expensive clothes keeps her in check

>> No.10358409

>belly button piercings
>if her favorite bands/movies/etc are all just mainstream shit

>> No.10358418
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>she has pic related piercing

>> No.10358587

>Doesn't regularly read poetry
>Can't name 5 avant folk bands
>Isn't acquainted with the work of Michel Foucault

>> No.10358635

You sound morbidly pretentious. I'm sure your taste in poetry is laughable. In what work does Foucault discuss how in the modern period specifically, to know the other is to know the other's desire?

>> No.10358647
File: 208 KB, 1536x1813, Based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she plays video games excessively
>she considers herself geek/gamer
Utterly disgusting.

Pic related.

>> No.10359181
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>she's not half asian

>> No.10359268
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>she wears shit for the brand like pic related

>> No.10359278

literally all of these are turns on for me

>> No.10359299

>half asian
>not full asian

>> No.10359302

all of those girls are beautiful. what's the matter, not yellow enough for you?

>> No.10359308

full asians are about as pretty as white girls, half asians are prettier

Now be a good goy and shut up

>> No.10359315

Top Right
Top Middle
Top Left
Bottom Left
Bottom Middle (would be prettier if she smiled)
Bottom Right

>> No.10359350

My gf is 3/3
Sorry /fa/m ):

>> No.10359357

i would still fuck that

>> No.10359364

>she's korean

>> No.10359366

Faggot detected, enjoy genetically defective children

>> No.10359375

>she doesn't make any money

>> No.10359379

A new one I discovered recently:

Girls pursuing Ph.Ds or Psy.Ds in Psychology. I've gone on three first dates with thee girls in that category, all were the same brand of crazy wrapped in a dulled affect. Ugh.

>> No.10359415

Depends, housewives are more for men who make enough and just want a well maintained home and a good meal. I think having the ability to make money is what's important.

>> No.10359416

After you live life as a starving student you realise how amazing a housewife is

>> No.10359419

yea well you should know how to cook and clean before...red flag for men?

>> No.10359426


Lol just because you like a housewife that cooks and cleans doesn't mean you don't know how to do it. It just means as the breadwinner of the family that your time is more valuable doing other things.

>> No.10359438

Took the words outta my mouth brah, I'm a starving student because I am too damn busy with work and study.

However my cooking skills are second to none, white girls love it

>> No.10359444

exactly. and she should know how to make some dough too. if she has never had a decent job in her life that is a red flag.

>> No.10359531

>>if her favorite bands/movies/etc are all just mainstream shit

this is annoying

>> No.10359695

>girl I know is pretty damn alright
>long fair hair is my jam
>she dyes her hair a flat dark red

>> No.10359711

>under 5'6 above 5'11

>> No.10359713

>is interested in me

>> No.10359715


>> No.10359720
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>he doesn't look like this

>> No.10359750

avant folk is fucking terrible, analog to technical death metal.

>> No.10359754

the most disgusting habit a girl can have

>> No.10359758

>i love the way his breath stinks like shit

>> No.10359764

lol this, I can't help but go off a girl once they are actually interested

>overbearing support for "animal rights" which only exists on social media since watching blackfish on netflix

>> No.10360049

i am going to die alone

>> No.10360050

>starts the same threads repeatedly on an anonymous Cambodian sewing board.

>> No.10360075

I want everyone that's ever posted in these threads unironically to remove themselves from this board forever

>> No.10360094

m-me too
how to fix?

>> No.10360117

same, but it's probably for the best

>> No.10360147

Get fucked lmao

>> No.10360195

What does this have to do with fashion? I see these threads very often here, and it seems to be completely out of topic.... people write whatever they dislike about girls, and nothing about the fashion they wear, which I thought was the purpose of the threads to begin with ....

I have misunderstood things I guess >.<

>> No.10360196

pretty sure he's joking you autist.

>> No.10361252

>isn't white
>listens to hip hop
>plays video games
>likes anime
>doesn't read books
>can't cook at least to a basic level
>has a tumblr account
>wears snapbacks
>has tattoos/piercings
>single mothers (except in the case of widows)

>> No.10361552

>she's not karlie kloss


>> No.10362159

This guy is absolutely right.

>> No.10362768
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>she goes on 4chan

>> No.10362782
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I know that feel

>> No.10363247

honestly i can't stand someone who's 'into fashion' but is clueless about other art forms. like they could dress immaculately but their fav music is radiohead and their favorite movie is pulp fiction or some shit then they're fucking dropped

>> No.10363700

Except radio head have 2 acclaimed albums within audiophile communities and tarantino is considered to be one of the best directors.

If you're going to bait you could have atleast said miley cyrus and 50 shades of grey

>> No.10363744

1. stop misusing the word 'audiophile'. it is not synonymous with 'music fan'.
2. the 'communities' that love radiohead are entry level teenagers who don't know anything about music past what gets covered in NME and pitchfork. and NME, pitchfork, et al are the only critics heralding radiohead as some kind of godsend, I.e. Pop culture critics who are just out to sell ad space
3. Tarantino is considered to be "one of the best directors" by people who think comic book flicks are worthwhile and who think Miguel Gomes is a soccer player.
4. You're exactly the kind of moron i am talking about. But you probably dress like shit too. I imagine you're one of the people who fill WAYWT with pictures of H&M and third hand rick.

>> No.10363752

do you even know what the fuck that means, god you're all imbeciles. I'm going back to /lit/.

>> No.10363755

no ass no cunt no mouth

>> No.10363910

I'm with this guy

>> No.10364112

Everyone is going to die alone

>> No.10364179
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>> No.10364208

So in your case only the obese ones

>> No.10364457

cool blog

>> No.10364486

>3. Tarantino is considered to be "one of the best directors" by people who think comic book flicks
that's because tarantino's style is informed by comic books.
Tarantino's merit as a director is that he borrows from comic books, while also using the strengths of film to it's fullest.
His movies are entertainment, and pulpy, first, but with darker, deeper themes hemmed in.

>> No.10364721

>doesnt read
>only reads fiction
>listens to mainstream shit
>doesnt come from a right-wing family
>trendy clothing/accesories
>only speaks one language
>her main source for news is facebook
>rants about the goverment/current society based on facebook posts
>social media whore

>> No.10365853

I-I know this,I kinda felt like an ass after remembering ignoring her like a month later.

>> No.10365901

>wears copious amounts of make up

a w f u l

seriously, i hate being a britbong sometimes. i went into zara today and i could see a huge smear of fake tan across a whole rack of white blouses.

>> No.10365946

honestly I'm going to have to be an edgelord for a sec and say being a woman is itself a giant red flag for me. I have had so many dealings with women and laid so many women over the years that I'm just completely jaded about them as a gender. Women have the capacity to be the shittiest human beings for absolutely no reason. Men are shitty human beings too but at least they are usually UP FRONT about the reason and you can GUESS WHY they are being so fucking shitty. Women will back stab you and kill your feelings just for the simple fact that they want to see you cry over them because it's all a game for them and they like the attention and the feeling that a guy cares enough to cry about her. I become more and more misogynistic the more I deal with women

>> No.10365963

>piercings anywhere else other than earlobes
>non-natural hair colour
>believes in supernatural shit
>takes selfies monthly
>pink clothing/accessories/furniture
>email address from AOL, Yahoo or Hotmail
>carries hand sanitizer in her purse
>constantly checks her phone
>won't eat leftovers
>won't eat chicken wings
>wrong kind of fat (shit diet)
>wrong kind of skinny (shit diet)
>Apple products
>watches reality tv
>watches romcoms
>fishes for compliments
>party girl
>gamer girl

>> No.10365966

Seriously breh any kind of face piercing makes me want to throw up in my mouth. Dyed hair always looks bad too no matter what.
It's like some girls don't even know what looks good and what doesn't

>> No.10365967

I'm right there with you, man - from start to finish. 26, currently. Absolutely will never marry unless she makes triple what I do, then I will prob. divorce ASAP for her assets

I don't care about having a girlfriend, I am independent and self-sufficient - have had enough sex to truly know my hand + imagination is truly more satisfying. Pussy has no power over me anymore

What's funny is, once it's within your demeanor, you don't give two fucks about women - you'll notice they'll stop trying. Everything they do will simply be for sexual attention because they realize at that point they know all they have to offer is you is their holes that you may or may not want to fill

>> No.10366053

she didnt move 2 the middle east to fight with the kurds

>> No.10366535
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I-Is being gay effay?

>> No.10366562

For you, no

>> No.10366581
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>> No.10367029

>no test
>genetic dead end
why not kill yourself

>> No.10367172
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>she wears superstars
>she doesnt do drugs

>> No.10367190


>> No.10367417

>she's above 16 years old

>> No.10367514
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Red flags for humans

>shit with money
>ear gauges
>white with dreads
>doesn't read
>no real hobbies
>no real job/career
>apathy or no passion
>doesn't work out
>covered in shitty or meme-tier tattoos
>no passport
>speaks 1 language
>disrespectful to elders
>bad relationship with parents
>messy/shit living space
>not self sufficient or still leeching off parents

what'd i miss

>> No.10367530


>> No.10367532

top kek

>> No.10367534

>implying every single thread on every single board is always "on topic"
>implying people don't get on 4chan just to bitch about their problems with girls

>> No.10367538


>> No.10367546

">doesnt read"
">only reads fiction"

>> No.10367567

as long as they're not a rabid fedora atheist. they sure as fuck can't be xtian. buddhist? zoroastrian?

>> No.10367632

hey guys, how do i make girls feel less uncomfortable when talking to me?

>> No.10368462

don't be a nervous bitch.

>> No.10368505


>> No.10368537

>not reading Nietzsche

>> No.10368545

What is wrong with that?
Also just use the quote arrow idiot.

Here are a few things I hate
>thick legs
>doesnt talk much
>doesnt have her own opinion

>> No.10368594

>thick legs
>doesnt talk much
>doesnt have her own opinion
How are any of these red flags?

>> No.10368678
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Not OP but a qt face gets boring pretty quick. But I love em thick in da hip

>> No.10368690

wow, /lit/?? I'm suddenly intimidated by your obvious intelligence

>> No.10368724

And exactly what's that got to do with red flags?