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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 633x666, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10321220 No.10321220 [Reply] [Original]

Is it safe to say that beards have finally surpassed the fedora as the go to accessory for losers?

>> No.10321232
File: 55 KB, 400x538, tumblr_ltydkfFy1v1qeest9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it that your beard doesn't grow or did someone with a beard do something to you?

>> No.10321233

How else am I gonna hide my weak chin?

>> No.10321261

Why are you so obsessed with beards, fam?

It's just natural hair which grows on people with enough testosterone and good genetics. If you can't grow one it's probably because you're too young or you're too weak/frail and don't do shit besides shitposting on a polynesian gamelan board, which affects your test - hence your beard growth.

Quit masturbating, smoking, eating junk food. Get on a good diet, lift and be patient. It will eventually pop out.

>> No.10321269

capital B Beards, like your pic, sure. Beard culture is fucking embarrassing.

nothing wrong with a little facial hair, though.

>> No.10321282
File: 33 KB, 522x152, no beard 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can't grow a beard

>> No.10321288
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>He's this pathetic

>> No.10321289
File: 37 KB, 523x236, no beard 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks he can go outside without women laughing behind his emasculated ass

>> No.10321294
File: 29 KB, 525x155, no beard 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He routinely starts a thread on the fashion board of a japenese cartoon forum to talk shit about beards

>> No.10321296

Test doesn't affect beard grow that much. It's more about genetics.

>> No.10321298
File: 36 KB, 526x206, no beard 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He claims uniqueness for being a low-test piece of shit with no masculine trait whatsoever

>> No.10321302

lol this insecurity

just face it mang you fell for the meme , now go back to reddit

>> No.10321303

Nah m8, ive been strengh training for years. Only have some chin stubble.

I've had my testosterone levels checked and I'm in the high end of normal.

Some people just done grow facial hair no matter what.

>> No.10321305
File: 29 KB, 531x157, no beard 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn't aware that every woman thinks of men without beards as "cute little puppies" at best

>> No.10321308
File: 26 KB, 524x161, no beard 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can't get over the fact that the girl he has a crush on is probably getting railed by a manly bearded guy

>> No.10321319
File: 25 KB, 485x131, no beard 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He associates beards (which have been part of every culture throughout history as a sign of strength, knowledge and nobility) to a WEBSITE on the INTERNET named "reddit".

>> No.10321322

I don't know which is sadder, "women" this immature or being the guy who saves these to post them on a Peruvian poncho-knitting bulleting board.

>> No.10321324
File: 26 KB, 449x131, no beard 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks that his pale, fat or embarrassingly skinnky, pasty face is more appealing than an objective trigger of respect, protection and fatherhood - that is, beards

>> No.10321329
File: 29 KB, 514x153, no beard 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He dismisses as "immature" and "shallow" women who are honest about something which has been acknowledged for centuries: that beards make you more attractive and more worthy of attention and respect

>> No.10321335
File: 24 KB, 493x132, no beard 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is yet to cope with the fact that women find "men" without beards not worthy of any respect nor sexual attention whatsoever

>> No.10321337
File: 53 KB, 600x378, final+beard+left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow man, if a woman says it on twitter it means i should do it alright? How can you not take women seriously?

>mfw thinking about women hurting

>> No.10321340

keep covering up your little bitch jaw line m8

>> No.10321341

Id love you to post a picture of you to show us how "manly" "handsome" and how /fa/ you look with that beard

>> No.10321343
File: 26 KB, 517x152, no beard 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't realize that women deem being clean-shaven as something painful and disgusting as a voluntary mastectomy

>> No.10321350
File: 33 KB, 505x155, no beard 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He puts effort into projecting his own insecurity onto others to find relief from his painful, pathetic and worthless life, trying to fight the symbol of his castration in the collective imaginary: beards

>> No.10321352

lol exactly what this guy said >>10321337

also pls post face>>10321341

>> No.10321354




>> No.10321356


why is he supposed to post a picture of himself?
why don't you show your clean-shaven handsome jawline instead? :^)

>> No.10321362
File: 9 KB, 191x264, bossman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're Ugly - ish growing a beard is the best way to hide your bad genetics (not just if you got a weak jawline) I got a bit of a disportionate face, kinda big forehead and with a beard i srsly went from like a 5-6 to a weak 8. It has literally changed my life, the biggest confidence boost i've ever, i look better than ever before. Also i kinda feel like i can "hide" behind it, idk it's weird it's just feels like i can fucking do anything now. I guess this is how (good looking) fat people feels when they loose weight and get mirid by people for the first time in their life

>> No.10321364
File: 155 KB, 652x784, 1435078028857[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10321370

>beards have finally surpassed the fedora as the go to accessory for losers

the PURPOSE of a beard is, and has always been, the go to accessory for losers.

Evolutionary psychology explanations for the existence of beards include signalling sexual maturity and signalling dominance by increasing perceived size of jaws, and clean-shaved faces are rated less dominant than bearded.[8] Some scholars assert that it is not yet established whether the sexual selection leading to beards is rooted in attractiveness (inter-sexual selection) or dominance (intra-sexual selection).[9] A beard can be explained as an indicator of a male's overall condition.[10] The rate of facial hairiness appears to influence male attractiveness.[11][12]

tl;dr : beards are a trick for beta losers to appear more dominant and alpha by increasing perceived size of jaws.

>> No.10321373
File: 73 KB, 600x771, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10321377
File: 28 KB, 502x152, no beard 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He posts the same cartoon over and over to prove to himself and to the users of a fashion imageboard that beards are "laughable" and that being a pasty emasculated fuck is more appealing

>> No.10321380
File: 34 KB, 521x178, no beard 17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He posts evolutionary evidence to the fact that women and people in general are drawn to bearded me as sexually more dominant yet he tries to disprove that by spouting memes

>> No.10321384
File: 26 KB, 516x151, no beard 18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He opens the thread, posts a poorly drawn cartoon and suddenly feels relief for not being able to draw the sexual interest of a woman

>> No.10321387

>he repeatedly posts in a dead thread

>> No.10321392
File: 36 KB, 529x176, no beard 19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks that a viable way to dismiss beards is calling them a "meme" on the internet - as if it would change the fact that women will always get MOIST when a fit, bearded man approches them

>> No.10321398
File: 34 KB, 526x179, no beard 20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is yet to understand that women are simply disgusted by "men" without beards

>> No.10321404
File: 28 KB, 522x155, no beard 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks that associating the word "fedora" to "beard" will change the scientific and evolutionary fact that women get sexually arousd by manly man with strong beards, as it displays power, dominance and good genetics

>> No.10321411

Holy shit this is BRUTAL.

>> No.10321418

>implying these women didn't get the beards are good meme from reddit
>implying they dont follow this meme trend to be cool
I would not stick dick in basic bitches. Get rekt u hoe

>> No.10321423


>> No.10321434

Yeah because if beards are cool you would totally not post here if you're drowning in pussy you insecure bitch. Having a beard says "i have no genuine look for myself and i dare call myself a man despite being slightly a queer". Die in aids homos only gandalf looks good in a beard.

>> No.10321435
File: 26 KB, 528x145, no beard 22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks the whole world revolves around the internet and his personal hate crusade agaisnt the website "reddit" - yet... days pass, women get wet for bearded man, and he's still projecting himself as a pasty weak shit

>> No.10321441
File: 27 KB, 520x124, no beard 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is so full of hatred towards strong, bearded man that he strives to unleash his anger by tyiping "die in aids homos" while being barely able to hold his tears

>> No.10321443

>he thinks the influence of media on trend followers is not true. He wants roastie vaginas, he doesnt want women who knows her shit
Enjoy compensation baby face queer

>> No.10321451

lmao you're so fucking mad, bet you're an aussie kid in high school

>"roastie vaginas"

LITERAL outright confirmation for being a virgin

>> No.10321457
File: 22 KB, 509x130, no beard 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He blames the "media" for something as historically and scientifically proven as the attraction which women have been experiencing towards beards for more two thousand and half years

>> No.10321460

>b-but muh media influence and degeneracy

Back to /pol/ you pathetic loser.

>> No.10321467

>he has a whole folder of tweets made by women whom he'll never meet about their preference for men with facial hair

>> No.10321470
File: 33 KB, 516x178, no beard 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He is TRIGGERED as fuck

>> No.10321473


you'll wake up one day

>> No.10321490
File: 26 KB, 525x152, no beard 26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks it takes some kind of effort to prove something which is so widespread and universally acknowledged by any person who leaves his room, thus confirming of being a weak hikikomori baby face

>> No.10321513

you sound old
Yeah because if we go back in time 4years ago your kinds would be like ew birds r disgust becus errone says so. Now that birds are in and cool you dont have any independent opinion on it so you copy what the media says about it.
Typical response from a loser. Enjoy it if you want to but why epuld you ask our opinions about it? Too insecure about it thats why. Go ahead compensate your baby face with a beard nobody will laugh at you behind ypur back :^)

>> No.10321527

Holy SHIT, envious baby-faced peach fuzz patchy shit genetic 16-21 year olds on this board BLOWN. THE. FUCK. OUT.

>> No.10321532

i'm not trying to disprove anything, just stating facts, I have a beard myself, and I know the evolutionary purpose of it, i hides my weak jaw and makes me appear more dominant and shows my testosterone levels.

The number one purpose for me is to appear scary to avoid human contact, i'm a real aspie IRL, the beard and mean look prevents people from talking to me.

>> No.10321533

How about leave and instead have a date with these women who is craving for a beard. The guarantees you will sucess

>> No.10321537
File: 6 KB, 250x241, Tired Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.10321549

I bet you're cute and likeable, Anon. You just need to get out of your shell and comfort zone.

>> No.10321552

op go back to >>>/r9k/ with that insecure shit

>> No.10321553

My pubes look more manly than ypur "beard". Slob kys

>> No.10321562

More like he is blown the fuck out. Look at the effort he did but he still got rekt

>> No.10321564

Not shaving daily is like not showering daily, absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.10321592

you know that you can wash a beard daily like you wash your hair ? just saying

>> No.10321660

I love how the dude who posted those Twitter screecaps has literally DISBANDED and EXPOSED the autistic anti-beard /r9k/ army.

>> No.10321674

>uggos growing beards to cover half their face

lmaoing @ ur life

>> No.10321686

>64 Posts
>20 Posters

>> No.10321852

a-are you ok?

>> No.10321883

Bears man now got btfo so he spilled his autism. Funny shit is he is still lying to himself

>> No.10321906

I don't get it, these women are raving about beards because they're in style right now. If they weren't, they wouldn't be saying anything.
That being said, they're picturing handsome 10/10 guys with trimmed beards, not some average joe.

Anyways I'm not white so no one expects me to have a beard. This is a white people trend and the girl I'm seeing has never mentioned a beard.

>> No.10321910

>getting attention from women is how i know something is worth doing

i can't even

>> No.10321915

this guy is so autistic
i really don't care about beards either way, but why would some daddys issue sluts on twitter change my opinion at all

>> No.10322074

Get the fuck out of /fa/ disgusting coon.

>> No.10322107

lets be completely real here: you can look good with or without a beard, and you can look bad with or without a beard. if you're ugly, a beard is not going to make you look good, and if you're hot, a beard (assuming it's not disgusting), is not going to make you look bad

can I get a /thread?

>> No.10322127


I masturbate a lot and smoke a lot and eat a lot of shit food, also I have low testosterone, yet I have a better beard than any of my friends. You're so full of shit, it's like we can't get past this beards = MAN argument. I've got a big bushy beard and people are always coming up to me and stroking it and saying shit like 'how much whiskey did you have to drink to grow that' and like 'how many trees have you cut down' and shit like that.

I literally have a beard because:
a) i don't see any reason in shaving, and to an extent;
b) I spend a lot of time in cold windy places and beard keeps my face warm

I didn't grow a beard for fashion or to show off how masculine I am or any of that shit. If you shave, that's cool, I just decided running a blade across my face every morning for no reason was something I couldn't be fucked doing. I've never once waxed or trimmed my beard, it just grew here because i stopped shaving. stop shaving and you'll get one too.

>> No.10322150


>> No.10322197


Beardless autistic fucks literally #rekt.

>> No.10322255

See their response. He instead got rekt

>> No.10322350

lmao no he didn't

>> No.10322383

This thread is AMWF poster levels of autism.

>> No.10322394

This thread is cringe as fuck and this is coming from someone who has been growing out their beard for the past 18 months

Don't get so pent up on what other people decide to do with their appearance, god damn

>> No.10322407

beards are for those with weak facial bones

>> No.10322427

I honestly wish I could grow beard, they mask facial imperfections nicely.

>> No.10322629

>thinking beards longer than stubble are still fashionable after 8+ years of being a hipster trend

literally only people in objectively irrelevant flyover states (and reddit) think beards, undercuts, and americana are still fashionable/current

>> No.10322661

Beards are worn by enough people that aren't fedoracore already. Fedoras (and really, all brimmed hats) are worn exclusively by "a tip for you milady" types and people who think their weekly cover sets at the local "blues" club mean they're musicians.

>> No.10322697
File: 36 KB, 720x356, IMG_20150830_151706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how all the tweets cherry picked are all below average obviously Midwestern women? lmao

>> No.10322699

/fa/'s average age has fallen considerably over the last few years. It's hardly surprising the 13 year olds that post here don't like beards. Which is not to say "beard culture" or whatever isn't ridiculous. I worked with a few "beard guys" and was a little embarrassed they wanted to include me in their clique just because I had a beard right then.

>> No.10322705

>using some huntington beach cumdumpster as your guide
You're just as bad.

>> No.10322721

If you think you need a beard to get women, then you are delusional as fuck
Clean shaven here, get pussy constantly

>> No.10322732

*tips beard* dae mgtow

>> No.10322737 [DELETED] 


But NONE of these is even remotely Middle-eastern you pathetic shit


>> No.10322741


>> No.10322742

>busted twitter slut doesn't like beards
the meme is over lads, back to beards.

>> No.10322781

Yes, however there are obvious exceptions. Beards are for hipster faggots. Why don't you take your beards and man buns and go kill yourself. If you have good facial aesthetics why would you hide them with a beard? Oh yeah that's right you don't have good facial aesthetics because you are slightly overweight. How about you lose some weight so you don't look obese. And that one dude is posting tweets from girls? How autistic are you that you look to twitter to decide whether you want a beard or not? You are a beta faggot trying to compensate with that beard.

>> No.10322789

Post more dogs saying inane shit, you'll convince everyone soon!

>> No.10322793

maaad pasty shit is FURIOUS

>> No.10322798

>undercut and big beard
>not based buzzcut and stubble before the aesthetic goes mainstream

>> No.10322805

>before the volkswagen golf owners club aesthetic goes mainstream
oh no

>> No.10322806

Says the guy typing in caps huehueh

Go get those anger management classes already

>> No.10322814

Hella assumptions going on here, bro.

>> No.10322823



>> No.10322832

Stay 12. Oh wait, that's only gonna last a year

>> No.10322856

reddit tier post

>> No.10322891

you are literally the gayest person I've ever seen on this website

>> No.10322969

>tfw I only have a beard because I shave and a week later I already have a ridiculous amount of growth
I think if you could grow out a beard as quickly as I can, you'd understand the struggle of shaving every fucking day. Fighting against what is a perfectly natural and (on most men) a good looking alternative to a clean shave feels like an uphill struggle. I'm only 19 and its already frustrating

>> No.10322982

who pissed in your ipa and uncuffed your indigo raws bruh why your suspenders in a bunch who scratched your mumford sons cd fam did I strike a nerve or was your reddit downvoted mang

>> No.10323008 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10323014


>> No.10323348
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>> No.10323381

Just a reminder: there's nothing more pathetic about getting this heated over someone else's appearance or lifestyle.


No one is forcing you to grow a beard and no one is forcing you to shave.

>> No.10323505
File: 70 KB, 400x600, 1435104612919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beard shill fuck off inb4 board slide

>> No.10323556
File: 146 KB, 400x538, god_damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who can't beard: the thread.

>> No.10323585

Everyone in this thread is over analyzing or making fallacies based on genetics and subjective taste in attraction

Its just a fuckin beard dude

some dudes look good with a beard
some dudes look good without a beard
some dudes x
some dudes y
some girls like x
some girls like y

who fuckin cares

>> No.10323600

bro stop shitposting on a mongolian miniature action figure trading website and go do something with your life

>> No.10323619

This entire thread is fucking autistic.

If you want to grow a beard and can, do it. Some people do undoubtedly look better with a beard. If you don't want to grow a beard or can't, then don't. You probably look better clean shaven anyways.

>> No.10323631

I see more jews than whites with beards, proportionally.

>> No.10323661

I was a late bloomer in most ways. even after my voice and balls dropped, I started fucking and everything like that, I couldn't grow face hair until much, much later. I was 25 before I had to start shaving more than once a week. I was on a trip back then and decided to let it grow out for a few months to see how big it would get but it was only an inch, inch-and-a-half max.

you don't always have control over these things. nowadays it's really long, like maybe 6 inches. gets blown around in the wind. starting to naturally bifurcate. I think I look good shaved but I'm with the other anon, I really have zero reason to bother with shaving. people treat you with more respect, I think, too.

>> No.10323671

>people treat you with more respect

eh not really. I shaved mine off after some prodding from my boss. People sort of mistrust you when you 'hide' your face. Also men without beards seemed off-put by mine or something. Doesn't help I have a resting bitch face.

>> No.10323685
File: 214 KB, 896x672, 1405314890576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad thread. Cringing so hard at the butthurt sperg who spammed screencaps of what vapid bitches on Twitter think to justify his facial pubes. How fucking insecure are you? Kek

Obviously, the beard trend all comes down to if you can pull it off. Even then, not everyone will like the look. There is no point in getting assblasted because people don't like your beard. There is also no point in hating beards so much.

Overall, this thread reeks of underaged and Reddit. You should all be ashamed.

>> No.10323690

true, context is key. in a business setting, it's the opposite. but in general population, I feel people give me a "I don't want to anger you, sir" vibe. and I work food service so IDGAF

>> No.10323756
File: 650 KB, 647x363, EEEEEEEEEE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf grows beard
>shoots up from 4/10 to 8/10
>hot girls hitting on him daily
>i'm still a 5/10 and am fucked

Men can change their whole face shapes naturally, and all I can get is some darker eyelashes with jew paint. Fuck me.

>> No.10323849

>have beard for about 6+ years
>normal length and hair
>no fashion, plain jumpers vans etc
>get stopped in the street
>"hey man nice beard do you own a fixie bike? Do you have some hipster plans to change the world or something?"

>> No.10324508

Thanks for the pseudo science

>> No.10324796

Half of these bitches using the "if your husband don't drive a Ford you have a wife" joke. These are the reference points for beard validation were using fam?

>> No.10324953

Theres a point in hating these beard tards for they are retards. Shame to you stupid coon

>> No.10325774

>mfw got tested and have low testosterone
>mfw when have full beard

but i stand up for my niggas cos i know tesoesterone has nothing to do with beard growth plus my ex only dated me cos i had a beard (thats what the bitch said anyway lol), so when i see girls saying beards are so hot. i tell them big tits are so hot and if you don't have then you're not a real women. holy fuck do they get mad

>> No.10325776

alright, just tell me when and where.

>> No.10325782

i dont know really, i dont mind beards
but it would be a disgrace to my genetics to grow my beard over my nice jawline, why hide under it because you feel pseudo-masculine

>> No.10325849

>being this salty about a literal facial hair meme

>> No.10325852


>> No.10326193

>flyover state
>wear m-muh workwear, have beard & undercut
>stand out, look unique, get mired & constantly approached by hip qts for years
>late 2014 every commoner cuck fuccuncle looks like this
>go m-muh minimalist monochrome
>opt for young Stalin and shirt beard followed by buzz & stubble
>stand out, unique (relative to locals), get mired & approached by hip qts constantly again

feels güt mang

>> No.10326210

>flyover state
>hip qts
>yfw you've been mired by basic bitches

>> No.10326230

Gr8 jawline squad reppin
Trust me, if you can grow it, groomed stubble is the best
Show off that jawline and look like a calvin klein model

>> No.10326236

a distinct characteristic on a lot of autistic fucks is a beard. a neckbeard you fucking idiot. how did that get past you. you cant just reappropriate the stereotype otherwise itd be arbitrary and turn into what a "hipster" is viewed as now

>> No.10326243
File: 242 KB, 743x465, 1422909410120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you have a nice jaw you don't need a beard

>pic related

>> No.10327077

I shave my face daily because it's a pain in the ass to maintain a beard

plus my jawline is one of the few things I consistently get compliments on aside from my height and my voice, so I'm gonna take what I can get and show off what I can

I don't mind dudes with beards but "beard culture" makes me want to gag

>> No.10327127

Holy fuck this is the saddest thing I've ever see. I remember a couple months back in another beard thread you did this same thing. Are you really this insecure? Literally kill yourself.

>> No.10327165

I had a beard for like 6 years and started shaving recently. Attention from women went up like tenfold. I guess I don't have the face for it.

I'll probably grow it back when November rolls around and keep it until spring.

>> No.10327183

Beards are a great way for genetically defect people to cover up their weak jawlines with, creating a faux attraction.
Men with beards are the male equivalent of vapid whores with tons of makeup to cover their face with.

>> No.10327205
File: 55 KB, 393x396, hawk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cannot stand having, liking or wearing anything that is popular. there is some psychological wall that prevents me from enjoying things that, under different circumstances, i may have actually liked. but if it gets popular i lose all interest, though i have no one to impress. very stupid and unhealthy i know but i'm sure i'm not the only one

>> No.10327212

you have 26 images of tweets that promote beards
26 organised pics (probably made a folder just for them)
fuck ur sad

>> No.10327246

what about things that are popular on dressed by the internet circlejerks and stuff that's really popular, but only popular to the extremely hip and not popular to the mainstream yet?

in such cases, do you love something and then instantly hate it once it gets a little mainstream?

have so many questions

>> No.10327277

once the mainstream catches up (which takes a while usually), I'm curious to see how hard the beard lifestyle guys with beard tattoos and shit that are saying they will never shave end up backpedaling once they inevitably shave for the next face meme (without a doubt stubble).

it's already happened with a few of the suoer influential (in those circles) instagram model bros.

their answers have only been "i wasn't getting work, labels are specifically saying no beards longer than stubble" and "i got sick of the look".

>> No.10327285

>irrelevant beardcucks getting made their aesthetic is dead

sorry about your now insignificant aesthetic fam

>> No.10327316

here's a good example i think: chelsea boots

a few years ago i was always on the lookout for a good pair because i thought they were cool looking, but i was (and still am) pretty broke so i could only go up to about $150, so like rm williams and others were out of my price range. then slp and kanye come along and i can't stand the damn things. i wouldn't say i liked them initially because they were rare, but when wearing them puts you in the exclusive company of fuccbois it sours my feelings on them.

>> No.10327323


It's called being 15.
If you're still like that after that age, you have issues.

>> No.10327357


Oh man, the feels.

>> No.10327380

What issues specifically?

>> No.10327403

cmon man, you can't honestly say you don't get a little turned off of something once normies or fuccbois get a hold of it. would YOU choose to wear stan smiths and faded jeans with the rest of the scrubs?

>> No.10327411

keep in mind i'm not saying stans and chelseas are ugly (or cps or dick dunks or timbs, rafdidas are though), just leave a sour taste in your mouth

>> No.10327412

how do you currently dress? what style/brands/colors/cuts?

>> No.10327426

Not that anon but I feel the same, I will still get around to wearing that item but lets say like joggers (which been around since 2012 but then it just blew up and you see it everywhere). If I really like the item I won't care and just wear it when everybody else cools down on it but people just jump on the hypetrain and fuck shit up.

>> No.10327436

for summer its just jeans and t shirts but when it gets to decent temps i generally wear slim straight jeans and cords with a wool sweater and any sort of jacket, idk. nothing amazing but some jap stuff. not liking my footwear at the moment as i really only ever still wear my wallabees or sk8 his or red wing mocs, which are meme shoes i know. sometimes i will wear my yuketen maine guides. still stuck in jap streetwear mode i guess but i don't care to buy much else these days as i can't really justify the cost and it looks okay