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/fa/ - Fashion

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10296835 No.10296835 [Reply] [Original]

Post compliments you've received in regards to fashion/appearance.

>> No.10296842

>Why are you so dressed up?

>> No.10296853

>nice face

>> No.10296859

>nice face, faggot

>> No.10296863

>you look fancy
>why do you never wear colors

that's about it, people rarely address the way i dress, maybe because i'm not in high school anymore. people seem to care a lot less.

>> No.10296865

>I guess someone as pretty as you can afford to be such a bitch
I felt bad

>> No.10296874

-nice hair
-nice outfit
-you always look so elegant
-nice boobs
-nice legs
-you try so hard

>> No.10296879

>"Looking good, honey!"
-my mom

>> No.10296894

>dont dress too slutty today, it's supposed to rain later
my mom

>> No.10296912

>nice shoes
>nice boots
>I like your jacket
>nice nails
>nice ass

>> No.10296914

say that to my nice face, i'l rek u

>> No.10296922

Post face. Maybe I want to be rekt by u ;)

>> No.10296926

>i think you've got like the sexiest hair a male can have

>> No.10296927

>w2c tbh?

>> No.10296947

"Your skirt is making me horny"
"You are cute- Ich liebe dich"
"*European football player*'s girlfriend is almost as hot as femanon"
"You're probably the prettiest girl in the year"
I miss that school bus

>> No.10296951

>your glasses are really cool
>that's genius actually (from ashton kutcher, felt p good to get complimented like that by A-list celeb)
>i love your glasses
>they suit you very well, they're very "anon" (replace anon with my name)

These comments in regards to a pair of glasses I "made" by taking a broken pair of lenses/frames and taping them inside the frame of another pair.

>your hair is pretty aesthetic
>you're one of the only people in the world who can pull off that haircut
>wow, you actually pull that off
>its weird but you did a good job and it looks good

>i love your style
>whered u get those shoes

>> No.10296955

random dude comes up to me "your outfit is very well coordinated"
>mfw I looked like shit
I've had random people come up to me and compliment my hair before as well, but I ended up chopping it off.
Can I see those glasses you made?

>> No.10296960

My best male friend accidentally called me beautiful when we were 12

>> No.10296974

>I like your nipples
I'm a boy btw. She said because my nipples were poking through my shirt

>Got an ass for a white boy
- Black woman catcalling me.
I broke lmao2pl8 squat that day so It felt good.

>> No.10296981
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best picture I have of them but these red ones are the 2nd pair I made cuz the 1st black pair broke.

you can see the lenses/frames that are "inside"/behind the red frames.

I think the black pair looked better

I wear real glasses now, these were just a temporary thing until I got a new pair of real glasses but people seemed to like them

>> No.10296986

nice tits

im a guy btw

>> No.10296991

A month ago a model scout came up to me in the mall where I'm from and said "I like your hair and your jawline, can I take your picture and your name and number?"

Unlikely I'll ever get a call but the compliment was enough for me anyways.

>> No.10296996

I"m glad you learned how to dress yourself"

My family at holidays.

>> No.10297011

>has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?
>James Blunt
>I don't know who that is but he doesn't deserve you
I keked

>> No.10297146

Cool. I'd hate to wear them, they look like they would inhibit your vision a lot.
But still very interesting looking.

>> No.10297154

ya know you would think that but they didn't really inhibit my vision more than any other glasses do

i still generally prefer contacts tho anyways for this very reason, but having the option of wearing glasses is nice

>> No.10297177

'You're like, so fashionable! You always look good'

Generic, but I'll take it. She wasn't a qt3.14 either.

>> No.10297182

>you always wear really nice shoes.
It's true, I do wear nice shoes.
>hey you faggot, you bought the same jumper as me after complementing me on it!
>where did you buy that?

That's about that.

>> No.10297184

And it isn't so much a compliment, but literally everyone in my friend group comes to me for fashion advice.

>> No.10297236

>you look emaciated

>> No.10297243

>omg your outfit is so cute
>I really love your ____!
Ironically basic bitches never actually compliment me. All I get is jealous stares from them.
>tfw I'm known as the girl who dresses in all black

>> No.10297250

u look like a twat m8

>> No.10297268

Some random girl complimented my cps when I was smoking outside the bar.
Also a bunch of kids were stalking me and staring at my qasas high

>> No.10297324
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>haha nice hipster sweater

>> No.10297367

>Are you a fashion student?
Customer who wanted to know how to fix her helmut lang garment that she wanted to buy.

>OMG love your haircut!!!
My hair stylist absolutely loves to work on my hair thats why!

>What's with the shoes little buddy?
MFW I was wearing Stans that day bitch.

>> No.10297384
File: 1.07 MB, 856x820, paome_ab705300-66eb-0132-2da2-3e9c7b0b59c6place_74tAcXyrSS2O5Gc1c5oW_2000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like your shirt whered you get it?
>Custom print I designed

Image related

>> No.10297409

edgy grill detected

>> No.10297438

I'lol be your edgy girl ;^)

>> No.10298786


>> No.10298797

i see ur already in ur painting clothes...

>> No.10298808

Cool idea. I would personally never wear them, but I could see them fitting if you have a certain personality.

>> No.10298830

I've heard a few people compliment me nicely that I look good.

>you look like someone who gets lots of girls
>you look like a director
>you dress very european
>can I get your clothes

>> No.10298836

>Wait you are not gay?
Honestly is the shit tho girls get real comfy with you then you break the news and 90% of the time you fug.

>> No.10298839

Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.10298849

"you look very nice, bebé" - my mom

"you lookin sharp" - my dad

>> No.10298870

post pic, I am interested

>> No.10298874

i dont get compliments because im not a pleb

>> No.10298899
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>You look so pretty
>You have a nice body
>You look like a model
>You have nice eyebrows
>You have perfect skin
>You have nice thick hair
>You should model for Victoria secret
>You look like [Insert black model here]
tfw i get mixed compliments

the rest aren't really flattering or compliments so ill leave that outttt

>> No.10298900

>Be visiting friend in Long Beach
>Nearing last call
>Stuck outside his apartment, need him to let me in
>Bean yells at me "Hey attractive fucking white guy!"
>Look up, get ready to fight
>Stare hard this time
>He changes his tone and asks what my name is
>I tell him, look back down at my phone because I can't be bothered by this drunk idiot

He came up to me and said he was just trying to be friendly, and not to talk to his girl because I'm too good looking. He said it would be easy, because he doesn't have one. lol

>> No.10298912
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Long beach? That better be the one in California boi

>> No.10298919

>nice beard
>cute shirts
>dope shoes
>you look good today, got an interview or something?

nothing too fancy, though I have noticed girls starting at me more. Can't tell if it's because I'm getting /fit/ or if my fashion is finally getting better, probably the prior

>> No.10298927

Post your mantits

>> No.10298933
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>> No.10298999

paome = print all over me

>> No.10299027

>You look hot
>You smell really good
>I like being around you
>You look very clean
>Nice shoes, sweater, shirt, etc
>You always dress nice
>Youre an interesting guy
>You talk like a faggot and your shits all retarded

>> No.10299042

>nice cheekbones
>nice jawline
>nice eyes

Damn shame it's all useless thanks to pleb tier skin.

>> No.10299140

>you're so pretty/stunning/beautiful
>you have the perfect body
>I love your style/outfit/clothes item/hair/etc
>you have perfect teeth
>you look like this model/celebrity
>you have amazing hands

Most compliments come from girls, guys don't really say anything or if they do it's usually lewd or the few that compliment my style/clothing. I also dont agree with it, I've been feeling crappy about my appearance lately because I've gained more weight than I am comfortable with.

>> No.10299145

>having a beard now automatically makes you this

smh fam, I've had one since highschool

>> No.10299147

You have Britney Spears eyebrows. :''(

>> No.10299150

they say i have perfect teeth too, forgot that.

>> No.10299157

>you have very good features and will only look better with age, he will probably get a big nose and wrinkled forehead [talking about her bf who's standing right next to her]

>you don't work out? you seem to be pretty fit either way

>> No.10299159

>that guys so gay heheheeh

>> No.10299169

this happened to me when I was a fat middleschooler, now I'm 6'3 and beautiful ahha

>> No.10299171

>thats a sick jacket
>he was wearing a sick jacket
>so and so said something about your jacket

shit nigga its just burgundy dyed denim with a couple good patches


>youre so hot
>hes so hot
>youre so stylish

meanwhile some people bust my balls or make fun of me every time I see them
yet other people consistently give me compliments

essentially I have a variety of friends but most of them suck either way

>> No.10299177

what are thooooseee

>> No.10299178

>shit nigga its just burgundy dyed denim with a couple good patches

Post pics, sounds interesting.

>> No.10299274

I was standing outside a shop yesterday, waiting for my friend, and this little elderly woman walks over to me and gasps "look at you..." and then a few seconds later "your style!" which was funny because I would've thought I was showing too much skin to be appreciated by someone like her. It was nice.

>> No.10300389
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All this and I'm a guy.

>> No.10300398

my grandfather was a framer/jeweler/bunch of other stuff so DIY/repair has always been a thing for me so when I needed a new pair of temporary glasses this was the obvious choice to me so by "certain personality" I think thats what ya mean, friends IRL seemed to dig them so I'm inclined to agree.

i dunno dude about what?

unless u mean pic of my current hair, cuz thats different from this photo, I've posted it in other threads tho

Undercover GILA sneakers, I sold em on grailed a bit ago tho

>> No.10300426
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>mfw Polish qt just told me she adores my eyes

>> No.10300443


>> No.10300756
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>You're so handsome, you're going to get scouted sometime anon

>> No.10300770

So your am ugly manlet


>> No.10300846

I thought this was a compliments thread

>> No.10300862

>your shoes look cool
>why are you so dressed up all the time?
>you look like a Star Trek character (i was wearing a blue v-neck sweater with a black turtleneck underneath it)

>> No.10300869

Being called pretty is a compliment

>> No.10300882

>Oh god your shoes are beautiful!!
>You have always had nice hair
>I love your shirt anon
And hot, pretty, or whatever from thirsty girls.

I got way more actual complements(from girls) back when I dressed preppy.
Girls don't understand clothing. Complements from guys weigh a lot more.

>> No.10300941

I collect Burberry/other designer-brand wear, so I often get
>you look wealthy/well-off
>why are you always dressed-up?
and what not

honestly, it tends to intimidate a lot of people under the age of 25/under a specific salary range. You'd think women would be more of a fan, but a decent amount of time they just feel like I'm stunting too hard

>> No.10300997

>Anon, what are you dressed in? It looks good, but it's weird

Rick and Raf is what I'm dressed in

>> No.10301041

>tfw you could never actually be a model

[smells my neck] you smell really nice, anon
>It was an incredibly hot summer day and I was sweaty from cycling across the city, which makes this one even stranger

>> No.10301049

>which makes this one even stranger
If it's from a woman, it's not.

>> No.10301052

>Girls don't understand clothing. Complements from guys weigh a lot more.
This, so much

>anon, your scars look so cool

>> No.10301057

It was from a female friend. I guess I should stop showering and throw my perfume away

>> No.10301172

What shoes were you wearing out of curiosity lol?

>> No.10301180

>you're always so dressed up
>you always look so classy
>you're like an Asian Don Draper

I don't wear fedoras, I just always wear Oxford shirts and pants. I hate how unimaginative it is, but I don't know what else to do with myself

>> No.10301195

>"I can see your huge dick through your pants, call me later?"-late 90's Angelina Jolie

>> No.10301790

"Ive always admired your jawline"
"Bro no lie you have a REALLY nice jaw"
"Your jawline could give me a paper cut"
"I love the way he dresses"

And about 1000000 comments on my hair. My jawline isnt super strong either, just shapely.

>> No.10301795

You look phat, put down the fork.

>> No.10301884

>you've got a great jawline
>you always dress nice
>the colour _____ looks good on you
>you have beautiful eyes
although my skin is shit lol

>> No.10302383


>> No.10302518

"You always look so nice"
"I love your hair" get that one like 5 times a day, it actually is annoying
"You look like Harry styles" just cause I got long curly hair don't mean I look like Harry styles Jesus people.

>> No.10302572

Forgot these:
"Your eyebrows are amazing"
"That (insert clothing item here) is really nice"
"You have really good style"

>> No.10302721

always get this

>> No.10303005

oh anon? yeah he always dresses so nice

does anon ever eat? hes so skinny (im fuckin 155 and 6'2, not that skinny)

you always smell so good, what cologne do you wear? (versace from target lol)

>> No.10303095

you look so hot
your body is so great
you have so many friends
you leave your house every day
your clothes are nice and imaginative
you are absolutely handsome and decently tall
you are an interesting person i would like to hang around with

>> No.10303147

like a decade ago my h&m shit got compliments when we still didn't have one in my city and they didn't do online orders.

>> No.10303264

>if you were dressed any better i'd think you were gay


>> No.10303469

>In this post: phrases that have never been said.

>> No.10303496
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>I like your hipster shoes anon
>nice sweater, it reminds me of a sunrise
>I really like your sweater
And that's every compliment I've gotten over the past 5 years.

>> No.10303504

post hair

>> No.10303579

>that jacket's fucking beautiful
>that shirt fits you so well
>you look like james dean in that outfit
>that hair makes you look like a world war 2 soldier

>> No.10303587

"jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with you, you dress pretty well though"

-Random house wife on facebook

>> No.10303592

>shit man if I dressed like that I'd be vaping 24/7

>> No.10303601

Nope, too autistic. Worried someone would recognize me and I can't have that.

>> No.10303603

>nice hoodie anon (talking about my black supreme box logo hoodie
>i like your Karhus
>you are such a nice guy

Thats all from the past year and a half

>> No.10303617
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"You always look so sexy in suit & tie" - Anons gf

"those clothes really suits you!" - family members & co-workers

"Sup bro, looking good!" - anons best mate as i enter his flat

"I love those shoes anon"- classmate

"you look very smart" - bus driver

"you look quite stylish" - stranger

That's about it

>> No.10303633

>you have beautiful hair, anon
>your hair is nicer than mine
>I wish my hair was as long as yours
>your hair is so pretty and straight
I hear those a lot from girls (I'm a guy) but I've also heard
>anon you're so thin
>anon you have such nice skin
>you look like an artist. You're an artist, right? I can tell
Artist one was said by a Jamaican cab driver in Manhattan. Dude was cool as shit.

>> No.10303638

is that just a basic white shirt or what
it looks like it has a cool texture
or it's wrinkled

>> No.10303641
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>> No.10303651

>anon you're so thin

>> No.10303671

>you should model
>your such a model
>your hair is so cool!
>I love your hair
>your so tall!
>your legs are so skinny (they're actually not lmao)
>your voice is so deep
>you should be on radio
>look at ur jawline

I agree with none of these girls don't know what they're talking about

>> No.10303672

She didn't mean it in a concerned way. I have a nice figure in clothes. When I take my shirt off I look like a skeleton covered in Play Dough though

>> No.10303674

its a rag & bone tee made from some weird fabric ill get pics of it tomorrow maybe

>> No.10303686

>you should model

>> No.10303849

My Adidas Rod Laver.
Generic all white leather sneakers.

>> No.10303855

"your outfit is very well coordinated"
ahahaha what a faggot!

>> No.10303884

I checked out this redhead teenage bombshell on the train a couple of weeks ago as she walked past. she was medium height, had a great ass and tits, and was really fit. she then sat down on the same four-seat.

she started talking to me after a while and asked for my number after we got off the train. I was too shocked to be as functioning as I had been beforehand, so I think she got a bit scared off. texted for a while, but not much more. also, I think she was 16-17. fuck.

anyways, another redhead fitness girl is currently writing a lot to me and sends selfies to me all the time - and I also write a lot to a model friend of mine who works as a model in NY. fucking gorgeous. she added me on fb and started writing, so I don't know what to make of that (because I'm not used to the attention).

I have upped my game recently. used to be a depressed NEET. now I'm just depressed. haha.

>> No.10303905
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>"DAMN YOU SMELL GOOD!!" - The black woman at the Wal-Mart a few weeks ago

>"Why are you ears so fucking big? You look stupid. You should consider plastic surgery" - A stranger when I was out buying groceries

Feels bad man. my ears and nose are my weakness and the cause of my self esteem issues and people give me hell for it so much. Time to suck down some helium.

>> No.10303914

I get lot of compliments on my clothing
Some on my eyes, some girl ones said if my eyes were any paler I'd look blind, tho I don't know if that was a compliment or not
Compliments saying I'm handsome, though oddly enough most of these have come from other guys
Been told I should model few times

>> No.10303919

always get compliments on my outfits, and winged eyeliner
my hair sometimes, i really dont do anything to it i just brush it and i let it grow out very long
a lot of people have said i should model even though im 5'2

>> No.10303920

Advice on what not to wear

>> No.10303922

Oh and probably the best one was when I was hanging out with these 2 girls who were friends of friend and the other one the moment we met called me handsome and was constantly hitting on me and then after I hanged out with them for some time the other girl just kinda randomly looked at me at some point and her jaw drop and she went "Fuck me, he really is handsome" like she hadn't noticed it before for some reason.
I don't know why that felt so good but it did.

>> No.10303923

oh & my eyes/eyelashes for sure
my eyes are trippy as fuck apparently

>> No.10304802



>> No.10304863

Wtf. Explain pls

>> No.10304882

He called him a faggot basicallt

>> No.10304891

>Can you plz go shopping with me?
>Can you recommend me where to go shopping?
>Where do you buy your clothes?
>Can you PLZ go shopping with me?
>What should I do with my hair? Can you tell me what haircut to get~

That's basically it. Blonde, popular girls chase me. Obviously, I like the dick, so it annoys me.

>> No.10304899

>you take care of yourself, you're beautiful (best one, I fucked up the opportunity, and it was in a sexy as fuck spanish woman's voice)
>patrick bateman

but yall still dont love me ;_;

>> No.10304972

/fa/ was abused as a child. /fa/ cannot feel love

>> No.10305032

I'm a boy but i've gotten

>You're so photogenic.
>Why don't you try modelling, a lot of models are also kinda shy like you.
>Great hair

>> No.10305107

Color over your face?

>> No.10305118

Take a look at the thread collecting photos of some of the more "notable" people who post here and consider whether you should care. Put more bluntly, who cares what emaciated 16 year olds with emotional issues think?

A grand list of all of the compliments my ugly ass has received:

>> No.10305202

they probably feel bad 4 u and r pretending

>> No.10305298

as usual, this is the kind of responses you get on 4chan when you write about positive things happening in your life.

I think it's mostly a matter of projection. just because you're not getting laid doesn't mean no one else is, anon.

>> No.10305341

Where's the list? oh i get it xDDD clevor

>> No.10305388


you grew a beard in one day?

>> No.10305403

you're tall, do you like milfs?

>> No.10305409

>Why do you wear so many black t-shirts?

>> No.10305421

>I like your whole... look... you know?

>> No.10305431

Post a pic

>> No.10305444

"I like your pants"
Any pale chinos, ever

>> No.10305518


>> No.10305533


14 year old girl at my friend's birthday party, she was his cousin or something

>> No.10305537

Why do people feel the need to point out physical flaws? It's like yeah nigga I know my head is huge, what about it?

>> No.10305548

r u josh peck of drake and josh fame

>> No.10305557

Yes. AMA

>> No.10305565

Why do you let your sister push you around you cuck

>> No.10305573

ya, i always see this with little kids. very off-putting when an adult does it, worse when it's something more subtle like a tiny birthmark , one side of cheek a bit hairy-er, etc

>> No.10305587

>tfw a kid innocently points out your biggest insecurity

>> No.10305592

>"you look like a faggot" - my dad

>> No.10305596

I didn't. She wasn't my sister. She's the actor Miranda Cosgrove. We were acting.

>> No.10305696

but did she feel like a sister to you? did you hit on her? how do you feel about drake's appearance in the live action fairly odd parents movie?

>> No.10305806

i never get any compliments

>> No.10305849
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I get vaarious compliments, but this one dude wanted to take a pic of me, bc my style seemed too cool for him. We were drunk, but it was honest. Im a guy btw.

>> No.10305876

woahh boi doobidy doo eh huh that was the most returded thing i hav ever read woahhh [insert picture of goofy here]

>> No.10305908
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>> No.10307337

Yeah I know, I'm too autistic for that.

>> No.10307363


>> No.10307367

Of course dude, your biting the bait. No wonder you have low ass self esteem. 90 percent of the shit posted here is negative as fuck trolling. If you really are depressed 4chan isn't the best place to be spending time.

>> No.10307399

I have two friends that are a couple and the girl said she wanted me to be their kid's godfather because I dress well.
Fuck that shit.

>> No.10307550


>> No.10307560

tfw girls compliment me on my eyebrows and only my eyebrows ;_;

I try so hard...

>> No.10308765

yeah, working on it. I used to be here a lot more. part of the NEET life. just here occasionally now.

since making that previous post a cute girl started talking to me on the subway yesterday. I don't know what's going on.