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/fa/ - Fashion

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10294427 No.10294427 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fa/, fuel my disorder and make the voices in my head louder.

>> No.10294763


>> No.10294814


>> No.10294827

How to lower my body fat percentage? what foods should I eat more of and what foods should I stay away from? I don't wanna just eat less cause I'm already doing that and it's really unhealthy, I go running a lot too.

>> No.10294833

Eat more: tomatoes, tuna, oatmeal, low fat dairy products and drink plenty of water. If you continue to run, you should shred so much fat off.

>> No.10294877
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no. you're beautiful the way you are

>> No.10294878
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>work out how many calories you need per day
>install myfitnesspall
>eat less then the amount of calories you need a day


>> No.10294890

eggs. lots and lots of eggs. green leafy vegetables. water, black coffee. no sugars, no bread. just eggs.

>> No.10294919

eggs are gross my man

>> No.10294920
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das just too skinny

>> No.10294931

that isn't skinny at all, are you challenged sir?

>> No.10295006

how would you achieve this body. just via a strict diet and lots of cardio? like swimming?

>> No.10295011

You know, just because you're thin that doesn't mean you have any beautiful qualities about you.

Being thin is ridiculously hard to maintain, but in real life, the only things that matter are these two things:

1. Do you have a girlfriend?
2. Do you have a car?

If no, you are officially a bad person. And ugly. No escape.

>> No.10295012

Pretty sure leto is also a vegan, so there's that.

>> No.10295017

> a car
lmao where do you live?
its not London or NYC so your life is over m8

>> No.10295023

shutup fattie
im pretty sure you have neither of those

>> No.10295033

So you live in NYC or London and don't have a car? Sorry, u must be poor.

>> No.10295034

No. You'd need to lift at least 3 times a week and eat a fuckload, then cut to remove any excess fat and get as lean as he is.
Steroids would probably help as well
You don't get a body like that by swimming and eating salad

>> No.10295039

>durrr how do drive?
>hurrr wat is car?
>durrrf durf how to license?

People without cars are the most miserable things in existence

>> No.10295048

Well it's urban decay. Alot of cities just write off poverty or 'sweep it under the rug' as 'lifestyle' or 'active living'

Fkin pedestrian 'm8'

>> No.10295056

Coincidentally, being thin is also synonymous with povery... historically.

>> No.10295077

Bro, these people telling you eat eggs and tomatoes are about as intelligent as astrology fags. >>10294878 has it right. Figure out your BMR (google it), and eat less than that per day and you WILL lose weight unless you have some incredibly rare metabolic issue or are on some kind of medication which fucks with your metabolism (anti depressants for instance).

Also, don't weigh yourself everyday. It will fluctuate from day to day, so stick to once a week in order to get a better picture.

And obviously what you see in the mirror is more important than your actual weight so don't get bummed if you haven't lost a pound, yet you still look good in the mirror.

You can technically eat anything and lose weight as long as you're at a caloric deficit, but low carbs will make you look dryer/leaner as you get down to low bf%.

>> No.10295152
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>> No.10295160


>> No.10295508

what happened to the thinspo :(

>> No.10295551

>>10294427 why is being this thin attractive? It's fucking unhealthy. You silly cunts must be tired ALL the time

>> No.10295571

No need for that OP, I know exactly how to lose weight and still remain healthy. I have been like this my whole life :))))

Only if you respond; Thank you based food guru.

>> No.10295574

forogt trip :)))

>> No.10295638
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Not all the time. The fatigue comes and goes. Sometimes I'll be sitting in a lecture or something and get hit with this feeling of emptiness and then a head rush

Feels good man

>> No.10295649
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>> No.10295662

Dude those head rushes are the best, I usually let myself fall down when it happens, if I'm home obvs, if I'm out I just take it

>> No.10295672

pretty sure its called fainting, i had that feeling last year. Its the worse feeling ever.

>> No.10295687

no traps, weak shoulders, bad ab genetics
no serratus

>> No.10295694
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>tfw I'm pretty much exactly like this
feels bad man, I almost never wear t-shirts, if I do people always comment on how thin my wrists are.

>> No.10296239

so gewddddddd

>> No.10296351

So, what if you're skinnyfat? the the fat just naturally burn off and you're left with skinny? no extra skin or anything?

>> No.10296475

I used to get this regularly and it was horrible because I was eating normally but none of the nutrients from my food were being absorbed into my body so I was just constantly feeling that fatigue and head rush. Don't know how you guys could like that, it was seriously crap.

Then I went to the doctor and found out I'm celiac so now I don't pass out at random intervals throughout the day. Still skinny as fuck though for some reason... Is it just my metabolism? I'm eating as normally as a celiac can and I'm not gaining any weight.

>> No.10296709

>Don't eat for three days because I was having a long sleepover at a friend's house
>come home and see how much better my hips and thighs look
>still font feel hungry
>scared of becoming skelly
>don't want frumpy thighs again

>> No.10296779
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this is in a thinspo folder i downloaded of here couple of years ago

>> No.10296814
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>> No.10296815

why would u want a car in a big city?

>> No.10297282

im 5'8" and 100lb but i feel like my calves r too big. how would i reduce the size of them..?

>> No.10297316

how the fuck do you get your stomach to be this flat. my chest and even my upper abs are nice and flat but my lower abs just jut out so much in comparison

>> No.10297389

stop walking

>> No.10297740

Hahaha i always had a flat tummy, its permanent :3
i dont even need to be anorexic liek u desperate fags

>> No.10297751

>tfw wide hips like him

>> No.10297763



Btw, if your inner hungry hungry hippo starts fucking with you, eat veggies and fruits that hold a fuckton of water.

Watermelon, grapes, cucumbers. tomatoes. These will not help you in sense of losing weight because you eat them, they will make up for what you are eliminating from your diet by filling you up so you don't feel like stuffing your face. If it holds a bunch of water then its good to eat and easier to work off. Grapes only hold 62 calories and shit bro. Chow down on those bitches and you won't be feeling hungry at all.

Sugar, carbs, fat, and sodium is fine. if you stay away from that you are starving yourself which fucks you up and makes you look gross. Eat them, but eat them with some fucking consideration. Actually think about your daily value and the kind of fats you get, do matter.

>> No.10297806

Break legs and use wheelchair

>> No.10298731

Bump cucks. I see more fucking threads about /fit/ in here than thinspo. It's like everyone is deluded beyond belief. Thinspo master race.

>> No.10299039
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he still managed to be on the cover of Vogue Italia so don't worry

>> No.10299045
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