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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 163 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10259745 No.10259745 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get an Effay cringe thread going

I'll start

>> No.10259762

He has more likes than you will ever get

>> No.10259785


>> No.10259806

Being mad that somebody has a social life, and can actually get a friend, you are the real cringe here op.

>> No.10259856

teenagers zzzz

>> No.10259860

Doesn't mean this kid doesn't look like a fucking tard

>> No.10259884
File: 712 KB, 429x1003, heres todays outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10259986

Lol what does that have to do with any thing????

>> No.10260026

He looks dope and he's most likely smarter than you

>> No.10260052

You actually think a fat Asian 12 year old wearing full Glo gang gear looks dope? Holy fuck anon you must be retarded

>> No.10260071

This nigga is fresh as fuck

>> No.10260072

>yfw this outfit costs over 2.5k

>> No.10260089

I disagree. I find it bold yet still sensual

>> No.10260091

Neo /fa/

>> No.10260096

Cringe threads are coping mechanisms for insecure people who hate themselves

>> No.10260097

Please explain

>> No.10260122

>for insecure people who hate themselves
Welcome to 4chan!

>> No.10260132
File: 646 KB, 1583x695, ohshitnigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10260162



That chink is looking fresh as fuck tbf

>> No.10260177

If you honestly think 4chan is only insecure people who hate themselves, you might be projecting. If anything 4chan is the cool place to discuss a variety of interests, and just to hang out shitposting, the user base is pretty diverse.

>> No.10260188

what's cringe about this?

>> No.10260194

They're kids having fun

>> No.10260214
File: 133 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10260246

That one autist that keeps posting pics of the ugly dude in the glasses is cringey as hell.

>> No.10260268

All of PlsSudoku's posts.

>> No.10260306

>anything 4chan is the cool place to discuss a variety of interests
Just go back to Reddit already. Interesting discussion doesn't happen here and /fa/ reeks of insecurity. People trying to emulate each others style with little diversity, people who get incredibly butthurt once their $500 whatever is sold for $10 at Zara, people who seek validation from this board... it's insecurity everywhere.

This kid in the shoe rate thread is a prime example of the average insecure /fa/ poster:
Buys /fa/ memes, tries to show them off (without showing his cheap vans beaters) and once people mock him, his only argument is: "but I bet they're more expensive then all of your shoes".


>> No.10260311
File: 184 KB, 960x960, 11870722_894929307243274_7405657045183944260_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i effay

>> No.10260367


>> No.10260477


Redditors are killing this board.

>> No.10260522



>> No.10260531


Is that Saint Laurent?

>> No.10260539

If anything you're post reeks of insecurity. If you hate this board, and the styles on it so much just leave.

>> No.10260552

dear jesus

>> No.10260582
File: 116 KB, 683x1024, neckerchief_lowres_zpsml2cyjoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10260620

Prime example of an alpha male

>> No.10260635

if that fit was on a model it would be absolutely gorgeous

nothing cringe here

>> No.10260636

I would hang out with this guy

>> No.10260681

I was not prepared for this

>> No.10260711

>Blaming Redditors when the board has always been killing itself.

>> No.10260770

I dub thee, YuNG A$$EaT3r.

>> No.10260777

What the fuck am i reading lmaoo

>> No.10260786

/b/ is the edgeboard (although It lost it's edge long ago), if you think 4chan is /b/, /r9k/, and /pol/, you're part of what's ruining the site.

>> No.10260883

look at the effay tag on instagram

>> No.10260938


>> No.10260959

This is why only people who don't know say shit like "I want a girl into anime"

>> No.10260973

guy looks awkward but fit is okay.

looks like a scooby doo villain in a good way.

also w2c pants

>> No.10261034

He's GLO'ed up

>> No.10261114

This nigga look like the night elf starting zone

>> No.10261303

How do people get like this?
Not even a rhetorical question, literally how?

>> No.10261435

>projecting this hard

>> No.10261762
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>> No.10261773

lmao no way this is from /fa/

>> No.10261778


>> No.10261781

oh fuck

>> No.10261788



>> No.10261791
File: 864 KB, 160x270, this is mfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here

>mfw the cringe board hosts cringe threads


>> No.10261797

go back to trying to lift away your ugly facial aesthetics brah ;^)

>> No.10261823
File: 39 KB, 600x325, fourlols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10261834
File: 196 KB, 628x434, The-Men-of-NYFW-FW-2014-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10261846
File: 281 KB, 628x434, tumblr_n0ostkGzmK1rb1q5wo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10262124

middle guy's fit is pretty sick to be honest

>> No.10262298

>Fran "Lazy Eye" alations

>> No.10262496

Lol this dude is following me on IG. How'd he get so big?

>> No.10262567
File: 106 KB, 640x896, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flaunting his fakes like hes rich

>> No.10262570

>I feel the need to point out that I do not regularly post here

>> No.10262573

lol wish i had ig just so i can call him out

>> No.10262597

What the fuck

>> No.10262613

>How'd he get so big?
Last time I checked he wasn't really 'big' even by internet standards

>> No.10262637


>> No.10262645


>/fit/ here
>a autistic person think he speaks for a whole board that has 1000s of posters everyday and unique visitors that comes and goes


>> No.10262647


Le /b/ OPs a faggot immarite ;P

>> No.10262660

>~30k IG followers
>~50k YT subs
'Kin ell m8, you know what I mean. What did he do? Is it bc if his birth defect?

>> No.10262676


>> No.10264255

Isn't the original jacket by SLP? Fake looks terrible btw.

>> No.10264269



>> No.10264281

SHOCKER, some people wear shit for how it looks instead of brand. you're just a salty fag because the dude has 20 likes and has no commentary about bragging.

He's a random asian dude wearing clothes that will be outdated in literally 3 months.

>> No.10264308

retarded faggot, kill yourself

>> No.10264314

true reminder that you have to be good looking to look good in clothes

>> No.10264407

Lmao josh francis?

>> No.10264418

I'm guessing that they spend too much time on the internet because they've been scarred by prior social interaction.

same reason people go on this board.

>> No.10264457

This is literally a dope fit, you're a fucking idiot. How mad are you that this dude cucked you? Fuck off you salty cunt.

>> No.10264466

He still look dope?

>> No.10264475
File: 179 KB, 960x960, 11008420_582604148509496_8202362505521562869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found on Facebook...

>> No.10265295
File: 279 KB, 700x649, 1119976_xIMG_0359_lookbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringebook.nu is a fucking goldmine. you srsly need to bookmark this site.

>> No.10265440

collect shoes

>> No.10265491
File: 375 KB, 960x1280, ugly kid LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all niggas mad or what? LOL

>> No.10265549

>ugly kid LOL
nice try

>> No.10265622


>> No.10265650
File: 1.47 MB, 368x270, 1361076095223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh all streetwear/fuccboi shit is ultra cringeworthy
ya'll looking like a bunch of rich college students pretending to be in the beat it music video

>> No.10265652
File: 202 KB, 1024x1024, mkK8zNL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check this dope OG preme fit yo
cover my face cuz im an ugly fuck

>> No.10265729

I fucks with this

>> No.10265805
File: 989 KB, 1494x2656, 20150419_213247_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32 yr old father of two... balding... 90k a yr... look good or nah?

>> No.10265810

unless you work somewhere white collar, why dress up to go do shit?
You've got nothing to prove, you make a good salary, have kids, and you aren't overweight after having done all that.
Just wear whatever is comfy I guess?

>> No.10265812
File: 1008 KB, 1494x2656, 20150419_213044_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10265816

Fair enough... was church day... may look into comfy core moving forward... maybe hippy shit... idk...

>> No.10265817

what is up with all these reversed-bow legged men? what is that fucking stance? usually i am not one to go for the alpha beta thing but if you stand like that i just get the feeling that you are very weak willed or something.

>> No.10265820

Just how my legs work man.

>> No.10265824
File: 930 KB, 1494x2656, 20150405_131505_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of my pics are like that now that you mention it... I'll pay more attention...

>> No.10265829

pretty sure that jacket is from H&M

why do you hate normalfags so much, anon?

>> No.10265830

I'll just dump myself here in this cringe thread...

>> No.10265831

That is a well fitting suit, sans the very large tie

>> No.10265832
File: 6 KB, 262x237, 1439610324917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that blue jacket isn't swagtacular

>> No.10265835
File: 1.16 MB, 1494x2656, 20150308_150146_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10265838
File: 653 KB, 437x304, 1421261549127.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white tonal supreme box logo hoodie dyed light blue
>mall-tier jeans
>tyler the creator vans
>cringey "i'm 14 and this is deep" tier graffitti in background

kill it with fire

>> No.10265850
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20131226_231520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I'll work on my knotsmanship... these are mostly church outfits...

>> No.10265851

try widening your stance. it may not be natural at first but it should help your posture

>> No.10265860

Couldn't hurt, ty

>> No.10265864

why is that pic cringe?

>> No.10265869

it's not, anon is trying to advertise his website that doesn't actually seem to link to anywhere when i last tried it

>> No.10265882

Good, because I was just starting to build that kind of outfit

>> No.10265920

the jacket is really nice. I wish I could find one like that for sub-$500

>> No.10265939


>> No.10265972

Normie here decided to come to fa for a peek.
>dat jacket
>2 button up shirts? One is a dress shirt that isnt tucked in. It looks atrocious. Nice blazer.

>Wtf is that mess on the right? Two shirts once again, one dress cut...poncho pockets?

>> No.10265978

Your jumper is a size too small.

>> No.10265991

good luck with your shitty website :)

>> No.10266051

This is /b/ level cringe right here

>> No.10266135

>cringe crew

>> No.10266161


>> No.10266200
File: 248 KB, 500x375, bitchnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything except his shoes are from H&M
>can confirm, am employee of H&M

>> No.10266205

Centuries of DAMN

>> No.10266219

And this is how an american suit should be worn.

>> No.10266279
File: 2.33 MB, 2241x3984, 20150208_100944_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan

>> No.10266285

You're sweet.

>> No.10267367

>>~50k YT subs
Has ptosis, family won some lawsuit regarding it now he rolling in $$$

>> No.10267405

The suit itself looks good.

However, the tie is an abomination, and so is the way you've tied it. I'd also choose a shirt with more spread on the collar, so that the shirt collar rolls under the jacket lapels.

And I don't know if this is an American thing, but why do you guys always leave your pants way too long? If you'd shorten them a bit, you'd get a nice, straight, clean fall and your legs wouldn't look retarded.

>> No.10267408

Because suits aren't supposed to have short legs. No one wants to look European

>> No.10267587

what's too bad about malltier jeans if you are not fat
just bought some H&M black jeans (actually black, not gray) and tapered them a little.
they don't into much fadez but fuck it, I got them 10 times cheaper than my previous Acne jeans

>> No.10268396
File: 342 KB, 1280x1020, 1439520044091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw sometimes i dont know if i am on a W2C or a cringe thread
effay has turned to shit guise

>> No.10268942

swap the converse for some boots such as timberland makes you look more manly

>> No.10268964

Glo gang bang bang, can't hate on chief sosa, I think the like count is cringe tho

Hey don't hate on Fran you fuckboy, he's dripping in pussy

>> No.10268979

waiting for harvog

>> No.10269112
File: 56 KB, 540x810, 75474875876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]