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/fa/ - Fashion

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10255851 No.10255851 [Reply] [Original]

Saturday night.

Does /fa/ go out and socialize in public places where their fits can actually be seen?

>> No.10255899

Is this from Montreal? I think I've seen this tag artist's stuff around.

>> No.10255932

I dunno I just thought it was cute+funny. Pic unrelated tho

>> No.10255939

Yeah I go out and chill with friends at bars and restaurants and shows. I don't generally dress any differently for shit like that, but there are some real valuable pieces I won't wear because I don't wanna wreck them when drunk/around drunks.

>> No.10255940

i'm gonna get some coffee and take a walk, then come back home and shitpost

>> No.10255978

I stay home and play video games with my real friends.

>> No.10255980

I don't go out at night. I do sometimes feel I should bike-ride at night, though.

>> No.10256071

I'm just pissed because I look fucking sharp right now but my nightlife options are really shitty.

I spent my money on some cosmetics and just went home to make dinner.

It sucks being so /fa/ and /ck/ and /fit/ and no one to share it with.

>> No.10256084

I know that feel

Minus the fit part, I just want to fit into my slp stuff

>> No.10256103

I knew that feel soooo fuckin bad

>> No.10256137
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No, I'm too fucking anxious about everything.
I used to take meds for it but no combination worked, they all just made me more inclined to act like a terrible person, and i'm pretty sure I lost my friends because of that. I just don't know how to socialize without making myself and everyone around me cringe. I always think people think the worst of me. So now I just sit at home all day with my dogs occasionally going out for groceries.
Tonight is the same as any other night, chamomile, 4chan, and wishing I had a job so I could smoke until my brain cells fry.

Sorry for the /r9k/ level shit, but you were the one who asked.

>> No.10256141

Went out to eat with some friends and was home by midnight.
There were some new people around and I tried my best to appear funny and outgoing while my inner autist just wanted me to hide in a corner.
So good evening overall.

>> No.10256148

I was about to ask the same thing, I live by eva b and her stickers are everywhere
>destroy rape culture
>something something fuck you

>> No.10256152

oh yeah also speaking of montreal: I go to pretty scummy shows at La Vitrola, Casa, Drones, Poisson Noir. Did anyone here catch Sheer Agony + Homeshake on Wednesday?

>> No.10256161
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what are some /fa/ things to do outside and alone that arent smoking

>> No.10256162

what changed? How'd you do it?

>> No.10256211

I live in the middle of nowhere so maybe I'll go out and buy some groceries to make myself a more eventful dinner, or go look at/buy some clothes from the shitty selection of retail stores.
Went down to Boston a couple weeks ago and went to the CNCPTS store. Mostly just shoes, pretty boring. Was to anxious to do much else cuz I was sweating like a sperg because I decided to wear a jacket and pants in like80 degree weather.
Went out and bought some manga at a weeaboo/neckbeard shop called "Weekend Anime". Was a pretty embarrassing experience, but I just laughed about it afterwards.
Me and pops went to NYC for the weekend and went to the various "high fashion" shops downtown. The one he was most intrigued by was Y-3. He thought Qasas looked pretty goofy.

When you live in shittersville there isn't much to do other than drive around on back roads or go to a bigger city like Boston or New York. Of course, you can go hiking, mountain biking, fishing, or hunting, but as for more "effigy" activities, I live in the worst possible spot.

>> No.10256228

I do, but only when i'm free since my schedule isn't from monday to friday. Not that really anyone cares what do you look like when using drugs.

>> No.10256240


>> No.10256258


>> No.10256275

but those are tryhard things anon

its always the tumblr girl whose daddy bought her a new camera and suddenly shes a pro photographer

>> No.10256282

Whether you do it or not, you're a self-conscious little shit by thinking about it so hard. Grow a spine and do something you consider productive, healthy, or therapeutic.

>> No.10256321
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ill just sit outside and shitpost on /fa/ thanks anon

>> No.10256332

Yes. I have a rule to have something on my calendar every evening.

That said, I find the idea of dressing up and going out to ~be seen in your fits~ hilariously stupid.

>> No.10256345

>tfw you will never share a drink with Bateman as you both discuss the sad state of the U.S. election

>> No.10256422

Sharing it with people irl is more satisfying than the internet.

>> No.10256506

I'm sorry it did, but i'm glad i'm not alone.
Hope things get better for you.

>> No.10256603


seriously grab some hobbies bruh, you will love yourself for it

>> No.10256617

not the guy you're arguing with but damn you suck man! try loving yourself a little. you're not a tryhard if you actually like what you're doing. seriously, try actually doing something productive instead of being the worst possible kind of person. sending positive vibes your way anon, you need them

>> No.10256634

I have hobbies that I'm into and enjoy.

and nobody I care about to share them with ;_;

>> No.10256672

Share with the internet, that's what this whole website is about basically, other than discussing south korean crocheting

>> No.10256745

I do!!!

It's just not the same.

>> No.10257662

I dress bad so it really doesn't matter.

>> No.10257668

Whenever I go out looking sharp I always attract aggression from the homeless/druggies and general shitheads. I'm just too good lookin'.

>> No.10257674

I'd love to move to city, hopefully before I reach my late 20s. The place I live is not the type of place where you go out to do anything besides eat or shop. It doesn't help that it's built for cars, so everyone's in their own isolated bubble, and everyone is so cut off from strangers, which sucks because I'm a stranger who enjoys meeting other strangers.

>> No.10258703

It's pretty un-/fa/ to live in the 'burbs. Get your shit together and share a room with some chink in your cities china town. Preferably with a balcony you can smoke and drink scotch on.

>> No.10258757

bike riding at night feels amazing lad

>> No.10258817

House parties and sometimes going to small clubs, bars. I fucking hate massive dance halls and disco dance floors.

>> No.10258868

yeah this is montreal
this is by train tracks north of saint joseph