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/fa/ - Fashion

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10202070 No.10202070 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10202086

just needs bacon and craft brew XD

>> No.10202089

i don't like the amount of taper he's got on his pants

i'd probably just wear some slim straight pants so as to not date the look

also remove the beard

>> No.10202091

too fat to be /fa/

>> No.10202159

the second option

>> No.10202163

requesting that drawn picture of the craft brew hipster

>> No.10203036
File: 155 KB, 652x784, 1438662820804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you

>> No.10203109


/r/mfa >>>>

>> No.10204103

Never been there. What do they recommend actually?

>> No.10204117

pretty much the same stuff as /fa/ but they're not snobs about it

>> No.10204123

the im white and i dress like a white person

>> No.10204132

>tfw it's true
fuck that forced-kindness though

>> No.10204134

i'm white and i dress like a black person

>> No.10204248

not to mention they're typically not whiny insecure teenagers and they actually have jobs that can support their interests

>> No.10204256

to be fair, bud light tastes like literal piss
even the buzz feels bad why would you subject yourself to that

>> No.10204267

not /fa/ but in a good way
it looks appropriate for his age
maybe dated at this point yes, but can be easily adjusted

>> No.10204269

Its funny that this look seems dated now. I would like to know where to get a decent denim shirt with pockets like that guy though.

>> No.10204424

>Its funny that this look seems dated now.
Hipster has been dead for years now. It wasn't even wearable in the last two years, when preppy dadcore ruled supreme.

What comes next is anybody's guess.

>Wider legs for jeans might become a thing (Note that we have gravitated towards ever more wide legs in the recent years. The hipster spray-on skinny looks unwearable today, no matter what /fa/ tells you)
>Beards will likely stay (But groomed instead of the wild hipster beard)
>Hair will likely gravitate towards long again and it will be ok to wear long hair without a beard for the 90s heartthrob look.
>Plaid shirts are not a necessary item anymore but they will also stay for the time being.

No idea about shoes, the sneaker trend is getting really overplayed.
Some people make allusions towards a more relaxed, anything goes movement for men's fashion, like it was in the 90s (When people really didn't care much about what people wore).

It's the mid of the decade, high time for fashion to re-orient itself.

>> No.10204735

>Some people make allusions towards a more relaxed, anything goes movement for men's fashion, like it was in the 90s

this has been going on for a couple of years now, where have you been

>> No.10204743

Of course it is. Nice fit, nice colors, nice boots, denim and shirt.

>> No.10204756

is no one commenting on how fucking weird this cunt is standing? what is that fucking pose? hand in the fucking pocket as well. tryna act like some cutie shaven trap but really you fat and you dont wash and you can't walk because you're jeans are so rigid.

>> No.10204766

I casually put my hands in my pockets all the time *shrug*

>> No.10204777

>fuh jeans are fag jeans

>> No.10204809

I dont like beard, but he is fa as fuck. Ah, and I dont like this jeans roll. But, still, pretty good.

>> No.10204833

i bet you do a side smile as well and look up into the distance whilst you shrug and put half you're fingers into your pockets

>> No.10204852

>forced kindness

....If MFA could be summed up in two words

>> No.10204862

no it doesn't

it barely tastes like anything, its so fucking easy to drink.

>> No.10204863

not at all, clothes are basic normiecore and way too fat to ever look good

>> No.10204883

Why is he standing like a gril from a chinese cartoon?

Also beards are gross and it looks like he used a tape measure on those pinrolls

>> No.10204894
File: 70 KB, 400x600, 1435104612919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the rest(?)

>> No.10204899
File: 843 KB, 3110x2073, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op, you're better than these faggots

>> No.10204909
File: 78 KB, 500x460, 1435105819305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the last one?

>> No.10204922


vancouver in a nutshell

>> No.10205055

no I don't actually but alright

>> No.10205060

tastes bad to me, whatever