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/fa/ - Fashion

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10172896 No.10172896 [Reply] [Original]

is it worth paying £1700 for the newest macbook pro? Im at uni and I want to look swag as fuck at the library

probs making like £5-£10k this summer so I can kinda justify spending a bit of it

>> No.10172902

lol ask our friends on /g/

>> No.10172906

literally no one cares what laptop u have. that said the new mac book is shit

>> No.10172907

i have one. about to need to get a new one. it's 5 years old.

>is it better than a windows pc?

>are there better pc out there?
yes if you know how to run linux and build your on pc

>will i look like a pleb or a hipster?
your in college brush everyone is gonna have one

in short it is better than a windows pc if you're gonna use it for music or film or some shit. they don't really get virus. but if all you'll gonna use it for is internet and righting papers you don't really need one. your call bro. id def get mine again.

>> No.10172912

yes the newer one are shit

>no cd drive
fuck you steve jobs ghost.

>> No.10172962


oh well i still think it'd be cool to own a good laptop, im a materialistic bastard

why are the newer ones worse btw?

>> No.10172982

New MacBooks basically solder everything together so if any part breaks you're looking at an insane cost. Applecare costs a lot but it's typically a good idea since most MacBooks last 2-3 years before something significant fails.

I'm a cs student and I use osx on my thinkpad (hackintosh), and it's by far my favorite operating system. Linux with commercial support. It's great, but apple products kind of suck in every other part

>> No.10172989

whenever i see people with macbook i never think

>oh shit that guy looks swag as fuck

i either don't think at all or if i think its something like sucker or brandwhore

>> No.10172995

yeah but your opinion doesn't matter

>> No.10172996

getting the newest macbookpro to take to uni to write notes and read pdfs are shitpost on 4chin, is kind of a waste of money

if its your only computer it might be ok otherwise maybe get something with a stylus so you can annotate pdfs better - also lighter to carry around.

>> No.10173003

Most reviews from reputable sources aren't a fan of it.


>> No.10173004

getting good grades and graduating with minimal debt is swag

a degree does not guarantee a job

>> No.10173009
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You should get this chromebook, it's effay af, it's new, nobody else gonna own it (unlike the MacBook Pro) and everyone gonna be curious about it, plus it really works well

>source : I have a chromebook (not this one but I'd cop this one though)

>> No.10173169

calm down grandpa

the last time anyone needed a cd drive was like a decade ago

>> No.10173170
File: 524 KB, 1500x1220, lenovo_x201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ThinkPads are the most /fa/

>> No.10173211


Get a Dell XPS.

>> No.10173216

This if techwear, otherwise always macbook

>> No.10173240

Optical media is dead, gone the way of the floppy.

If you really need a CD drive, buy a USB external enclosure, you can get ones for both laptop drives and desktop drives.

>> No.10173657

Nice joke, mate.

>> No.10173669

this, T530 a best

>> No.10173683

why are the fn and ctrl buttons switched?

>> No.10173685


the new thinkpads don't even have to be this bulky

I use an ideapad though and I love it, definitely recommend lenovos

>> No.10173692

t530 a shit

if you buy a 15+ inch laptop for college you'll be the laughing stock of everyone. 14 inch is the MAXXXXXXXX for not being too big

>> No.10173703

:( i knooow, that is why i am getting a t420

>> No.10173707


Yes. Macbooks are /fa/ approved, look good, work well, and make technology autists mad.


When was the last time you used a CD? Seriously?


PC users brandwhore so much more than Mac users. Compare the amount of people who openly say: "I got an iPhone because I hate Android" vs "I got an Android because I hate Apple".

>> No.10173709

how do you make such a large variance 5k and 10k are a big difference, what do you work as?

>> No.10173713

You can switch it in the bios.

>> No.10173721

ite guys thanks and more importantly

should i get 13 inch or 15 inch? I need it for video editing, photoshop and rendering videos as well as uni work which tempts me to get the 15 inch but the portability would be nice

>> No.10173930

>I want to look swag as fuck at the library
you just can't. its a mac book, not a pair of balmains. everyone has one of the macbook models, and they are identical enough that nobody is going to do a head spin to see your new model

>> No.10173943

>Implying these plebs even know how to even enter BIOS, much less how to do anything in BIOS without breaking the damn thing

>> No.10173954
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The portability difference is negligible, if you're going to be doing video editing I would get the 15" for sure because it has a quad core processor. The 13" has a faster clocked duo core. Get the 15". Maybe the i5 chip. Don't blow the dough on the i7.

Otherwise if you're a recent Uni grad poorfag like myself you cop a retro white plastic macbook for $300 and get dec hipster in the process.

>> No.10173960
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>implying you know how to do anything in life that I can't google

>> No.10173964

Get the Dell m3800 or the Dell XPS 15. They're better in every way and cheaper than the 15" Mac.

Or, go for Dell XPS 13 if you're looking for something that looks /fa/ as fuck. (Bezzle-less window which fits a 13" screen on an 11" laptop with 4k display)

>> No.10173998

>They piss plebs off
>They look great
>Aesthetics over functionality
>Status symbol

So yes.

>build your own PC


>> No.10174167

>Implying you wouldn't fuck it up nonetheless

>Not building your own Hackintosh that makes the Mac Pro's performance look as trashy as its industrial design.

Mac pleb detected.

>> No.10174194

>aesthetics over functionality
You can do that too with fucking gentoo if you want. And still have the functionality.
Mac is like fast fashion.

And if you're talking about the hardware itself, I'm sorry but it's ugly to me. I like my thinkpad better.

>> No.10174208
File: 123 KB, 780x800, dell_m4800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

m8 the plebs have macbooks now, or rather, always have.
I really like how the Dell precision m4800 looks, its base specs at $1200 iirc aren't terrible either

>> No.10174544

>literally no one cares what laptop u have.

>this is what dumb af neckbeards on /g/ actually believe

lmao fam

>> No.10174718

Dell XPS 13 is nice.

Waste of money. You will lose hair from how slow it is.

>> No.10174752


Yeah... your opinion is trash.

>> No.10174819
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Is my rice /fa/?

>> No.10174823

wtf is that chat dude

>> No.10174834


nope. it's neckbeard / 10

>> No.10174837
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My desktop


#/g/speakersquadron, lol

>> No.10174871
File: 367 KB, 786x800, making_steve_Jobs_proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buy two macs so you can use one as a stand for the other.

>> No.10174961

always. WHY DO PEOPLE SAY MACS ARE BETTER FOR FILM/MUSIC/ART??? they are expensive, have shitty components and pretty design.

>> No.10174970

>swag as fuck
>other people's opinion irrelevant

>> No.10174976

you are just going to look like a pretentious fuckface with a mac. get a thinkpad.

>> No.10175029


>> No.10175045


XPS 15 has a much better processor.
A lot of ultrabooks have low power processors that aren't nearly as good even though they are 4th gen i7.

>> No.10175051

This thread is hilarious

Of course get a macbook, best portable pcs out there

>fast fashion
>muh hardware

Fucking retarded bunch of kids

>> No.10175053

why does this thread stay up but my /bday/ generals always get deleted?

>> No.10175059


>this entire post

>> No.10175060

Don't buy a Mac if you don't know how to use a Mac.

>> No.10175061
File: 15 KB, 429x250, 4324 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck i really wanna own a macbook. why the fuck are they expensive as fuck like damn

>> No.10175064
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>> No.10175094

this looks nice

>> No.10175149

Thinkpad are good.
Not being interested in the products you use can be compared to what people call fast fashion.
What is muh hardware supposed to imply ?

>> No.10175203
File: 26 KB, 1060x596, lenovo-laptop-thinkpad-x1-carbon-3-side-ports-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i herd u guys like thinkpads

>> No.10175204


Anyone with half a brain can keep their PC from getting viruses. Unless you're a 13 year old, that shouldn't be a consideration.

>> No.10175208

Don't listen to any of these plebs. Get a Macbook Pro.

Also, get the fancier one with the graphics card so you can stunt on the basic model owners.

Feels good every. single. time.

>> No.10175212

>fancier one with the graphics card

No point unless you're doing video editing or plan to play Crysis on it.

>> No.10175216

Except the point I listed.

Also if you end up using it to do real work like like video editing or large-format design it helps.

>> No.10175236

nice thread guys

>> No.10175256

Love my dell xps 13

>> No.10175371

> trackpads are superior
> screens are the best among laptops
> operating system has high performance built-in audio/video/midi pipelines

dunno bub

>> No.10176954

yeah but how do those things help when the hardware is too shit to run heavy programs adequately?

>> No.10176989

Macbooks are great for university and there's a reason everyone has one

1. They're light as fuck
2. Godly trackpads

Only problem is they're fucking expensive. But if you got the money then go for it.

If also depends what program you're on. Some programs will require lots of computer programs and most of the time they'll teach in Windows and it gets annoying.

>> No.10177036

>in short it is better than a windows pc if you're gonna use it for music or film or some shit.

Holy shit, you stupid delusional faggot.

I own a macbook and I'll tell you this.
It runs just the same as an average PC or mid-tier laptop.
The whole "i just use it 4 photoshop and editing XDDD" is a stupid excuse to buy it.That power is common in all basic running computers with a normal gpu.

In terms of aesthetics, its great. it's the only reason why i have one.

So to fix your comment.

>> No.10177220

Get the 13 inch, 15 inch is too big. Available for £849 with the student discount, excellent price for what it is. I went with the 2.9 GHz processor because it's only an extra £60.