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File: 2.89 MB, 4608x2592, dscn1442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10156767 No.10156767 [Reply] [Original]

wat r some /effay/ bookz?

>> No.10156772

>Ayn Rand
fucking kill yourself

>> No.10156775

>disses rand
>doesn't drop an argument
good conversation, now i know you can talk shit without backing it up, weve really accomplished a lot (just kidding you havent accomplished anything of value you worthless insect)

>> No.10156788

Why would I want to drop arguments? I have absolutely no interest in trying to convince you that Rand is a total hack, I just want to insult you directly for being dumb, nothing else.

>> No.10156795

>ayn rand

How to discard someone's taste in 2 words

>> No.10156803

Yep. You must be smart. Not going to explain your POV, not even hint at why you hold it. Just going to talk stupid words out of your face and then leave so you don't have to back up anything you say.

Typical rand critic. I don't even care about rand, I care about objectivism, of which you cannot hold a candle to its greatness.

>> No.10156813

rand is reatarted bullshit

go ask lit if u want expanded opinions on this shit

>> No.10156816


wish i had some fedora images

>> No.10156822

>no arguments

>> No.10156825

>going to /lit/ for opinions

lol OP was right about you

>> No.10156841

>rand is retarded bullshit!
>uhh...w-why??...u-uhh... I don't have to e-explain w-why *pisses self*... g-go to /lit/... I d-don't have time to e-explain to you...dirty c-c-capitalist...

>> No.10156863

Anyone who has any taste in good prose would never be able to make it through any of Rand's work.

>> No.10156864

I'm OP and I'm admitting rand is a shit writer

too bad we're talking about objectivism and not the quality of her literary abilities

>> No.10156868

what the fuck does this even mean?

are you just using literature as a prop to look smart and sophisticated and "effay"

fucking retard, kill yourself

>> No.10156870

What are you saying you dumb fucking nigger? I am saying that we're discussing objectivism as a philosophy, which is constructed as a whole through the personification of it in characters in her books. You read the books for the philosophy, for the translation into real life, not for her ability to masterfully navigate the world of top tier prose

>> No.10156879

And average prose detracts from the merit of the political philosophy it expounds upon, how? You should work on your attention span when it comes to this type of literature.

>> No.10156883


>> No.10156891

And we're back to square one lmao

see >>10156822

>> No.10156897
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>no American Psycho

>> No.10156911

weak bantz tbh

>> No.10156917

Because it's so aggravatingly poorly written that people can't even force themselves to read it?

I disagree with her philosophy but I can admit that it has it's merits.

>> No.10156918

they're no aussies, that's for sure

>> No.10156924

>pretends to talk like he knows good prose
>"that it has it's merits."

>> No.10156928
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Great book

>> No.10156933

so what do you guys think about star wars books

where to start

what do i def need to read

>> No.10156935

Rand is philisophically and socially wrong about almost everything. She misuses ontological concepts as epistemological ones and her politics are a bastardization of Nietzsche. Not to mention her advocacy of capitalism papers over the incompatibility with globalization and Denys Marx's biggest critisism of capitalism, the tragedy of the commons. Anticapitalist is the only true way to go.

>> No.10156941

capitalism is literally the only system that supports a man reaping what he sows. Modern day capitalism isn't a result of the nature of capitalism, but the horrible state-corporate relationship that allows certain people to dominate the economy and significantly thrive over others.

>> No.10156942

Le Mythe is my favorite work of nonfiction. I don't care what /lit/ says. I love Camus.

>> No.10156948

>it's so aggravatingly poorly written

How about not sperging out and reading for the sake of learning about what Rand is advocating, considering everything written is still in the realm of easy comprehensibility? Are you also incapable of reading technical manuals because the prose is too cold and basic? Philosophy isn't supposed to be enjoyed, it's supposed to be fathomed.

>> No.10156951

Statism is only a symptom of broader capitalism. The casinos of walstreet and corperations will still thrive under the construction of utility margins and will eventually heat up the earth and let it melt.

>> No.10156953

Expecting perfect written language on 4chan at 3am lmao

also >no arguments

This has been sitting on my shelf for so long and I've always picked other stuff first. D:

>> No.10156957

this randbro gets it
some people will just never be able to enjoy the beauty of living through objectivism and it makes me sad

give your life away (literally) and live in ignorance, like a falling leaf with no idea where the wind will drift it next

>> No.10156958

How is a man allowed to reap what he sows so long as a corporation or any business heigharchy exists that alienates man from his work.

>> No.10156961

>says "no arguments"
>says "I dislike the philosophy, but i agree with its merits"

you are literally the biggest fucking retard in this thread. Why are you here? What argument am I going to bring to you saying the equivalent of "I don't like the pie, but some parts are tasty"

>> No.10156966

Example? Right now, the only thing alienating people from their work is the massive amount of government taxes and money printing going on. This is a problem with the state, not with objectivism. This would not exist in a free market society, which objectivism ultimately encourages.

>> No.10156977

>objectivism is good
>the free market is good

Those who believe in false scripture will be left behind in the March of history

>> No.10156985

0 arguments against the free market, by the shitposter #10156977

>> No.10156990

Probably works that require thought to get through. Anything by Fyodor Dostoevsky would be a good start :).

>> No.10156997

Lol i agree currency alienates people from their work

It commodifies everything and reduces an object from its utility to it's value

Taxes don't alienatepeople from their work, the capitalist system does

Lets say im a chair builder
A man hires me to build chairs in his chair factory on an assembly line
On this assembly line there are three people including myself who are all paid $10 to build a chair ($30)
then my boss sells this chair $50

How am I reaping what I sow if I
1. Do not get to keep the chair even if I had built it myself (one person being paid $30)
2. Am not being paid the full value of my work, how am I getting a fair wage if the value of the work (the chair) is $50 but the boss pays his employees only $30
3. I never get to experience the crafting of the chair and am alienated from the process

>> No.10157006


>> No.10157007

I'm not the original guy you're arguing with, but I see those points made often today even though they were essentially refuted over a century ago by economists such as Ludwig von Bohm-Bawerk. Check out some excerpts of his work Capital and Interest or Karl Marx and the Close of His System. :)

>> No.10157010

Is the ecosystem not an argument? No corperation has the incentive to sanction off the environment or stop selling oil under a free market, or even regulated capitalism. This is the tragedy of the commons.

>> No.10157011

because if you're standing in a fucking assembly line putting screw A in fucking hole B you deserve to be getting paid $10. What does he have to do? He created the fucking business. He took the money out to buy the building, materials, to hire your fucking ass. He spends all day in meetings and contracts to raise sales, find new products, revitalize old products, analyze numbers, make critical decisions about company directions
And he makes 3x what you do, which is of course, standing in a fucking assembly line and putting legos together.

Why do engineers get paid more than electricians? One puts together legos and one thinks of the lego sets

>> No.10157017

Fuck sakes sorry, operating on an hour's sleep. Eugen Böhm von Bawerk*. No idea why I thought his name was Ludwig.

>> No.10157018

TRULEY anticapitalism is the only way to fight for ecology, and stop global warming which will doom the human race.

>> No.10157022

did you pay for the machines?
the factory rent?
the startup costs?

alienation from the process is a buzzphrase that has no basis in anything

>> No.10157024

However I am not reaping what I am sowing am I?

>> No.10157026

But am I reaping what im sowing if im not being paid the full value of my work?

>> No.10157029

you are receiving the full value of your labour

>> No.10157030
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>this is what commies actually believe
>my boss get more pay then me. OOK OOK. I take stone and put on OTHER STONE.. He big DUMB DUMB. I PUSH the stone. NOT HE!!.. HE walk around SPEAK with OTHER DUMB DUMB...FUCK..OOK need equal pay...OOK feel life not fair...OOK must shitpost zizek on ancient cave wall painting messageboard!

>> No.10157032

Okay so if my boss pays me $30 to build a chair and sells it for $50 how is that the full value of my Labour

If I were being paid the full value of my labor a profit margin would be nonexistent

>> No.10157033

you literally have no place in this discussion if you do not know what that saying means

seriously, the childr-*ahem*, sorry, the young philosophers table is over there

>> No.10157035

The only reason that people support neolib/randian policies is because they believe they too have a shot of being part of the elite. The elite acknowledge this. Look up the 2005 Citigroup plutonomy memo.

>> No.10157036
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>> No.10157040

No one cares about the environment smh

>capitalism will perish under it's own weight along with the human race.

>> No.10157043

It seems to me you need to sit at the childs table since you can even refute a basic Marxist argument

I didn't even have to pull out ecomarxism

>> No.10157045

is the bosses labour and capital worth nothing?
you are receiving the full value of your labour because you are being paid the amount you agreed upon

>> No.10157049

Well why are you assuming that the labour theory of value is true? It was dumped and replaced with marginalism and the subjective theory of value in the late 19th century for a reason.

>> No.10157052

what argument? You aren't doing slave labor you fucking nigger, you're putting legos together in an assembly line. It takes no skill to do. It's something you can hire an illegal immigrant with no skills and subhuman IQ for. This is why you get paid $10. Because you reap the fruits of your labor. Which is worth about $10 an hour.

>> No.10157063

>The Martian by Andy Weir
>The Humans by Matt Haig
>Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

Bought these tree today

>> No.10157067


Ok. Nice job proving his argument further. Labor alienates man from man again.

>> No.10157071

so? i'll be dead by then

>> No.10157075

The boss has no place in the transaction he only exists to make profit for himself

The transaction could continue without him

>> No.10157076

>I'll be dead then

Ok then, let your fellow human die. Let violence rule the world and let yourself become a collective slave in the free market. Man, objectivist utopia sounds amazing

>> No.10157077


>> No.10157085

lmao shut up lad

>> No.10157088

who would pay the rent?
buy the machines?
direct production?

>> No.10157092

>who will man the wheels of production

Why not look at employee owned businesses? Ever heard of democracy?

>> No.10157105

Stuff by Japanese/Italian fascists
Post-colonial lit
Tao Lin

You should read western classics too but it's not /fa/ to do so

>> No.10157119

yeah and those are people mutually coming together with a clear goal in mind (usually some shit bar or 'artisanal' furniture)
how many shit cleaning co-ops are there?

>> No.10157137
File: 35 KB, 327x532, 639266[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stuff by Japanese/Italian fascists

rec please

reading hesse atm

>> No.10157139
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you mean to read this

>> No.10157157
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are these books fa

>> No.10157324
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avangardist german art theorie coming through

>> No.10157349
File: 33 KB, 300x453, eitheror.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been reading this lately. finished two murakami books recently (i know /lit/ has a dislike for him) but his prose is really pretty and i can deal with pointless magical realism

steppenwolf is certainly an interesting book by hesse
if you haven't read kafka i would recommend it.

>> No.10157444
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i've been reading murakami lately as well, his stories talk about a lot but don't really go anywhere. i just read him for the atmosphere

also the covers are pretty fucking noice

>> No.10157451
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>> No.10157627

norwegian wood is great (the movie sucked tho) i didnt really like kafka on the shore. reading Dance dance dance atm its p good

>> No.10157675
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IMO this is Camus weakest. This philosophical treaty is really dry and honestly not even that good, I think he can convey his meaning way better through fiction. He was a great novelist but a mediocre philosopher.

>> No.10157701

dieter rams
classic literature / extremely vapid fashion mags

Dunno maybe.

>> No.10158247
File: 6 KB, 274x184, camooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by this man, really. Not only are his books /fa/, but he's /fa/ as fk, pic related.

>> No.10158263

What are some books similar to Raf Simons Redux that you would check out if you had a chance? Looking for oversized books that feature collections or just work from designers.

>> No.10158275

Reading books to appear fashionable.

This board is full of the worst people on this planet. Kill yourselves. Slowly.

>> No.10158279


>> No.10158470

Anything philosophical or unique in its lens will probably be considered effay. Try A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan--great cold and austere aesthetic, with tinges of shock. Brilliant. For something strictly artsy, try House of Leaves, or The Tennis Court Oath (if you're into poetry). There is another book, Sartor Resartus, which is a metafictional account about The Philosophy of Clothes, by Thomas Carlyle. It's not like Benjamin's fashion-as-a-language bullshit, it's more about what he does with the text, but it's a really interesting lens to look at things, so that's cool.

...I'm an English major. I read a lot of books.

>> No.10158499
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>> No.10158503

steppenwolf ultimate effay book even has an /fa/ band named after it
prove me wrong (impossible)

>> No.10158522
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>> No.10158526
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Are graphic novels /fa/?

>> No.10158531

>Ayn Rand

What an utter, utter tool you are, OP.

>> No.10158539

Go to bed, Scott

>> No.10158558

>The Virtue of Selfishness
I'm with, OP. This one is actually a pretty good read, even if her literary style is not to one's liking. It's a fairly concise summary of her beliefs and gives insight on a number of topics that will likely be relevant for a while.

I've kinda wanted to read her other books but their sheer size somewhat intimidates me.

>> No.10158572

underrated post

>> No.10158587

It really isn't that /fa/ it's pretty much satirizing the whole concept of being fashionable as a way to cover up how lonely and insecure you are by feeling that you fit in

>> No.10158640


Currently reading the Illiad. Which character is the most /fa/? imo Patroklos or Diomedes,

>> No.10158759

Obviously Paris...how is this even a question? He comes of as a diva-lover type character, at least in the Fagles translation.

>> No.10158773

How to win friends and influence people

>> No.10158793
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>> No.10159033

kafka on the shore is my favorite murakami, possibly my favorite novel.
ps checked ;^)

>> No.10159117
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Hell yes.

>> No.10159121
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>Randian idiot starts thread subtly promoting his beliefs
>people notice and call him out on being a moron
>thread devolves into funposting about shitposting
such is /lit/

>> No.10159158
File: 125 KB, 1000x1046, The-Ride-New-Custom-Motorcycles-and-their-Builders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks interesting, added a copy to my Amazon cart.

>> No.10159171

How long until randfags realise they deserve to be shat on with no arguments provided due to the sheer idiocy of even supporting objectivist beliefs int he first place?

>> No.10159181

yukio mishima

>> No.10159191

that's what being effay is all about

>> No.10159259

my god the amount of negativity in this thread

go outside friends

>> No.10159270

they'll never die out because they're to the right what Marxists are to the left; not even reality can convince them of how wrong they are

>gay manlet with a samurai fetish who led a failed coup and botched his own suicide

nah man, just nah

>> No.10160446
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classic, if basic, /fa/

>> No.10160472

They're to the right what Marxist-Leninists are to the left but I wouldn't say Marxists in general.

>> No.10160479

>arguing the merit of Rand
Yeah, nah.

>> No.10160486

Non-Marxist leftist here. I have a lot of respect for the Marxists in my intellectual circles, but none for the Marxist-Leninists. They cry for revolutions but care not to plan one.

>> No.10160492


Nah anyone who puts the pussy on a pedestal ie Paris, Menelaos, Achilleus, or Agamemnon are def not /fa/.

>> No.10160511
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There is no fucking different between a good book and a /fa/ book you fucking newfaggot so please kindly take your shit to /lit/ where they will not spoonfeed you so you can look cool while you sit on the fucking bus. You get into books/movies/music the same way anyone else does, or do you know what you are? A pretentious dumb piece of shit faker. A fuccboi plain and simple.

Let's not forget to mention that the suggestions you'll get here are hilariously bad. Oscar Wilde and Bukowski? What is this tenth grade english class?

And yeah i'm mad that insecure faggots like you go hard faking it until they can one day call someone else's fit a piece of shit even though they have no knowledge of fashion to speak of and just parrot what others have told them, just like you're doing now. Those like you are now the majority on this piece of shit board, which makes it among the worst boards on 4chan, above /b/ and under /sp/ and /fit/.

>> No.10160516
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I hate to post another Albert Camus, but shit, that's a fine ass book.

>> No.10160525

>not liking Wilde
Bukowski is pleb hipster shit though.

>> No.10160544

Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes

>> No.10160573

Objectivism is a personal philosophy not a political system

>> No.10160625
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i was gonna read this because the cover was an inspiration for Neon Genesis Evangelion, and sci fi is dope as fuck. anyone else read?

>> No.10160643
File: 53 KB, 500x375, 1q84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. Constant detailed descriptions of high class outfits, delicious meals, and an all-around air of money and sex. Not to mention a compelling plot with actual substance to offset the slight pretensions that Murakami throws in. Because it's a translation, it's got some silly phrasing here and there, but it doesn't degrade the quality of some of the prose.

>read dat shit negro

>> No.10160644

Your first two points are misguided and come from ignorance in how a business works, and your third frankly doesn't even make any sense.

Did you design the chair? Did you go out and collect the materials? Do you own the building it was built in? Would you know how to build a chair if somebody (most likely your boss) hadn't taught you how to? Are you the one who found a retailer or customer willing to purchase the chair?

this is where the other $20 of value comes from. You are assuming that the full value of your work is $50 because that's how much your employer will sell the chair for, which is incorrect. The value of your work was exactly what you were paid. You didn't do all of the things I named above which had to be done in order for the chair to be sold so you don't deserve to make $50.

It's shocking how little you understand about business, value, and economics. Do you really think every employee who works on a product along the line to it's completion should be paid the full cost of the product?

>> No.10160667

let me get this straight. The boss, who got the raw materials for the workers, taught them how to make a chair, and then found someone to sell the chair to isn't necessary to the transaction.

That makes complete sense, he totally shouldn't get any cut of the price of the chair.

>> No.10160690
File: 126 KB, 440x619, 2015-07-26 00_12_13-48 Laws of Power, The - Robert Greene; Joost Elffers.epub - [The 48 Laws of Powe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every man should have read this before the age of 18

>> No.10160729

how about you read what you wanna read. way easier this way lolol

>> No.10160730

>calls someone retarded
>spells it completely wrong
please be b8

>> No.10160747

i think i will. thanks!

>> No.10160888
File: 822 KB, 1243x571, am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you must be really new to literature
I remember reading Rand and thinking she had a point back in highschool
then I got older, read way more and realized that combining your narrative with some bullshit philosopher diatribe neither provides a good narrative nor an interesting philosophy
Rand has very little actual arguments or things to say, she might be one of the most overrated *big thinker* authors of all time

>> No.10160964
File: 55 KB, 400x664, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>effay Books
>no Sartre
Guys plse

>> No.10161069

I bought two of his works as an impulse buy, because the artwork they made for the cover has very appealing. I don't know which one to begin first, 1Q84 or Norwegian Wood?

inb4 never judge a book by its cover

>> No.10161195


I liked NW more than other Murakami stuff, should be really accessible for a Westerner too. Haven't read 1Q84 yet tho.

>> No.10161241
File: 123 KB, 306x512, God_Emperor_of_Dune_Cover_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the most /fa/ book I've ever read

>> No.10161768

i would start with a wild sheep chase, then move onto norwegian wood or kafka on the shore. out of your two i would read norwegian wood.

>> No.10161780

>Haven't read 1Q84 yet
Don't. It's shit

>> No.10161797
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>> No.10161804

harmony korine's "a crack up at the race riots"

i started infinite jest but it hurts my brain. i really like how detailed the writing is, but idk, maybe i need to level up my reading skills

>> No.10161814

just go hang out at /lit/ for a bit

>> No.10161893


Is a man not entitled to the sweat on his brow?

>> No.10161900
File: 176 KB, 525x787, Nadja1_525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are all missing it

>> No.10161903
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He's expanding on the concepts penned by Niccolo.

Plus 'The Prince' is merely the English name of 'Il Principe' and Italian = /fa/

>> No.10161925

Op, I study objectivism myself. It's best just to keep it to yourself and avoid the hostility and inevitable aggravation of people insulting Rands character as an attempt of having you question her qualifications.

>> No.10161927

On the Road
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
The Fountainhead, if you're gonna be Randing. (Its okay everybody. I'm an architect not an egotist)
Brave New World
East of Eden


>> No.10161939

I'm adding In Praise of Shadows. Eastern aesthetic values are /fa/

>> No.10161946
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>> No.10161951
File: 35 KB, 245x400, justine,-ou-les-infortunes-de-la-vertu-541526-250-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this

>> No.10161952

I saw a ted talk by the guy who designed the 1Q84 cover. Got me to read the book. Bizarre, interesting read

>> No.10161954
File: 73 KB, 674x249, bookshelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p l e b

>> No.10161957

>ctrl + f
>no ezra pound
>no brother Karamazov
>no metamorphosis

>> No.10161962

The only good thing he produced was L'etranger.

How come Nabokov with his Lolita hasn't been mentioned yet? It's about a narcissistic pedo that hates America, is written in a beautiful way and every crazy feminist hates it.

How is that not /fa/?

>> No.10161963

if you die before reading infinite jest by david foster wallace you did it wrong

>> No.10161967

You sound like a moron.

>> No.10161975

ctrl+f sylvia plath
1 of 1

...do people actually enjoy her work or do they just feel obligated to act like it isn't shit?

>> No.10161977

>Mentions Sartre
>Doesn't post La Nausée

Kill yourself.

>> No.10161982

why hasn't anyone mentioned asimov

>> No.10161986

Because Sci-Fi isn't /fa/, you dweeb.

>> No.10161987

sh-shut up....

>> No.10161997

>I post an Essai
>he talks about a novel
>I'll talk about theatre

>Le Mur is way better, plse kill yourself
at least you didn't say Les Mots

>> No.10162015

You must not be french to like these, berk

>> No.10162036

Are you kidding? That's a big pile of shit, it's basically a little story (the girl try to save herself from someone but fall in the hand of someone worst) reapting itself for the entire book. I really wonder why you liked it?

>> No.10162048

I like despair, I like sexuality, I like Sade.

>> No.10162060

that's illegal

>> No.10162072
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>> No.10162100

Ok well but it's like saying "I like chocolate, I like skateboarding, I like my mother." so I'd like to read a book written by my mother about skate and chocolate.

>> No.10162106

Well if your mother has some literary talents, I don't what's not to like.

>> No.10162115

Am i a pleb because I've only read L'Étranger?

>> No.10162174

>I care about objectivism, of which you cannot hold a candle to its greatness.
>of which
Cleary objectivism needs high brainpower to understand

>> No.10162223

East of Eden

>> No.10162228

What are the best books based on fashion design or photography?

>> No.10162236
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>> No.10162243

>anton chekov
>haruki murakami
>joseph conrad
>virginia woolf
>alice munro
>gabriel garcia marquez

>> No.10162285
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The only acceptable answer

>> No.10162294

Hell fucking no you cucks

>> No.10162304

The German Ideology

>> No.10162699

whats it like. im interested

>> No.10163415

>Edward tufte
ma nigga

>> No.10163528

coming from someone who has been told to avoid rand like the plague, what makes her (and atlas shrugged, in particular) so terrible?

>> No.10164605
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>> No.10164850
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This book has some of the dopest art I've seen,
everything in it is incredible.

>> No.10164895

>just read books and enjoy them
>tfw threads like this make me feel dumb

I can't engage with them on a critical level at all, I just read a book, like the story or the way it was written, and call it a day.

>> No.10164904

She's so terrible in that she's not a meant for people who take others words as fact.

Definitely not for a lowly peasant like you.

>> No.10164917

Don't worry about it, not everyone reads with a notebook or tracks what they read.

>> No.10164921
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>> No.10164928
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Embarrassed at how late to the party I am about this book
Fucking incredible
So many brands that I need to explore

>> No.10164929

that book is the biggest piece of cuck bullshit ive ever read
really, seriously encourages poeple to not have a backbone. Great book if you want to become a slippery car salesman

>> No.10164940

just to add a small point to this point.

You also probably wouldn't be building this chair in the first place if your boss weren't paying you for it. The mere scheduling of a bunch of different cogs in the machine that produce your chair is profit owed to your boss.

>> No.10164941

crack up is amazing but it's barely a book. I do love it though, I think it's an important read for anyone who has ever done a drug or been sad

>> No.10164943

just finished ZAMM... pretty cool tbh looking for more like it.

>> No.10164947
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I never read past the first Dune, should I? I really enjoyed Dune but I stopped reading Messiah about a fifth in

>> No.10164949

Emperor is good, his son's books are atrocious

>> No.10164950

My first name is Ezra and I've always wanted to read Pound but never got around to it, likely because of my stigma towards anyone who shares my name (likely caused by that Vampire Weekend douche). What's Pound all about?

>> No.10164954

Do you know of any good pdfs floating around of infinite jest? I want it in book form but it's not available at my library and I have no extra money

>> No.10164955

Yeah I've definitely heard enough to know to avoid those
also nice dubs

>> No.10164959

maybe, but I think of it as social maneuvering and how to orient yourself within a world where similar tactics are used everywhere else. While its doubtless that slippery care salesman=not something you would want to be, there are aspects that play into human psychology and that are interesting for that reason.

>> No.10164965

yeah you dont post that shit in a rand thread dude
HTWFIP is pretty much "how to be friends with everyone", which, contrary to popular belief, is a really terrible thing. Not everybody is supposed to like you. You're not supposed to rub everybody the right way. You can't please everyone and the sooner you realize that the sooner you'll be making better quality friends and have greater quality relationships with the people that DO like you, instead of wasting time reading books about how to convert people who don't like you.

>> No.10165061

hmm I get your point but I still think that the tactics are legitimate. I was more interested in the book for the work place

>> No.10166296

Enjoyed it so much. Read it through directly after getting it as a present on Christmas. Not that it is long... Dang i love camus

>> No.10166580

You have good taste.

>> No.10166591

I'd say 1Q84. They were my first Murakami books and it got me hooked. The atmosphere is amazing.

>> No.10166622
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1Q84 is objectively one of his worst works. He has a very specific prose and style that's better suited to shorter novels and short stories. That is very much lost at ~900 pages. Hell, I don't know how Wind Up Bird Chronicle worked as well as it did. 1Q84 feels as if someone took his regular writing style and pacing, and stretched it out over the course of 3 novels. I do not mean this in a good way. Everything is spread so thin. It's not a terrible read, but you will get bored.

Read Norwegian Wood first.

Oh, and currently reading this. Picked it up because shiny, but I'm damn glad I did. It's fucking weird. The title really does it justice.

>> No.10168056


>> No.10168208

>ayn rand
fucking put down that pleb shit and pick up some marx

>> No.10168288

NW is more accessible.

>> No.10168298

>more caring about what people see you reading instead of what's good literature
sometimes this board sickens me.

read 'Atomised' by Michel Houellebecq, it's pretty good

>> No.10168410

I love Dostoyevsky's books. While I really disagree with a lot of his existentialist views, his psychological breakdowns of all the characters in his books are really great esp in The Idiot. I just wanted to voice my opinion and I'm not confident enough to do it on lit

>> No.10170203
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Awesome, just picked up The Idiot to start getting into Dostoyevsky finally. Currently finishing up pic related.

>> No.10170214

Marx literally wrote in a way that appeals to plebs

>> No.10170715

>Les particules élémentaires
It's so good

>> No.10170798
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pretty fuckin effay

>> No.10170811

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.10170842


>> No.10170849

>Probably one of my if not my most favourite book ever
Haruki Murakami - Sputnik Sweetheart
>Short but very powerful read, sucks you into the enigmous love-life of the remarkable characters
Le Clézio - Procès Verbal
> Hated this book for most of the time spend reading it, but the last 70 or so pages are absolutely divine!
Coetzee - Waiting for the barbarians
>Brutal book telling a story of tribe politics
Laurent Gaudé - La mort du roi Tsongor
>Read this book in French so struggled a little with it. Absolutely fenomenal classical war tale.

>> No.10170874

>im an absolute degenerate
it was written by a german, two americans, and an indian.
but yeah, pretty weeb ay

pretty par for the course with op's image being undisputed trash and a solid three quarters of the books listed prior being babys first english lit assignment

>> No.10170924

Yukio Mishima - The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Don Carpenter - Hard Rain Falling
Juan Rulfo - Pedro Paramo

/fa/est books I've read

>> No.10172317
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>this is bad
>because 4chan board said so and I must follow it