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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 640x640, a4f2bwCl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10151259 No.10151259 [Reply] [Original]


lol why do people like this place again?

>> No.10151264
File: 203 KB, 1024x683, Q75A2705_zpscknmgpsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /fa/ isn't the best but at least they don't look ridiculous

>> No.10151278
File: 541 KB, 1280x1756, tumblr_nrjhfr5xa01qdfri5o4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10151368

This is fire. Pure Ute Ploier?

>> No.10151389

to be fair the pants look fantastic and the whole fit would look better if he took that dead animal off his back

>> No.10151432

would be nice if he wasn't wearing that ugly scarf/cape and if it wasn't obviously too cold to be wearing sandals

>> No.10151441

I like his dead animal. Makes me feel like I can get carnal with him.

>> No.10151443

that's a good fit

>> No.10151445

this is a fucking 10/10 fit. much better than anything ever posted here

>> No.10151453

These are all fantastic fits, much better than the average fit posted on sufu. Go uncrease your cps and iron your APC jeans now and stop trying to talk shit when you have no idea how to do it.

>> No.10151463

got banned like 2 years ago for calling someone gay by some feminist bitch mod

>> No.10151501

9.1/10 fit
better than anything posted here in a long time

>> No.10151510

>needing a big ass blanket draped over you and thick sweater
>sandals without socks

also if you'd ever wear that in public you should just chop off your balls now. literally no straight man in his right mind would be seen dead in that monstrosity. it's nice to look at but that's where it should end.

>> No.10151552

Wow, the fits in this threads... Better than anything posted here

>> No.10151557

because they think they are too cool for /fa/ but arent cool enough for zeitgeist

>> No.10151577

who the fuck are you

drop trip

>> No.10151620


yew got no talent !

>> No.10151625


zeitgeist is the biggest pleb-shill circle jerk on the net. nice try though mr felacio.

>> No.10151652

lol sufu fucking blows zeitgeist out of the water fit wise, at least it used to, even on the le avant garde stuff

>> No.10151910


>> No.10152084

Im fucking sick of you faggots, I cant help it I'll give you one more.

Little bitches feeding off this little back and forth like a goddamn parasite. Consider this: Your retarded. I'm fine, we come here to have a yarn and we're getting one. It's not good enough for you though, you gotta break someone down, remind people in all the ways they are wrong. And at the end of the day what do you have? Your 2 inch cock in your hand pumping away whilst you cry and look at all the sick fits you cant afford, hoping one day you'll be well dressed enough that people will forget what a vapid mong you are.

Look in the mirror, you are the retards here. Do you see anyone replying to your posts except me? It's because you have nothing to offer this board and probably life in general. You have no value; the only value you have is providing some guy across the globe with shits n gigs as he tries to get dinner ready.

You have proven to be a failure on such a simple level of human interaction that I'm convinced you are actually mentally retarded and are probably typing these replies with supervision from the nurses at the Fuckwitsville Home for the Mentally Bereft. Now I'm going, because the only alternative is to wait for you to rinse your head out with shotgun mouthwash and I cant be bothered waiting.


>> No.10152326

fucking sick
love these

>> No.10152366

Tbh I like this

>> No.10152553
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>> No.10152565

good riddance

>> No.10152574
File: 81 KB, 800x632, 1390143216695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than 98% of the fits from WAYWT threads

>> No.10153100

what thread did he get b& in? Our boy Trunks got b& too, Supertrash is slow enough as it is without banning the entertaining (shit)posters

>> No.10153112
File: 87 KB, 639x639, 502032105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10153181 [DELETED] 

i think I head a revelation today at the movies.

I subconsciously dress in margielas and black jeans to win the admiration of hipster tumblr girls. Hoping one day i'll meet a qt eccentric girl and live happily ever after.

>> No.10153184

>I dress like a pleb to attract plebs
sounds about right

>> No.10153194

>there are people ITT RIGHT NOW who unironically like these fits.

i would laugh hysterically if I saw an homo with the gaul to wear this in public

>> No.10153212

>supertrash is slow
you mean the entire board right? that place is dead as shit. the fits are fucking cringeworthy on average as well

>> No.10153239

Kid is so next level he's wearing a couch throw cape.

>> No.10153246

sz is revolting. think 40 year old mid life crisis pieces of shit wearing too much jeweleeryy

>> No.10154627

w2c pants?

>> No.10154646

/fa/ fits are boring and repetitive, those are much much better. the anon nature of these boards doesn't lend itself to pushing or experimenting with anything new but only castigating those who land outside of the black jeans cps hivemind.

< b o r e w a v e >

>> No.10154941

he owns a shitload of designer clothes but never posts them in /rick/

>> No.10155068

He looks like a hobbit about to go on an adventure

>> No.10155153

dude's got my grail shoes but wears em like a porker.. why can't I have nice things

>> No.10155310


>> No.10155361

>Want to browse SuFu
>Hate the layout and userend of forums
Thats pretty much the only reason I stay here on /fa/. The image board format lends itself brilliantly to a fashion site

>> No.10155367

I really like this outfit. The rest are garbage but this is really nice.

>> No.10155408
File: 145 KB, 640x640, 1437695046890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you, the worst thing about the fit is the guys awkward stance. He's perfectly set up for one of those /fa/ party pictures

>> No.10155418
File: 9 KB, 533x107, cuck mod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10155480

This is cool, except for the shoes.

>> No.10155598

W2c tabi shoes

>> No.10155604


>> No.10155655

For better or worse people on SuFu actually have personal styles far beyond anything I see on /fa/.

Like this guy, it may not be to your tastes but without a doubt it's a unique look that would actually excite people who were into clothing.

Everyone here is too obsessed with fitting in, but still acts like they're above people because their shoes cost more money than the average person's.

>> No.10155844

They are at least better than /fa/s waywt.
They are at least not boring.

>> No.10155873

super future isn't bad at all

yes they have some rather cuck-ish members... a high population of 45 year old overweight hipsters obsessed with ***raw*** denim...

but for the most part, people know their shit and actually are a bit cultured

/fa/ seems to attracted young kids who know nothing unfortunately

>> No.10156146
File: 476 KB, 373x544, mr meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so reddit is basically dadcore
effay is black top and skinny black jawns and CPs
KTT is streetwear
whats sufu and sz's style? like what's their big overarching look supposed to be?

>> No.10156183

where to cop that shirt?

>> No.10156216


Avant Garde

>> No.10156221

/fa/ isnt anything
/fa/ is shit

>> No.10156243

No raf in here

>> No.10156329

>a high population of 45 year old overweight hipsters obsessed with ***raw*** denim...

That's one subforum. And the raw denim nerds still dress better than most of /fa/, even the fat ones, even the fat old ones.

>> No.10156334

Black top, black jeans, and CP alternatives is shit.

>> No.10156338

this is so sick

>> No.10156343

w2c shirt/sweater?