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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 640x480, My Snapshot_46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.10111519 [Reply] [Original]

I had my fringe fixed, but now I look like a feminist. Oh, dear.

Hair general?

>> No.10111522

you look like your pussy stinks

>> No.10111524

sceleral show = melted face

>> No.10111525

seriously egg girl is this your fucking blog?

you always just make new threads im sick of it
and im sick of looking at your shitty hair

>> No.10111526

looks not too bad, but maybe try to smile

>> No.10111529

or cut the rest of it like a Bob

>> No.10111535

I don't wanna sound like tumblr but I feel like a bob with full fringe is a hairstyle that works the best with asians because of their thick hair and small face shape. You really need to use a roller brush to get enough volume to pull it off.

>> No.10111536


This. Post in fucboi general.

If you think your more important than anyone else, your thinking wrong.

No one gives a shit

>> No.10111537

There's nothing I hate more than bangs on women. It makes you look retarded, like you're wearing a helmet and childish.

>> No.10111541
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 1435483630916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing I hate more than bangs on women

>> No.10111542

Dont worry Eggybae it looks alot better than it did

I still think youre a qt :3

>> No.10111544

Indeed. A feminist. I didn't before, but someone here told me to tell a hairdresser to cover my fringe, so I did. This was the woeful result.

>> No.10111549

please fuck off you attention whore

>> No.10111550

This. I think she has autism.

>> No.10111551

im the guy who told you to do that
the picture is shitty but at least now people dont see that new horizons destined landmass that contains your thinking parts

did you cut the sides? if so why

>> No.10111556

she's like a really unattractive version of spoony, but not interesting to see or talk to

>> No.10111561

I also said to do it. Its really not bad, i bet if you posted a pic of you with an actual smile it would look alot better

>> No.10111565
File: 1.44 MB, 3264x2448, 1436459187441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also please wear it more like this it's cute~

>> No.10111570

The hairdresser said she should cut the sides because one side was apparently longer than the other. I would have objected, but she was quite boisterous.

>> No.10111571
File: 170 KB, 583x382, mrs-mia-wallace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rock it gurl

>> No.10111576

eggy did you go to the mall alone?

whats with the h&m bag?

i'll go to the mall with you if you live in vancouver


>> No.10111579

ayy lmao

>> No.10111582

Wait is this eggy?

>> No.10111583

that doesnt make sense to me, you should be aiming to look more feminine. Hair those lengths generally looks bad on any girl that isn't extremely fem looking

if one side was shorter than the other than the entire thing shouldnt be shorter

>> No.10111590

yes she looks adorab doesnt she

basic as fuck with no individuality, but adorable

>> No.10111596
File: 39 KB, 640x480, My Snapshot_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't smile in pictures without looking fat, but, here's what I think is a better picture.

>> No.10111599


actually looks so qt

why are you worried eggybae

>> No.10111605

can you just go take a real picture in the mirror you have a fucking phone

god damn stop posting this shit you look like a zombie

and buy a hair straightener/curler to make your bangs not look like such bowl cut shit goddamn

>> No.10111606

You have quite a pointy chin. Tbh you look fine, have you tried the pony tail with a fringe look?

also london?

>> No.10111610

it's over exposed and a bad angle

you're not that bad looking, but you remind me of that seinfeld episode where in some situations one of jerry's girlfriends was hideous and in others she was beautiful, like a two-face

>> No.10111616
File: 70 KB, 1600x675, mw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for real though

>> No.10111619

Everyone says I look like this scene when I have a full fringe! It's uncanny.

>> No.10111628

its not a compliment

>> No.10111632

go heroin chic

>> No.10111641

yo op i didn't think you were real before
your hair looks fine i wouldn't worry about it

those are usually hot though

>> No.10111647

dude this is the best pic youve taken and its because your hair is cute now and your face is 100x cuter cause you dont have the zombie expression!!!!!! seriously

>> No.10111648

I'm going to call you Christie.

You are to respond only to Christie, do you understand?

>> No.10111650

keep your bangs though you have a 5head

>> No.10111653


>> No.10111655

This should help you.


>> No.10111657

How do you know whether or not I have any individuality based on a few WAYWT posts, a few "help me" threads, and some Facial Aesthetic posts?

I do dress very basically. However, I think that normalcy is better than quirkiness for girls. I can't stand seeing girls on IG wearing translucent green raincoats over crop jumpers saying "senpai~", and so on. It takes a lot of chutzpah, a likeable character, and, most importantly, natural beauty to pull off quirkiness as a girl.

>> No.10111665


i feel like he could be your dad, you both look so much alike.

>> No.10111670
File: 36 KB, 640x480, My Snapshot_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm real. Here's a smiling picture, from when I was thin and could smile without looking/being fat.

>> No.10111672

You talk different for a girl.. I likey

>> No.10111676
File: 68 KB, 431x450, 1435641470406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. you ask the internet for an opinion on style
2. you ask the internet for what hairstyle you should have
3. you ask the internet what clothes are good
4. you ask the internet how to dress
5. you post in rate me threads

you have no individuality
if you had individuality you would have your own aesthetic you want to achieve, instead you leech off of others inspiration like a parasite

kill yourself, and then become my zombie gf also please be in vancouver


>> No.10111678


>> No.10111680

god you are fucking disgusting

and you look like you smell

>> No.10111688

absolutely gutted

>> No.10111689

Yes, I ask for advice. I know nothing about fashion. I'd rather learn the rules before I break them. Girls creating their own aesthetic without first having a solid knowledge of established style is what gave rise to such trainwrecks as scene kids and gothic lolita.

>> No.10111693

l... like a field of flowers?!?!?

>> No.10111699

>I know nothing about fashion.
>trainwrecks as scene kids and gothic lolita.

how can you begin to criticize a style if you know nothing about fashion?

just stop talking before you run out of yolk

>> No.10111706

eggfu where are u located

>> No.10111709

haha all the fuckin thirsty people in this thread

you have the dudes that want to treat you like a princess and the dudes that are trying to be mean because they read some PUA article that told them that women are attracted to that

op you dress okay but cop some taste

>> No.10111714

Experiment with makeup!

>> No.10111717

>i know nothing about fashion
you dont ask for advice or tips you just get people to tell you how to dress

you have no personal interest in how you dress, at least most of the people here are seeking to achieve a certain kind of look that they find interesting on their own accord

>learn the fashion rules

so you're saying you don't listen to any interesting bands, don't read any interesting books, haven't watched any movies that had a look you liked

you literally post like a fucking basement dwelling shut in who sat and played wow for 20 years and is now asking the internet how to appear like a normal person

>> No.10111719

Have you tried lifting, and getting phsyically fit? It will help with with your proportions

>> No.10111729

Thanks. I'm a little disturbed by the lust of the male presence in this thread. I'm in a relationship.

>> No.10111730

just reading your posts OP you seem like an absolutely insufferable person to be around

what could you ever possible offer as value to a person that was friends with you?

>> No.10111732

she kinda talks like shes been reading interesting books and watched movies and listened to interesting bands for 20 years....

>> No.10111735

I have tried to mimic looks from music and literature, but I looked ridiculous!

>> No.10111736
File: 380 KB, 301x520, 1436664371483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>personality of an ashtray
>"I'm in a relationship."
I'm sure that's going well for you anonette :)

go back to shitposting your ugly mug and shitty hair genes on r9k, they're more equipped to accommodate spineless whores

>> No.10111740

the first aesthetic i wanted to achieve was a grungy rugged russian middle classer from the 1800s with an oversized coat

crime and punishment was a great book

>> No.10111741

Shiiiiiiiit do yourself a favour and hide that forehead

>> No.10111742

I hope your bf looks like a spoon because you then have the perfect coupling

>> No.10111751

Is this the ascendence of the new reeeee/user/notuser?!

>> No.10111903

she talks/types like a robot thats trying to blend in with the human race and doing a bad job of it

>> No.10111912

It's too piecey at the moment
Looks like it needs a wash but maybe just a comb through.

>> No.10111969

You look sweet. Ignore the people on here being shitty.

>> No.10111973

Someone please delete this. I'm ashamed I ever posted here.

>> No.10111975

honestly, the bangs make you look like an autistic child raised by a single parent.

>> No.10112051

Kek, he's angry because he lacks any form of social etiquette.

>> No.10112055
File: 54 KB, 540x960, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's okay/10

I'm using my hair like this now...

>> No.10112105

You really don't know how to take pictures of yourself. Worst angle possible.

>> No.10112130
File: 89 KB, 960x540, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm over having dyed hair and the stigma attached.. it was fun for a while. Anyway I'm never very keen to post my picture on 4chan as I'm not great with the insults but what the hell. Looking for genuine advice as I've never done anything with my hair other than this/ leaving it completely alone. Does anyone have any suggestions about style or colour. Much appreciated.

>> No.10112131

post your ass

>> No.10112138

you look inbred
why are you missing half your eyebrow

>> No.10112158

calm down. Not everyone can be good looking. I'm on a path of self improvement though.

>> No.10112159


>> No.10112164

those are the eyes of a dead soul

you've been on the internet way too mcuh

>> No.10112168

The blue make your look tumblr im afraid, though imo the cut is good on you

>> No.10112169

i love this cillian murphy lookin ass bitch

>> No.10112197

Yeah that's part of the shit I'm getting away from. I like colours but for other people It screams attention whore, issues, slut. Not things that really apply to me. Yeah, there's not really a cut to speak of. Just me hacking off the ends when it got damaged. Kinda wanting to actually do something with it.

>> No.10112213
File: 20 KB, 258x245, 1428780506039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dying your hair makes you look like an attention whoring slut
>but im not those things, haha!

>> No.10112238

well it's not like I can prove it to you. But no. I'm the most shy socially awkward kissless virgin ever. Fuck attention. I couldn't even handle people telling me they liked it in the street.

>> No.10112256
File: 410 KB, 621x349, marimek5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god fucking kill yourself

i never wanted to kill anybody on this board more than you

saved your pic to repost in every thread until the end of existence

>> No.10112258

Don't care what you do with it tbh. Dude, I only asked for some advice.

>> No.10112263

clearly you do you dumb ugly slut

take a look at your first post
now ask yourself if you really needed to include a photo of your ugly mug with that question

>> No.10112264
File: 294 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_4704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have some tips to maintain curly hair and keep it from frizzing?
I'm already doing the whole no poo things for a while now and the only problem I have is when I comb my hair back and apply mousse I blow dry it all. It works fine but later throughout the day my hair kind of poofs up like pic related. What do?
-have curly hair that gets frizzy, what do I do?
-Also what haircut do you guys recommend if at all

>> No.10112280

how can I possibly get hair advice if the board doesn't know what I look like.

>> No.10112281

>shitskin third world mexican
>acne scars
>retarded frames
>retarded earlobes

proto /fa/

>> No.10112282

you should worry about your skin more
looks like eczema

take care

>> No.10112289

how could you possibly think anything could compliment your disfigured visage

>> No.10112290

si cambia la expresión facial se vería mucho mejor.
en cuanto al corte, es una mejora pero todavía se ve raro

>> No.10112307

ha..expected that exact response. Do you really think I need you to tell me I'm ugly. I'm fully aware of it believe it or not. Is insulting people on the internet fun. I've never seen the appeal.

>> No.10112311

Girl anon here, I think you're really pretty. You have very interesting features. Sometimes being untraditionally attractive is way better. The bangs are a massive improvement btw.

>> No.10112318
File: 1.12 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my hair wacked and it's too short, oh well

>> No.10112347


>> No.10112367

It looks like you're wearing a hairy beret.

>> No.10112376

Pretty qt, maybe dye it auburn or something? Can't tell if you could handle blond.

>> No.10112405

I was thinking that. Auburn and brown are really my only options at this point. (dark) blonde is my natural colour though but it's pretty hard to get back.

>> No.10112422

But what ever you do, spend some money on it. The color you have now looks very faded and cheap if you know what I mean.

>> No.10112462

Can you post your legs and feet please

>> No.10112537


I think you're a qt, even though you're fucking stupid for posting on this board expecting legitimate responses. lurk m o a r, you have potential

>> No.10112547


>> No.10112565

please post a picture of your butt

>> No.10112614

One can always hope.. But yes this isn't my regular board.
scotland. fuck london tbh

>> No.10112615

It'll look better in a few weeks once it grows out a bit.
I think the problem is that it's significantly above the eyebrows.

>> No.10112621

villain from incredibles

>> No.10112828


what the fuck are you doing posting on do you enjoy getting midwestern neets to call you a whore?

>> No.10113348


>> No.10113354

love you eggy

>> No.10113678

it looks okay do something with your bangs like a basic side sweep maybe

>> No.10113757

The cut is fine I think, just let the colour... fade back to natural? Is that how hair dye works?

>> No.10113773
File: 50 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150714_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got my haircut today.
Unfortunately they did it a bit too short and accentuated my forehead.

>> No.10113781

is this a guy or girl

>> No.10113787

holy shit when did the board get this fucking bad

>> No.10113789

relax kid

>> No.10113790
File: 54 KB, 480x800, Snapchat-20140826072526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y r a bunch of autismos posting their weird hairlines

>> No.10113809

i like her hair

and her body

>> No.10113816
File: 42 KB, 620x465, rape1-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has there ever been an attractive feminist?

>> No.10113819
File: 54 KB, 350x468, LaurenSouthernSign1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10113823

this woman is so fuckin dumb

>> No.10113837

Yes Lord!

>> No.10113839

Tumblard detected

>> No.10113895

I dont give a fuck about what side of the argument she's on she's actually just a dumb as fuck person

>> No.10113898
File: 220 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10113911


What zeems tooby the ocifer problem?

>> No.10113920

Tbh this >>10111606

Also when smiling try to incorporate all the muscles on your face especially the eyes'. Those look dead. You're cute though.

>> No.10114422


>> No.10114558
File: 55 KB, 279x420, no bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another anon recommended me styles which focus on the sides to compliment my long face. Anyone got any pics saved of some suitable hairstyles or something?

>> No.10114576

this is like the third time i see that fucking low quality pic. are you waiting in your basement for someone to tell you what to do before going to the barber?

>> No.10114577
File: 41 KB, 640x480, res_1436964176254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately you're not a natural beauty. But you have potential if you cake on some makeup, you ugly duck. It seems pathetic but let's face it, you're already posting your face all over 4chan.

>> No.10114581

Kill the facial hair.
Tidy the top a bit.

>> No.10114600

You look like Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction, which is not a good thing.
I know I'd probably get shit on for this but, dye your hair a natural red (orange), use eyeliner and cover the area around your eyes with make up, because it looks like you cried/are tired.

I think you could be a cutie with some work...

>> No.10114602

Literally the second time I posted it m8. Just hoping for a little more inspo.

Don't be mad

>> No.10114608
File: 50 KB, 538x566, not so young anakin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn

>> No.10114623


So you're saying you want to be a basic bitch and you're proud of it?

You're not pretty enough to be this fucking stupid.

>> No.10114660

Except the western woman's rape fantasies, even the most hardcore abused butch lesbofeminist has them

Wequality hahaha

Also Sieg how much do you weigh nowadays?

>> No.10114682
File: 170 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new haircut, I usually cover my forehead with a fringe. Not sure what to think yet lads, might keep it like this.

>> No.10114686

Have you seen Eggman from /r9k/?
You guys should date and make an army of egg children

>> No.10114693

I think it looks breddy gud, keep it

>> No.10114707
File: 388 KB, 1024x768, asdada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks good dude

>> No.10114710

Thanks bros

>> No.10114760


This is fucking gross...

>> No.10114782


You seem bitter and tired and really really uncomfortable socially just from the way you carry yourself and the way you post here.

I think that's what makes you so gross to me. You seem like a 15 year old girl trying to prove herself.

Please quit posting your ugly mug. Change your lifestyle. Make friends.

>> No.10114850

Those eyebrows

>> No.10114986


>> No.10115013


>> No.10115066

Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction was hot af, u twat

>> No.10115188

whens easterncalcul.us coming back up you fat slag

>> No.10116226

damn daddy

>> No.10116229

heheh oh no

>> No.10116245

Special Agent Doofy, is that you?

>> No.10116416
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20150715_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. I want short hair (will post pic).

I want opinions.

>> No.10116420
File: 6 KB, 229x220, repicado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10116437
File: 217 KB, 650x1000, nihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you look like your pussy stinks

OP's probably stoked you assumed there was a pussy between those legs

>> No.10116446

I think you could dye it pastel pink or pastel blue. I don't like this color. The cut is fine, in my opinion.

>> No.10116454


>> No.10116470



>> No.10116473

No, I just have thick eyebrows.

>> No.10116478

Wasn't really the eyebrows that made me think that.

>> No.10116486

Then I don't know. Usually I am told to be feminine, but it's never worth to justify yourself to anons.

So, should I cut it or not?

>> No.10116524

I feel bad for writing that. Cut it shorter and thin it out, it looks really thick. Do you have another picture with better lightning

>> No.10116530
File: 59 KB, 640x480, 1434924047861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need for feeling bad, anon. Despite being unpleasant, sometimes it is good to know what people might think of you. But I feel confident enough to know what it might be the light and / or angle.

This picture is from another thread, I posted a different haircut.

My hair looks bland, this is why I want more layers, to make it ''fun'' and less hard to take care of.

And dye and pitch black again.

>> No.10116556
File: 38 KB, 564x376, 1325278712-liz_harris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10116558
File: 16 KB, 233x350, mais cheio sem franja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my lenght limits

>> No.10116571

what do you mean? no shorter than that?

>> No.10116581


F L O R I D A ?

>> No.10116591

No shorter than that.


>> No.10116603
File: 43 KB, 460x750, 165452746c85c561529b89989245f577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another picture from Alice Glass.

>> No.10116961

W H E R E U @

>> No.10117051


>> No.10117177

>inb4 he always cums on your landing site of a forehead

>> No.10117190


You actually look a LOT like Mia Wallace. Hawt.

>> No.10117207


You just turned her into a whore. Put down the PS before you hurt someone.

>> No.10117214

Your Aesthetic is so cute, I love girls like you. c:

>> No.10117263

Wow, Thought this was an edited picture of me for a second..

>> No.10117290


>> No.10117629

don't listen to the haters
you have really nice eyes
maybe play them up even more with makeup?
also judging by other pics, a fringe is best.. imo consider an alex chung fringe for something different that isn't meme hair atm

>> No.10117738


>> No.10117742

Você é brasileira? go full alice glass pls

>> No.10118402

hmm... shaving everything makes me look so young. i usually have a mustache and grow out a couple mm on the rest of the facial hair. should i shave it all?

>> No.10118411

Sorry bro but your moustache looks like shit. Keep stubble everywhere if you want but don't grow a moustache.

>> No.10118484
File: 258 KB, 1200x800, oscar-isaac-in-inside-llewyn-davis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I style get my (very curly) hair to look like Llewyn Davis's?

>> No.10118656

probs gonna get called a white night but i think you
look decently cute
>would befriend/10

>> No.10118818

shaving first thing after work.

>> No.10118819

>this thread

What the fuck is going on seriously.

>> No.10118831


>> No.10118982

>i am a girl but i am not a feminist meme


>> No.10118993


>> No.10119091

2 much valium bb girl

>> No.10119188

How does it feel to be a female and balding?

>> No.10119197

Further proves that only ugly chicks browse /fa/.

>> No.10119203

You are an attention whoring slut though...

>> No.10119209

You have the face of a tranny

>> No.10119215

Cut your head off you smelly arab.

>> No.10119216


you look really good, bitch
send me your email

>> No.10119220

So far the only good haircut posted.

You have good facial aesthetics.

>> No.10119315

where are you from?

>> No.10119327

So pretty, love your skin and hair colour together

>> No.10119374
File: 451 KB, 750x1333, 20150716103003_glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do with my hair?
I'm actually clueless, I never had a "cut" or something else, just shaved the sides once

>> No.10119456


>> No.10119459
File: 30 KB, 540x960, memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10119460

>that horseface
I can tell you're either full or mostly Irish

>> No.10119476


>> No.10119489

Balding-so-I-shave-my-head-core here.

I'm mad jelly of most of you guys :3

>> No.10119495

sorry are we on /r9k/ here..
I can truthfully say I'm neither of those things.
It's actually lilac. the lightings a bit fucked up on my webcam
It will back to a point. likely going to stop at green
Thank you

>> No.10119504
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1433916690473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crime and Punishment
Mah nigga. Just picked that up recently after finishing The Brothers Karamazov.

Post Raskolnikov fits plz, gotta see you faglords try to look like a troubled Russian student cotemplating murder

>> No.10120146

Where's Egg girl from?

>> No.10120233

my dreams

>> No.10120357


Eu fui pro salão hoje, não tive coragem de cortar e só pintei de preto de novo


>> No.10120363


>> No.10120364


>> No.10120367

my nightmares

>> No.10120378



>> No.10120390

Or you can become some sort of Myshkin (The Idiot). I imagine some some of soft grunge goth with a tweed grey coat.

>tfw no russian soft goth bf who likes good literature

>> No.10120464

No u

>> No.10120727
File: 561 KB, 657x731, skkskksskks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't gotten a haircut in a while and my hair seems to be growing at a crazy rate lately.

any suggestions for a cut/change?
please excuse my dirty and disheveled appearance i was in the metal shop all day and got beat up by my dog when I arrived home.

>> No.10120754

n e v e r smile like that. ever.

>> No.10120765

woah i'm not smiling tho. i guess thats my "trying not to overbalance while taking a photo when a fat beagle is tackling your knees" expression.

besides the awful smile*, any /hair/ suggestions?

>> No.10120810

>that pseudo snakebite
Kill yourself

>> No.10120863

Jesus Christ.

>> No.10120872

you look like a young, Xanax addicted Uma Thurman.

>> No.10120884
File: 43 KB, 333x493, 1436761163778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10120904
File: 31 KB, 411x581, snake-bites-for-boys2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha wait what? snakebite? i have literally no idea what yr talking about. you mean like pic related? no snakebites on me breh.

>> No.10120921

>get off your ass and jam

>> No.10120929
File: 53 KB, 373x742, PAJAMAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my hair gud?

>> No.10120934

/fa/ incarnated

>> No.10120937


I adore your hair how it is.

>> No.10120944

is that gud?

>> No.10120945


>> No.10120971


No, it's awful

Your hair is a 6.5/10, style is a 1/10

>> No.10120980

I'm really not sure what hair would look good on you. What you have currently may be the best style for you honestly. I can't tell if you're male or female.

>> No.10120981

please join our thread. >>>/r9k/20543566

we want more of you!

>> No.10120982
File: 94 KB, 640x480, EvZGmRl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das a pajama bro
I try to make it like pic related but it never comes out like this, only when im after the shower

>> No.10120984

I kinda like how her hair is stringy, reminds me of Leeloo from The Fifth Element, but she looks stupid and white trash in the face so

I'd actually support her dyeing it orange to further that Leeloo look tbh

>> No.10121017

I don't understand the people in this thread posting their unwashed frizzy disgusting looking hair with shitty webcam lighting, seems like the opposite of /fa/ and a mockery of your existence

Put on some makeup, smile with teeth/without sickening self consciousness, wash your hair, use a straightener or curling iron, dye it a less bad color, and stop shitposting............. and actually the Uma Thurman look would be great if you can manage to pull it off but if you'll notice she has clean, styled hair, with product and shine in it, and well applied makeup, and doesn't look annoying/stupid

Just needs some attention, you just need to up your hygiene game breh
Well I mean you need a haircut but like you have nice hair, you just also need to groom your facial hair more often and wash your clothes more often too

You almost look like Bjork, in a good way. Seems like you have nice eyes which could be brought out with better hair/makeup.
And idk if you're aware of this, but shitty at-home non-natural color dye jobs look WHITE FUCKING TRASH. it's not edgy or like oooh how unique, it literally makes you look poor. the more you know.

looks oily

Decent tbh, though you look like a neo nazi, which is kind of a /fa/ look but eh

I don't know that much about hair products but I would bet $20 that you would do well to use some texturizing paste.

Your hair is maybe questionable, but it's fine, and I like your eyebrows and mustache, and pretty much whatever you do with your hair is fine cause i'm 90% certain you're attractive as fuck.

What kind of camera honestly is this. but you have an attractive face, and what looks like pretty good hair


I think I already quoted you cause I went backwards for some reason but I'm still mad at you
Ungroomed filthy Sally doll looking cunt

Decent, but there's something off about your part

>> No.10121057

Not a regular /fa/ browser what does
I-is it good or bad?

>> No.10121073

it's IN equality not wequality

wtf are you stupid?

>> No.10121095

Thanks a lot for this, dipshit.

>> No.10121101

I would ask you to delete the thread, but since anyone from an imageboard is nice enough to go on with this shit, I will have to keep up.

>> No.10121147

Male. I don't have facial hair, just a little and it looks dumb, so I just shave it.

>> No.10121159
File: 157 KB, 473x473, 20141222202526_glitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was like this, but I stop liking it.
So I don't know how to cut it now. And short is not an option

>> No.10121161

the fuck is wron wtih your face and lips dude

>> No.10121169

Fucked up genes I guess.

>> No.10121176

>operator can you connect me with the nearest organic vegetarian restaurant in portland, downtown?

>> No.10121201

Opinions on bleaching hair if your a dude

>> No.10121231
File: 87 KB, 480x480, IMG_0109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on how to cut or style my hair? I haven't really been doing much except getting the top cut short and the sides long. Sorry for the bad lighting. It's an old photo.

>> No.10121239
File: 87 KB, 480x480, IMG_0109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any opinions on how to cut or style my hair? I haven't really been doing much except getting the top cut long and the sides short. Sorry for the bad lighting. It's an old photo.

>> No.10121240

Shave it all off and join a monestary for maximum /fa/

>> No.10121491

u do look smelly but its ok cuz im into that :>)

>> No.10121546

>had a p good HY
>grew it out to a p good Yung Leo
>cut it off because I very slowly fucked it up by shaving the sides myself
>now have a generic Vine famous teenager cut

What do? I'm 22 and look 18 with this cut. The HY made me look 16 and the YL made me also look 18. I liked the average-white-kid cut I'm rocking now at first but recently realized I still look young as shit with it.

>> No.10121635

ok im not trying to be a dick but there is some weird psychological effect where this picture makes me feel like you emit some sort of stench

>> No.10121741

I don't give a shit about fitting your rules of how to look /fa/ on a quick picture, neither will fix my camera. By a coincidence I take these pictures when I come home, so I look tired, and am dressed in my pijamas. My hair health is fine, and my existence is fine, whiny cunt.

>> No.10121760

I feel the same way and I just realized there's no reason to assume s/he DOESN'T emit a stench. It's probably rancid as fuck.

>> No.10121776

i can't figure out why

>> No.10121804

i look like tom cruise i've been told

which haircut should i get

>> No.10122313
File: 669 KB, 1280x536, vlcsnap-2015-07-17-01h29m59s098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was OP in 22 Jump Street?

>> No.10122343


>> No.10122345
File: 48 KB, 500x518, 1433976126143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your all beautiful

>> No.10122389
File: 3.52 MB, 4608x3072, DSC_3263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your hair looks great! much better than before. you really do look like Mia, it's gr8. also i recently got fringe for the first time ever! it's so worth it. it takes a lot of maintenance though but i think it's worth it.

>> No.10122396

So qt

>> No.10122601

that girl is actually cute

OP looks like she bathes in egg/hotdog soaked water

>> No.10122654

Wowww you are incredibly attractive
It has nothing to do with your hair but DAMN

>> No.10122657

Also try a mid part with the hair tucked behind your ears if it's long enough for that

>> No.10122759
File: 194 KB, 885x885, 89654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a new haircut today

>> No.10122775

is there a gravity well in your room? something seems to trying to pull the right side of your face off.

>> No.10122777

most punchable face 2015

>> No.10122915

That would be your mum.

>> No.10122934

Hey fellow gingerjugend! what'd you ask for to get your hair fucked like that? I asked for a six guard around the sides and back and trim my split ends and i'm happy

>> No.10122937

rule 87: eyerebrows done are not supposed to be seen on males

>> No.10122959

dude we need a better photo that shit looks like a toilet brush get a better resolution pic from a better angle

>> No.10122979
File: 280 KB, 1513x1372, c8un1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm giving myself a bowlcut-type undercut, nonfaded
any inspo besides pic related?

there were a few threads about this haircut in the past month, so post em

>> No.10123014

nope, go back to tumblr you jealous piece of shit :)

>> No.10123071
File: 289 KB, 1734x975, DSC_0321111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10123086

You obviously want the sides short. You look like a god damn hedgehog right now.

>> No.10123094


What are you then 1/10?

>> No.10123096

either this or grow it out to maintain a proper medium long cut. Hair at your length doesn't suit asians because hedgehog mode (atleast those at the temples give your head a weird shape so I'd avoid haircuts like that)

>> No.10123102

This. Undercut or grow it out (you'll have to grow it out on the top anyway) and keep the sides longer too. Never make it that short again.

>> No.10123128

Thanks for the input.

>> No.10123207
File: 144 KB, 660x959, patience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously when is Eastern calculus coming back or are you still in the ward?

>> No.10123227
File: 1.20 MB, 1322x1961, 877c0f8b-0c3c-409e-b911-5b0b243cf1e3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions as to what style I should do? Never bothered styling until now. I have gel.

>> No.10123233
File: 1.92 MB, 1836x2313, c1aec1db-8f9c-4d81-9b29-e719f7b67db6..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also considering growing out facial hair

If I do, where should I get it grown out to? I'm not sure how far down my chin/jaw it should go. I intend on keeping it 5 o'clock shadowy.

>> No.10123428

>on straight males

>> No.10123432

Drop the gel get a pomade/wax or matt clay

>> No.10123660

what should i do with it?1

>> No.10123690

There's no fucking way you grow facial hair

You actually look like you just learned how to use the grown up toilet

>> No.10123692
File: 87 KB, 257x334, Screen Shot 2015-07-17 at 12.03.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask this guy.

>> No.10123699


this is why i'm choosing to grow it out

i usually just shave it off, but i'm going to grow it out now

>> No.10123700

>that face
>"I have gel"
>that hairdo

Confirmed for middleschooler log off immediately

>> No.10123714

I can tell just by looking at your face and they your sideburns end you cant grow it. Stop kidding yourself. That wispy shit you see on your upper lip in the morning is not facial hair

Acquire at least an ounce of testosterone in your body and come back in 6 years

>> No.10123722

I have literally just had a haircut and a shave so don't fucking expect me to look like a sailor after 10 years at sea

I bought gel because I thought that /fa/ would approve

>> No.10123727

jelly of his youth? being old is not effay

>> No.10123780

>implying age doesnt suit men
>implying men want to look like children

Hoooooly shit

>> No.10123802

Even if you just "shaved" its extremely easy to tell by looking at the bb smoothness of your skin, and those sun spots. I would bet my car you have a joke for facial hair. And even if you just had a haircut that style you chose screeeeeaaams 8th grade I had hope sarah willsby likes me I put a note in her locker

You thought /fa/ would approve of fucking grocery store hair gel? Have you even spent an hour here yet in your short life?

>> No.10123807


Now way in fuck you can grow anything.

Source: I've had facial hair the majority of my life.

>> No.10123808

No I haven;t, I just hear of you faggots from /fit/

Jesus christ, you're like /mu/ but worse

>> No.10123823

Yes the truth can hurt and can be hard to face you will learn this as you continue to blossom into a young woman or whatever

>> No.10123830

Whether or not I can grow facial hair aside, where should I grow it out to?

And can we answer the original question of what the fuck i should do with hair

>> No.10123860

None of this matters because youre fucking 16. I promise you. Stop worrying about it. This part of your life doesnt matter at all.
The best thing you can do to get laid on prom night is see what the popular kids are doing and be a good little drone so you can get that underage braceface poontang nasty.
Dont forget to wear a banal as fuck "suit" to prom. I recommend something from Jos A Bank that looks extremely baggy and a black shit with a 4 dollar white tie that you tie on sloppily and too short. That color combo will really set you apart and make you look like george clooney for sure. If you dont want white wear teal, pink or aqua blue or just match what your date is wearing!

>> No.10123861

facial hair has nothing to do with testosterone levels you dumbfuck. There are people with 3x the test levels of you that can't grow beards due to genetics

>> No.10123863

Can we chill out on the projection and just get my question answered?

>> No.10123864

The wrong in this post

>> No.10123870

It was answered. You just can't accept the answer.

>> No.10123872

I have had one answer which is get clay

nothing else

>> No.10124198

Thank you :)>>10122657 I'll give it a try

>> No.10124660

i want to beat your face into a pulp