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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.98 MB, 1990x2091, IMG_20150707_004934-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10105334 No.10105334 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/

So I'm not really sure if this is the right place but I don't know where to go. /r/transpassing wasn't particularly useful so I thought I'd try here. I'm pretty scared, I know /fa/ can be rather brutal but I'll never improve if I don't seek help.

What can I do to pass better? Like, how can I style my hair? What shape is my face? And are there any androgynous looks I could adopt? Right now I dress and look very lazy, like a stoner as my friends tell me. Also, my acne is far better than what these pictures show. I was just without my spironolactone for a while and my acne flared.

Sorry about the poor posture. I'm working on that. Also, hand on chest because I don't know.

Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/uzIhx

>> No.10105340

>>/lgbt/ my man

>> No.10105342
File: 675 KB, 1000x1898, 1436061596957-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself my man haha try it and see how it goes you fucken freak lmao??

>> No.10105343

I wouldn't have noticed that you are MTF if you had not mentionned it tbh, so you're passing pretty well already.

I can't give much advice when it comes to hair but for clothes, i suppose you could look for inspirations here, just lurk a bit.

>> No.10105349

post tits, technically its not against the rules since your a guy

>> No.10105367

u have shit hair (no offence)

pls be my gf

>> No.10105371
File: 1.42 MB, 730x1580, 1435368905148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fixed that for you beta cuck :)

>> No.10105379


Because it's all frizzy or do I need a haircut or something? It's frizzy because I didn't brush it before hand because I'm stupid.

Overall I really hate the way my hair is by default.

>> No.10105380
File: 241 KB, 1280x840, tumblr_nhjjltcxti1qzv8s5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was about to suggest you work on your acne but apparently that's fixed.

Your best bet is to look at what women who have your body type wear, and then go for that.

Pic is a woman. With a vagina. You could probably be more "passable" than her if you put some work into it. If you live in the LA area you can thank me by letting me fill your holes one lonely night. But whatever, point is, look at women whose look would suit your body type.

>> No.10105385
File: 484 KB, 900x500, 1435332456672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you get the chance, you should kill yourself.

statistically speaking theres a 50% chance you will anyway but i just want to give you an extra nudge.

>> No.10105393
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>> No.10105398

i dont know about girls hair so i cant say srry

>> No.10105405


Ah, you're right. I should try there too. Thanks.


This is a good point.


Solid advice. Thanks.


I'm considering it, Anon. Don't worry.


You tried. Thanks anyway.

>> No.10105411

Eh, you look pretty girly as is. Long hair is good since it's helping with your masculine jaw.
Maybe more subtle makeup?

>> No.10105415
File: 97 KB, 468x702, 1367258192712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want I could post shit here that may be inspirational to however you want to end up looking or we can Kik or something. Its obvious you are not happy with how you look now even though in theory you could rock "stoner girl" look (but why would you?) so you need to start looking for shit you actually want to look like and can pull off.

When you think about it, most women do this shit up to their 30s. You just started and while Im sure you got an "ideal" look for yourself, its best to start considering possibilities.

>> No.10105424
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>> No.10105425


Muh jaw. I hate it.

I seriously don't know where to begin with make up. Like, I've dabbled in it but I just end up looking like a tramp honestly and it frustrates me.


Thanks Anon, I really appreciate it. My KiK is ZanzibarLand if you wanna chat. I'm sure you could give me ideas on there.

>> No.10105426

how come mtf are always passable and ftm are always disgusting retchid creatures that dont deserve life?

>> No.10105440

While withholding most of my judgement on the topic all I can say is that I agree with >>10105343
You're fairly passable right now, good on you for not looking like a dude in drag because you don't have a particularly masculine build. Avoid that whole lazy look because it really doesn't play up any sort of feminine features.
If you're body doesn't scream female, dressing like a slob isn't going to help you. This whole unisex trend has been slowly destroying mainstream women's fashion anyhow. Not telling you to wear skirts, but what's been posted so far is pretty good. Just dress like a woman who has given half a shit about how she looks when she woke up

>> No.10105442
File: 416 KB, 387x545, 1436565109483-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey DUDE(thats what you are and always will be) have you considered that you arent actually a woman and instead are a deeply troubled and mentally ill individual using this new trend to give your life some sense of meaning and purpose, diagnosing your self as a trans to justify your own sadness and emptiness?

fucking moron, 10 years ago you wouldve grown out of whatever is bothering you, now you'll pump yourself full of hormones and grow your hair long, maybe even cut your dick off; then after its all done, the procedures completed, you'll wake up one morning, look at your disgusting mutilated body in the mirror and realise you dont feel any better, and then you'll kill yourself.

i dont have any sympathy for you though, anyone with a brain wouldnt fall victim to this sick new phenomenon, its darwinism manifest.

>> No.10105444
File: 423 KB, 800x1202, 1367257624145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just messaged you.

>> No.10105445

>how come mtf are always passable


Op looks dece but there are a lot of shocking looking ones

>> No.10105447

You're really pretty. Passing well enough I'd say. Just try to not dress in sweat shirts, and get a hair cut.

>> No.10105452
File: 48 KB, 458x390, 1435331180232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill you're self OP

>> No.10105460


>> No.10105467

martins on fire tonight

>> No.10105468

does it matter though
if it makes him happy who cares

>> No.10105474


Not all MtFs pass. I'm surprised that even I pass to a certain degree. There's some stunning FtMs out there too. Honestly, I think FtMs have the easier time since feminine looking boys are more acceptable compared to masculine girls.


My body is most definitely very guyish. Big chest and and rectangular shape. Sorta hard to dress like a grill with a body like that but I'll try my darnedest.


Ehhhh, I don't know how I should get my hair cut and styled. I'm honestly really scared about it. I've actually never been to a hair dressers before. As a male, I was perfectly happy with just getting it plainly cut short by my father.


I know, I know. As I told the first guy, I'm thinking about it.

>> No.10105478
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>> No.10105485

very cute even with the acne
are you by chance in london?

>> No.10105487

andro QTs are the qtest though. and all the ftm that i know are just gross looking blobs with weird beards. pear shaped, and chunky, and awk. they are somewhere between f and m not f to m.
granted i dont know particularly many, but still.

>> No.10105488
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>> No.10105500
File: 148 KB, 1026x679, BradElterman_YasmineKittles_000095360033_1026_770_resize_90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trying to be lewd here, but how are your legs? Could open up more options for you.

>> No.10105501


Australia. Sorry, Anon.


I know a couple and they're pretty darn cute so I unno. I can promise you there's definitely good looking FtMs out there though.

>> No.10105506

you're doing great with the whole "cold-hearted cunt" part of being a woman

>> No.10105513
File: 139 KB, 475x348, 1414297699278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wandering /pol/ack here, OP I must kindly advise you to change your ways.

>> No.10105517

While I dunno a lot about it, I've heard there's a lot you can do with makeup to help you pass more. And definitely something to get into in general if you're going all girlmode and stuff. around the eyes I think. Could also get your eyebrows thinned a bit maybe?
I don't know shit about them really but that's what stood out to me, good luck!

>> No.10105522

I don't agree with piggy but hedonism is lame

>> No.10105524
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>> No.10105531


I honestly really didn't mean to come off like that. I'm sorry.


I will consider it. Thank you.


Yeah, eyebrows do seem a little thick I suppose. I mucked up plucking the first time so I'm a little scared to mess with them but I'll give it another go!

>> No.10105539
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>> No.10105549
File: 200 KB, 287x364, cvpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're pretty OP. Let's see if any of the people shouting at you to kill yourself got the balls to post a picture.

I want /pol/ to stay contained on their own shitty board.

>> No.10105554
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>> No.10105557

Cute/10 would cuddle with

>> No.10105580
File: 29 KB, 301x500, 3ddac2903cf55771d7f86636586f22d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna hit the sack. We can keep in touch over Kik but here are some basics:

Think of whatever style you want and then look for women who have your body type pulling it off. I'm thinking really thin women.

If you got anything that you think is fem (legs? Shoulders?) wear clothing that can show them off. Don't go overboard and look like a porn star like a lot of MtF do in attempts to be as fem as possible.

Work with your body. Don't pad your bra or try to look like Tits McGee from Mad Men. Hell I wish I could pull of Don Draper but I ain't John Hamm so I deal with what I got.

Drapey clothing looks good.

And yeah don't cake on makeup, but start seeing how to work with eye make up.

If you fuck up, no big deal. Like I said before, women have had decades of experimenting with their look. You just started.

>> No.10105587


/pol/ isn't too bad. But thanks Anon.




Thanks Anon, I really appreciate your advice and encouragement. Don't worry about the bra stuffing either. I'm okay with being flat chested.

>> No.10105590
File: 155 KB, 684x1024, yes a trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try emulate this girl

cause she is one of the best legit traps out there

>> No.10105599


She has hips for days. I'm a little envious.

>> No.10105609
File: 158 KB, 541x619, img0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah m8

dis is is what u call legit trap

>> No.10105638

Well, I guess that sums up this thread. There was no direct advice but oh well. I'm terrible at having a sense of what to do. I was basically hoping for someone to say "Go get this haircut and wear this thing" and what not.

If anyone had any more advice, you can tell me on Skype. My user name is Oculust on there.


>> No.10105647

Try a noose you disgusting fuck

>> No.10107038


Still considering it like I said the other 3 times.

>> No.10107099

OP, don't wear make up. Most girls who wear make up look like shit. Be a cool girl, be natural. You will automatically be more feminine and attractive than 80% of all actual women.

Remember, now that you have chosen to live life as a female, you have also taken responsibility to be a good role model for little girls. Do you want them to have to hide their faces? Do you want them to have their ears pierced at a young age as if they were cattle? Be a good woman, just wear some nice girly clothes. I love you.

>> No.10107128

i want you to wear eyeliner and i want to facefuck you

>> No.10107218


I-I don't know what to do.

>> No.10107423


>> No.10107439

kill it with fire

>> No.10107458

Kill yourself you freak, you're evidently a male and will never convincingly "pass" as a woman

>> No.10107471




First comment that actually hurt somewhat.

>> No.10107490

Lol I know, because it's about something you have no control over and will never be able change. It will always be in the back of your head with every time you walk past another person, it will be a more prominent thought if someone stares at you for whatever reason.

But I myself wouldn't be able to tell right off the bat tbh, post body no homo

>> No.10107493

i really though you were girl at first sight
longer the hair + very light make up (nude make up) and you'll be good i guess

also work on tits, hips, and of course, legs

>> No.10107503
File: 52 KB, 600x491, krauss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao "endocrine disorder"

trans people are an anomaly, technically.

What determines one’s psychosexual development is exposure to hormone levels before birth(in-uterine). Sexual preference is fixed at birth.

The story of David Reimer illustrates a very compelling point: He was born a healthy boy under presumably normal in-uterine hormone levels but his penis was damaged during circumcision as a baby so his parents were instructed to raise him as a female. He was castrated and given oestrogen injections during puberty to aid in the feminization. He couldn’t adjust to life as girl, which just further proves that one’s biology is inescapable.
“The story of a boy who was raised as a girl seems to show that gender really is all in the genes. Despite the efforts of psychiatrists, surgeons and parents, he never felt happy as a girl and eventually reverted to being a man, got married and is now living happily. […]

Despite being raised as a girl, Joan never felt happy. At 12, she was given oestrogen therapy to complete the conversion to a woman. She grew breasts, but was never accepted by other girls, nor felt comfortable as a woman. […]Dr Diamond says that the case history has implications for any child born with ambiguous sexuality. “Keep your knife away,” he says. “Let the kids make a decision when they get older.”

Michael Bailey, a psychologist at Northwestern University, Illinois, told Science Now, a daily science news service run by Science magazine, that the case was heralded by many as the pinnacle of proof that psycho-social factors could override biological factors in determining gender.

Textbooks continued to claim that Joan made a successful adjustment, in spite of contradictory evidence. Dr Diamond’s report, says Dr Bailey, “suggests that, if anything, how you’re reared matters little”.”

>> No.10107511
File: 33 KB, 620x400, nybd65xmi2ikgvkgbuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you look very passable in this photo tbh. are you on hormones? a good friend of mine is mtf, didnt see her for three months in which times she started the therapy and she started getting some real nice fat deposits in her boobs and her butt got fatter, albeit it was already a big ass. shes about your level of thinness.

I'd also highly reccommend lurking /fit/ (dont post there about being trans, a lot of /pol/ crossover) inside the girl threads about working out your ass. That would def help imo.

Good luck! btw your hair is cute

>> No.10107512

Don't let him get you down. there's nothing wrong with dressing like a women because gender is socially constructed. Neither is there something wrong with living as/ being a (social) woman.

Just please don't try surgery, it won't change your sex, it will only cripple you. There's nothing wrong with being a woman in a man's body.

Also, please don't use make up. Be a cool woman.

>> No.10107518

>there's nothing wrong with dressing like a women because gender is socially constructed.
When did /fa/ become reddit?

>> No.10107520

don't apologize for being criticized, tell them to fuck off.
dafuq r u doing

also if you really don't think you'll regret it

>STOP ACTING LIKE A GAY DUDE, you look like one and if you act like one post transition NO STRAIGHT GUY WILL THINK YOU ARE A WOMAN. ffs

>chin reduction surgery

>> No.10107525

my whole message didnt post for some reason

your hair is cute but you need to brush it and put something in it for volume!

>> No.10107531

I'm from /r9k/
we're progressive like that

seriously, gender is socially constructed. that's the fucking definition of gender, contrasting the biological / physical sex.

>> No.10107532

>Also, please don't use make up. Be a cool woman.

lol listen to everything this guy said except this part, there is nothing wrong with women wearing makeup.

>> No.10107544

Literal beta cuckold who failed as a man convincing others like him that it's acceptable to "become" women.

>> No.10107551

seriously? women shouldnt have to use facepaint to hid their real face. How would you feel if you were a guy and was tricked by a girl you thought you liked because of heavy makeup, then you saw her real face after she removed it all? it makes me sick cause its happened to me many times

>> No.10107555

yes, there is. it's bad for your skin, it literally objectifies women, it's expensive and unnecessary, it's treacherous and it will look stupid when you look at old photos of yours once it has gone out of style.

>> No.10107563

>not getting the joke

>> No.10107568

>objectifies women
>when make up goes out of style
Literally fedora

>> No.10107571

be my girlfriend please

>> No.10107573


I'm not very confident with my body, sorry. In working on gaining weight so I'm not so horribly bony.


Thank you! And of course.


I am on hormones. Three months so far I believe. And yeah, I didn't brush my hair before taking these because I'm dumb. What can I use to add volume? I'm not very good with hair...


I didn't realise I acted like a gay male. Thanks for the advice. Also, yes. Facial feminisation surgery is still something I plan on. I've been wanting it for an eternity.


Besides facial feminisation surgery, I don't imagine I'll get anything else done. What's wrong with makeup? Can't I use just a little bit of eyeliner? I won't cake myself in it. Other girls just look so pretty with light makeup.

>> No.10107575

I don't browse the designated autist board like yourself.

>> No.10107581

Fedoras are very useful when it's rainy outside.

>> No.10107582

I would argue that makeup should be okay for both genders to use without stigma. I dont see it as any different than styling your hair with product.

>> No.10107585

>both genders
Gay ass pussy nigga

>> No.10107601

what the fuck is wrong with this board, god damn. keep doing you, op. i'd kiss you with my eyes open

>> No.10107608

youre beautiful op. i feel all tingly inside when i look at you.

>> No.10107609

a volumizing conditioner and shampoo to begin with. from their you should experiment and find what works for you. also if you aren't already, use perfume.

seriously look into workout to add mass to your butt, you'll feel much better and it makes a difference. make you have more of an hourglass figure.

this makeup shit is getting out of hand lol, use makeup if you would like or dont. I reccommend it personally. Most women use makeup, including very many feminist women lol. It will make you look more feminine.

Use some eyeliner definitely. look at some makeup tutorial videos on youtube. If you have any girl friends who do makeup well ask them for tips, most girls love talking about their routines.

>> No.10107611

Well, I too think it's equally okay for both. It isn't though, for either.

>> No.10107645

You're going to regret this so much when you're 40 holy shit
I'm not trying to criticize or anything, but just trust me, I've been in the LGBT world for a while (parades planner, dope job cause muh state subsidies but terrible people to work with) and I can assure you that every trans is completely fucked up at some point
I've seen and heard sad things. Again, you asked for help, I'm telling you a therapist could be more helpful than a drugdealer just like I would say to an anorexic. Think twice, counterbalance this huge decision before rushing it. I know you're now more determined than ever and think everyone is wrong but how many people have been at your stage before you? Learn from the others, don't make a bad decision, even if you're honestly passable as a mtf.
Cheers m8

>> No.10107649

Nobody really believes this. It's a great philosophy insofar as we are talking politics—"it's not hurting anybody, who cares?" is a good argument against government involvement—but on a local level it's a useless thing to say.

"Let him drink as much as he wants. If it makes him happy who cares?"

"Let Johnnie pick his nose in public. If it makes him happy who cares?"

"Let your daughter sleep around if she wants. If it makes her happy who cares?"

You might agree with the last one. Or you might not. But there will always be some case or another where you think that something is really unbecoming of a person of quality, and that their friends or parents should step in. The trend right now is to say that this is nasty puritanism, but nobody believes it as a general principle—only in particular cases.

It's absolutely true that some people have a deep hatred—usually not particularly for transsexuals, but for a general feeling of social decline—which they couple, sadly, with an aesthetic revulsion at transsexuals (itself not a horrible thing), and the marriage of the two is the kind of "kill yourself, freak" nonsense that you see here. Of course they should abstain from this. But not because OP enjoys himself (and does he really?); rather, there's a level of charity owed to all people, whatever their vices; and of course hatred for your fellow man is an awful thing.

This is absolutely not the same thing as saying transsexuality should be held an acceptable thing for our friends or loved ones, and we should caution against it wherever we find it. But we shouldn't just insult them; it's not often a constructive sort of criticism, nor does it inspire the right kind of shame. It makes people bold instead of making them question their choices; it forces them, already self-obsessed, to fixate more on themselves and their "gender" and their own problems. And certainly wishing death on someone who sins only so marginally is terribly unchristian.

>> No.10107652
File: 109 KB, 540x540, 181_by_AmeliaPhotography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hips for days.

lmao , it's just a feminized male. a fetished object for degenerates. it has no hips.

also, a real girl for comparison.

>> No.10107670

the day I discovered that I could make acne less noticeable by using makeup . . . that was a good day

fortunately I almost never get acne, but when I do I can at least play it down a little

>> No.10107683


Thank you! Your advice has probably been most helpful. I super appreciate it.


Thanks for the warning.


I... What? Everyone has hips to an extent. It's not limited to females.

>> No.10107689
File: 1.37 MB, 3575x3626, 1434655258712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god damn, the fucking cringe.

>I want /pol/ to stay contained on their own shitty board

I'm not even from /pol/ and this is some real degenerate shit.
How about you guys fuck off back to tumblr?

>> No.10107694

I love that these gay niggas are gassing you up, you look like a dude trying to be a woman, smh reality gonna hit you like a truck

>> No.10107709

it's funny how many trans ppl can't pass even after facial fenimization surgery. Like OP doesn't pass now and would make a rather homely woman and is spineless from the sounds of it. Just try and make it as a man, you'll be better off for it.

>> No.10107719
File: 66 KB, 479x349, 1349388125462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has no fucking hips, it's not female. You can never be a real female either btw.

>> No.10107723


I'm not blind to the reality of this. I realise I don't pass. The compliments are nice but I don't believe them or these people have low standards.

That's why I'm seeking advice.

>> No.10107736

just try and make it a male. you'll be better off, trust me.
source(s): i'm a female

>> No.10107744

My advice would be don't come to a board full of men who can't dress themselves asking for advice on dressing as a woman.

>> No.10107746

First thing you want to do is get a female friend and go out shopping and trying on clothes. Find a look - and a color scheme - that suits you. I think something on the feminine side of androgynous would do you good. Converse and skinny jeans, with a cute top, that sort of thing. Don't go all-out girly, it'll backfire on you. When you have the confidence, sure, girly can work, but until then, focus on expanding your comfort zone.
Second thing you gotta do is start learning how to apply makeup. You look feminine, but not strikingly so, and you don't have a crazy amount of natural beauty going for you, even though you're quite a bit ahead of most MtF transgirls. However, I think a light, skilled, daily application of makeup would do wonders for you. You'll never be drop-dead gorgeous, but you can make yourself look pretty.
The most important thing you gotta keep in mind is that you definitely are your worst critic. Looking yourself in the mirror every day, having seen yourself as a man, and then going through a slow transformation, it all kinda leaves this lingering self-image which isn't an accurate portrayal of your current self. Psychologically, it's kinda like when you look at the sun for a second, and then everything you see has this weird-colored circle in front of it. I'm almost positive that your mental image of yourself is inconsistent with reality, and it's hard to change that, but not so hard to work around it. Try to focus on building your confidence. It might help to stop thinking of yourself as trans and to think of yourself as just a girl. I don't really know you, but considering that you're coming to /fa/, you're probably not as confident as you could be.

Anyways, just keep in mind that when people see someone who looks like a girl, and is dressed like a girl, walking down the street, they usually just assume that it's a girl.

>> No.10107775

As long as you know, these folks do not care about you they're just grandstanding because loving up faggots is what's hip now. They do not care about how you're gonna look and feel walking down the street with some women's clothes on.

>> No.10107783


If I didn't have this mental illness, I'd absolutely be a male. I think I'd make a decent looking guy. Beards are fun too! I love beards.


I thought there would be women here too...


This was incredibly helpful and honest, thank you Anon. This was exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.10107785

your welcome. if I could give you any other advice it would be that if you are posting on 4chan dont admit you are mtf. just say you're female but you feel like you don't look feminine enough. any helpful advice for the most part will be exactly the same. and also
>its very true
You are female now! You need to really belive it yourself or how is everyone else.
you are a she. you're a girl a woman whatever.

anytime you post about anything related to trans here, even the fashion board will devolve into people telling you to not exist and other bullshit projecting cause of their own self hate.

now go listen to some rap music and buy some shampoo, conditioner and eyeliner. get the volumizing stuff and splurge on it a bit.

>> No.10107791

You have to go on estrogen and testosterone blockers and get tit implants for that to work at all. You have decent bone structure. Why don't you just be a man or a gay man.

>> No.10107820

>You are female now!
With a dick

>> No.10107835
File: 118 KB, 1600x1200, DSCN0561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to help. Also, one thing I'm noticing from looking at your pics - your nails look pretty terrible. Like, at a glance, they're not so bad, but maybe cut them a little shorter, and definitely get some nail polish. I'd suggest a nice blue, don't go for glitter. If I were you, I'd probably cut my nails down to the base, and just paint them that way, it's a good casual look, even if it gets chipped.

>> No.10107837

Best of both worlds.

>> No.10107840

Sorry buddy.

It's a man.

>> No.10107844

We're all pink on the inside.

>> No.10107851


Kill yourself

>> No.10107853

You can't be short and tall at the same time. You can't be a black man and a white man simultaneously. You can't be a poor and rich nigga. You can't be athletic and have no athleticism. OP is a man, OP looks like a man, OP will look like a man no matter what he wears or cuts off.

>> No.10107856
File: 4 KB, 225x225, uhurting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u r on the wrong side of history.

youre gonna be embarassed as the years go on

>mfw thinking of u hurting

>> No.10107865

why the fuck would a guy want to be a girl? girls are inferior in every possible way to men. like i get this is 4chan and people have fucked up stupid fetishes like injecting feces into their dickholes and stuff but come on, this is just wrong.

>> No.10107868


Does it matter what sort of eyeliner I get? I think this is where I get hung up. There's so so many brands and seemingly tons of different makeup thingies.


Eh, I unno about the breast implants. I like being being mostly flat chested. The pills honestly aren't that bad either. Two pills everyday and they're not awfully expensive. I can't really explain to you why I don't want to settle for being an effeminate male. It's just how I feel.


It's my shining feature.


Good idea, thanks!




All I can do is try my darnedest.

>> No.10107869
File: 19 KB, 628x342, danny-brown-reveals-old-producers-features.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u 8?

i ask cause when you are that young it can only be night and day

when you get a little older you learn about afternoon and the evening

then you learn about how it can be like 9am or 130 pm.

>tldr u r dumb and stubborn

>> No.10107879

are u anywhere near a sephora or makeup place like that?

if so go there and ask for somehelp, maybe even pay to have someone do your makeup once and you can learn and get suggestions from them. other than that google and youtube are your friends. how much you spend matters with makeup. you get what you pay for

>> No.10107894

>height is relative
>5'2, 5'8 6'0 6'4
>multiracial people? what about asian and latino people and all the other races?
>what about middleclass people? what about niggarich versus regular rich? what about rich versus ultra rich?

r u literally retarded? cuz i think u r

>> No.10107900
File: 2.45 MB, 252x152, 1408102176685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man who pretends to be a woman and sucks dick, you fool. It's like you don't want your dick sucked.

>> No.10107914

why is danny brown such a dopey looking motherfucker

>> No.10107918

He cuts his hair with a weed whacker

>> No.10107921

It can't be afternoon and evening simultaneously. Nor evening, morning, and afternoon simultaneously. Shit analogy tbh
5'2 and 5'8 are short, flat out. 6'4 is tall, 6'0 borderline average. Multiracial people aren't considered white if they're mixed with anything else. Middle class people are middle class, not poor nor rich. Nigga rich is just a rich person who will soon be poor.

>> No.10107922
File: 111 KB, 1024x576, danny-brown-schoolboy-q-asap-rocky-tour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the real question is
>how is this dopey looking nigga so /fa/

>> No.10107927

op youre so cute fml

>> No.10107930

It 5' O'clock somewhere. Did you not get the PSA from island country?

>> No.10107932

Not them but I'm not embarrassed regarding gay marriage legislation, when does the feeling of embarrassment begin? Are your beliefs dependent on the opinions expressed by those around you?

>> No.10107935

A dot S dot A dot P dot Silvester Stallone is one of the worst rappers I've ever had the displeasure of hearing.

>> No.10107937

idk, how long till people were embarassed about thinking schools should be seperated? my grandparents are emebarassed about that

>> No.10107940
File: 2.02 MB, 2592x1728, lolla-portraits2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going by your pics, I think emulating Tegan and/or Sara is a good way to go for you. They both have that jaw going but they still look feminine.

>> No.10107943

Schools are still pretty separated in the states so tell them not to give themselves such a hard time.

>> No.10107949
File: 103 KB, 598x899, 1409978682971(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies should all dress like lesbians. You heard it here first.

>> No.10107953

we agree on something! =]

>> No.10107956

>i-i-it's 2015, get over my degeneracy already
tumblr pls

>> No.10107959

No they look like men.

>> No.10107967


>Lesbians are not women

>> No.10107970

Are you saying we should have one monolithic federal boarding school centrally located in Topeka where all the nations youth are schooled and housed until age 18 like prisoners. With racial tensions higher than ever and prison like consensual segregation despite efforts to deter it and rape statistics through the roof with assaults on faculty frequent because I doubt that would work, you idiot.

>> No.10107972

A man that dresses masculine will probably just look like a male

>> No.10107978

>Lesbians don't want to be men

>> No.10107979

>I can neither read nor comprehend, you idiot!

>> No.10107983
File: 17 KB, 300x300, Danny-Brown_09-12-2013-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn you're right
i wish i could look that stupid and still be /fa/
maybe if i rapped about eating pussy i could also fuck up my hair and knock out my teeth and still be cool

>> No.10107992

I clearly comprehended, moved past it, and extrapolated from the implications. And that idea is dumb. What we need to do is pump cocaine, meth, and aids into the ghettos and keep the black man down. Except in sports for our amusement. And in the presidency, but only if he talks and sounds exactly like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. That's a voice America can trust to work together with Vin Diesel to stop crime.

>> No.10107999


>lesbians are secret trannies

>> No.10108003
File: 1.99 MB, 350x300, the-smile-man-willen-dafoe-creepy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10108014

you really lost it there
how do you make it through the day? like, if your boss tells you to work harder, do you just launch into an hour long rant? do you like have a heart attack each time the light changes to red? and id hate to see what happens if someone in front of you is walking real slow up the stairs and you cant get around them

>> No.10108025


>> No.10108034

>do you like have a heart attack each time the light changes to red? and id hate to see what happens if someone in front of you is walking real slow up the stairs and you cant get around them

Do you fucking know me or something? I yell loudly at the stop lights about how I want to take a hammer to the civil engineer who did this to me's balls so that his seed will be wiped from the earth forever. And I seethe when people are slow in front of me. Or when people in front of me in line sample food. I seriously want to punch them in the back of the head. I'm tall and take full strides so pretty much everyone is way too slow.

But I really like to make fun of people with vocal political beliefs.

>> No.10108047

i hate to spoil your fun but being an angry asshole isn't a funny or endearing trait and it will not get you friends

>> No.10108049

>I failed basic anatomy

>> No.10108063

The only people who don't love me are the ones who like to pretend to be good people in their virtual representations online yet treat the people they should actually care about like shit. You know, most people at rock shows with twitter and instagram accounts. The people with maybe one gay friend who made their profile pictures rainbows so that everyone knows how good of a person they are. The people always looking to morally one up each other instead of actually abiding by the one simple rule I do. Just don't be a dick. Move out of the right lane at stop lights when there is no right turn lane and you are going straight. Move aside to the smaller water fountain when you're filling your water bottle and someone is behind you. Clean up your own mess. Don't send people dick pics. Seemingly standard stuff that nearly no one seems to get right.

>> No.10108075

>I failed at life so I desperately have to make stranger feel bad on the Internet

>> No.10108082

I think the first thing you need to do is get a diary because you are writing way too much and going way off topic and it's a little overwhelming

>> No.10108084
File: 77 KB, 960x640, 1421639632212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're alive you haven't failed at life yet. Now if you die before having kids, then you failed at life.

>> No.10108093

What I really want to do is be a prophet and make a religion where I'm the only one who gets to see my harem naked and my hands are super hairy and super clean at the same time because I wash them a lot. I have to use a ton of lotion but it's worth it.

>> No.10108156

Are you like actually autistic? No offense if you are or aren't, but you sound autistic
Either that or this is a joke. If so it's kinda funny but not terribly. As in, I can see the humor but I don't feel much like laughing

>> No.10108276



>> No.10108310

Why is America such a degenerate country?

>> No.10108336

ever heard of democracy and freedom, shitlord?

>> No.10108337

I don't think you get the implications. You see, the arabs want us to think that washing their hands is just a religious ritual. It isn't. Everyone knows that if you're hairy you can't be clean anyway. So why do they do it? Because it is the real source of the oil. Do you think that there is really that much oil under sand dunes? Fuck no, otherwise they wouldn't be that dry. The arabs wash their hands to harvest the massive amounts of natural oil on their skin. It's their most well kept secret, similar to the Chinese and silk. After all, if Greece harvested it's natural skin oil then OPEC would be out of business and we would have oil for a hundred years. Plus Greece would escape it's financial downfall.

You are so dumb and blind. This is basic pseudoscience.

>> No.10108356

>I'm not even from /pol/
/pol/ isn't a board on 4chan. it's something you carry in your heart, anon ;)

>> No.10108382
File: 865 KB, 608x1070, 1434324092082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Using shitlord not ironically.

>> No.10108410

You're such a scummy piece of shit

>> No.10108415
File: 104 KB, 1024x748, 1415899367793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10108418


A brown eyeliner pencil is pretty forgiving and subtle while defining your eyes. Black may be a bit harsh with your hair colour, but it really depends on the rest of your look. I'd also recommend a BB cream/tinted moisturiser or any other kind of natural-looking lightweight foundation to even out any skin issues. Pick up a mascara, eyelash curler as well as an eyebrow pencil- it really makes all the difference. You can't go wrong with Maybelline's mascaras- my all time favourite is their Full n Soft waterproof. Everything above is pretty much all I wore when I first started.

Remember to factor in makeup removal in your skincare routine, since makeup can fuck up your skin in the long run, if you let it.

How well you look in makeup is solely dependent on how you apply and what products you use. I recommend beginning by looking at subtle everyday makeup tutorials on YouTube, or really simple day looks. Stay within a low budget, and stick to priceline/drugstore stuff in the mean time while you figure out what works for you. It'll be easier on your wallet in the long run. Don't be scared to fuck up!

>> No.10108422

You're a good guy
Fuck pol such a cesspool

>> No.10108427


>> No.10108428
File: 190 KB, 1024x768, 1408324539445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10108447

Don't run away from your responsibilities as a man. What would your grandfather think?

You will never be a woman. You might be able to pass, but you will never be fulfilled. You think you'll be satisfied at 50 years old with no spouse and no children, a lonely tranny?

Get on testosterone replacement therapy if you really need to, but good God, don't chop off your nethers and take estrogen.

>> No.10108469

youre nothing. I will always be more of a man than you. when your motivaton to lift peters out when you get into med school and you realize you don't have the time or inclination to reach the body you've always wanted, ill be in there. achieving a level of fitness and a physique you've only ever dreamt about and only ever posted about in ideal body threads. I live the life people like you think Is impossible to achieve. because it truly is for you.

your woman, your future wife, any girl you've ever been with, will forever always be willing to leave you for me. I hold that power over guys like you. I am a real man. I am lusted after and desired in ways you will never experience. your life value rests on your achievements. I simple am proud of being.

when you go to sleep next to your trophy wife a few years from now, know that as she gently coos in her soft sleep, shes dreaming of hanging off my arm as we watch the sun set over vast mies of ocean in the pacific.

when the war comes and you get your ass drafted as a medic, flunk out and get sent to the grunts because of your lack of discipline, I will be the one pushing your ass out of a chopper in a hot LZ. ill be the one dragging your limp corpse that took a bullet to the chest cause he panicked and couldn't remember his training and keep his head down and got his ass shot up. the space you leave behnd will be filled up with air, cause that's all youre worth. you are nothing. I am forever greater than anything you can ever hope to achieve.

>> No.10108494
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>> No.10108504
File: 1.08 MB, 180x200, 1411704856078.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to learn how to be funny. You're bad at it.

>> No.10108508

>You think you'll be satisfied at 50 years old with no spouse and no children, a lonely tranny?
It'll just get a cat.

>> No.10108599
File: 54 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ isn't a board on 4chan. it's something you carry in your heart, anon ;)


>> No.10108619
File: 82 KB, 500x500, 1393526532946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people actually care about things

>> No.10108643

I'd let you blow me if you asked nicely ya fag lel. Post ass/taint pic you twink.

>> No.10108845



>> No.10109021

haha lol

>> No.10109477

Do you really want to spend the rest of your life thinking about yourself and your gender? You need to get some therapy and get out of your head. You're going down a rabbit hole which only leads deeper into your own head, and you're going to find that when you get where you're going, you'll be miserable.

You don't have to do this. You can find other ways of coping with your difficult life.

>> No.10109646

i wonder if any MtF have tried increasing their testosterone dosage instead and been like

cured or something. clearly im a doctor

sorry you got such a shit hand with the whole "is a man, feels is woman" deal there, op. hope you get better, whatever better is

>> No.10109651

Holy shit that pic

I'm dead

>> No.10109663

pluck eyebrows

>> No.10110738
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x2907, 1435649455746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same problem as you op, usually I just wear a dress with tights, mostly with a coat or maybe a cardigan covering it. You look banging in pic though.

>> No.10110793

You pass pretty damn well, OP, imo. Stop over analyzing yourself (I do it too, but I'm working on it). You don't have any visible acne and your posture is fine.

Also maybe visit 420chan's /cd/ board if you want a non-hugbox experience.

>> No.10110803

I tried working out a shit ton a couple years ago, that increases testosterone, but it didn't help at all. If anything it was a nice distraction for a while but that's it.

>> No.10110871

You already look like a 5/10 girl I used to work with, so you're gonna be pretty good once you're done

Here's what I noticed:
1) Take better care of your hair. You have really nice hair naturally but you're not quite treating it correctly. Just go to a hair stylist and ask for tips on which, if any, products you should use.
2) Sorting out your acne needs to happen but you're onto that
3) If I were you, I'd go for like the "kawaii" look. Get oversize/baggy sweaters (avoid zip ups) that don't really show your figure and then have tight jeans to counter it. Long sleeves are your friend. I'd buy a hair straightener maybe. That's really all I have to say, you're doing pretty well.

>> No.10110925

>visible acne
I only saw the pic you posted here initially. Didn't look at the imgur pics right away

>> No.10110964


>> No.10110971

oh fuck off

>> No.10111024

Nigga give that horse it's teeth back.

>> No.10111030

You are actually really qt.
However, you still are degenerate castrated scum.

>> No.10111039

>hey /fa/, I'm trans. Give fashion advice?
Anon, there is a bit of an issue with that.

>> No.10111054

Stop fucking namefagging.

>> No.10111093
File: 1.95 MB, 300x225, fedodo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10112431

can we get some pics of your legs and feet pls op

>> No.10112789
File: 79 KB, 508x720, 11079703_945470218797788_90704309831044997_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought there would be women here too...
Have you forgotten where you are? Even the women here have penises (you)

>> No.10112841

kill yourself

>> No.10112882

You're really good looking and have the potential to look really feminine. Just do what you feel like. The feminine confidence will follow.

>> No.10112940

As soon as I saw OP's last photo I definitely thought of Tegan & Sara.

I think you look great op but I think certain very subtle make-up tricks like defining your brows more and adding subtle lip color will do great things. Minimal make-up for me is brows, lips, and lashes (curl and brown mascara) and I look at least more put together even if my hair usually has that same "just rolled out of bed" thing that you have going on.

>> No.10113012

fellow tranny here
FIRST OF ALL, /fa/ is very very very transphobic, so mentioning you're trans is a big no-no, okay?
Always find a way to ask your question or seek advice w/o bringing up your T
2-mtfg on /lgbt/ can be useful for fashion advice, the posters you want to ask are Dollface and Ufufu

Okay, on to your actual post:

>What can I do to pass better?
from what I see in the OP pic, you pass well enough, you look like a regular girl.
If anything; >eyeliner and mascara, >lipgloss >foundation
idk what your facial hair situation is like, but if you only want light coverage, you could just wear a bbcream
>Like, how can I style my hair?
idk, I'd get a clavicut; but once you know your face shape, you can look for styles that work for that shape. keep bangs, it makes it *easier* to pass, although I don't think you NEED them.
>What shape is my face?
looks oval to me
>And are there any androgynous looks I could adopt?
do you wanna be androgynous?
I mean, there was an androgynous thread some time back, so here you go
>Right now I dress and look very lazy, like a stoner as my friends tell me.
if anything, as long as you're tucking and wearing women's garments, you should be fine. if your body is taking along time to change, you could but a corset and corset train. I think there is still a thread on /cd/ about that.
>Also, my acne is far better than what these pictures show. I was just without my spironolactone for a while and my acne flared.
what facial clensing products do you use? I'd look up acne cures for your skin type and skin color, I'm not an expert.
asking the skin care thread on /cgl/ would be worth your time.
or just lurk, the same info gets covered there alot.

>> No.10113030

>>I am on hormones. Three months so far I believe.
oh yeah, you'll be fine, in 3 months, jack all happens, wait until you're a year, 18 months, 2 years; as long as your dosage is correct you'll probably see alotof changes

>> No.10113097
File: 86 KB, 801x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"They don't agree with LGBT views? HOW UNPROGRESSIVE AND INTOLERANT! ITZ 2015!!! Might as well post that fedora meme XDDD1!"

Literally cringe.

>Crossboarding over here and bringing your degenerate views
>"if u don't like X then you're a X phobe"

Fuckers like you are what ruin boards.
This is why nobody fucking likes tumblr ,reddit users or even /lgbt/ anons.
Because detecting cancer is something that should get common hate.
Luckily, OP isn't that autistic and admits to his mental illness.
He gets my respect for that.

>> No.10113113

fuck off back to your retard containment board
/fa/ was my first and formerly main board, until people like yourself (also crossboarding) ruined the board quality with your retardation.
I'm entitled to be here; I know more about fashion than you most likely, and I'm probably older and was here first.
so again, fuck off.

>> No.10113125

>leterally crenge, this make me crenge xD
>oMg cRiNgE
>CCCringEEEEE xDdDddd

the point is that youre a fucking enormous faggot for giving a shit about the topic

>> No.10113151

just do the stuff girls do. their routines and such. EASY! it really is. also, just keep up the mones and that shit will magically turn you into hot piece of ass.

speaking of ass, pls post more pictures...

>> No.10113177

a...are u a man?

>> No.10113288

u first :^)

>> No.10113293

>i've been browsing for 2 weeks and have only been shitposting but i think it's pretty safe to say the i can speak for the entire board

>> No.10114091

Don't reason with bait

>> No.10114125


Please no more bumps

>> No.10114131

you'll always look like a man, you'll never pass to 90% of the population

>> No.10114133

good luck with it all. I'm sorry this has been raided.

>> No.10114136

transgenerates BTFO

>> No.10114140

This goes against your leftist theory that gender is a socialconstruct. So which is it?

>> No.10114262

Up your brow game and wear "natural" makeup maybe

>> No.10114788

I would deff bang you if i didnt know that you a dude

>> No.10114793

is that poyd?

>> No.10114859


>> No.10115059

i might need to see your cawk first

>> No.10115083

where them nudes at then
would really like to see what you have iykwim (;

>> No.10115160

I wouldn't take hormones if I were you. I feel like that really fucks up your body, but if you want to sex change then I guess you have to? Idk the science behind it.
Either way:
>wear make up
>good eyeliner
>contouring contouring and CONTOURING
>lip stick but a nude color
>eye shadow
>do your brows to look feminine
>fake lashes to look feminine
Do all that and you'll be pretty af

>> No.10115165

Also change your hairstyle, it looks too middle school ish, the bangs are too long.

>> No.10115257
File: 49 KB, 170x268, 1426806622467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By what standard do you determine which side of history, if there even are sides, is the correct one?

>> No.10115276

pigfuck pls save us

>> No.10115311

You look like this one girl I'm still longing after, my heart jumped for a moment when I saw your pic and now I'm sad.

So yeah, you look feminine enough to pass

>> No.10116391


doesnt work. do u have another?

>> No.10117260

I just want /lgbt/ to stay on their own shit board

>> No.10117384
File: 327 KB, 1280x771, 1423185697661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck your butt a lot and grab your balls tightly while whispering in your ear that you'll never be a real woman.

Honestly you look okay. I've seen girls that look like you and I didn't think they were males, but I did think they looked kinda goofy (not ugly). I think you could get away with it now if you go with your current "plain" androgynous look, as opposed to being "too feminine". Honestly, a lot of it depends on your body. How tall are you? Do you have a wide frame? Shoulder:hip ratio? Is your voice feminine? Is your skin fair? Do you smell like anything? There's more to being a woman than hair/clothes.

Best of luck to you. I really wish there were more qt traps in the world. Especially Asians.

>> No.10117735

It's weird that op hasn't come back again

>> No.10117778
File: 203 KB, 811x789, 1436061127475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still here. Just lurking and taking notes.

The meanness got to me I guess but there's some really great advice here so I'm trying to stick around.

>> No.10117789

Hey, don't let them get you down- I would date you.

>> No.10117799

just passing by but op you are real cute keep going!!! you got this

>> No.10117850


truly the only defining characteristic of /fa/ is being mean. i prefer it to websites that are just circle jerks. you have to get past it.

>> No.10117865

It's ok anon. I would love to do things with you! Pls~

>> No.10117940


>> No.10117982

any questions you still have? i like to think i'm pretty well versed on makeup and overall beauty stuff

>> No.10118122

Yeah, /fa/ is like that in recent years, just look at what they do in the black hair threads.
I'm trans and post all the time... Just can't mention the T is all.

>> No.10118146


>> No.10118251

don't have fucking enormous man hands if you want to be a woman. just a pointer.