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/fa/ - Fashion

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10091391 No.10091391 [Reply] [Original]

Why are these threads exclusive to /fit/?

okay so fatties who tend to buy from higher end brands aren't that bad because they understand that those clothes aren't meant for their pig bodies. so they do what they can with oversized stuff, accessories etc. it will look awful no matter what but owning the garment makes them happy. when we go lower with the price point though...WHY do they become so entitled?

like, no bitch uniqlo, zara, h&m, american apparel etc. doesn't fit "small" and don't TRY and bring "european" sizing into this it's not a thing. when your body shape resembles a mutated pear trying to squeeze into that medium isn't a good idea, that's why all your clothes fucking "fall apart" along with your nasty acid sweat from being fat. and they should be privileged of the fact that they're even allowed to wear normal clothes that aren't muumuus


kill them all



>> No.10091401
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settle down little tom

>> No.10091499


reddit used to have them too. It's pretty much redundant here, everyone knows that being a fatty is failure mode.

>> No.10091512
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but stories of fatties are the best part

>> No.10091563

Because pointless hate threads and posts are what prevent the forum from ever ascending past an 18 year old general userbase and beginner level of knowledge?

>> No.10091579

I kinda like a well fed man tbh, as long as they're strong under the extra chub.

>> No.10091662

Fuck off with this redddit tier shit

>> No.10091690
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every fucking time

>> No.10091826

Go Back to reddit or /pol/ or whatever bigoted shithole you came from


>> No.10092096
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/fhg/ can't work here. why do you think there's endless threads begging for "advice" on starving yourself

>> No.10092115

need more of this tbh

>> No.10092136

yea.. god damn that's hot
got a chubby just imagining that now

>> No.10092173
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oh god i can literally smell your lumpy thighs chafing together furiously. i'm getting lightheaded

GET o u t

>> No.10093610


I really don't get it

in another thread people are bashing Harry Styles legs because they probably touch when feet next to eachother

And in this thread is full of sjw people saying shit's hot and what not

>> No.10093648

I hate fatties but this is an excellent point and pretty much the answer to OP's question

>> No.10093851
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Dont wanna tip too hard here but whats the point of hating for the sake of hating?

>> No.10093912
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>And in this thread is full of sjw people saying shit's hot and what not

>> No.10094100

We r legun xd

>> No.10094380

Right...and /fa/ trying to be "above" stuff like this when one of the most popular active threads here is one about KNOCKOFFS. Constantly lurking reddit for people to bash etc.

>> No.10094539
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I'm from the /pol/ containment board (pls don't judge).

They fat shame every Friday. Last August I was 5'11 275 pounds. Since then I am now 150 pounds thanks to /fit/ reeducation, eating properly, running, jogging, lifting, biking, swimming everyday. I have since just started to reach otter mode -scarred from decade old stretch marks, which are just starting to fade - but otter mode nonetheless.

Shaming works. Keep it up!

>> No.10094546

le ebin humberto tan

>> No.10094552

You guys have a fucking warped view of what is actually fat though. I see people who weigh 120 and 130 lbs get called fat and I don't think it's a meme.

>> No.10094604

As long as you keep racism in /pol/, people won't care. I like browsing it from time to time tbh

>> No.10094625
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>> No.10094631

>Letting the internet decide your life
Wow. You must be the omega-est of omegas.

>> No.10094632

in what way does fat people buying clothes offends u?

im far from sjw btw, i just dont give a fuck about such a non-issue

just dress yourself bruh

>> No.10094639

because by existing they require clothing creators to tailor to their size

end result, wide clothes in large for tall people

lumpy smalls because the cuts are simply downscaled fatass sizes

>> No.10094674

yeah bc the majority of the population is obese. im sorry but thats just a problem in your fast good loving country with your shit tier brands

>> No.10094929

it's not a meme in /fa/ some people here think you have to be under 120 to be thin, they hate muscle too

>> No.10095127
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>tfw skinny af
>tfw fat fetish

>> No.10095353
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>> No.10095414


holy shit

>> No.10095421

wew lad

>> No.10095444
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>> No.10095460
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>> No.10095462
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>> No.10095465
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>> No.10095467

i bet she shopped at old navy

>> No.10095469
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>> No.10095471

her too

>> No.10095614

Real story from work

>coworkers and I having conversation about gym, fitness and weightloss
>overweight girl chimes in that she has given up on it due to genetics crap
>whole family is fat and eat 'healthy' but don't lose weight
>say thats not true
>personally come from a fat family, got motivated and lost 40kgs over a 4 year period
>get told i'm lying. have pictures on facebook from fat stage of life
>"yeah, but your also a guy. Guys are naturally supposed to be thin. Women will always hold their weight"
>this gets called out by everyone else
>she has started going to the gym

>> No.10095630

moral of the story... fat people are lazy and choose laziness in every facet of life. They rationalize their failure. Shame the obese until they understand they are the reason for their fatness.

>> No.10095692
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>maggots in legs

>> No.10095696

>this gets called out by everyone else
this is where I stopped believing, and believe me i want to

>> No.10095764


>> No.10095786

I'm the only guy there and the other couple girls are friends who are into fitness. Believe.

>> No.10095897

While I would say there's a perfectly good general on /fit/, I can sympathize with wanting one here. /fit/'s generally obsessed with being as big as possible, I like the thin aesthetics on /fa/ more. /r/fatpeoplehate helped me lose a ton of weight, almost skinny enough to qualify for effay skinniness.

>> No.10096003


>> No.10096142

Jesus christ I'm going for a jog

>> No.10096157
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/Fa/ shouldn't have these threads because they are cringe worthy on here. Yea... skelli fags talking shit about whales is fucking ironic.

FPH stays on /fit/.