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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 107 KB, 432x582, ss+(2015-07-09+at+04.32.00).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10089162 No.10089162 [Reply] [Original]


ill just leave this here

>> No.10089173


The model's face makes me really want to punch him

>> No.10089341

Dope. I copped it on day one.

>> No.10089368


Same. I wear it at uni and now I get loads of attention from girls with hair dyed various colours of red.

>> No.10089436

who wants to buy an ace cash pair
i cant get behind this bullshit

>> No.10089446

I think this is a satirical piece. Specifically a comment on the Beyonce feminist culture of simply slapping the word on yourself and pretending to be. Which is why they are in crooked-looking patches rather than simply printed like a lot of Acne designs.

>> No.10089464

This might be going too far but the knit even looks kind of like TV static.

>> No.10089473

Damn the knit is pretty sick. Too bad they had to destroy it with these shitty patches.

>> No.10089477

I mean for fuck's sake, the very first option on their site is "Shop woman" or "shop man". Surely this is somewhat tongue in cheek. I think it's an insult toward the far right types who don't even want to see the word anywhere, but also an insult to the left who think they can parade these words around without any real action other than pretending to be better than everyone else.

>> No.10089495

Interesting critiques in this thread.

I kinda want one just to have it for how ridiculous it is. It seems almost unwearable to me because it draws too much superficial attention. I'm curious what their actual intentions were behind this but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. It's out there and people are going to wear it different ways.

>> No.10089510
File: 63 KB, 1200x642, 2el153-903_b_76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only metallic sneaker i would ever wear.

>> No.10089639

they're Swedish though

>> No.10089650

The idea of Sweden being liberal utopia is just some /pol/ shit for teenagers

>> No.10089658

Maybe not true about Sweden overall but definitely true about Stockholm where Acne is based at.

>> No.10089667

but it is

it's infamous for being a socialist hellhole

>> No.10089674

>socialist hellhole

>> No.10089676

utopia no but the rest is mostly true

>> No.10089680
File: 238 KB, 730x924, 1434263252707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this image applies to all boards btw

you've been outed buddy

>> No.10089710

Acne are the strangest brand.

They have really clean, simple pieces that everyone should own. And then they just put out some crazy designs that aren't wearable and all their styling is fucking terrible.

>> No.10089722

People honestly like @Midnight?

>> No.10089727


Reddit is full of libertarians though

>> No.10089734

left wing ones though

>> No.10089751

All libertarians are just conservatives with weed addictions and Infowars.pseudoscience.fakejouranlism.org as their homepage

>> No.10089756



>> No.10089757

>What is a seam ripper Mr Trebek

>> No.10089760

Always amazed me how right-wing Muricans are obsessed with Sweden.

>> No.10089765

That's pretty fucking neato, love it

>> No.10089773

if you have ever been to a university you'd know leftists are far more obsessed

>> No.10089811

That's true, but it doesn't change the fact that /pol/'s right-wing obsession with Sweden is odd.

>> No.10089825

>tfw would actually wear but afraid of men judging and laughing at me

>> No.10089854

same, it's a cool sweater worn both ironiclly/unironiclly

>> No.10089862
File: 264 KB, 637x478, Peggy, this some nasty ass BBQ-sauce I swear I hate u bitch but the pussy game ridiculous I tell you what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironically wearing anything

>> No.10089920

not really
sweden is like distilled leftism and continuously tries to one up itself

>> No.10089929

I wanna see inspo on how to wear this?

>> No.10090987

It looks like it'd be pretty easy to fuck up, especially with a knit. I dunno, though.

>> No.10091271

The more colored the hair is the more poisonous she is.

>> No.10091276

You don't belong here.

>> No.10091294


i see no face

>> No.10091296


acne is a swedish based brand

>> No.10091318

they make a sweater like it without the patches.

>> No.10092811

I really would love to hear the rational behind this whole line. Have they ever explained it? Even a little. If it's what it seems to be on the surface then it's in terrible taste and it surprises me. I can't really think of a believable explanation other than the obvious though.

>> No.10092825

when has Acne or Swedish leftism ever been subtle
it's exactly what it appears to be

>> No.10092843

/pol/ is a containment board

we also have rule #3

so blatant race-related shitposting goes there and in /b/

>> No.10092975


this is literally meme-clothes

>> No.10092996

looks like a perfect fit for skele fags too