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/fa/ - Fashion

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10066550 No.10066550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw white girls ruined the phrase fuccboi


>> No.10066553
File: 12 KB, 283x283, 000000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw white girls are soon going to ruin the phrase "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"


>> No.10066567

I love the word “fuckboy”. After so many years of constantly hearing “slut”, “skank”, and “whore” mainly used as insults against women, it’s great to have one specialized for men. It’s great that we’re coming together to call out annoying, perverted, irrelevant men by calling them “fuckboys”. I love it. More, please.

>> No.10066568
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>White girls that try hard as fuck

>> No.10066572
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It's spelled fuccboi u fuccboi

>> No.10066575

yeah cause that was such a brilliant and hilarious thing in the first place.
isn't this from some deluded feminist news article

sounds like something vice would write

>> No.10066584

You think they equate? that's like saying "I'm glad i get to call white people honkey after years of being called a nigger"

>> No.10066586

I know it's copy pasta but...

>> No.10066590

>such a brilliant and hilarious thing

>you are honestly implying fuccboi qualifies

>> No.10066607

square as bitches saying 'fuckboy'

im all 'wtf is a fuckboy? i know what a fuccboi is, are you trying to say fuccboi?'

>> No.10066611

How did they "ruin" it?
It's just a word.

>> No.10066615

>call out annoying, perverted, irrelevant men by calling them “fuckboys”.

lol that isn't what fuccboi (proper spelling is v important) means

silly girl :-)

>> No.10066638


There are three different versions of fuckboy

- Fuckboy (original) insult frequently heard in hip hop, similar in meaning to 'bitch made'

- Fuccboi: Bastardised version of the original, used in streetwear circles (mainly online ofc) - think full HBA rip-off type outfits - thats a fuccboi

- Fuckboy (white girl version) - Male version of 'basic bitch' if you will - likely to be used by a girl towards someone who is an asshole towards her friends etc

>> No.10066646

Google fuckboy and you're likely to end up on an FBI watchlist.

Google fuccboi and you'll find links to people that dress like retards.

Fuccboi wins.

>> No.10066650

i didn't mean to

>> No.10066667

yeah, take it back, fuckboys

don't let them appropriate it

stand proud and tall, and say I am a fuckboy


>> No.10066705

>defending the white women

Pretty shit taste there fuckboy

>> No.10066713
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We know you tumblrcucks need to fuck.

>> No.10066776

You know theres a very simple and obviously biological reason that women who sleep around are called sluts, and men arnt.

The biological risk to a man sleeping around is a higher risk to STD's, which can mostly be treated(HIV is hardly a risk to a man having vaginal sex, even if its unprotected and the women is positive)
The biological risk to a woman is being impregnated, and no longer a productive, viable person for the next 12-24 months.

To make it really simple though:
mens penis's are keys. Womens cunts are locks.
A penis that works in a bunch of locks is very useful. A lock that can be opened by any key is worthless.

tl;dr-Women can try to own slut all they want. Competent people know why its a bad thing tho.

>> No.10066784

you're spelling it wrong its fuccboi you fucking normie


>> No.10066941

ur literally triggering me

>> No.10066950

Get this off topic frog spam back to r9k

This has nothing to do with fashion

>> No.10066978

The term 'fuccboi' has everything to do with fashion

>> No.10066982
File: 75 KB, 1024x946, tumblr_nqiv26EwRg1rckw3lo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10066991

>not knowing fuccboi is /fa/ as fuck

>> No.10066996

first week on /pol/, huh

>> No.10067002

King Cuck sits on a throne of lies

>> No.10067014

This has been common knowledge for thousands of years

>> No.10067022

>tumblr filename

Okay fuck off already

>> No.10067023

At this point I don't even know what fuccboi even means. Even the white girl version have multiple meanings now.

>> No.10067027

This is entry level right wing rhetoric. You don't have to be a 4chan drone in every aspect, you know.

>> No.10067028

who's Moot?

>> No.10067037

I thought it was funny.

>> No.10067038

Hahahaha holy shit this guy was actually following 4chan tags on tumblr, saw this picture, though EBIN! and posted it here without changing the file name.

What a grade A faggot

>> No.10067045

run the jewels ruined it. now redditors use it.

>> No.10067046

fuckboys will be fuckboys

>> No.10067052

I tried telling a girl that it was fuccboi and she called me a fuckboy :(

>> No.10067072

>when the joke goes right over your head

>> No.10067105

>I was just pretending to be retarded :^)

>> No.10067109


>> No.10067113

>cheggm8 XD

>> No.10067134

Superomong has graced me with his presence in /fa/

>> No.10067143

>Believing moot

You're pathetic m8

>> No.10067148

very ironic, dark, clever, yes, i like

>> No.10067161

>a term that sad-boy wannabe hypebeasts picked up because they like to dabble in Ebonics to impress their internet friends
>not dumb as fuck to begin with

>implying summer exists
>being that summer

>> No.10067168

red pill pls go

>> No.10067186


I actually added that "summer" in rest text.
I'll take it off then,but don't try to deny the fact that shit is happening.

>> No.10067202

>believing a random namefag

for what purpose, probably not even a mod

>> No.10067212

U r gay

>> No.10067259
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>2012 meme
>Tumblr file name

Can such cancer even exist?

>> No.10067301

Well /fa/ there's always Herb that some of us were discussing some time ago. It just won't be the same.

normies ruin everything REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE