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10020766 No.10020766 [Reply] [Original]

Skincare General

Skin care basics: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment: http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Retinoids: http://www.skinacea.com/retinoids/retinoids.html
Sunscreen: http://www.skinacea.com/sunscreen/sunscreen.html
Ridding dark eye circles: http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

Recommended products and applications: http://pastebin.com/XeBKDSMZ
Dark circles: http://pastebin.com/t796eKvr
Soap, pH, irritants, and synthetic detergents: http://pastebin.com/51yse1NE
Popping pimples: http://pastebin.com/MufDiSfy
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation: http://pastebin.com/GXYPdwMf
Skin tone and diet: http://cdfile.cf/f/6a48b61e.txt
Causes of acne: http://pastebin.com/tudaKWmN

>> No.10020776

how much water should i drink everyday
and does it matter if i drink it all at once

>> No.10020779
File: 18 KB, 504x548, 10084703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend this for mild acne. It's fuqqin siqq

>> No.10020791

My least favorite facial feature is my uneven eyelids. Is there any non-surgical way to fix this? I can post a pic if that would help.

>> No.10020796

How to make acne marks go away in 1 month
They've been there for around 6 months already

>> No.10020805

Damn, I have this, don't now if it works, maybe it'd be a lot worse if I didn't use it.

>> No.10020812

My girl goes to her bro's skincare clinic and have a laser section when she has big ass acne.
She has like 3 days wearng band-aids on it tho.

>> No.10020815

i'm so tired of my acne and super oily skin.
i'm getting a doctor's appointment because i've already tried a hundred options myself.

>> No.10020838

rate my skincare collection

ps. I don't know much about the subject, I just bought stuff that seemed good


1 month? I think laser treatment is the only way

I think ~1 gallon (~3,5 liter) is ideal. I drink half a gallon (not counting what I drink with breakfast, lunch and dinner) and I think it's enough

>> No.10020840

get on IRC brah

let's write our fingers off and see what happens

>> No.10020847

what channel you guys use?

>> No.10020924
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Couple questions:

I have this, should I use it?

What order do I use each product in?

How many times a day?

Which ones require a wet face, which ones dry?

Which do I rinse after, which do I not?

Do I fit in a mineral mask? If so, when?

Been battling with my skin for a long time and it really hurts my self esteem, thanks /fa/

>> No.10021026

#effay @ irc.rizon.net

not quite open for business yet though
just sticky discussion there sometimes

>> No.10021051

Alright, getting on IRC. I'll be on a flight later today so I'm bored at the airport - ready to contriboot!

>> No.10021156

what do for hyper pigmentation?

also i have the la roche posay effaclear set, it's fucking incredible.

>> No.10021346

do NOT drink lots of water at once, you'll feel bloated and you can die (from brain swelling)

>> No.10021534
File: 1.58 MB, 657x1920, tumblr_n8zeftSdBG1r07gtuo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember it's a general guide for the order of products that are out there.
Everyone's face is different and not everyone does (or needs to do) all of this every night.

>> No.10021545

tbh reddit is pretty great for skincare, lots of archived info and actual derms on r/skincareaddiction

>> No.10021559

Sunscreen (every time you go out!), products containing niaciamide

>> No.10021656
File: 1.96 MB, 350x350, 1434864186069.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does being unhygienic as fuck negatively effect skin?

>> No.10022590

What to do about hyperpigmentation?

>> No.10022595

do you seriously need this answered for you?

>> No.10022603

You could try Murad Post-Acne Spot Lightening Gel or "Environmental Shield Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Serum". There are cheaper alternatives to those products though.

The ones I linked are specifically designed to take care of hyperpigmentation (as in: dark brown spots).

Also, make sure that you protect the area from UV/sunlight - by the use of sunscreen +30 SPF or something. Will probably get worse otherwise.

+ read what is written in OP:


>> No.10023105


>> No.10023673

have been weaning myself from sleeping face down, to sleeping face up. i think my skin is getting better.. but falling asleep is becoming impossible... i will stick through with it

>> No.10024234

Just switch pillow cases more regularly

and use something anti-acne b4 bed

>> No.10024319

i think the most you can drink at once without dying is something like 2 liters

>> No.10024827

my skin feels great today!

>> No.10025025


I feel like my skin is getting better since i started using Cerave PM moisturiser. Then again, maybe it's only the placebo effect or something.

>> No.10025042

I have a terrible rash on my neck. It comes down from my head in perfect round drip shapes. I have eczema, but this doesn't look like it. I take medication that can cause necrosis, so I'm quite worried about it. How can I get it to fuck off?

>> No.10025090

started accutane 2 weeks ago, skin and lips are already incredibly dry. Which moisturisers and lip balms are best to prevent / suppress this?

>> No.10025112

Is it normal to have a slightly burning feeling after applying benzoyl peroxide?
I use benzac 5 %

>> No.10025181
File: 401 KB, 994x994, 1434438473781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see your doctor

there are several recommended products in OP post, also see pic.

yes, together with redness, scaling, dry skin. try reading the patient information leaflet that should be included with your product.

>> No.10025190

So I have been using this products in this order for about 2 months now.

Morning after shower-
>rinse face with warm water
>Cetaphil cleanser
>rinse face with cold water
>witch hazel
>air dry
>CeraVe moisturizer

>rinse face with warm water
>Cetaphil cleanser
>rinse face with cold water
>witch Hazel
>air dry
>10% benzoyle preroxide all over face

My pores around and on my nose got a little smaller but other than that my face really hasn't gotten any smoother or less bumps. I would say I have mild acne, nothing terrible. A couple small white heads every now and then. What else can I try?

>> No.10025193


Forgot to mention I have pretty oily skin, mostly on and around my nose.

>> No.10025637
File: 76 KB, 500x750, tumblr_m2axi67xu71rnx6mdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have normal skin no acne or whatsoever How do i achieve maximum radience?

>> No.10026146

make sure you guys are taking ice cold showers

>> No.10026234

Does anyone here use tretinoin aka Retin-A? I started it in March and recently switched from cream to gel. Not sure if it's working.

>> No.10026245

Can anyone recommend Panoxyl stuff?

>> No.10026257

I was actually thinking about buying some of this? will it help with sun damaged skin? My forehead and nose is really red. acne. on forehead as well.

you been using for months and not sure if it's working? cmon man you really should know by now

>> No.10026259
File: 50 KB, 640x420, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my routine.

-rinse face with hot water

-clean shave if I'm going to shave

-rinse face again with hot water

-apply facial wash (I'm using Cetaphil facial cleanser atm, but usually I use Bulldog) if it is a Wednesday or a Friday I'll use a face scrub or exfoliator instead

-rinse face with icy cold water

-apply moisturiser (Olay SPF 15)
Pic related. My skin doesn't usually look this bad I swear

>> No.10026266
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Another pic from the same day

>> No.10026267

I think it's only available by prescription. At least in the US. Not sure if it helps with sun damage. AFAIK it's prescribed for acne and anti-aging.

I'm not sure if it's working because when I switched from cream to gel a couple weeks ago I broke out worse than I have in over a year. Maybe it was the "purging" stage (which I'm not sure if momscience or not). It's only now starting to get better.

>> No.10026268

reminder that pore shrinking/expansion by hot/cold water is a myth

>> No.10026277

isn't it regenerative? helps the skin regenerate? more cell turnover?

>> No.10026285

>this is considered bad

i wish my skin was as clear as yours

>> No.10026288

Something like that. I think that's what all drugs in the retinoid class do. I'm not an expert, though.

>> No.10026292

Your skin looks pretty good for somebody that can actually grow facial hair.

It is pretty much always more difficult to avoid redness or guarantee'd ingrown hairs when you have thick stubble. I usually do a bit of a cleanser before a first clean shave though, you may try adding that to your routine in between your first two steps.

>> No.10026313

Oh trust me I'm not complaining, I realise I'm lucky to have as clear skin as I do.
But it could be better.
Yeah my face looks so stubbly the day after a clean shave, and the hair is so dark.
I'd shave everyday if it wasn't for the ramifications on my skin.
>cleanser before shave
That might be a good idea actually, I'm pretty sure the way I shave is pretty bad too - I just wet shave with hot water with a disposable razor

>> No.10026329
File: 144 KB, 768x1024, cystic_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some fucking help /fa/

I'm a 19 year old male, I've been fighting cystic acne since I was like 11

I've tried every type of retin-a and benzoyl peroxide, been on minocycline, doxycycline, and tetracycline various times since I was 13 or so, and even took a course of accutane last year but it came back 6 months later

Now I'm back on minocycline and using onexton cream, washing my face in the morning and at night, changing my pillowcase literally every 2 days (flipping sides each night) but my skin still fucking sucks. It looks kind of like pic related but the pimples are redder and more swollen

Will this shit ever get better by itself? My parents won't take me to the derm anymore because they insist it's just a teenager thing and it'll just "clear up" in a few years. I know it's impossible to tell what my body will do but has anyone else been in a similar situation and grown out of it? I honestly feel like it'll never go away

Any recommendations on what to do? I'm definitely not going to try and just stop everything and let my skin work naturally like I've seen recommended before....after I finished accutane I did nothing but spray water on my face in the shower and it was glorious, but slowly I started washing my face again, putting cream on again, and eventually taking pills again because it crept up worse and worse. If I stopped everything my face would explode honestly

I just want it to go away ;_;

>> No.10026346

Wish I could help :(
Feel bad for you mayne

>> No.10026359

I've got loads of blackheads on my nose, have had them since 13/14. They aren't painful and rarely if ever develop into spots, and you can't even really notice them unless you look up close, but I really want them gone. I tried the stick on patch things when I was younger and they never seemed to work, any other advice?

>> No.10026366

Cystic, already did one round of accutane?

Go for accutane again. Nothing else can treat severe cystic.

A second round will definitely clear it up, it's actually not that uncommon to need a second round either. And 6 months seems a bit short for severe cystic, you should have done at least 7.

>> No.10027050

Never use pore strips again.
Those are sebaceous filaments, totally normal. Use a retinoid to reduce their appearance.

>> No.10027164

I'll give you some pieces of information that I hope will be helpful:

- It's a common misconception that acne is a disease limited to puberty, and that if you still have it once you're out of puberty then it's there to stay. Almost half of all women and men still have acne in their 20s, but prevalence drops steadily as we age. --- Source example: "The prevalence of acne in adults 20 years and older" by Collier et al. It's on Wikipedia, too. You can use this to convince your parents of that there no guarantee that your acne will cease as you exit puberty, and therefore you should have access to care now.

- Acne can cause, and contribute to, severe self-esteem issues, anxiety, depression, social isolation, and (of course) romantic failures. It is a skincare disease, and it disfigures the most important asset we have in terms of looks. Your parents need to realize how much this can affect your life. --- For a source example for the above, see "What's new in acne? An analysis of systematic reviews published in 2011-2012" by Bhate and Williams.

. Acne recurrence for oral isotretinoin (Accutane) treatment is highly dependent on daily dosage and treatment duration. In one study, 40% of patients treated with 0.1 mg/kg per day needed to be retreated, while only 10% of patients who
had been treated with 1.0 mg/kg per day needed retreatment. It is very possible for you to be treated during a longer duration, and/or with a higher dosage. --- Source - On Acne, in "Evidence-Based Dermatology", by Williams et al.

I rarely recommend Accutane to anyone, but for some people it seems to be very needed. Nothing compares to the efficacy of Accutane when it comes to cystic acne.

The fact that your skin was "glorious" after the treatment is a clear indicator of that it worked, and it is something you should try again - provided that the side effects wasn't too grave for you.

Convince your parents (or don't. you're +18). See a derm. Get the treatment you need.

>> No.10027199

Just keep the side effects in mind. Accutane is potent stuff, as you probably already know.

If there's anything else I can help you with information/support-wise, then let me know. I would love to know how it goes for you.


I don't think we can settle what it is based off that information. It might be sebaceous filaments, it might be open comedones. It's very common for people to believe that what is on their nose is blackheads, when it is in fact SF. It can regardless of that be treated in the same way, to some extent. Ascorbic acid, various AHAs, salicylic acid... Will all decrease their appearance. It's OTC, too - unlike most-all of the topical retinoids.

I don't know about the efficacy of topical retinoids on SF. They're proven to be good at combating both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne, though.

>> No.10027358

My acne has mostly cleared. I just have a problem with oily face. Stopped using benzoyl peroxide and it helped reduce a little.
Still don't know how to get oil face under control without dehydrating the skin I can't find a friggin' balance.
Doesn't help I take methotrexate for my psorysis either.

>> No.10027434
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Which one of you fuckers use this I know one of you does

>> No.10027466

i used to why?

>> No.10027495

I've been on 0.025%, noticed a very very slight difference, but it was generic trentenoin gel

I'm starting 0.5% branded retin a tomorrow, looking for any experiences or pointers

>> No.10027503

What's that website that allows you to search skin care products and it gives a rating/10 on how safe/good the ingredients are?

>> No.10027531

"GoodGuide". I think it's quite a bad guide, tho. They're like "this product is bad because it contains this ingredient" - without any regard for concentration. What they base their guidelines on is also a bit controversial.

See a defense for the CeraVe Cleanser and the CeraVe Lotion here:



>> No.10027575

i used it for acne and it didn't really work for me (0.5% here also). it made my skin flakey and dry so i would skip a day or two when that happened. i used a benzoyl peroxide wash in the morning and applied retin at night because that's what my doctor told me to do. i was also prescribed some kind of pill but i forgot the name of it.

>> No.10027581

That's way too much benzoyl peroxide.

>> No.10027736
File: 80 KB, 469x817, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on these pics what skin type would you say this is?
Normal, oily, dry?

>> No.10027940

looks dry for me

>> No.10027947

wtf r all those black spots dude? go to a doctoer

>> No.10027977

queen helene julep mask >>>

>> No.10028194


>> No.10028618

This is good stuff, but be careful not to apply too much. It can create large red marks.

>> No.10028897


is it red? no. is it scaling? no. does it have cracks? no.


is it shiny? no. just a bit, to a healthy extent.


yep, even though "fucking perfect" is far from normal.

>> No.10029695

>b u m p

>> No.10029895

If I'm doing a 3 step program of exfoliator, toner and then moisturizer is it best to shave before all of that and then do the treatment or nah

>> No.10030395

It's been a week since i started using benzoyl peroxide 5%, it dried out my current pimples but i still get some new ones what do i do?
I noticed it also got rid of the sebaceous filaments on my nose.
I also have huge ass pores, what do?