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/fa/ - Fashion

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10020763 No.10020763 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /fa/.
How do I into being effay as a chubby girl?
Is there any particular style or clothing items I should look into? I'm sick of wearing the same old giant bulky sweaters all the time.

Pic related isn't me, but similar to my body type. I'm a little slimmer I'd say.

T-thanks in advance.

>> No.10020781

Lose weight

>> No.10020784

would love to cum inside her tbh

>> No.10020810

Chubby girls can be cute. I've actually been pretty into chubby girls recently.

>> No.10020814

wear baggy clothing or lose weight

>> No.10020816

Best bet is to loose weight, physically couldn't think of 1 thing that a person with a similar physique to pic related would look "/fa/" in

If you want men to want to creampie you, restrict them calories, get active!

>> No.10020817
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ehhhhhh chubby girls are p alright just loose fat in your face honestly and eating a bit healthier probably wouldn't hurt anybody

>> No.10020827

yeah, sure, you can dress to hide your body a bit better, but the problem still remains.
get your act together, set some goals, get healthier step by step

>> No.10020830


You guys are idiots. Fat girls smell and everyone knows you have mommy-issues.

>> No.10020842

this is so true. never have I known a chubby girl that smelled anything other than disgusting

>> No.10020851

hi go back to /v/ or whatever you probably dress like shit

lose weight girl thats ur tip

>> No.10020852

please sit on my face

>> No.10020859

Excuse me, my relationship with my mom is very healthy thank you

>> No.10020860 [DELETED] 
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>anon doesn't last a full minute

>> No.10020873

bumping because same problem except unlike girl in photo i have stupid tits

please kill me this is torture

>> No.10020879


>> No.10020889

Looking at dead people is eeire, like he put that shirt on that morning unaware he would die.

>> No.10020893


i wish this whore would fill my face with her ass and wrap her dirty feet around my head

>> No.10020896

lose weight
fashion is a small persons game - the smaller you are, the easier it will be to look good. being a short skeleton with narrow feet means you can do anything.
until then, there's no point in trying to look /fa/ while fat.

>> No.10020898
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i lost my v-card to a girl of this size, she tricked me with her deceitful attire.
Am i a bad person.

>> No.10020899

my mummy isn't fat though

>> No.10020904

No, you got laid. Atleast she wasnt ugly.

>> No.10020904,1 [INTERNAL] 

you're pretty much fucked unless you lose weight. Though don't wear skinny jeans, or any jeans for that matter, for some reason they just look absolutely retarded on fat chicks.

>> No.10020988

Don't try to hide it, baggy clothes make it look much worse than it actually is

Embrace it, wear clothes that fit and underline your strengths, whatever they are

>> No.10020990

The girl in the picture is really cute for a chubby girl . Can we get a pic from the back ??

>> No.10021237

Looks like he's smiling

>> No.10021262

is there something wrong with having mommy issues

srs question

>> No.10021426

that's a bit too fat for chubby, you're not quite over the top yet but please lose weight. you'll be more healthy, feel better and look more attractive all while not being on the road to becoming a disgusting lard-ass

>> No.10021439

this is exactly what I always think too! and it's like, depressing thinking when he bought that shirt etc.

>> No.10021447

btw don't think you're not gonna become a massive hamplanet, not only is the threshold for eating too much lower (you're already chubby, one extra muffin won't hurt right?) and you are less aware of what you are actually eating, but fat literally makes you dumb when it comes to making rational decisions and counting calories (there are studies on this).

take matter into your own hands now, it won't be easy but you definitely won't regret it

>> No.10021452

Yea, you have a debt owed to you. Your mother did not give you enough affection, was absent, or excessively cruel. You want what you did not get. So you place that debt upon the shoulders of someone else. From there, resentment, anger, bitterness, and hatred will brew because a debt can only be paid by the one who incurred it. You can date chubby chicks, fine. You cannot date chubby chicks with a fixation they will provide you what you lost, because it will never be a healthy relationship. Relationships are about mutual strength and mutual weakness. You are here to lean upon one another, fight for one another, and live together. You are not there to leach, like a pathetic parasite, a fantasy from someone who owes you nothing. That is an unbalanced relationship, it's cruel, it's using another person, it's selfish, and it's the most pathetic, disgusting thing a man, no, a boy can do to another human being.

>> No.10021464

Reported not fashion related

>> No.10021477

Did mommy not cuddle you enough, too? Did she lock you, the special little snowflake you are, up in your room? Did she ignore you? Sucks. Get the fuck over it and work through your goddamn problems. Don't let your mother ruin your life, the lives of those you love, and your future relationships. Don't be so pathetic.

>> No.10021531

It's funny, every time I get an item I really wanted, something I was looking for for a long time or that I just really liked and had to pay a small fortune for, there is this street I have to pass right before I get to my apartment, and I always imagine getting hit by a car right before reaching home and admiring my purchase, like full on how my dead body would be spread over the concrete, my headphones ripped apart, phone broken into bits a couple of meters further away and the plasticbag with my purchase somewhere under my disfigured body.
I wonder if people would ever know that I died happy because I wanted this piece for so long and finally got it.
I have issues, man.

>> No.10021832
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high test thread?

>> No.10021856

Personally I think your beautiful and I'd go straight for you if your personality wasn't shitty. But fashion tips, maybe a dark grey shirt with white polkda dots, possible maroon pants?

>> No.10022008
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>> No.10022032


Please go back to reddit you feminist cucks

To OP: you are a disgusting, worthless human being

>> No.10022048
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you know it

>> No.10022066

being effay as a (fat) grill is harder in my opinion then being a (fat) male because shape is even more important.
maybe try dressing a little tomboyish, like fat asian dudes

>> No.10022139
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>> No.10022183
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I've been with girls who drape and I am never able to guess if they're chubby or thin. I remember once there was a girl I was really into and eventually she was back at my place. In my head I WISHED she was a chubby so I wouldn't fall in love. Nope. Thin and fit. On the other hand there were a few who I thought would be fit but when the clothes fell off I saw what looked close to OP's pic.

Drape. And of course try to lose that weight too. Despite what the leftists on Tumblr may tell you about their ideal world, even they will judge you and you most likely CAN lose that weight. I know women who either eat excellently and don't work out OR eat like shit but work out a lot and they have great bodies and drapey shit looks great on them too.

>> No.10022206

you are fat not chubby

>> No.10022415

Lose weight or:

1) wear dresses where the lower part goes a bit under your knees, white + flowers is a good option.

2) take care of your skin

3) take care of your hair, the girl on the pic has it perfect

4) don't abuse with makeup, eyeliner is nice, maybe a light-red-soft lipstick and that's it.

5) do your toenailst, and hydrate the back of the feet. (we don't like women with scales on 'em) and show them (no high heels pls)

6) don't show your cleavage, nobody cares.

7) go to /fit/

>> No.10022469


>> No.10022493


>> No.10022896

The more tan/brown you are the better you're going to look, being pale only makes you look like a fucking whale.
Also the heat isn't going to do you any good since chubbies look best in sweaters, but I'm sure theres plenty of options but it's all dependent on how you carry your weight.
Personally I'd like to see something like tennis skirts and tanks/camis

>> No.10023084

pull your pants/skirt/whatever right up under your gut real tight.
The Chub n tuck is gonna be big 2015

>> No.10023433

Some may say they prefer their partner "soft and cuddly" or "curvy in all the right places," but at the end of the day nothing compares to a hard body.

>> No.10023445

if you want to, lose weight

that doesn't mean you need to be skinny

being fit and slightly toned is fine

if you're comfortable with how you are, stay that way and keeping doing what you do

whichever way you go, you'll be fashionable by being yourself, not what /fa/ tells you to do

>> No.10023451

If you want to be /fa/, lose weight. Most /fa/ girls are thin or fit, just like the men.

However, unlike men, you can be chubby and still have men want to bury their dick inside of your asshole.

But for all intensive purposes, you should still lose weight because it is important to take care of yourself and you probably wanna attract more than the high test crowd.

>> No.10023571

same except i've been losing weight and the tits just get more stupid :(

>> No.10024949

>cuddling with a stiff hunk of meat
you gay?

>> No.10025010
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Lose weight u fat shit.

>> No.10025482

>mommy/daddy issues only come from a lack of affection
you autistic or something

>> No.10026813

I listed other options, fuckface.

>> No.10026868
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On topic though
I lost 20kg just so can look better in clothes. Everything was too tight, stuff I liked didn't fit, I wanted to look good in high waist stuff without my gut popping out.
Best decision ever. I don't ever want to feel uncomfortable in clothes again.

>> No.10028541

Darling loose weight, prettier and more fashionable clothes will be easier and cheaper to get.

Too skinny is a sign of physical disease, too overweight is a sign of mental disease and basic lack of self dicipline. None of them are good. You are not big enough to not look pretty, but do yourself a favor and get rid of a few pounds. Your body should be your main concern regarding fashion, not what you wear.

>> No.10028682

yes you are a monster

>> No.10028866

I don't give a fuck what you guys say.
I'd kill to pound that.
I'd even try to make her my gf

>> No.10028873

Me too m8, me too.

>> No.10028875

>hurr like the same thing as me or you're wrong
Your summer is showing

>> No.10028942

God i hate when fat girls tuck their gut into theit high waisted jeans. Looks so fucking weird

>> No.10029030


>> No.10029034

Water board me with your pusssssyyy please