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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 38 KB, 720x460, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10017802 No.10017802 [Reply] [Original]

>"Anon why do you spend so much money on clothes?"
>"Who are you trying to impress anon?"
>"You're so skinny,tall and so awkward xDDDD"
>Tfw spend all my money on expensive yet good clothes
>Tfw it's the only thing that makes me happy which then makes me sad at the end
>Nobody to mire my sick fits
>Nobody to have sick fits with
>No fashionable group of friends to go out and have fun with

/Fa/ how can i fix this

>> No.10017819
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>dont have money to spend on clothes
>trawl rakuten and grailed saving pictures of clothes i like, pretending that if i save one i buy it
>construct outfits out of my 'purchases' in photoshop and pretend thats what im wearing today

>> No.10017834

that's kind of pathetic
I mean actually getting something in-hand kills the thrill of the hunt, but that's way past that

>> No.10017854

> tfw nobody to mire my sick fits
> Implying your fits are sick

Stop seeking external validation for how you choose to dress. Consciously, I don't choose to dress for other people. I think part of us naturally seeks the validation of our peers, but we can largely diminish this quality and some people become edgy enough to behave perversely senselessly. If how you dress makes you happy, then keep doing it. A lot of my friends who aren't really into fashion don't get some of the choices I make and that's fine because ultimately it's my opinion and my satisfaction that matters.

/fa/ isn't going to give you what you really want. You have some greater dissatisfaction in your life beyond what you're telling us anon.

>> No.10017865

Fuck man... That's so sad...

>> No.10017869

>bought SLP harness boots
> grills have been eyeing me and stuff
>started with one grill asking me if she could touch them
>grills always smiling at me
>grills approach me and tell me they like my fit

>> No.10017874

I've come to realize that one of the main reasons I buy clothes online is for the excitement waiting for them to arrive in the post. I make sure to have at least a couple of parcels on their way to my house at all times. When I'm not waiting for anything, I feel empty because I have nothing to look forward to.

>> No.10017875

you're pathetic.


>> No.10017886

This is good. You will develop a sense of value around clothes ans find deals.

>the 5 10 manlet
>The still fat even though I've lost 40 lbs
>Copped baggy designer clothes luke yohji and jan jam but still look like a fatass

Atleaste I copped mostly shoes and baggy size 48

>> No.10017905

lol BTFO

>> No.10017931

you already made a thread about this, fuck off

>> No.10018037

>dropped out of school
>no idea what I'm going to do this year
>live with parents still, because I'm poor
>just a few friends because everyone at my uni was a sperglord apart from a few

tell me /fa/, wtf should I do? suicide honestly seems like a plausible option after summer when the inevitable boredom kicks in. my parents want me to work somewhere which I don't mind but not in my hometown.

>> No.10018116
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>tfw no qt european gf

>> No.10018181

Go to school and stop being a pussy.

>> No.10018190

Dude buying Japanese is a good idea right now
If you're American
Value of the yen dropped 20% so EVERYTHING is at an automatic discount

>> No.10018193

would if I could, but have to wait until next school year

>> No.10018199

what are some good Japanese online stores ??

>> No.10018205

At scelta

>> No.10018214

>was looking at the mr porter sale last night
>saw GATs for really cheap
>already have a pair I love and bought only a couple of months ago
>decided not to get more because saving for overseas trip
>check again this morning
>all pretty much sold out
>tfw safe from spending like a fuckwit

Bittersweet in a way

>> No.10018232

Travel to a country you've never been to if you've got any money,

>> No.10018240

>fallout 4 fuccboi edition comes out
>limited edition pipboy
>sold out within a day or two
>inner Jew weeps at a lost opportunity to sell pipboy at 500% of cost

>> No.10018243

either move somewhere where you are not surrounded by people who don't care about clothes

or start dressing normie core
focus on simple clothes that fit very well, do colors right etc
stop buying designer shit and start shopping at zara or w/e store that kind of people like
that way people might feel like you dress well instead of feeling like you super care about fashion

>> No.10018246

in other words you're taking a gap year
dont be such a bitch, just get a part time job so that by the time you start college next year you'll have enough money for some sick fits

>> No.10018255

what's an effay part time job to get?

>> No.10018261

i'm surprised you aren't asking what the most /fa/ way to breathe is. just get a job, man.

>> No.10018264

what's the most /fa/ way to breathe?

>> No.10018268

in: nose
out: mouth

>> No.10018270

not him but i got effay breathing down but how do I take a shit in an effay way?

>> No.10018276

personally i'm too proud to work anywhere with a strict uniform policy like a fast-food restaurant or supermarket, other than that just choose the place that pays the best.
where i come from most of the low paying jobs are taken by immigrants so for a student they're hard to come by, we can't really afford to be picky about working somewhere that's effay

>> No.10018292

>b /fa/t
>start to work out
>still /fa/t
I'm gonna kill mahself

>> No.10018301

fucking hell just get lipo you lumbering brute
no use feeling sorry for yourself

>> No.10018302

Lifting (and exercising generally) is a game about applied effort over time. You will not see anything remotely close to instantaneous results. It's like sanding down an unhewn marble block into Michelangelo's David with fucking fine grit sandpaper.

Keep it up. Every day. It'll happen.

>> No.10018327


eat better. Exercise not so important for weight loss, but nice to have

>> No.10018346

buy a nice bike instead of a jacket

ride it with high intensity for a half an hour everyday/every other day

then eventually ride it for an hour everyday/every other day

its the easiest way to lose weight

and tbh its a great way to enjoy the outdoors and just let your mind go for a bit

>> No.10018352

A girl I really like and have started dating told me she feels intimidated that I dress so well while she just dresses 'normal'. I really like this girl how do I respond to this?

>> No.10018356

>lost 20lbs by just eating less and drinking less soda over the course of 6 months

>> No.10018359

>start to gain weight
>at the weight i always wanted to be but regret it
>want to be model but posture is too bad and skin is horrid
>puberty is literally killing my best features
>becoming dumber everyday but dont know the cause
>grew to be super insecure
>slowly becoming more of a degenerate shut in
>need to raise 50k in less than 2 years but dont know how

>> No.10018363

stop drinking soda, eating bread, eat more vegetables and fruits you fat lard bucket

my captcha was self aware telling me about salads, eat some

>> No.10018365

I have a few k but that's reserved for tuition, so unless I can go somewhere and work or something I would definitely do that but I'm not really in the position to rent something for a few months whilst looking for a job.

Yeah I'm taking a gap year indeed. Good advice , but I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, jobs aren't easy to find.

>>10018255 is not me by the way

>> No.10018366

Just tell her you're to good for her and she'll always have to chase after you :^)

Women are stupid complicated m8, just tell her you like the way she dresses, if you do great, if not just enjoy yourself as you're the better one in the relationship

>> No.10018373

Count your calories if you want to lose weight. You should view fitness as a hobby and your diet as a new lifestyle choice. Not something you're doing just because you're a fat slob.

>> No.10018375

"Wow you look so great!"
"Nice shirt!"
"Are you gay?"

Here, dressing well = gay. Its the south. If you aint in a t shirt and baggy jeans youre a queer!!!

>> No.10018395

Girls like that are troublesome.
Eventually she'll start becoming jealous about the girls around you and feel insignificant.
If you really like her, you need to help her become more secure with herself.
That might mean helping her dress better, but if you do do this, you can't let her know you're helping her.
It'll make her think that it's because she's insignificant blah blah.

>> No.10018401

Get a fucking job for a start.

>> No.10018412
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>Dress decently
>Below average face ruins everything

>> No.10018424

whats a get joke that can make me about 18k in 2 years?

>> No.10018428

well more or so 50k

>> No.10018437

Depends in your qualifications.

Even if you have none you should get a part time shit paying job.
Better than wallowing in your own self-pity.

>> No.10018441

i havent been employed before so i have no experience.. ig ill never get the money in time. i should kill self

>> No.10018454

Maybe you should go out and experience life instead of trying to feel good by acquiring things constantly in a never ending stream of bullshit.

>> No.10018462
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>> No.10018471

Thanks guys. Going to try to be subtle and help her out. Maybe ask her to come shopping with me next time i'm out.

>> No.10018476
File: 33 KB, 688x384, paris can wait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can improve your life instantly by distancing yourself from your addiction to hedonistic consumerism.

Live small, without illusions and be a human being.

>> No.10018490

Yeah, next time you go shopping ask her for advice (even if you don't need it), it'll make her feel like you're doing something tiger rather than you trying to help her (even if that's what it is).

Christ, as I said before get a fucking job.
Do you think the people at McDonalds had qualifications?
You might not get the money in time, but at least you'll get a discipline, meet new people and become more social.
You're so pathetic that you're not even willing to try.

>> No.10018497

I meant together.

>> No.10018523
File: 36 KB, 355x533, double.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am probably going to cop a pair of japan blue denim from denimio. Struggling to figure out which. They're like $100 now.


>> No.10018543

the 2nd round of "enhancements" :^) for my face is probably going to cost more than i originally planned but instead of saving i've just been spending $ on mid-low priced crap reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.10018569

>ITT nihilism, consumerism and external validation

Seriously don't just buy stuff to fill a void, there's nothing wrong with looking good but that won't solve the bigger issues you have

>> No.10018578
File: 671 KB, 900x506, 647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get OUT normie

>> No.10018584

You can do it, anon I promise

>> No.10018607

I used to weigh about 225 until I started actually paying attention to simply my calorie intake. Realized I was eating close to 3400 calories a day by not paying attention. Cut it down to 2000 calories a day,and I lose about a pound or two per week. Additionally, I've been eating higher quality food with a low calorie and high volume ratio. Down to 200lbs after six months and I'm planning to get down to 170 and stay there.

I may have to start exercising to get rid of my skinnyfat physique but I'm not trying to look like a meat head.

>> No.10018626


>I can't offer an explanation for my behaviour so I'll use a /r9k/ meme

Stay sad

>> No.10019005

Grow a beard may be?

>> No.10019012
File: 83 KB, 573x400, Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a good sense of fashion won't make up for my terrible looks

I hope cutting down to skelly tier will help.

>> No.10019018

>Broke as fuck
>I work for clients but barely making any money
>Feel so spoilt because parents
>Feel like I'm out growing my friends even though they're good people
>Out growing people in general, just want to create shit and work
>Have to make an effort to network to get work and get my own work out there

At least my wardrobe is compete and I have a qt half asian gf. Going away for 5 months for an exchange so I won't see her for a while though );

>> No.10019019

Why do you need 50k in 2 years? Uni?

>> No.10019021

>tfw broke

>> No.10019022

>tfw 6'0" 128 lbs and all shirts are too big for me
>poor and cant afford mass amounts of food to eat to gain weight
>poor and cant afford clothes

>> No.10019091

>meet /fa/ qt
>flirt a lil etc but shes a good friends roommate
>go to drinks at flat
>fugg all night
>fugg again in morning, chill for a few hours in her bed, she drops me home, get digits

how the fuck do i not become too attached? I don't want to sperg this out by overthinking it when im not with her

>> No.10019134
File: 64 KB, 500x446, 1352318697364.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On Brick Lane
>Wearing one of my favourite fits
>Asian tourist taking photos of me thinking I didn't notice
>doesn't give me his email so I can see the photos

>> No.10019143

if he did it while he didnt think you were looking why would he give you his email

>> No.10019161

well obviously if I know he's taking the photo then my pose and that wouldn't be as natural would it? might ruin the shot

>> No.10019173

If you have nothing to look forward to excepted spending money for meme clothing, you should probably put an end to your empty life.
>mfw in the same situation but can't afford to buy things so often

>> No.10019213

>no friends
>inside all day
>expensive wardrobe collecting dust
>i don't even care about fashion anymore
i don't even know why i visit /fa/

>> No.10019217

iktf brah

>> No.10019222


Sell it all and your computer too. Life begins from there.

>> No.10019227

I have like all of these problems except for the bottom 3. Got a group and we're the only people who get eachother's /fa/ fits

>> No.10019255

Is this bait?
Asian tourists are known to take pictures of everything. A german filmteam sent Asian tourists into a german supermarket once and they took an average of 200 pictures there.
The fact that the guy was Asian just undos everything else, he probably didn'tevencare for your sick fit.

>> No.10019279

and never fit in skinny jeans ever.

>> No.10019476

he was pretty /fa/ himself

we were both wearing achilles lows so I thought about talking to him but I don't speak chopstick

>> No.10019501

As long as you behave normally and she likes you as well, she won't be scared off, she'll only find you creepy if she regrets the sex.

Get a job if you don't have one already.

Check out events in your city, go outside, you'll make friends.

>> No.10020089


read books. you'll want to experience the outside.

>> No.10020328
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>nearby g-star outlet closed
life is pain

>> No.10020349
File: 34 KB, 500x282, tumblr_inline_net6vxchuV1qftg4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw model-tier facial aesthetics ruined by acne

>> No.10020390

This is terrible advice
>changing your standards to fit in a social mold

>> No.10020582

>I'm 24 and have to wear bifocals

>> No.10020600


>tfw finally fit but no money for sick fits

i need a dev job dammit

>> No.10020659

Every feels threads
>tfw no gf
>tfw lonely
>tfw poor
>tfw fat
>tfw skinny
>tfw tall
>tfw short

You guys are such cry babies

>> No.10020677
File: 89 KB, 353x584, 415cgot4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good looking
>dress well
>receive looks from qts whenever I go out
>socially awkward
>almost never go out ever
>few friends
>spend most time in front of computer

Life of a degenerate.

>> No.10020686

yeah you're right. when my ex and i broke up a year ago, i would just bike for hours at night. i lost like 45 pounds and not /fa/t anymore.

now i just rollerblade for hockey and skateboard

>> No.10020687

>tfw you start to realize all the close friends you made in middle school are now shitty
I like to drink and smoke as much as the next guy but it's all they do. they spend all their money on drugs and alcohol instead of repaying their debts, buying equipment for our band, participating in other fun activities like kayaking or trampoline parks or whatever. they constantly engage in homewrecking, even within our own friend group. no one stands up for each other. And to top it off none of them are /fa/!!!!

I've slowly been cutting them out of my life. I'm so alone.

>> No.10020695

Where do you go to school, anon

>> No.10020702

>can't pull chic looks at school because all the people around are wearing hoodies, jeans and nikes

>> No.10020706

>tfw your shoes are making your ankles red and raw without socks again

Shit, I guess they aren't calloused over like they were last summer. I love Jack Purcells, but they are uncomfy as fuck. I really should get the old version.

>> No.10020710

why do you ask, anon?

>> No.10020711

Nothing is funnier to me than seeing one of you tall lanky fucks with your long ass hair and. Dad core clothing on. Go to the gym and get some sun please. Clothes do not make the man

>> No.10020715

Kayaking seems cool =(

>> No.10020716

>tfw can't pull expensive pieces you bought for a lot of money because you are a poorboi and everyone will think they are fake or he's trying to look expensive

>> No.10020717

Temple U in USA, anyway

>> No.10020721
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>tfw 4/7 of these things

Why do I even try

>> No.10020722

That's not true
You can pull the look off

>> No.10020749

I know this feel. A couple of my close turned into "we are anunymouse le revolution American government is shit lmao," which is just awful, having to listen to them when politics comes up. And every single one of them is stagnating in their early twenties with no aspirations, all working part time jobs while they live with their parents and spend all their money from working minimum wage on drugs, alcohol, and video games. What the fuck happened to my friends.

I'm going to be transferring out of my city to a top university for my major next year and while I'll miss them, It almost feels like I'm leaving behind unnecessary baggage.

>> No.10020754

>tall lanky fucks with your long ass hair
Literally me
Except I'm 5'9

>> No.10020756

School sucks
Save your feels for something important

>> No.10020757

Don't. They'll only drag you down if you keep in contact. Accept that they'll never grow as people and move on. You'll replace them once you go to school.

>> No.10020785

>being this insecure about your ''manliness''

>> No.10020799

It's hard to give up on someone after knowing them for over a decade. They're all unhappy with their lives, I guess they just like any sort of actual drive and self control. I've been busy with school so I rarely see them lately, and every time I meet one of them I just wish they had some good news to tell me. Anything really, like they started studying for that test they planned on taking 3 years ago, or they finally saved up enough money for a car instead of buying another $500 bong. Just fucking anything

>> No.10020824

Friend was in a loveless green card marriage
Another, at the same time, was fucking a 16 year old girl, with full consent from her insane parents, and she tried to kill herself when he tried to leave (since the threats of calling police for statutory rape weren't enough for him to stay)
And now they're both in dead end jobs and 50 pounds heavier than they were in high school

>> No.10020902

You're probably right, but luckily my friends aren't that bad. They're just lazy, depressive, and bad with money. But I have already been looking for more friends. I've met a lot of great people that share similar interest with me, but they're all just acquaintances really. I've forgotten how to get close to people I guess.

>> No.10020910

My point is: you're probably the only level headed anon in your group of friends
Hang out with work friends they're generally p dope

>> No.10020917

Not that anon you quoted.

The only friends I have now are from work. No other circles. Feels like I'm limiting myself but I'm shy and hates meeting new people. :(

>> No.10020925

hitting really close to home

>> No.10020930

I changed jobs lol
It's cool becoming part of a new social circle

>> No.10020935

>can't wait for your rhinoplasty which is next summer
>until then only going to school and sitting at home

>> No.10020969

Why don't you fuckers ever just stay at /fit/?

You can't be /fa/

>> No.10021079

I'm asian and born and bred in Germany, and I always wonder why asian racism is an okay thing to do in America while black racism is considered the worst kind of thing.

>> No.10021108
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>tfw summer is so boring and depressing

>> No.10021112

>one guy is saying that you can't buy manliness
>"p-pls get out of here"


>> No.10021126

I live in a predominantly Hispanic area
The Filipinos (who moved here en masse for nursing jobs) fit in quite well. But there's a fair amount of racism against white people, mostly stemming from the fact that the civil rights movement did not affect conditions for Hispanics here
The white minority dominated financially and culturally until the late 70s, and they're still quite jaded as a result
Outright racism against blacks, depending on where you live, can get you killed or at the very least in a shouting match with other white people
So your perception is a little incorrect, man

>> No.10021128

>Spending lots of dosh on clothes
>Implying you can't get sick fits from second hand places or cheap stores
And this is why I hate everyone on /fa/
Rule of thumb: If it costs you a good amount of money and you can't go out into the woods or anywhere else and let it get dirty you're wasting your money

>> No.10021169

It takes time and perseverance. Go out to concerts and just spend time with people.

>> No.10021171

But why don't these other races stand up for themselves as much as black folk? For example, the chinese have experienced hardship back then in California, but it seems the asian people just buckle down and get on with life which I admit is a good thing. Why don't white people get outraged at other racial instances such as Hispanic racism or indian racism? These types are so tolerated, that they even appear throughout comedy with no repercussion.

>> No.10021232

Not all black people get pissy when they're met with racism
A good friend of mine was the subject of a university newspaper article about multiculturalism at school
And they basically portrayed him as slackjawed and blissfully ignorant (he immigrated from an extremely affluent Nigerian family......at the age of twelve)
He brushed it off....there was no Twitter movement to burn down the college; nobody got expelled or fired
Again, you have a pretty incorrect assumption about race relations in America

>> No.10021309

Of course not all black people get pissy. But I think it's pretty safe to say most do while most asian people move on.

Also, how about you give me a case study on an African American? Not some Nigerian migrant who is not at all connected with African American culture.

>> No.10021318

He's black
Cut it with the labels, brah
And do you really trust anything produced by a bunch of white guilt tripping sociologists

>> No.10021319

I'm not disagreeing with him,but his mentality is that of /fit/ which is pretty stupid like yours.

He's pointing something irrelevant in this thread.
Fuck off.

>> No.10021340

his point was that nigerian foreign students aren't african americans you silly goose

>> No.10021355

Anybody with racist leanings wouldn't give African immigrants a free ride

>> No.10021383


I too feel the same way, about leaving. I'm only ~30 minutes away from my hometown for school but it's definitely a departure. While I miss them because I've known them for years and they weren't always this bad, I know it's necessary. I'm just not looking forward to how hard it's going be to make new friends...I'm far too picky with people. I don't have a s/o to spend more time with either.

But I've been working on living a "lonely" life. It's scary and tough at times due to my minor depressive and anxiety disorders and I'm in the process of sobering up from a long stint of problem drinking. I've been indulging more in fitness, photography, reading and traveling alone. Definitely recommend these hobbies.

>> No.10022242

Oh please. Modern racists aren't truly against black people, but are more opposing of the whole culture associated with being an African American. Racists tend to (wrongly) make the assumption that this ghetto backwards culture shown through various media eg rap videos is an intrinsic feature in being a black male in America.

>> No.10022260

Also, The culture of the majority of a certain race encompasses the image of the race and how it is perceived. African immigrants don't look like African Americans. They do not have the same implications African American people have- the way they talk, dress, mannerism etc are different to African Americans. As a result, African migrants can be thought of as a whole different 'race' all together.

>> No.10022274

Back to anthropology 1301

>> No.10022312

something like that, also for something a little... personal

>> No.10022351

>people tell me I'm tall and so awkward /fa/ it sucks xDD
Fuck off nigger, being under 5'10 let alone 5'8 is a death sentence in the western world

>> No.10022373

mcdonalds? hah fuck that shit i rather work at lowes or sams club

>> No.10022430

An additional note, African immigrants generally don't care for African-Americans, as they view American black culture through the same lense whites do.

>> No.10022450
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>mfw people more impressed with friends shitty asos core than what I'm wearing

>> No.10022500
File: 363 KB, 2172x2172, 1405604172314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got cum on my 800$ rick shorts
>only drink mimosa and eat cold pizza
>downtempo and underground hiphop
>rarely leave the house
i'm a male model btw

>> No.10022532

majority of the time i get compliments i'm wearing zara, h&m, or AA

>> No.10022651

it's really not lol...if you're even a little bit above average looking and have a good personality you can just get /fit/ (or at least skinny) and will still be respected and can still pull bitches (even ones as tall as or taller than you). the problem with people on here is exactly what you think...that being a sub-5'10 "manlet" is some sort of serious impairment and you let it crush your confidence when in reality people in the real world outside of professional sports care about height like half as much as you do.

I'm not going to say I know this personally because I am 5'11.5. I still have shitty confidence and social anxiety so I would admittedly be fucked if I was shorter than average and didn't work on bettering myself more. but I have several friends between 5'4 and 5'9 who are socially accepted AND get women that are of comparable or higher attractiveness and sometimes taller than them. Why? Because they're not insecure about their height.

Just be yourself anon :)

>> No.10022693


>lives with parents cause poor

>> No.10022735

>browse /fa/ and /fit/
>build great wardrobe
>compliments on clothes
>start lifting
>still no qt3.14 gf

Y-you lied to me 4chan

>> No.10022757

Are you being social or sitting online a lot? Think about it.

>> No.10022771

>tfw I see my dream shoes on grained
>tfw it is a full week's wage
>tfw I still have to pay rent, food, and other shit

Life is suffering

>> No.10022796


>> No.10022803

do you drop trip sometimes so it looks like you left for a while?

>> No.10022821

awwi thought there was a private bootleg version of grailed, you made me google for no reason.. ;(

>> No.10022845

What shoes?

>> No.10022860

Raf Velcros

>> No.10022868

Fuck man, no wonder. Sorry about that.

>> No.10022872

As a lanklet, we feel how you manlets feel pain.

It's okay little guy, it'll be over soon :^)

>> No.10022907
File: 59 KB, 184x184, thething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check the tracking on new cops at work
>something is scheduled to arrive today, a day early
>spend the rest of the workday looking forward to going home and obsessing over my appearance

>> No.10022949
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>> No.10023152

Anon this is a thread for sad things that happen, not good things that happen.

>> No.10023179

Thats for running you autistic fuck.

I cant imagine doing this constantly. Must be shit for your jaw.

>> No.10023184


>> No.10023209

In terms of income? Go work on a fishing boat in Alaska or something. Manual Labor in shitty remote area -> $$$$$

>> No.10023234

Offshore oil rigs
You can pull in crazy money
But you're working 16 hour days
If you work in an ltac you can make 5-7 grand a month as a dialysis tech (requires no education....on the job training)

>> No.10023252

going to alaska is too expensive and what if ur too young for that job? please i need 50k in 2 years or less patrick please hallpp.

>> No.10023277
File: 55 KB, 450x562, heihachi mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse /fa/ all day
>discuss fashion all day
>don't actually own any nice clothes because poorfag
>can't co-ordinate an outfit to save myself despite years of reading

>> No.10023315

iktf all too well man.
luckily im starting this accutane and maybe i'll be effay then ;_;

>> No.10023473
File: 345 KB, 1200x800, IMG_8450_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW I wanted some Converse or PF high tops but they didn't fit me because of my wide feet.
>TFW they don't make vans authentic hi anymore.

>> No.10023503

> tfw can't wear any fashionable sneakers at all because of wide feet

>> No.10023510



>> No.10023511

Get your blood tests regularly please
That medicine can cause liver failure

>> No.10023514

Cringe. Take a break from the internet.

>> No.10023517

Yep, I'm starting to suspect I should go for women's shoes instead, my digit ratio is that of a female but I didn't learn feet were proportioned diferently too until very recently.

>> No.10023524


>> No.10023560

>18k in 2 years

literally anything

>> No.10023563

>spoiled and pretentious

sorry for ur tough life man

>> No.10023605

sell drugs

>> No.10023610

my life

>> No.10023635

w2c jacket?

>> No.10023681

>tfw finished uni
>tfw broke as shit
>tfw lonely

how do i make friends guys

>> No.10023733


oh fuck those existed

shit I fucking hate Converses Vans are my fucking life

damn I want these

>> No.10023886

>why don't you smile on pictures anon xD

>> No.10023907


It's okay Kanye.

>> No.10023933

>get invited to hang out with people
>be depressed and don't want to go out
>always spew unbelievable excuses and end up not going out
>people start to think you're an elitist cunt who things they're superior to everyone and stop inviting you to things

my shit is thoroughly fucked up

>> No.10023988

That's autist as fuck

>> No.10024035

>tfw hair is starting to thin at 23
>tfw can't grow a beard, buzz cut and go Norse God mode

>> No.10024145

start uni again, make friends.

>> No.10024146


>also for something a little... personal

oh for fuck's sake you gigantic faggot it's an anonymous board and you can't even talk about yourself holy shit no wonder you're becoming more and more of a retard

>> No.10024589

plastic surgery bro.... happy?

>> No.10024595

Get a job
The "this job sucks but at least me and my co-workers are cool" cliche is a real thing

>> No.10024634

How did you come to this conclusion? Genuinely curious. Seems like a very generalized statement and a fairly big one at that so surely there has to be some sort of source somewhere

>> No.10024657

The white high ones listed for $800?
I audibly loled at those

>> No.10024666


>> No.10024674

Ignore that other anon posing as me

Sex change hormones. Caitlyn Jenner really inspired me

>> No.10024681


>> No.10024689

ignore these other anons pretending to be me, i need to pay of my debt to the bank after it took 50k out to pay for a swimming pool full of cute girl vomit

>> No.10024882

what surgery?

>> No.10025011

>constantly catch girls mirin
>too socially inept to take it any further

>> No.10025029

asians can handle the bants, nigs can't

>> No.10025064

if at school, any on campus job.
if not at school, any coffee shop not starbucks is top-tier, fast food, manual labor, and grocery/retail is bottom tier

>> No.10025085

Stop eating

>> No.10025143
File: 120 KB, 494x743, uncle sam after rehab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a list of clothes to buy for the summer sales
>get a bunch of SALE STARTED!!11 emails
>none of the stuff I want is included in the sale

>> No.10025156

and to make it worse, a bunch of stuff I couldn't resist buying a few months ago are now on sale

>> No.10025180
File: 283 KB, 500x683, 1420401403189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just made my day you poor bastard
hope you get some money soon though cutie

>> No.10025191
File: 1023 KB, 1976x2967, 2015-06-24 11.46.02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw could never pull off this fit

>> No.10025337

Then just fucking do it, you are pathetic.

>> No.10025367

Sell drugs
Test subject + part-time job
Sell drugs
Work for marketing campaigns
Get a translator, buy Chinese stuff in alibaba and sell it on ebay
Maybe selling drugs
Drive a taxi
Buy cheap cars and sell them in Mexico
Take your mother's car, sell it on craigslist, report it as missing. Use the money to buy a shitload of coke, sell coke.
Work in a car shop

>> No.10025474

I liked it until I scrolled down and saw the bottom half. I think he's gone a little too hippie up top or too techy on the bottom. I understand that contrast is part of the look, but I think it could look much better if it was toned down a tiny bit.

>> No.10026144
File: 28 KB, 248x221, some faggot anime character speaking to his cellphone looking surprised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been trying to find nice work jacket for some time
>come across mad dope one
>vintage jacket that is worn as fuck, sick-nasty fadez, been patched couple of times, distressing here and there
>looks like something Kapital would put out and sell for 400 usd
>the measurements seem like it might be ever so slightly too small for me as a jacket

>> No.10026863

>"lol what r u wearing, anon?"

>> No.10026918

How does this happen if you don't stop thinking about fashion. Over exposure?

>> No.10026924

Wow, what an ugly shoe

>> No.10026952

this would work if i was an adult

>> No.10028476

I used to sell joints and blunts back in HS, like 15 bucks each. Boy I was making fat cash.

Just learn how to roll them, get a grinder and papers on ebay, buy a shitload of mids and sell it to impresionable first graders.

>> No.10028504


There's a lot more blacks than asians. I don't think asians encounter as harsh or severe racism as blacks either (I'm japanese american and have been in CA my whole life, both SoCal NorCal). People have the perception that asians are safer and fit better into society. We pay taxes, have less people of our ethnic groups in prisons, and aren't dropping rap albums to scare white parents.

Shitposting aside, one of the main and obvious reasons why the other races "don't stand up for themselves" is because they actually do. They just don't get on the news as much because guess what the demographics for America are? We're still nearly 80 percent white and a large portion of the remaining pie is blacks.

Hispancs have become the largest ethnic minority at ~ 38 percent. According to one of my poli sci professor, he claimed hispanics out-populate whites in our life times.