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/fa/ - Fashion

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10004308 No.10004308 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ and /fa/ lied to me all along
They said being tall is master race. They said tall is how gods would look. Well I'm tall (close to 2m tall) and really, clothes don't fit that well. I mean every shirt and coat seems juuuust a little too short, every pant seems either too long or too short, nothing seems good.
Am I in the "tall is good but too tall is bad" category or do I need to literally spend thousands of euros on specifically made and crafted clothes for a 100% fit? Where do y'all tall people dress from?

>> No.10004723

bump? is everyone on /fa/ a manlet?

>> No.10004727

>he fell for lanklet propaganda
Enjoy crouching to get through doors faggot

>> No.10004738

6'1" master race

>> No.10004741

Uhh, get shit tailored. Virtually everyone has to do this - there are very, very few people who find off-the-rack clothing that fits perfectly.

>> No.10004748

5"10 here so manlet by /fa standards. ok with it tho,
with my shoes I come out to around 6" and I'm taller than basically every girl I meet and a little taller than a lot of guys I meet.
It is easy to find fitting clothes but I do wish I was 6"2. 5"10 isn't soo bad tho

>> No.10004754

You always wear 2 inch heels? Wtf

>> No.10004756

by irl standards, you're too tall. IRL STANDARDS (fuck off with your maymays) is basically anything inbetween 5'8 and 6'4 is good enough. Shorter than that you are irl manlet, taller than that you are likely going to be a awkward lanky faggot.

>> No.10004785

I usually wear doc monos which is about a 2' heel (maybe i havent measured) and in winter i wear boots that have a similar length of heel

>> No.10004786

5"9 so fa deems me manlet but average irl

>> No.10006487
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5'7 here and I had never been aware that I was short until this whole manlet shit took off. At first I was bothered and a little worried, but I realized pretty quickly that it's had little to no impact in real life and it still doesn't.

>> No.10006493

>I realized pretty quickly that it's had little to no impact in real life and it still doesn't.

The 5 Stages of Grief:
Stage 1 - Denial

>> No.10006494

I know this exact fucking feel.

>> No.10006600

6'3 master race

>> No.10006612

Doesn't matter. Dick size still bigger than all them tall faggots :)

>> No.10006628
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if you're under 8x6 you're a pathetic dicklet

>> No.10006633
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