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/fa/ - Fashion

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10005201 No.10005201 [Reply] [Original]

most /fa/ users are also /pol/ users

>> No.10005202

I'm not

>> No.10005205

most /fa/ users are leftist cucks who should go back to reddit

>> No.10005207

I am.

>> No.10005219
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don't pay attention them.

honestly, i filter out any cuck who posts the most cringeworthy posts.

>> No.10005225

Yeah, I browse pol daily

>> No.10005232


>> No.10005251

>20% high school kids
>5% /pol/ autists
>30% naive, blue pilled faggots who eat whatever trend or fad that the media feeds them
>5% know about fashion
>20% still trying to be 'indie' or 'hipster'
>10% are /r9k/ tier lurkers

Everyone is autistic and bitchy. This is the bitchiest board. Also the most naive, sheltered and misinformed, all blue-pilled. They eat up whatever the media feeds them.>>10005202

>> No.10005259

>hating on tbh
rude tbh

>> No.10005266
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>tfw you have to be wealthy to be a good poster on /fa/

>> No.10005271


>> No.10005273

tbh I've always leaned left but now I find myself agreeing with conservative views. like I ain't even mad at /pol/


>> No.10005275

Its not really a conspiracy because its true but jews control the media

>> No.10005279

most new /fa/ users are coming from tumblr

>> No.10005286

holy shit nigger what are you doing?

>> No.10005313

>most /fa/ users are also /pol/ users
This is incorrect. Keep your /pol/ shit on /pol/.

>> No.10005331

This thread is off-topic.

This thread is not about fashion - it is a meta-thread about pol-related conspiracy theories.

It has already started with kiddied calling eachother cucks and whatnot. These threads always derail into pol shitposting territory.

This thread is off-topic.

>> No.10005336

it's about ethics in board culture

>> No.10005338

I'm a leftist who's been posting here for years.
Proof: Slater is still a faggot, and fuck Nietzsche.

>> No.10005348

I also think this

>> No.10005352

cry about it

>> No.10005353

The fashion industry is a leftist safe-haven for anarchists, punks, and other lefties who realized they need jobs. What did you expect the posters on a fashion board to be?

>> No.10005390 [DELETED] 

>implying you sperglords don't go to /pol/ because you got CUCKed by some blackie


>> No.10005410

worst fucking ugly as trip bro, you havnt been posting for a year why do u even trip

>> No.10005422

I used to be a /pol/ack, but I'm starting to turn more leftist as I get older. I was supprised I got Barry Sanders as my isidewith candidate result.

Still hate tumblr and SJWs tho

>> No.10005428

wtf is this stupid cuck buzzword i keep seeing it on every board. who started it. pol?
i know what it means. but is it like being used as some sort of replacement for a beta faggot now?

>> No.10005429

That is unfortunate

>> No.10005432
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>> No.10005478
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>mfw this thread and all the retards actually making argumented responses to it
fuck you

>> No.10005530

it's just one of those flavour-of-the-year insults like autism, beta etc.
wouldn't be surprised if it was from /fit/ or /pol/

>> No.10005915


Isn't /pol/ one of the biggest boards these days? Pretty sure its 4th or 5th after /b/, /a/, /v/ and maybe /sp/

>> No.10006055

fuck u too then

>> No.10006086
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confirmed for small dicked manlet baaahhaha

>> No.10006141

>tfw the shitstain that is /pol/ has ruined every good board

>> No.10006257
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>> No.10006377

le shoot yourself in the goddamn head tbf

>> No.10006470 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10006773

tbh that isn't a very nice thing to say to another friendly anon.

I honestly think you should apologize.

>> No.10008530

i think it's from /tv/

/tv/ & /fa/ is the best board combo tbh

>> No.10008570

/tv/, /mu/ and /fa/ is the best combo

>> No.10008772

Holy accuracy

>> No.10008925

Nah, its /fa/, /lit/, and /mu/, with some /g/. Although, I'd say all boards could be in as long as its not the porn boards, /pol/, /r9k/, or /b/.

>> No.10008951

/lit/ fucking sucks. bunch of pretentious faggots circlejerking about the same shit. at least that's what I remember.

/gif/ is the best porn board (should be renamed to /webm/)

>> No.10009773
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>retired /lit/

How effay are my browsing habits, lads?

>> No.10009798

[s4s] and /fa/ is nice combo

>> No.10009829

Literally Reddit: the board

>> No.10009926


>> No.10010168

I sometimes find myself browsing /pol/ when there are news I want to see discussed from a different viewing angle, but I rarely post there myself and I don't participate in the moronic circlejerking

>> No.10010655

What does that pic mean?