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>> No.9439590 [View]

can somoene plz give me advice
omg i feel like he was my soulmate or someshit
i should let it go but i cant fucking stop thinking baout what could have been had i not been so awkward
fck i hate myself so much

>> No.9439579 [View]


sorry but that was a stupid Q
can you just google this stuff

>> No.9439576 [View]

uhhh you dont just drop dead at 40 tho
youre prob gonna have 1-2 cardiac arrests/some other heart issues...the mental problems are even worse

my french friend i hung out with on nyc is only 23 but he looks like he's 30..he did too mch coke when he was 20/got rushed to hospital has heart problmes ever since
on top of that he hasnt even fucking quit...like you would think he's nuts..he almost fucking died
but hes so addicted/living the yolo lifestye i guess he doenst care
its so messed up..we were messing around in bed..and he did a lot of coke the nights before..he had 2-3 beers and halfway while we're hooking up he starts pounding his chest cause his heart rly hurt
i was flipping out thinnking i should call 911
but yeah..he is why im so sad...i went to nyc but i also took adderal/vyvanse to study morning of
i get there, crashing, anxious...SO awkward for the next 2 days..and it got worse when i started drinking...was being so weird/a total bitch
this guy liked me so much he flew me to be with him and instead i was so anxious i hung out in coffee shops instead of in the apartment with him and his close friends
i only started feeling normal by the 3rd day but by then it was my flight home and he like hates me/wont reply to my texts
i dont even think the adderall got me a good grade on that exam
i really fucking liked him, it was mutual for once and i fucked it up
i usally dont get this emotional/attqached over a guy but ive never liked someone like him...probably never will...ugh i spent all day today/ytd crying instead of studying for my exam tmr and i feel sad all over again omg

>> No.9439552 [View]

cause im takisng them to study

if something is hard/you dont wanna do it adderall just makes shit easier (in the beginning at least)

there isnt stuff i hate that much other than like cleaning/not eating too much junk food
i can live with being a little fat..grades are important tho..also learning to code and stuff like that is a valuable skill...when i take adderall to learn boring shit like that i can do it for hrs..those jobs pay so much and i want to make a lot of money

>> No.9439539 [View]

i know i keep makign excuses as to why i cant
but literally im going to after i graduate..just 3 more months
my fam doc is already on my case about it..i think they get in trouble if they prescribe too many sched 2 drugs or something
but she hinted she'd still give them to me if i needed them for work
i got vyvnase from the initial psych who gave me adderall and there's no way hes gonna give me more unless im in school..he only gave me 30mg (w. 3 refills)
so i can either lie to fam doc and get adderall script from her and not take vyvanse after april
or like tell her he switched me to vyvnase idk

>> No.9439535 [View]

i have
idk tho...i really want to quit.. im praying ill be able to stop on my own after i graduate in april

>> No.9439528 [View]

wow are you really trying to destroy your life
i only just got a vyvanse script cause i heard its easier to wean off adderall that way
do you really wanna be on this shit for the rest of you life..cause youre gonna live max 75 y/o if youre lucky...or get psychosis/cardiac arrest/be on welafre when u graduate

>> No.9439521 [View]



cause its hard...you cant just stop taking them after you took 95mg every other day for mths...you become dependent on them for everything..when you stop completely your dopamine is so low..you binge eat..watch stupid cat videos all day..and thats alongside the initial depression/sadness that comes with the crash
so yeah i cant "just quit"

>> No.9439506 [View]


also you should tell your parents your taking it...i know sounds stupid but the only reason i never used to abuse them was cause i was living with parents..mom would constantly remind me of side effects/could tell i was stimmed out/acting nuts...and would alwyas be on my case
moved out this yr and now she isnt here to call me out/see the paranoia/anixiety/overall mess my life is

>> No.9439498 [View]

yeah...rough couple of days...which is why im on here when i have an exam tmr...talk about waste of pills/life/space/air

>> No.9439494 [View]

>higher dose

uhhhhhhhh dont do that
cause youre gonna keep having to take more and the crashes can make you go crazy or you can get psychosis
and wtf you just got them last week??
i only got mildly dependent/addicted to them this yr..after taking adderall since i was 17 (im 22 now)

>> No.9439472 [View]

lmao aww you sound so jealous..thats nice

a) fuck you, you stupid POS
b) didnt grow up rich AT ALL..called workign hard is how i pay for shit you dumbass..which is why i take adhd meds..so i can work hard.....get it now??

also tripsk was kinda rude irl so idk what youre talking about
on the internet you have time to think/proofread but i dont care enough to change what im saying cause its a fking japanese image board and dont care what you think unless i actually know you/talked to you before

>> No.9439450 [View]

but that addiction can kill you apparently so idk lol

>> No.9439439 [View]

i dont get it
whos the child

>> No.9439435 [View]

lol 20mg doenst even do anything for me anymore..fuckkkk getting a script messes up your tolerance so much

lol adderall/vyvanse are actual amphetamines tho..but yeah seem to have less Longterm side effects
i was really considering getting a provigil script
but like i saw this SUPER nasty/scary side effect
it was like some gangrene or some shit in your mouth..i forget the name but padma laskhmi is born with it
after seeing those pics i was like ok fuck that no grades are more important than having my face rot off

>> No.9439427 [View]


i hate myself lol

>> No.9439419 [View]

yeah trust me dont get a prescription unless youre trying to ruin your life
its worth taking max twice a week
when you have 60 pills you just feel like you can waste them (even tho it costs me 300$ a month cause health insurance from uni ran out)
also my grades are shit now......which is why i took them in the first fucking place

lmao...walking in public is a nightmare for me on adderall...God im like remembering all the times id be in coffee shops trying to work, walking on the sidewalk, being at school etc and having panic attacks every 5min cause i thought someone was lookign at me
and it gets even worse when u tell urself to calm down
i start overthinking every tiny move/step/facial expression and look like a crazy person and drawing even MORE attention to myself..fuck i hate but love this stuff at the same tiem

>> No.9439410 [View]

lol thanks...i think :p
but no im actually a huge awkward shy loser irl trust me..and not nearly that pretty

lmao thanks
im not tho..its for my eyelids/marionnete lines
ive aged ALOT in the past 6 mths
either from drinking, adderall, smoking..or all 3
i used to be a 7-8/10 and now im like a 5-6
my body seems to be OK but my face looks terrible cause of my skin i think
i was gonna get fillers but theyre like min 500$
botox is cheap in comparison- wanted like what kylie jenner did w/ her eyes..u can do that with botox brow lift

>> No.9439396 [View]

i read somewhere that ritalin can give you schizophrenia
vyvnase is super clean..last way too long..dont get anxiety until the crash
adderall is anxiety all the fucking time..you do get a bit of a high tho so i see the appeal..i seem to want to smoke cigs when i take it..not so much with vyvanse

>> No.9439389 [View]

well i guess im a lot uglier in real life...
or ive just aged a lot i dunnnooo
getting botox fri tho im excited

>> No.9439382 [View]

.....why not
seems liek a p normal acct

>> No.9439375 [View]

vyvanse and adderall together are fun....until the crash
holy shit the crashes seem to be getter worse and worse for me..making anxiety go through the roof for at least 2 days after..completely fucked up my vacation and was acting like a massive paranoid/shy/awkward tool
i get anxiety while on adderall but vyvanse (until i crash)
shits addictive..dont get a script trust me..way too easily to take way more than you need

fuck MDMA...stuff is awful..you have no idea whats in the pills..last time i took it (3rd time) i was a little drunk/binge ate and took it and ended up puking so much/being so paro that i told friend to call 911
15min later in the hospital, feel ok, thristy as fuck tho but they wouldnt let me leave..stayed there for like 4 hrs staring at a wall and covered in puke..and dont get me started on the come down the next day..was like borderline suicidal for no reason

coke isnt bad but i cant do it anymore cause of nose job...it fucks up your nose compeltely..google cocaine nose job

i was in nyc over the weekend and french friends had the best coke..they all aged so much since the last itme i saw them tho (6 mths ago)..could be the smoking too
rich people usually have the best coke but it always seems to like burn a tiny bit..only did like half a line and my throat was burning for some reason
i dont seem to get a crash or anything from coke (could be cause also drinkning at the same time)

ive only taken xanax/ativan 2-3 times...i could really see myself wanting to take it more so im happy its kinda hard to find in toronto

>> No.9439348 [View]

for the last fucking time, no

>> No.9439346 [View]

LMAO seriously.......

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