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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.14431809 [View]

at least im not posting unrelated unfunny facebook memes in a board about streetwear.

>> No.14431804 [View]

athleisure since if I remember right cardio isn't weight training but is like jogging. Athleisure is typically made to jog in and shows that you're here to not do weight training.

y-3 and acg are your best bets imo since it's all breathable and is light.

>> No.14431796 [View]

rick is for tall and thin people IE me, it's not gonna be for someone with gorilla biceps.

>> No.14431789 [View]
File: 49 KB, 300x300, sage-ground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14431785 [View]

he's from R*ddit and thinks all of 4chan is the ha ha funny meme place.

>> No.14431781 [View]

you're in a minority, companies do case studies in their RND team to find what a figure for a majority of women is like. I have trouble finding clothes in general since im obscenely tall and obscenely thin so shirts fit my body but don't come down far enough or look baggy but are fine same with pants waist never fits but legs do and visa verse.

You'll have to go to the company website and get your torso measured and then when you buy clothes keep those numbers in mind since any store that has a desire to be taken seriously will have a sizing chart. So in my case jackets rarely fit me well or barely fit but thanks to a sizing chart I coped a neat techwear jacket from taiwan that fits like a glove.

also like other anons said we can't help if we can't see you. You can't come to a board about fashion if you don't know your measurements and also don't want to show your face. We aren't God and we aren't able to help if you give us nothing to go on.

>> No.14431743 [View]

those jeans you're wearing, take em off levi was white.

that cotton t-shirt? can't wear it.

gortex? ha ha it's white

shoelaces? hope you can walk on pavement barefoot

shoes? we wuz cobblers u wuzn't

we have culture it's just so widespread it's basically in every society. Everything from our food to our way of life. Hell you even use a white language and use a phone created by a white company using a interconnection invented by whitey.

how about you go back to africa and get raped, yeah?


"im not a sjw, I just said faggot" you're mad that nobody likes you.

>> No.14425720 [View]

Honk Honk

I forgot, only us H'whites are bad.

that'll be a cold day in hell. rap-core is basically dressing like you're homeless and punk is dressing like you're mad that your mom took away your Xbox. If you combine the two you get a look that looks like a step-backwards. Also, where is the rap influence in the pic you provided? So far they just look they're a misfits cover-band.

>> No.14425712 [View]

are they leather or spandex? it matters.

>> No.14425695 [View]

shampoo is designed to clean and isn't like say leave in conditioner. Shampoo removes oil build-up typically.

>>14425672 is right nopoo is good when you're hair is dry.

>> No.14425690 [View]

No, nat geo is a cucked organization. It's what soibois wear.

>> No.14425686 [View]

this but unironically, wear technical fabric pants like gortex.

>> No.14425685 [View]

I use KMS moisture repair and my hair is as wavy as dave mustane. It works and keeps it feeling nice and not dry.

>> No.14425683 [View]

the people who whine about cultural appropriation would have a field day with this.

>> No.14413645 [View]

is there hope for my skin if it starts getting discolored (it's early stages, im still pale af) or rough? Or am I just gonna have to protect what little color I do have?

>> No.14408989 [View]

Get a gun you retard, if a guy wants pussy bad enough he'd risk being a felon he's not gonna turn down a girl based on how pretty she is to them it's a bonus if they're pretty main thing is they want a girl who's alone.

Get a gun

Get a boyfriend

this isn't some cuck shed where we will instruct you on how to thwart being raped, you have to take responsibility. If you can't fire a gun chances are you couldn't fend off an attacker for round 2. Also if that's you in the picture you proved my point since you're like a 6 outta 10.

>> No.14408843 [View]

I was in a similar situation and I didn't have the money to buy new clothes nor did I care, now im poor and have a stable income but look like a homeless man who got lost at a metal concert. My advice is to find a single style and stick with it autistically until you get comfortable identifying it and then branching out into similar styles. right now I dress like a guy who is super excited for cyberpunk 2077 since I have my first cop a techwear jacket.

>> No.14408804 [View]

To anyone this may concern, I know of a website that posts a UV index. It's accurate mostly.


But I don't know if it works for EU people.

>> No.14404191 [View]
File: 11 KB, 231x307, nofap thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would a windbreaker jacket and a hat and spf70 get me through this unharmed?

>> No.14404181 [View]
File: 273 KB, 1280x720, oKxXdLx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be human
>vulnerable to invisible "fuck you" rays
>has a job where I occasionally have to go outside
>UV index 8 while im at work

>> No.14404172 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 11 KB, 231x307, nofap thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>fleshy human being vulnerable to sunlight

>> No.14403540 [View]

you mean greyman techwear? valance has a line of that with that one company who's name I can't spell but starts with A. (Archetypx?)

>> No.14403475 [View]

got a source on that? not that I doubt you (since that was my theory to) I just wanna take comfort in knowing absolutely.

>> No.14403473 [View]

the choker is always worn to subtly draw attention to your boobs, so yes it is.

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