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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.7076721 [View]

Get into patch editing. Patches are made by combining the machine's existing waveforms. See the 'tone select' option?
Non of the stock patches are any good. Build a patch of strings that's thick as hell and go from there.
Once you get patch editing, you'll open a new door.
Also, look in the manual for microscope mode and learn how to use it.
Next time you sit down to work, focus only on creating new sounds and saving them. Trust me.
Motorcycle Maintenance.
Read Dog Soldiers. Read Drop City. Read 'A boy called It". Read Glamorama. Read Still Holding. Read Schismatrix Plus. Read Burnng Chrome. Read Altered Carbon. Read The Bachman Books.

Women's studies has done wonders for my game. Laugh at it all you want, but if you're reasonably open minded and intelligent, PUA doesn't hold a candle to straight up women's studies.

>> No.7076649 [View]

Not yet, I'm reading "Touched by Fire", which is about the high incidence of mental illness in poets and artists. It posits that a certain 'madness' resides in the best artists, it's their curse and their gift. They create out of pain.

Also reading Feminist Theory by Bell Hooks.

I suggest World War Z. It's nothing like the movie and a truly brilliant take on the world today.

>> No.7076618 [View]

You're gonna get your best sounds by building your own drumkits, pitching your drums down and building your own patches from multiple tones.
The MC 5's sounds get cheesy when you use them too much, so use little bursts of sound, a single instrument among many that plays only a few notes in a longer melody. Other instruments finish the expression.

Strings are gonna sound poor unless you pitch em down and layer the hell out of them. I build 10-chords with my strings. They get rich, full.
There's a track on my soundcloud called sermon that's all 505 save for a few breath samples. Check it out.

Be more specific, I'll help you out.
You gotta think outside the box with this thing, You gotta build a little world. Master patch building. Open your heart.

>> No.7076581 [View]

So, so, so many. Where should I start?

>> No.7076548 [View]

Somewhat. Aligned with ASAP crew but a very minor player. Wants my cloud beats. Promises the world, but clearly aiming to take my work for free.
I'm not a newbie in this game, I've been in talks with Def Jam before. It's just not my scene. I love making beats as a form of self discovery. When I started getting recognition from certain people, the entire meaning of the process changed for the worse, and so I've backed away from that world. I don't need the money.

Cheers, m8.

>> No.7076456 [View]
File: 423 KB, 1000x1605, SkyLab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I really appreciate that. There's a lunarcore track on there called "The Next Frontier". I've actually been assembling the stylistic elements of lunarcore for close to a decade, now. I started with sounds and pictures after a series of vivid dreams about Skylab.

>> No.7076444 [View]

I guess I mean that the only benefit for me releasing right now would be props from the community.
I'm actually hesitant because I know a certain rapper is gunning for my instrumentals. We've talked IRL, it's a long story.

>> No.7076394 [View]

Thanks, brother. No sample libraries, all sounds sourced from classic vinyl and performed live on hardware.

>> No.7076380 [View]

#meta hate

>> No.7076368 [View]

Oh child, you have no idea. None at all.

>> No.7076357 [View]

True, I usually ignore it but there's been so much false info posted about me, so much negativity, I get suckered into saying my piece.

>> No.7076344 [View]

Google "Kings County Lighthouse"
It's one of the few things I can say I'm good at with no reservations.
I'll post it when my life slows down a bit. I'm in the middle of a lot of big changes. Impressing strangers is not on my to do list.

>> No.7076325 [View]

I already pioneered a streetwear line a few years ago. I'm gainfully employed, enjoying my life and living how I want. I don't have to work a 9-5, I own my home and I don't answer to a boss.

I like posting here. It's a choice I have the freedom to make. I do what I want, I wear what I want. End of story.

>> No.7076260 [View]

>still on 4chan
I came to 4chan when I was 23. It's my favorite board. I like the format, I like the discourse, I like the people and the culture. Other boards just don't cut it for me.
Am I supposed to just cut ties with my favorite site because of a number?
See you in ten years.

>> No.7076231 [View]

I've made plenty - I just don't release it. I write songs for myself.

>> No.7076221 [View]

Stop posting, you're making a fool out of yourself.

>> No.7076198 [View]

I'm 32 and I could give a shit. All fashion is dress up.
I'm treating this forum as fertile ground for new ideas. I'm trying new things. I could care less about the average demographic here. I'm trying to build something, to give life to an idea.

You ought to do some soul searching yourself, maybe find out why you feel the need to pull people down to your level of mediocrity. You're like a crab in a bucket, pulling down anyone who might dare escape.
I am grateful to whatever God there may or may not be that I don't go through life looking to sabotage creativity.

>> No.7076168 [View]

Am I supposed to be offended by this?

>> No.7076147 [View]

It's not being forced. It's being discussed. If you don't like it, NOTHING is stopping you from researching your favorite styles and creating an aesthetic that fits your own soul perfectly.

Nothing except your own inaction, that is.

>> No.7076117 [View]

It's really not fair to compare someone who's been at the game for years to an anon who;se just discovering the roots of a personal style that works for him.

>> No.7076082 [View]
File: 579 KB, 1474x1927, Debranding_Moon_Boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being a tool why?
Ok, sure.
I own both of Pic Related and was much happier with the distressing on the grey ones. It looks heavy on the blue ones, but it doesn't come that way outta the box and the grey ones actually hold the look a little better, imo.

>> No.7076049 [View]
File: 374 KB, 642x534, Polo_RL_Quilted_Cotton_Vest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd consider adding a vest layer on top, maybe something even bright like Pic Related.
I think you'd be better served by a grey, weathered PF flyer if you want to rock lows.

You're a natural for the look, tho.

>> No.7076038 [View]

I live in NYC and I pull of Lunarcore in bars and clubs all the time. The positive attention it gets puts my rick & damir stuff to shame.
I think it has to do with how true the look is to who you are deep down. Of course you may want to tone it down, but there's also something to be said for just doing you.
If you rock full lunar with total confidence you should reap nothing but rewards. I know I have.

>> No.7076027 [View]
File: 718 KB, 1500x2285, Fury_Prisoner_Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant find the pic but there were some great unscrupulous weyland scientists in Alien 3 that show up right at the end. They have the glasses and everything.
Pic related is similar but not the exact one.

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