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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.7173828 [View]
File: 98 KB, 1549x1238, raketasubmarine24$(KGrHqVHJFIFJOovYnVWBSZNeDy!2w~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of submarines, what do /fa/ think of Raketa 24 hour face submarine watches?

>> No.7158882 [View]
File: 78 KB, 980x652, PerDihle2139954455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in the middle between of two cities in scandinavia
>One city is full of redguards, beggars and albanian mafia
>The other city is full of hicks, tattooshops and the underground is ruled by bikers.
>Have no friends in either city.

The most /fa/ guy in the area though, is Per.
>Have like a gazillion hairdressers everywhere
>Only place with drop-in is this old guy that talks smack and looks he is dragged out of an american barbershop.
>He's doesn't cut womens hair, he only cut my mothers hair once because she was in a hurry and he has cut most of my male family members
>You better not be in a hurry when being there, because he can take a smoking break and sit down in the chair next to you.
>We technically have laws against smoking in public establishments, but he doesn't care.
>His "certificate of craftmanship" is placed right above the mirror you in front of you.
>He has two cuts, summercut and short cut
>He finds sidecuts ridiculous and is wondering why kids these are "shaving half their goddamn heads off"
>Most of his clients are retired men that only goes to him, then sits down in the chair, gets their cut, and doesn't even say how they want.
>He is the cheapest guy in that town though
>He even cut my grandfathers and granduncles hair
>There was a while he was sick and he has daughter run the shop for a while.
>Most customers had never had their hair cut by a women before.
>Most of them didn't even know what they wanted their hair to look like, as they had been getting the same cut from the same guy for the last 40 years
>She had to put on her fathers old coat to make it look like he was in the store, so customers wouldn't turn away at the sight of a women instead of old Per.
>Per is back now though, haven't seen any signs of his daughter lately.

>> No.7158305 [View]

My ex found it "cute" when I asked about her bra size, and I said flat out that maybe I'd might get her something nice sometime.

>> No.7157076 [View]

I'd say "Well, I try to have different interests and I like looking pretty"

>> No.7133283 [View]

Want cheap military stuff?
Go ask /k/, they can get ahold of any surplus item, ranging from chinese shovels with 18 minute promo videos to any kind of specially made gothninja german special forces gear

>> No.7117787 [View]

Filmstate on Youtube run some codes now and again

>> No.7117771 [View]

I'm a 1.78 Scandinavian, weighing 260 lbs, mostly fat, how do I into Asian Club Host Guy thingy?

>> No.7116686 [View]

Well, while I'm a whole magnificent towering whooping, 1 European Master Race Centimeter taller than you, I weigh 118 KILLERGRAMS (260.145 lbs, mostly fat) and I'm telling you to shape up and do something about it.

While /fa/ might not approve of /fit/'s methods, atleast look there for inspiration and motivation on how you change into what you want.
Maybe even /fit/ knows of some exercises that can work for you, but I guess swimming might be your thing.

>> No.7114613 [View]

Try going over to swimming and become ottermode?
177 is basicly 5'10/11'ish.


>> No.7114556 [View]

Where can one perhaps aquire an examplar of this fine garment?

>> No.7114456 [View]

I could have sworn I was in /k/ by that post

>> No.7111950 [View]
File: 77 KB, 411x594, AMPAS+Screening+Strange+Love+Martha+Ivers+aJ1HMXd01uRl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, well, close to dead.
She doesn't quite have the same flair anymore.

>> No.7111938 [View]

Too bad she's DEAD.

>> No.7108518 [View]

>only sit at home browsing /k/ and /fa/
>Picking up /fa/ as my new hobby because I'm fucking tired of peple bringing politics into /k/-related talks.
>Nazi uniforms are totally /fa/

>> No.7108434 [View]

How about fedora throwing neckbeards as enemies?

>> No.7108430 [View]

As far as I can tell:
"weird" (more like shy) girls like her because Cara acts "weird" and doesn't get flack for it.
I like her because I saw the pic of her revealing she was gonna be a radio DJ in GTA V (Non-Stop Pop FM 4 evah) and instantly liked/fell in love with her because she reminded me of a Lithuanian girl I went to class with.
And she has a memorable face, I keep thinking about her face, and I'm usually a very based titloving guy.

So yeah, GTA V made me look more into fashion

>> No.7087028 [View]

In the Now Suddenly Right Wing Extremist Monarchy of Coldfuckistan, we have had ONE such excercise. Somebody was mad that after the Breivik-happening that we hadn't had one at all.

>> No.7086981 [View]

OP, yes, give everyone a chance.
One of my best friends looks like a total Neckbeard except he shaves and his sister who is hairdresser sometimes uses him for practice.
My father is his supervisor, then dad asks me "Hey anon, how is person Y?"
Oh, he's a great guy, kinda weird humor (a funnyjunker) but kinda quiet and minds his own business, why are you asking?
Dad: He showed up to work today....
Aren't he supposed?
Dad: ...with a blue mohawk.

If you are going to hate a person. Find your own reason for it. (or in /fa/ terms: Don't be mainstream)

>> No.7075484 [View]
File: 255 KB, 1600x1200, 3UIqWCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do /fa/ tie their shoelaces?
I'm a backwoods kinda guy, missing the banjo and thus this is my first pair of Vans that I bought from some outlet this spring. Now, how do I tie my laces without making it look like a total mess (See picture) ?

>> No.7075123 [View]

Mustangs all day, everyday.
A white 60'ssomething model with one blue racing stripe.
That's the dream.

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