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>> No.6489525 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 97 KB, 400x364, handwriting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your handwriting, get demoralized, and cry.

>> No.6489502 [View]

I'll add it to my list of useless talents I have.
Balloon Twisting
Plate spinning
Handwriting analysis

If I'm ever homeless, I'll be the one in the diamond-encrusted cardboard box.

>> No.6489467 [View]

If this keeps up I think I'll just apply for a job writing fortune cookie messages.

>> No.6489435 [View]

Sorry, man, you're as average as average comes.
I'll do them after lunch, which is ready about 8 minutes.

>> No.6489419 [View]

You're very critical of yourself and don't like to think outside the box. You feel guilty about something you did recently and are not a very good liar.

>> No.6489407 [View]

People often tell you you're cold, but you really wish they wouldn't. You try to act like everyone else but you don't feel like yourself. You're rational and you think your life is pretty boring.

>> No.6489389 [View]

Just know that there are genuinely good people out there, and that you will find someone who you can relate to and be happy with. A bad relationship can really screw up a person's perspective, but there is hope. Keep on keeping on, man.

You try to live up to people's expectations, but you really just want to be our own person. You enjoy being in a small, close-knit group, and do everything you can to improve their opinion of you. You seem to be the kind of person that will avoid people indefinitely if you've made a bad first impression.

>> No.6489334 [View]

At the moment you're a bit pessimistic, and you seem to be having some emotional turmoil in your life. It looks to be longstanding, but you've grown accustomed to it. You're adaptable to situations, but you feel left out. You're confused as to what you want out of life, but know that there's something missing. You have moments of pride but something nags at the back of your head and says you shouldn't be.

>> No.6489255 [View]

No, I meant that I shouldn't try to analyze what people's pasts are, because at that point it's mostly guessing.

>> No.6489251 [View]

Your D's and vowels are very bubbly, and many guys prefer a more haggard way of writing.

>> No.6489236 [View]

Huh, right, I forgot that I should really tell people about their present selves. You do seem to be much happier now, if that's any consolation, hope that things are going your way now.

>> No.6489187 [View]

You were probably the class clown in school, and like attention very much. You're fickle when it comes to people though, and you tire of people's company quickly.
Adding on to the previous thing, you seem to prefer the superficial side of things more than the deeper meaning. You do things not so you can have the memories, but so that you can appreciate the experience. You're not happy with your past and hope that the future holds something better.


>> No.6489107 [View]

You're pretty rational and restrained, but you'd like to be more open with people. Other than that you're pretty confident in yourself and think you're unique. Response is a little skewed because of the graph paper making you write better.

>> No.6489051 [View]

based on >>6488563

You want to be closer to people, you really do, but you don't know if it's possible. You're very passionate about this idea, but you're forcing yourself into it. Someone recently either rejected you or told you that you spend too much time by yourself, and now you want to be more extroverted so you can appear "normal"

I can probably write more from the longer post.

>> No.6489006 [View]

Yeah, sure, I have time to spare.

>> No.6488975 [View]

At the moment you're having some problems with your friends or girlfriend; you want more but thin that you don't deserve it. You're not one to sit still while there's stuff to be done and get impatient easily.
Pretty average, but you restrict your emotions and place lots of importance on the things you own. You enjoy the fact that you have a routine you can stick to and use the time to think about your future. You like to make yourself heard and don't like to do repetitive tasks.
You concentrate easily and enjoy being around other people, for the most part. You have an unnatural desire and appreciation for aesthetics.
Nice trips. You like to get things done quickly so that you can focus more time on your hobbies, the hobby ends up being quite expensive and you often wonder if the money is well spent. You can stay awake without caffeine and prefer to be by yourself or in a small group.
You take great pride in your collection and wardrobe, but worry that people will think you're childish if they find out about your geekier pastimes. You're fairly grounded in reality and level-headed, not daydreaming much, but feel content with the things you have and self-confident.

>> No.6488839 [View]

On a side note, you people are 90% of the time passionate as fuck. Really heavy handwriting all around. Also, lots of repressed emotions that aren't visible to the general public, or even your friends.

>> No.6488823 [View]

Fairly rational and level-headed, and content with what you have in life. You probably like to distract yourself at work or school with doodling and aren't much one for the how behind the what. That said, you're passionate about your opinions and defend them readily.
Calm and relaxed, and you prefer pleasing yourself over others. You're a quick thinker and have a sharp wit, but wish you had something more. Still, you're pretty optimistic and strong-willed, even if you're easily distracted.
You're a bit of a loner, and spend too much time thinking about the little things; beyond that, you're a fairly normal person, probably grew up in middle class and have parents that occasionally embarrass you.
Conflicted thinker, but to everyone else a pretty happy person. You like being around people and can organize with others to get things done. Even though it's organized, though, things don't always go according to plan, and you frequently have to be flexible. You seem to often think of what could be.You also have very strong emotions.
Very fluid, adapting to change easily. You live in the present and wish you had a bit more money. Other than that you're pretty average, if a bit narcissistic.

>> No.6488754 [View]

*an, still groggy it seems.

>> No.6488752 [View]

Back, I'll queue up about 10 and hour.

>> No.6487585 [View]

here it is, second to last

>> No.6487577 [View]

Creative and quirky, you like making people laugh.
You're an attention whore, plain and simple.

Back in about 7 hours, need sleep.

>> No.6487558 [View]

You are a robot. The days have all flowed into one another for you and wonder when something will come along in your life and shake you awake and spit in your mouth.
A bit rushed, for some reason I feel like you have a long commute to work. Don't know why, but you're pretty standard.

>> No.6487543 [View]

You're very energetic and optimistic, and your care about how you look to other people more than the average person. Your mind stays relatively put in reality.
You like to procrastinate and care more about the end product than the process. You're a bit self-conscious and looking for a qt

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