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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.7091070 [View]

Thank you very much for that post.
It genuinely brightened my morning.

>> No.7091069 [View]

Understood. Thanks for a thoughtful reply.
I'll try.

>> No.7091062 [View]

I guess I feel like there's a human being underneath all of this, a thinking feeling person.
You're right, though. Report & ignore is probably my best bet.

>> No.7091051 [View]

But I've been using the internet since the mid 90's when it was just a cobbled-together extension of telnet. Am I supposed to stop because I've hit the big 30?

Thanks man. All this hate is coming at a really bad time for me.

>> No.7091041 [View]

OP, these threads are hurtful to me. I realize that;s your intention, but'd like to ask you what spurred this on. I'm going through a bit of a rough spot in my life right now, and this doesn't help.
I agree with >>7090760
I haven't contributed enough lately. I really wanted to see the lunarcore thing rising on its own steam, and so I stopped contributing to it directly. I think that the 'ego' you feel in my posts as of late is a defensiveness that's been brought about by threads like this one. It's either that or a sense of ease that I've grown into - I think of this place as a community, and many of you as my friends.

I don't want to make enemies, but when people put this much effort into hurting me it's very difficult not to respond.

I just want to talk about clothes & style, maybe get a short refuge from the problems in my life.Today someone told me that I treat people kindly because I think I'm better than them. That was the most depressing thing I'd heard in months.

Whatever I did to offend you, OP, why don't we talk about it? This daily hate thread just draws more attention to me and will likely get you banned in the long run. Can't we be civil to each other?

>> No.7091015 [DELETED]  [View]

You're only drawing more attention to me, OP.
Everytime you make these threads, you're building me up a little more.

>> No.7089400 [View]


>> No.7088282 [View]

Have no clue about Magnoli's quality, but I'm willing to take a leap for all of us when my finances allow.

>> No.7086315 [View]

I hope I get to go out like that.
Very sweet.

>> No.7086289 [View]


It's a new day, the pills are kicking in and I'm about to drive moms home from the hospital. Life is good today.

>> No.7086257 [View]
File: 113 KB, 389x251, LaughingGirls_laptop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can't pull off white boots

>> No.7085424 [View]

Got them already, just trying to assemble a proper lunar fit.

>> No.7085420 [View]

depends on how big they are. You dont want bunching.
Adderall admiral is selling darkshadow jeans at 30" waist. I suggest those. He's asking 100$ and that's a pittance.

>> No.7085411 [View]

I deeply pity people like you.
This is coming from a christian.

>> No.7085395 [View]

Fit is poppin'. Walks the line with the baggy pants, but can be pulled off with attitude.

>> No.7085390 [View]

No it isn't. Novel work is the highest calling for me. It requires skill I don't have but am working towards.

Natty, I wish we could hang out IRL. No judgements. I'd like to be your friend.

>> No.7085386 [View]

That's a difficult thing to do. I'm working on it.
I hope to publish a poetry anthology first.

>> No.7085379 [View]

Just copped a curved leg, twist seam, slim fit ripstop poplin flight pant from G-Star.
It has no branding, its fabric falls in elegant arcs.
Wish I could find a pic but it seems like half of G-Star's output never sees the light of internet.

>> No.7085366 [View]

I'm submitting a collection of poems very soon. It will likely be my third time publishing.

>> No.7085357 [View]

You'll never drive me away from this place, either.

>> No.7085334 [View]

You'll never touch me. I'd need a telescope to see you, that's how far below me you are.

PS - I love that fit.

>> No.7085328 [View]


>> No.7085320 [View]

The Human appendix is an obsolete thing, its origins unclear, its purpose vestigial. It waits in silence at the end of some forty feet of gut, role long forgotten by nature, its function a service no longer need by beings that walk this earth, build social engines, build machines and biochemical answers to the psychological hangnails of a species that has long since taken control of this aqueous rock.
It tends to revolt - it is a disgruntled employee rendered redundant by the very diet that grew out brains to a place capable of understanding social dynamics, quantum mechanics, jazz, chaos theory, philosophy and chaos theory.
Ancient graves lined hard with petrified flowers, simple tools fashioned from bone and prayers we'll never hear.
They tell me it was once crucial to digesting seeds, bark, roughage of the breed we no longer encounter. Now a hold-over, it roils in anger at a diet its master could never comprehend. It revolts, a growing band of pain in the lower left quadrant of a woman whose first memory involved an impeccably suited oberfuhrer spooning hot cereal into her mouth like a father in the darkest days of the second war.
They had occupied her little northern town, quartered in bedrooms and basements. She'd sat on the lap of a spotless eugenic enforcer, unaware that her blonde hair and blue eyes were the only thing saving her from a fate too dark to comprehend, cattle cars streaming under an empty promise wrought in steel.
Others were not so lucky. Others in her family simply vanished, despondent idealists working the underground, bombing bridges, slitting brown-shirted throats in the dead of night, dragging their corpses into gutters and storm drains. A family dedicated to resistance. A people that fight. A people that do not go quietly.

>> No.7083718 [View]

Rei got ethered like the rest of the ether gang. Like Squids and to a lesser degree nomad/watanabe. People who define their presence here with insults and negativity nearly always seem to end up being the butt of of a board-wide joke. It blows up in their faces eventually.

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