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/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.7156099 [View]

that's completely beside the point

>> No.7156091 [View]
File: 179 KB, 811x993, fatmexicanisgoingdown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thing is youre the one that gets emotional af everytime I post your nasty mug

>> No.7156051 [View]
File: 27 KB, 659x659, 1375533223846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try so hard to be nice to you bc youre obviously mentally challenged but you make it so hard. where do you get the nerve to talk such nonsense being as fat and ugly as you are? I hope youre just that immature and simply dont know how to interact with females. w2c life skills for sieg?

>> No.7155922 [View]

I was refn to IRL situations. nonetheless I am grateful and pleasantly surprised for my luck in finding 1 cool friend on 4chan.

>> No.7155897 [View]

jesus Christ DO NOT.
unless youre a legit rockstar you CANNOT pull this off so don't bother you will only be pushing people away by being "that guy"

>> No.7155876 [View]

can you please go back to filtering me? or was that another Sieg?

also I have lots of qt friends idk what that has to do w/subject at hand? is it yet another feel you will never know?
>tfw Sieg has no friends
>tfw Sieg couldn't get descent gf to save his life
>tfw this is the only human interaction Sieg gets and the majority hate him here too
>tfw genuine pity feel confused by hatred bc Sieg is nasty inside and out

>> No.7155860 [View]

yay thankyou, as long as youre not ugly you can be my friend

I know what youre saying but Im at a loss when it comes to understanding why guys think Im giving them the green light all the time. Im friends with people im attracted to and I don't make moves on guys unless they clearly want it.
I never had this prob in HS bc I used to be less extroverted in my teens and guys I crushed on said I was intimidating so they never hit on me...now that im extroverted af I guess im more approachable?? idfk

>> No.7155813 [View]

>tfw I know how to green text I just dont feel like it

>> No.7155797 [View]

I think the better question is WHY you want your jeans to look like this?
its not attractive, masculine, nor is it healthy (regarding nutsack)
pls don't do this to yourself

>> No.7155741 [View]

bloodshot af
pretty eyes tho

>> No.7155747 [View]
File: 283 KB, 472x750, 1371220799232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you guys dont feel good about yourselves unless you have a significant other
tfw completely secure when single
tfw prefer being single
tfw end up in committed relationships and feel suffocated
tfw will probably end up alone with a bunch of doggies and im ok with this

so is this the official feels thread? (other "tfw no gf" thread 404'd) I could use some advice -
tfw always leading people on
tfw don't mean to but guys always misinterpret being friendly w/flirting
tfw idk how to interact w/opposite sex anymore bc I dont like rejecting people
tfw I just wanna be friends goddammit

tldr: how 2 avoid leading you guys on while socializing in a friendly manner?

>> No.7155636 [View]

heh nah idk who that sexy beast

>> No.7155628 [View]

forgot your trip?

>> No.7143993 [View]

I guess its better mainly bc under no circumstances should you ever wear a white sock with cuffd pant and black shoe

>> No.7143979 [View]

wtf is your damage?

>> No.7143978 [View]

hmm..i actually like the fit...the only thing that's bothering me is the sock area..maybe rid of the black socks bc that tone doesn't match the black of the shoe/pant...maybe no visible sock at all would look better NOT SURE tho would have to see...or maybe a fun print socks with a tad lower cuff

>> No.7143958 [View]

meh not fan of the cardigan. in general cardigans are hard to pull of w/polos. top half complete fail, bottom half is ok tho

>> No.7143948 [View]

it really does. youre very observant.

wtf is that pic btw that dude looks constipated af...he does kinda look like you tho haha

>> No.7143932 [View]

obviously im hopelessly in love with him

>> No.7143926 [View]

lets see what you look like
$20 anon refuses to post pic

>> No.7143920 [View]

whooaa im not even here enough to be on anyones nuts...anyway twas when he first started tripping and I posted a hilarious emo kid saying that was him so he did some damage control and posted his real face...anyone remember that thread/can link it?

also a girl will love you for you as long as you don't act/become like these close-minded egoistic yet socially anxious fuccbois obsessed w/designers and skeletal bodyweight

>> No.7143902 [View]

I agree w/majority opinion here.
youre a good looking guy. PLEASE DO NOT get any piercings on your face. just don't. please.

>> No.7143895 [View]

eww. not that im one to complain about off topic threads but can this exersize crap be taken to /fit/...that's is unless you continue to post pics of your shapely physiques with faces...thankyou

>> No.7143877 [View]

actually he has posted his face

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