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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion


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>> No.8541211 [View]

youre either leaving some major detail out OR straight up making shit up...no offense....do you have any prior experience designing professionally? not just drawing sketches on paper...making proper blueprints? unless this particular co saw numerous impressive garments made by you - theres NO WAY IN HELL ANY FA CO would hire someone without at the very least seeing your background/PORTFOLIO/internships etc...

unless its your uncles company and you just sucked his dick

jus sayin

>> No.8541136 [View]

ohhh brother

>> No.8532338 [View]

seriously tho?
for real i think its a hoax. like the gloves

>> No.8532331 [View]

coming from this doof thats a real compliment. he dont like nobody

>> No.8532312 [View]

guuurl i know this feel bc im currently in the process of scheduling surgery para mi footsies. i fuckd my feet up baaaad. im about to give up all stilettos for good. tho wedges forever

bad foot genetics PLUS bad footwear choices esp when teen i wore shit quality steve madden heels all day

tldr - look for open toe shoes that hide the fuggly. not impossible with all the options we have nowadays. serious dont be lazy

and for gods sake i hope youre not wearing tevas

>> No.8532278 [View]

OP im totally with you these kids are total morons and need to step back.
last week i wore white linen shorts with a sand light knit sweater and was booed to shame.....this week PALE WAVE feaver
fkn dimwits literally any time i wore something non black/dark i was basic/white trash etc etc
all while i know i dress well bc people pay me to go shopping

>> No.8468916 [View]

godamn yall are such nerds

>> No.8468905 [View]

also the polite way to say thankyou is "psia krew"

>> No.8468895 [View]

do not eat the flaki

>> No.8468795 [View]

no way she wears that out her genitalia is hanging out

saddest part is i bet shes totally hott with natural hair/skin/face, however, shes been conditioned to believe this is what men consider desirable.

....any attention is good attention - Proverb 10:14

>> No.8468755 [View]
File: 516 KB, 423x823, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samson grew a couple inches and started working out?

>> No.8458177 [View]

not jack - but jaw*********

>> No.8458173 [View]

cant figure this one out. you have great features. lips nose eyes are all good. high cheeks/descent jack n chin. must be the hair. this hair doesn't suit your face. DO something bc you can be way more qt than that pic

>> No.8458156 [View]
File: 26 KB, 450x500, contentSelfPortret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy sh!t youre rite

>> No.8458140 [View]

ye jus clean it up/do like this pic >>8458101

uv got a good face manbun/topknot may be overkill....so unless you want a drastic change id keep it as is

>> No.8458125 [View]

youre 100% correct
OP get on xannax and/or klonopin and take those pills every day until you need them to function. then continue on taking as needed until you wake up one day in jail wondering what you did and how you got there

have you ever wondered why people in second/thrid world countries dont suffer from sooo many "mental" and/or personality disorders? not to mention fkn allergies?
o yea bc america is overmedicated and evryone wants to take a pill to solve their problems....

while im all about taking pills....believe dat homie....but also i KNOW FOR A FUCKING FACT the only way youll ever control anxiety is if in fact you learn to control it......i know it seems like its not in your control but it is........I know a lot of drug addicts - take my word - and a lot of them got addicted bc they were self medicating for their mental difficutlies - depression/anxiety - and guess what....the ones in recovery all say the same - THE POWER TO CONTROL IT IS WITHIN YOU dig fuckin deep.... get a fuckin kitten if u need to

>> No.8458101 [View]
File: 44 KB, 483x544, slick complete 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8458099 [View]

pic related. or buzz OR just do 2-4 on top 1-2 on sides call it a fkn day bc its hott out.

also shaving chest is ehh not so qt if you let it grow back all stubby like that

>> No.8458085 [View]

jesus u people are seriously the most worthless rejects in the universe.

I HAVE ANXIETY PROBLEMS. I SHARED HOW I COPED WITH THEM. hurrdurr tumblr fat hurr durr prodigy stoopit hurr durr shes ugly so she shops at walmart so she knows nothing hurr durr what is a vagina hurrfucfsdjoiijfdnc,xzc......

godamn im actually being real n helping the man and yall are straight hungry losers. THE ONLY TRUE WAY TO DEAL WITH ANXIETY IS TO LEARN TO CALM UR FUCKING NERVES AND TO SUPRESS IT
not exactly nuclear science but you know its the only thing thats worked for me

>> No.8458068 [View]
File: 148 KB, 2120x621, 0-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>advice from prodigy


jesus where am i even??

btw i did study psychology&sociology(abonrmal psych was my forte) before i switched majors, so not only am i more educated than you on the subj but i also have a better sense of humor.

>> No.8458029 [View]
File: 106 KB, 540x600, 30005823000582jpgprevieyf9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaaay current sieg pic. you got balls ill give you that. tho this doesnt mean i take you any more serious bc you still got 15lbs to lose

BA from univ and applying to walmart? dood cmon serious you gotta do a personal inventory and tell your anxious/insecure thoughts to fuck off so you could move on and do shit w/your life.

most successful people in life deal w/stress by suppression - this is my mantra - i shit u not

>> No.8457946 [View]

o lord. um so how old are you? also whats the highest level of education youve recieved? is it agoraphobia? or you just lazy and dont wanna work?

>> No.8457935 [View]
File: 27 KB, 659x659, 1375533223846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea u gotta find a way to let tension out. anxiety/stress is a normal human emotion. obv every person is diff but ive learned to supress most of my shit over time....but if i dont let my "tension" out then i get acne break outs and anxiety dreams or whatnot. ive been doing acupuncture for a while now and its been doing wonders for me

yes people are crazy?

good for nothing?
never had higher education?
pls post recent pic bc if im not mistaken you look like pic related so its really hard to take you seriously k thx

>> No.8457884 [View]
File: 253 KB, 421x293, brownie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

davai davai! fuck that looked fun
miss the slav who gives a fck its cold were poor lets drink days

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