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>> No.6132256 [View]

i assume everyone here is listing their current favorite genres, not the only stuff they ever listen to

>> No.6132218 [View]

there's nothing inherently wrong with electronic music. i bet you fucking listen to the doors

>> No.6122918 [View]

did we really need an infograph for this?

>> No.6071101 [View]

the cliché is true in my case: i'm becoming more conservative the older I get

you prolly would be too if experienced that whole ows debacle up close

>> No.6071054 [View]

>Sadly for you shit tier folks who live in between Cali and NY
i live in new york you fucking git
>My face when we are actually 20-30 Years a head of every other state.
tell that to the new england states and hawaii
>my face when we are 7th most richest nation in world.
that's because like 40 million people live in california

dont you have something to protest tomorrow? go to bed and recharge your aura you fucking hippie

>> No.6071017 [View]

>the best state.
yeah bro, that state whose biggest contribution to american culture are drugs, histrionic prima donnas, and tv sitcoms

>> No.6044400 [View]

>people taking this shit seriously
here's what you faggots need to realize: it takes all kinds. we wouldn't want to live in a world where the majority of the population majored in one specific field of set of fields, so the fact that people WANT to study for various different professions is a fucking good thing. a world without STEM majors is some savage shitstain in Africa and a world without the study of human society and expression via liberal arts is North Korea

>> No.6044339 [View]

holy fuck dude. I guess theres more than a little truth the cliché because i'm like 90% sure that you're the only person here without the social wherewithal to understand that what I said was fucking tongue-in-cheek. i'm minoring in mathematics.

>> No.6044321 [View]


>> No.6044308 [View]

science technology engineering maths

>> No.6044303 [View]
File: 670 KB, 300x400, 1366873547419.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying in a lonely dorm for hours on end listening to tool only pausing to jerk off to fap roulette cum-lovers threads on on /b/ while ultimately being subservient to the LA and Law majors who actually run shit
gif related. your average computer science major

>> No.6044275 [View]

>Paying tens of thousands to learn about other people's views on life.
mfw people thinking that this is what philosophy is

>> No.6044263 [View]

is basedhated the natalie portman trip? his face matches the personality for some reason

>> No.6044230 [View]

leel first thing i thought too

>> No.6044186 [View]

where do you even live? like near the pyrenees for real?

>> No.6044119 [View]

gnite bb dont b mad

>> No.6044076 [View]

>ok then i was wrong cause i thought of all europeans the northern ones were the tallest
but that's exactly what he said. denmark is the tallest, and the average danish women is 5'6"
what aren't you getting?

>> No.6044056 [View]

school and work. started working full time in retail for a bit. i'm back down to part time again, so i might be posting more often

>> No.6044032 [View]

he said that denmark was the tallest, and you replied with "I thought northern europeans were the tallest," so either you ignored the part where he said that they were the tallest or you don't think that denmark is in northern europe. either way you're fucking stupid

>> No.6044011 [View]

denmark is northern european you dumb ho

>> No.6043338 [View]

a little bit taller than me in heels so that I look like a rich italian sugardaddy with a model wife, but not so much taller that no one thinks the relationship is genuine

jesus christ that's some funhouse mirror shit

>> No.6037880 [View]

thanks for sharing

>> No.6037836 [View]
File: 133 KB, 500x500, James-Blake1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6037834 [View]

most effay of effay albums. Along with Tim Hecker's Ravedeath 1972 and Nicolas Jaar's Space is Only Noise

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